Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 42


The winter melon house is warm, quiet, and sweet with fruits and vegetables.

As soon as Xia Yi stood still, the winter melon door closed quietly, so tightly that no light could be seen.

In the darkness, Xia Yi asked the system, "179, what should I do next? Is there no operating system?"

"The next step is to control it with your own mind. You try it and let it take off." 179 said.

Xia Yi forced himself not to get too excited and calm down first. After calming down for a while, I muttered in my heart, "Take off."

I only felt a sense of floating, and the soles of my feet trembled slightly, thinking that the winter melon speeder had already emptied into the air.

"I'm so windy, 179." Xia Yi's heart was pounding. A person who has never even passed the second class, directly started flying the plane.

The excitement continued until after he had risen more than ten meters, Xia Yi was shocked to realize a big problem.

It's pitch black all around, how can I see and drive outside

Are you blind? As for where to go, it all depends on fate

"179, I can't see how I can fly outside?" Xia Yi was flustered, and the Winter Melon Speeder also began to tremble, and swayed to and fro.

Xia Yi staggered to one side, and couldn't help but feel even more panic, and reached out to grab a handrail to make him stand firm.

As he moved, the Winter Melon Speeder began to heave up and down in the air uncontrollably, and slanted towards the ground on the left.

"Ah, host, let it go to the right, it's about to hit the mountain." 179 who could detect the outside world screamed.

"Up, up, there is a tree trunk in front!" 179's mechanical voice was split.

"Don't go up, you're in the cloud. Go down, go down, don't go down, stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop."

179 watched the winter melon magic weapon perform various stunts in a thrilling manner, and his soul was completely destroyed, "Host, don't panic, stop first, stay in the air, stay steady."

Xia Yi had already fallen into the winter melon speeder, rolling around.

This winter melon looks like a jade carving and has the same texture.

The collision made Xia Yi dizzy and aching all over.

He heard 179's cry, forced himself to calm down from the panic, tried to calm down, and muttered, "Don't be nervous, I'm not nervous, the coach is sitting next to me and stepping on the brakes."

Finally, the winter melon stopped scurrying around, undulating slightly in the air, and both Xia Yi and 179 let out a long sigh.

"What should I do now? I can't see the outside." Xia Yi asked 179 in a low voice while keeping his heart still.

It's like I'm afraid that the loud noise will disturb the winter melon and make it go crazy again.

"Host, I just said how good it is to use cut bamboo segments, but you want to wrap yourself in them." 179 wanted to cry without tears, "You can see it clearly when you step on the bamboo segments and go up to the ground 360°."

"Bamboo segments are impossible to make bamboo segments. I'd rather be locked in a winter melon and crash into a mountain to death than just stepping on a bare bamboo segment and flying in the sky." Xia Yi wiped the sweat from his forehead, " You don't understand the pain of a fear of heights."

"Host, you can use your mind to open the window for the magic weapon." 179 finally remembered, "I said before that the magic weapon has the same mind as you, and you can open the window wherever you want."

"Is that so? Then I'll try." Xia Yi began to hold his breath in the dark.

I saw the pitch-black winter melon speeding car, with a faint light coming in from the side wall, and the melon body could see the mountains outside.

Gradually, one side of the melon body has become a transparent glass.

"Sure enough, you can open the window." Xia Yi sighed, "I can see outside now."

It's just that the window seems to be a little big, and there are floor-to-ceiling windows for viewing.

Xia Yi, who was a little afraid of heights, glanced out, and hurriedly narrowed the window frame again.

A bay window was also created, and in order to increase the sense of inner security, several guardrails were also set up on the lower edge of the window.

Well, this is good, very satisfied, very smart.

"It's really good, it's like the pumpkin cart in Cinderella. No, it's even better than that." Xia Yi leaned on the windowsill and looked out, extremely satisfied.

Because he was in the middle stage of foundation building, he could still see clearly even though it was dark.

He saw that in his Wangzhu courtyard, Qilin was squatting on the steps and looking at him, he couldn't help but smile and wave, "My dear son, next time Daddy will fly with you."

Qilin wagged his tail as if he could see him.

This is simply the telepathy between father and son.

"Host, when are you going to Liu Siqian's place?" 179 reminded Xia Yidao.

"No hurry, just fly a few more laps." After that, Xia Yi controlled the winter melon to fly up, "I need to familiarize myself with my aircraft first and master all the flying skills."

"Go, go, go," Xia Yi controlled the winter melon plane in his heart.

The oval green winter melon house passed through the folded clouds and stopped above the clouds.

The dome above his head is adorned with low stars, as if they can be picked by reaching out, softly and silently. With a dazzling light, the meteor slid from the side, like a small silver fish, into the sea.

The floating island in the distance also seems to be born in the starry sky, which is beautiful.

Xia Yi was lying on the edge of the window, thinking in his heart, if only Brother Zhu was here, I would take him to the sky and watch the night scene together. I want to share all the good things I can see with him.

After watching it quietly for a while, Xia Yi said to the system, "Let's go, fly a few more laps and go to Liu Siqian's place."

After that, he controlled the winter melon speeder and started to gallop freely on the clouds.

"179, this feels so cool." Xia Yijia flew at full speed, passing through the clouds and over the top of the mountain, "I finally understand why Superman has to fly around the earth a few times when he has nothing to do."

Hurry up, hurry up, and fly towards the floating island in front.

Hahahaha, that's it, great, another slam on the brakes.


Xia Yi gradually found the skills of driving a flying car, and it was even more handy to operate.

"Rush to the cloud in front, brake hard to stop inside, then dive and turn sharply."

The winter melon speed car received Xia Yi's instructions, and galloped away in front of a cloud.

Xia Yi was lying on the bay window and directed the winter melon speeder, which was very comfortable.

Suddenly, I felt the body bump a few times, and the body of the melon also had a soft halo.

what happened? Encountered strong air currents

Before Xia Yi had time to ask 179, he felt that his feet were empty and he had not stepped on the ground.

And the surrounding walls suddenly disappeared from the sight, and a cold wind was poured into the mouth and nose in an instant.

There was also the whirring of the wind in my ears, and the clouds were flowing rapidly in front of my eyes.

"Ah." With a heart-piercing scream, Xia Yi was heartbroken, "179, what's wrong?"

I saw that the entire huge winter melon speeder had disappeared, and the winter melon had turned into its original shape, and it became the appearance of an ordinary winter melon.

And Xia Yi was riding on the chubby green-skinned winter melon.

"Host, the secret medicine has only been brushed once, and the medicinal properties are not enough!" 179 also screamed. "As soon as the time is up, the winter melon will return to its original state."

Xia Yi burst into tears, just as she couldn't help opening her mouth to scream, a gust of cold wind poured in.

Although this winter melon has returned to its original shape, it is still executing the order that Xia Yi started, and it quickly flew into the cloud and came to a dashing emergency brake.

"Host, clamp your legs!" 179 watched Xia Yi sway and almost planted the winter melon, and couldn't help but shouted, "It's just that the shape has changed, and you can still fly, don't panic!"

"Clamp, clamp." Xia Yi used all his strength on both thighs to make himself stick to the winter melon.

The winter melon completed the sudden braking, and began to execute the next command, diving.

"I'm going to die, I'm really going to die, in the hands of this mad winter melon. Zhuge, see you in the next life." Xia Yi closed his eyes, and with the feeling of falling into the void, his heart was all despairing for a while.

"Host, clamp it." 179 was still screaming, wishing he could rush out of Xia Yi's head and help him fix those two thighs.

"My whole body's strength is below my waist, how do I clamp it." Xia Yi's tears floated in the air.

He is now riding on the winter melon, like a nuke rushing to the ground. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the ground, he only felt that his soul had already flown out of the sky, and his mind was blank.

Just as he closed his eyes and was ready to face the shattering impact, the winter melon suddenly stopped.

Feeling that everything was still, and there was no imaginary crash or impact, Xia Yi opened his eyes slightly.

Looking around, I found that I was hanging almost ten feet above the ground, and there were bamboo forests to my left and right. Obviously, I had returned to the vicinity of Wangzhuyuan.

"Host, you are still alive." 179 choked out, with the joy of the rest of his life.

Xia Yi's face was pale at this time, his eyes were blank, and only a cold tear slid down the corner of his eyes.

Xia Yi was about to jump off the ground after moving the legs that had lost their feeling.

However, at this moment, the winter melon moved, and it moved again!

I saw it accelerate without delay, turn right, and fly along the road with extreme speed.

"Host, there is still a right turn in the command you started..." 179 wanted to cry without tears. "Clamping..."

Xia Yi couldn't even utter a scream now, her lips were tightly closed, and she sat on the winter melon with a pale face.

Winter gourd travels at high speed in Qishan Pie.

Passing through a bamboo forest, a sea of flowers, a pond of clear water, and a group of koi.

A few children who were cleaning the yard suddenly felt a flower in front of them, a shadow flashed silently and quickly, and the wind that brought it up stirred up the freshly swept leaves.

"Did someone fly by just now?" A child stopped the broom in his hand and looked forward suspiciously.

"I thought it was my dazzling eyes, but you saw it too." Another child followed along, "I think he even rode a ball."

The other children answered one after another, "These senior brothers are really ingenious, magic weapons will always open our eyes."

Several people agreed with their hearts and nodded yes.

After the crazy winter melon was finally quiet, Xia Yi didn't know how he got back to Wangzhuyuan.

The Qishan disciples along the way were all greeting him, he just nodded mechanically, and walked back down the road in despair.

Back in the courtyard, Kirin happily greeted him. Xia Yi only reached out and touched his head, then entered the room and fell on the bed.

"Is Junior Brother Xia here?" Someone asked loudly in the courtyard.

"Yes." Could it be that Liu Siqian knew he was coming and sent someone to call him? Xia Yiqiang replied energetically, his voice hoarse, "Come in."

After the door was knocked twice, the tall Qing Xiu walked in. There was also a tray in his hand, "Junior Brother Xia, since you didn't go to dinner, I'll bring it to you."

As he said, he put the tray on the table, "Recently, there are new rules in the sect, everyone must eat three meals a day."

Xia Yi knew about this, so he nodded and thanked Qing Xiu.

Qing Xiu repeatedly waved his hands to say you're welcome, then turned to leave, Xia Yi dragged his trembling legs and sent him all the way to the courtyard gate.

Seeing his back disappearing outside the bamboo forest, Xia Yi turned around and closed the door.

Suddenly I remembered something, "179, he didn't see the unicorn, did he?"

"No, the unicorn is very good, it hid before Qingxiu came in." The system said.

"What a caring and good son." Xia Yi sighed, and greeted Qilin again, "Son is coming, it's time to eat."

Qilin suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of Xia Yi, startling him.

"Don't appear so silently in the future, you know? Daddy can't bear the slightest irritation anymore." Xia Yi taught him a lesson.

Kirin licked Xia Yi's hand.

Back in the room, Xia Yi looked at the dishes on the tray, and instantly lost his appetite. Stewed pork ribs with winter melon, braised winter melon, and winter melon cake.

I do not want to eat.

Annoying to look at.

All to Kirin.

"Host, when the winter melon recovers some mana, we have to go to see Liu Siqian." 179 couldn't help reminding Xia Yi lazily.

"Don't sit, don't sit," Xia Yi shook his head frantically, "Even if I tie a charging pile to it, I won't sit again."

"But you can't do this. Look outside, you can't walk without a magic weapon." 179 reminded Xia Yi that he lived on a floating island.

"I'm just staying home, and I'm not going anywhere." Xia Yi was about to lie down on the bed after saying that, "I'll stay at home until I wear it back."

"Xiao Xia, Xiao Xia." At this time, there were several shouts from the yard. Hearing the sound like Liu Siqian, Xia Yi hurriedly went out to greet him.

"Oh, Xiao Xia, why didn't you come to me?" Liu Siqian just took back the gourd magic weapon in the sky, and when he saw Xia Yi, he smiled enthusiastically: "I still heard the disciples talking about it, so I came here. Check it out. It turned out to be you."

"Hasn't this been working on this magic weapon?" Xia Yi pointed to the winter melon on the table. "I just tried it for a while, and I'm still familiar with it."

Liu Siqian glanced at the winter melon, and just as he was about to speak, his eyes stared blankly at the corner of the courtyard.

Xia Yi followed his gaze and saw Qilin standing there, licking his fluorescent hoof carelessly.

Oops, Xia Yi was shocked, if Qilin was seen like this, would he be treated as a mountain spirit monster or something to get rid of.

Don't these immortal practitioners regard killing demons and slaying demons as their life's work

He was thinking about countermeasures quickly in his mind, when he saw Liu Siqian pointing at the unicorn and said happily: "You brought the unicorn too? Okay, okay. Hahahahaha, our Qishan faction also has a unicorn."

After speaking, he walked towards the unicorn, looked around carefully, and praised: "As expected of a divine beast, even if it has been raised with leftovers, it is so majestic and extraordinary."

Turning to Xia Yi again, "It is said that Mozun Jie Entropy also has a unicorn, but it is not seen."

After thinking about it, he sighed infinitely: "It's just said that his one is usually fed with elixir and rare fruit, and there is no mortal thing in his mouth."

Xia Yi is a little confused now, what does this mean

Wait, could it be that the unicorn in his mouth is different from what I think? Not the name but the kind

"No, did you see it like this when you were there?" Xia Yi asked Liu Siqian.

"Yeah, that's what it looks like."

"Has horns, four hooves glowing?" Xia Yi couldn't believe it.

"What else would happen? Could it still look like a dog?" Liu Siqian asked in confusion.

At the end, I thought that my answer was very interesting, and I couldn't help laughing.

Xia Yi couldn't help but stay there, "179, what is the unicorn you saw in the farming world?"

"Dog." 179 replied affirmatively.

Xia Yi heaved a long sigh, "It seems that it is still the problem of these immortal cultivators. They think that unicorns are not dogs."

"It's normal for a dog to grow like this, and the unicorn looks better than A Hua's group of dogs, with four glowing hooves and horns on the forehead. Even if the dogs in the village run together, I can recognize the unicorn at a glance." The words of 179 carry a bit of pride and honor.

Xia Yi:…

"By the way, I came to you to ask you something." Liu Siqian interrupted Xia Yi's thoughts.

I saw him looking straight and said, "Junior Brother Tianquan, that is, Cheng Ming. After returning from Taoyuan, I said that I saw Immortal Venerable Cang Yi at your place. I don't know if this is the case."

Xia Yi quickly waved his hand, "Misunderstanding, it's because my brother Zhu and your Immortal Venerable Cang Yi look alike, but they're not the same person, it's Xiao Ming, Cheng Ming, he admits his mistake."

"So that's the case, I think so. After so many years, Tianquan can't tell the difference between me and Tianxuan's head." Liu Siqian nodded clearly, "Forget it, I haven't seen Immortal Venerable for more than 20 years. , so when I heard Junior Brother Tianquan talk about it, although I felt it was untrue, I couldn't help but want to confirm it again."

"However, some time ago, on the main island of Yushu Peak, a disciple claimed to have seen Immortal Venerable Cangyi's Qin Yuan at night. The exact circumstances are unknown, but from what the disciple described, one of ten is the Qin Yuan. Yuan. I just don't know if it's the barrier set up by the master, or the illusion he left before wandering around." Liu Siqian said this with a little sigh.

"Now the Sect Master and some disciples have been kidnapped by the people in the demon world. We have joined the major immortals to attack the demon world several times, but we have not been able to rescue them. Instead, we have suffered a lot of damage, broken wings and broken feathers, and I am afraid that it will take a long time to recover. Now I hope to find Immortal Venerable Cang Yi as soon as possible and take charge of the overall situation for us."

Xia Yi thought about it and told Liu Siqian about the last encounter with Cang Yi.

Your immortals know what happened to you. But looking at his sloppy appearance, it is still unclear whether he can save these disciples and grandchildren, so I suggest not to have too much hope.

After hearing this, Liu Siqian was greatly shocked, "So what the disciple said was true. You really met Immortal Venerable Cangyi that night. But why has the Immortal Venerable disappeared after all these days?"

Xia Yi shook his head, "I don't know about that."

"By the way, how is Junior Brother Meng on your side?" Liu Siqian suddenly thought of Meng Wanzi, and could not help frowning slightly, "I'm not worried about anything else, I'm just worried that his master and apprentice's pure and aloof temperament will not be able to stand it. The mundane life in Taoyuan is also incompatible with the mortals around."

"It's pretty good. Elder Meng packed up a yard and lived there. It's very well furnished. And he's very much like the locals." Xia Yi replied.

It's a pity that there is no camera that can capture Meng Wanzi wearing a big padded jacket, squatting with Wang Shu on the field ridge and chatting about the harvest.

Carrying a bamboo basket with a dung fork to pick up cow dung is not bad.

"Then I can rest assured." Liu Siqian breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he bowed to Xia Yi gratefully, "Speaking of which, it is thanks to Xiao Xia that you helped me in Taoyuan. If this magic circle is not removed for a day, my disciples may be passed on at any time. In Taoyuan Mana I lost everything, and I couldn’t bring any gold or silver with me. Last time, the power of heaven was well prepared, but when it was passed away, I only took a stick and a bowl, leaving a pile of jewelry on the ground. Hey…”

Xia Yi hurriedly returned the salute, "You're welcome, Elder Tianji, I'm also half a disciple of Qishan, and I can still do whatever I can."

"In this way, you can live in Qishan with peace of mind. This Wangzhuyuan is yours. Usually you want to cultivate or play. I will add a few children to this yard for use." Liu Siqian said. .

"No, no, just sweep the room and yard as usual, I don't need anyone to serve." Xia Yi hurriedly waved his hand to refuse.

I can't get used to having to make those 11- or 12-year-old boys to work while I lie there eating melon seeds.

Seeing that it was already late at night, Liu Siqian didn't stay any longer. After saying goodbye to Xia Yi, he left with a gourd on his back. Xia Yi also returned to the bed and fell down heavily, sighing deeply.

I don't know what happened to Brother Zhu, whether he will panic, and then organize the whole village to look for him.

Probably not, after all, he has been vaccinated before. And he was watching himself slowly disappear.

I was afraid that he would not be at ease and would have to search everywhere before giving up.

Hey, this beautiful wedding night, the bridegroom just disappeared, pity my abandoned bride.

Xia Yi rolled around in distraught on the bed, and Qilin was lying in the nest made of a mattress by the bed, half-opening a pair of golden eyes, looking at him meekly.

"Go to sleep, don't think about it, it's useless to think about it, and I don't know how long it will take to go back this time." Xia Yi reached out and rubbed Qilin's big head, and tucked himself into the quilt.

When he woke up, it was already bright, and the first thing Xia Yi opened his eyes was to look around, and the first thing that caught his eye was the big head with long horns beside the bed.

"Hey, I haven't gone back yet." Xia Yi closed his eyes again in frustration.

"Host, if you are idle, you will be idle. Let's study the magic weapon." 179 is starting to move again.

"I don't want to move." Xia Yi lay straight.

"How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, no one can succeed casually."

"Don't you have a morning meeting every day? Don't be late." Xia Yi just wanted the system to shut up.

"We haven't had a morning meeting for a long time." After a while, 179's voice sounded faintly, "The technical system went to study for further education, and then lost contact."

"How long have you been out of contact?"

"We lost contact when Cheng Ming wore it."

Xia Yi casually turned around, "Don't worry, after destroying a few MLM dens, the technical system will come back naturally."

"It's not a pyramid scheme, it's a real loss of contact." 179 explained: "As long as there is a network or a place where electrical appliances are powered on, we can follow the signal to find the technical system, but his signal can't be captured."

"Don't worry, he is a system that has experienced strong winds and waves, and it's fine."

"Hopefully." 179's voice was a little dull.

Xia Yi saw that the system was in a low mood, so he sat up from the bed, "Let's go, let's study the magic weapon."

"I'll make it bigger, record the time, and see how long it can last in this form." Xia Yi carried the winter melon to the center of the courtyard and put it away, thinking silently in his mind.

The wax gourd shone with green light, and it suddenly became bigger, like a green lacquered garden house sitting in the center of the yard.

Xia Yi touched his chin, "179, you help me record the time and see how long it will take for it to return to its original state." After speaking, he went to the clean room to wash up first.

When he left the clean room, his eyes swept across the yard, and the huge winter melon was still standing there.

"179, keep staring, I'm going to have breakfast." After saying that, he walked to the living room and lifted off a gauze on the table.

Yes, seven or eight kinds of dim sum and hot porridge.

This was sent by Xiaotong early in the morning. It may have used some kind of magic, so it won't get cold even if it is left on.

Xia Yi slowly finished enjoying the hearty breakfast, took the handkerchief on the side, wiped his mouth, and came to the courtyard.

"179, what happened to this winter melon, it hasn't returned to its original state." Xia Yi was surprised.

If you put you in the middle of the yard, you will be like dead.

"I think it is like a mobile phone. It is in standby mode when placed here, so it does not consume electricity. But after launch, various programs are started, and the power consumption increases sharply." 179 made an analysis and explained.

"Host, why don't we try it?"

What to try? Dare to try? In the future, I will use this winter melon as a tent messenger.

Xia Yi meditated in his heart, turned the round house of winter melon into a jade sculpture the size of peanuts, and then put it into the cuff.

"The host, since we have arrived in the world of immortality, let's start practicing." The system is indeed a system that loves and dedicates to work. If you don't work for a day, you feel as if you have spent half your life in vain.

"What am I practicing? Do you want me to take root here? I don't practice, I want to go home." Xia Yi hugged the unicorn beside him, stroking its big head with his hand, feeling sad, "I Going back to continue my wedding night."

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm not doing anything, I'm just waiting quietly to go home."

The system was silent for a while, "Then let's go for a walk, host, and see how the scenery of the wonderland of strange mountains and waters is like? Just relax, and it's not good to stay in the yard."

"I do not want to see."

"Then let's feed the cranes and play with the koi for a while?"

"It's boring."

"Going to see the younger disciples of the sect cultivating? By the way, there are many seniors and juniors who are also cultivating. They are all in Teng Xiufeng. They are as beautiful as gods when they practice, and their postures are quite graceful."

"What do you mean?" Xia Yi reprimanded vigilantly, "You actually encouraged me to see my sister when you saw that Brother Zhu was not here?"

179 was suddenly a little ashamed. When he was told this, he seemed to be the friend who instigated the mess.

"But since you've already proposed, forget it, I'll just take a look." Xia Yi quickly walked towards the courtyard gate after saying that.

"Xiaoyi!" As soon as he walked out of the courtyard, he saw a person facing him shouting in surprise, "Hahahaha, it's really you."

It was actually Cheng Ming.

"Xiao Ming." Xia Yi was also very excited to see familiar people here.

"I've been thinking about you all the time, but I didn't expect you to pass it over, making me so happy." Cheng Ming walked forward with a smile, "I came to you as soon as I got the news last night."

"Did you come here last night? I'm sure I didn't hear it when I slept." Xia Yi felt a little embarrassed when he thought that Cheng Ming came to visit him but was locked out of the courtyard.

There was a hint of embarrassment on Cheng Ming's face, "No, I turned around in the sky in the middle of the night and couldn't find the way to Wangzhuyuan, and I turned back for some reason. This morning, I let a child lead the way and got here. ."

Almost forgot Xiao Ming's road idiot attribute.

Cheng Ming wrapped his arms around his shoulders enthusiastically, "It's not easy for you to come here. I have to show you around to see the beauty of our Qishan Mountain. By the way, where are you going now when you go out?"

Xia Yi was embarrassed to say that he was going to Teng Xiufeng to see the seniors and seniors practicing, so he said, "I'll just wander around."

"You can't walk around, I'll take you to a good place." Looking left and right, Cheng Ming said to Xia Yi in a low voice, "Teng Xiufeng has a wonderful scenery, you'll know when you see it."

After he finished speaking, he was about to wave his hand to call the magic weapon, and suddenly he remembered something, "You said that the unicorn is also here?" Then he looked around.

The unicorn was sneaking in the yard, showing half of his head and looking here. When he saw that it was his little brother, he couldn't help but let out a low growl.

"The unicorn is indeed here." Cheng Ming was overjoyed and shouted, "The unicorn is here, let's play together."

Xia Yi was originally worried that others would treat the unicorn as a monster, but seeing Liu Siqian and Cheng Ming's attitude, he felt relieved and greeted, "Son, let's go, let's go together."

The unicorn trotted out, excitedly swung its tail that dangled like an iron whip, and instantly scratched a few deep grooves on the slate pavement, bursting out a few small sparks.

After a few clicks, the stone pavement shattered.

"Okay, okay, don't flick your tail, you're calling a public property sabotage." Xia Yi hurriedly stopped.

Cheng Ming spread out his hand, a small square iron plate in his palm, and an iron spoon on it. With a wave of his hand, he instantly grew up in the air, like a Simmons.

"This is your magic weapon?" Xia Yi stared at the Simmons, his eyes glowing.

"Yes, it's a Sinan." Cheng Ming jumped lightly, his slightly fat body turned out to be extremely light, and he stood up in one fell swoop.

"This magic weapon is not bad." Xia Yi reached out and touched it, remembered something, and said suspiciously, "You can't fly upright, right?"

"No, putting it up is what you young people like to play with. I'm old and can't stand that kind of stimulation."

This is good, this is good, Xia Yi happily climbed up to Simmons, "Let's go, go shopping. Anyway, no matter where you go, I remember the way back, and I have a good sense of direction."

After climbing up, he summoned the unicorn, "Son, come up soon, son."

"The unicorn will follow by itself." Cheng Ming said. As soon as the voice fell, Simmons took off steadily.

"Don't tell him to run after him---" Xia Yi swallowed without saying a word.

I saw that the fluorescence of the unicorn's four hooves was suddenly dazzling, like a few cold silver flames, and it flew up like that, quietly following Simmons.

"179, am I dazzled? The unicorn can fly, it's flying." Xia Yi murmured.

"Host, it's the first time I've seen a flying dog." 179's tone was also shocked.

So it's not a dog, right? In the farming world, you can see that its appearance is different from those of Dahua, but you still think it is a dog

My unicorn is really a unicorn. It is a pity that without Baidu Encyclopedia, I cannot carefully check my son's noble blood identity.

"Especially the kind that can be eaten, isn't it a unicorn?"


"Being set off by firecrackers during the Chinese New Year---that's not it, New Year's Eve."

Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking about it and feeling a little smug, just raising a dog, he has become a divine beast, what kind of luck I am, hehe.

Cheng Ming's magic weapon is really good. It is much better than those weird and various types of aircraft that he took before. And as Cheng Ming's direction changed slightly, the large spoon in the middle also turned slightly.

"Si Nan is always pointing to the south, right?" Xia Yi asked.

"Yes." Cheng Ming stood firmly in the front corner with his hands behind his back, his clothes fluttering, his eyes wisely staring ahead, and he couldn't tell that he was a lunatic.

"Then why are you still getting lost?"

"Because I don't know the direction of where I'm going." Cheng Ming answered confidently.

Xia Yi was about to say something when he saw Cheng Ming suddenly hurriedly said to him, "Bow your head." His voice was tense.

"No, this is an enemy? People from the demon world?" Xia Yi groaned in his heart and buried his head obediently.

Cheng Ming's voice sounded again, "Two steps back and then look up." Xia Yi quickly climbed back two steps, raised his head again, and looked around quickly.

There is nothing abnormal, there is nothing above, around, or below, only floating clouds.

"I just turned the corner and the site is spinning, I'm afraid the handle of the spoon will hit your head, hehe." Cheng Ming just finished speaking, and he snorted again, "Bow your head."

I saw the iron plate turn quickly, and a shadow has come to the front, it is the huge spoon handle.

Xia Yi leaned down again in an instant, and the handle of the spoon passed over his head.

I finally know why this Simmons is so big, and Cheng Ming is still standing on the side.

"Huh? Where have I been?" Cheng Ming asked suspiciously, "Xiaoyi, do you remember the way back?"

I lie on this iron board and dare not look up, how can I remember the way

Xia Yi raised his head tentatively, "Don't turn, let me stand up first." After speaking, he slowly got up from the iron plate tremblingly.

"Yes, you are standing. When the site turns to the handle of the spoon, you jump up and dodge. You must keep an eye on the road, or you will not be able to go back later."

Xia Yi looked outside the iron plate and felt dizzy.

Even if I can stand firm, I still need to jump back and forth at an altitude of 10,000 meters

"Kirin, son, come over and let Daddy support you."

Qilin flew to Xia Yi's side obediently, and also stood on the iron plate, letting him hug his neck tightly.

"Attention, I'm about to turn." Cheng Ming reminded loudly.

What kind of turn are you turning, you idiot? It makes you seem to be familiar with the route, so just go straight

"1, 2, 3, smash, jump."

"Jump again."

Qilin dances with Xia Yi.

Fortunately, after a while, a beautiful and green mountain appeared in front of me, towering into the clouds, Cheng Ming said happily, "Teng Xiufeng is here."

The iron plate slowly landed and stopped at the foot of the mountain.

"I can't remember the other places, but I remember the route to Teng Xiufeng very clearly." Cheng Ming felt sloppy after speaking, and glanced at Xia Yi, seeing that his face was the same, and explained: "It's mainly here. The scenery is good, so I come here often."

Oh, you don't need to explain, I understand in my heart.

Following the trail all the way up, Cheng Ming gave Xia Yi a detailed introduction, what kind of tree is this, and what kind of fruit is that.

After speaking, he stopped, and said in despair: "Unfortunately, I haven't tasted the taste of Tianlingguo, and it was passed back."

Xia Yi was also full of sympathy.

He was watching how Cheng Ming carefully guarded the radish, and he was completely focused on the ground.

It can be said that it is not called serving the field, but serving the confinement.

As a result, just after the radish was harvested, he was passed on.

"By the way, 179, didn't you tell me to keep the radish in the system space? Let's see if you can take it out."

"Okay host, I was originally in the Immortal Cultivation System," said 179.

"Then take out a few, let Xiao Ming be happy first, and bring him back to stew the spareribs." Xia Yi said.


As soon as 179's voice fell, Xia Yi's hand sank, and there were already a few more items.

Is this my carrot? Xia Yi looked down.

I saw that although the shape of this thing was very similar to a radish, it was much smaller in size and looked more like ginseng. The skin is red, transparent and smooth, with a slight shimmer like jade in the sun.

Cheng Ming also looked over at this time, his eyes were fixed on the radish, and he shouted excitedly, "Tianlingguo! Xiaoyi, you brought Tianlingguo too!"

This is amazing, the unicorn in their eyes is not a dog, it really becomes a unicorn. The radish also changed, becoming the Heavenly Spirit Fruit in Cheng Ming's mouth.

Xia Yi wanted to ask 179, but felt that he would not get a satisfactory answer.

Sure enough, after hearing his question, 179 also asked in confusion: "Isn't that what radishes are like? They are glowing red. Although they look different from the radishes in other fields, that's because our radishes grow well. ."

Cheng Ming took the so-called Heavenly Spirit Fruit that Xia Yi handed to him, held it in his hand cherishingly, smiled until his eyes narrowed into a line, and praised repeatedly: "Good baby, good baby."

Seeing him like this, Xia Yi was probably reluctant to stew pork ribs, so he asked, "How do you plan to eat Lingguo this day?"

"How do you eat it? Of course, cut off a thin piece of the medicine, and put the rest in a jade box, and then use the magic method to seal it up." Cheng Ming waved his hand, and the Heavenly Spirit Fruit disappeared from his hand. Go to some ring space or something.

There are many such objects in Xiuxian novels. In each seemingly ordinary ring, there is either a space or an old man living there.

"Xiao Ming, if you suddenly have a few hundred catties of Heavenly Spirit Fruit, how are you going to eat it?" Xia Yi asked.

Cheng Ming glanced at him reproachfully, "Rare and rare fruit is not a radish, how can it be calculated in kilograms." After thinking about it, he said with emotion: "But the Tianling fruit you planted in Taoyuan also has a hundred or so roots, which is enough Use two pounds."

100 to root? That's because you haven't seen the output of my three acres of land.

"Xiao Ming, in the future, you can eat it with your belly open. You can eat the heavenly spirit fruit. You can make soup or braise it." Xia Yi pretended to wave his hand while letting 179 take the heavenly spirit fruit.

In an instant, a pile of Heavenly Spirit Fruits appeared on the ground in front of Cheng Ming, glowing red and bright, blinding his wide-open eyes.

"You have also contributed to my Lingguo this day. You deserve it." Xia Yihao said loudly, a kind of local tyrant said to others, have you seen this yacht? It's your kind of big-bucks cool feeling.

After speaking, he took out another one and handed it to Qilin, "Son, you can eat it too." Qilin snorted and nibbled it in his mouth.

Cheng Ming grunted a few times in his throat, rolled his eyes and fell down.