Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 44


Xia Yi flew towards the foot of the mountain on a unicorn, his heart pounding.

He pursed his lips tightly, his face flushed with excitement, his hands clenched into fists and placed on both sides of the unicorn's neck, his knuckles turning white.

Did Brother Zhu also wear it? Or just a guy with the same name as him

Hope surged in my heart, thinking that if the unicorn speed is faster, I can see people earlier. I was also afraid that my expectations would fail, and my heart began to feel uneasy, thinking that the speed of the unicorn could slow down.

Unconsciously, my breathing was getting faster and faster and my heartbeat was getting faster and faster. I had to take a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

Don't get your hopes up too much, it's probably just people calling it that name too.

At the moment when he wore it, Brother Zhu's panicked face appeared, Xia Yi couldn't help but sniffed.

The unicorn also seemed to sense the anxiety in Xia Yi's heart, and flew faster and faster. After a while, a large sea of colorful flowers appeared on the ground in the distance.

I think this is the medicine field in Qinghui's mouth.

The unicorn flew low over the medicine field, passing over the purple herbs. A gust of wind and waves rolled up where they passed, and the purple straws undulated in sheets, and then rippled like water waves.

Xia Yi stuck his head out, his eyes wandering to the lower realm.

Suddenly, from a distance, a familiar figure appeared in the corner. He also built a pergola and looked at him and the unicorn in this direction.

That slender figure, the familiar blue shirt, and the raised right sleeve is also inlaid with a circle of purple. Who else could it be if it wasn't Gu Wenzhu

Xia Yi couldn't help but let out a happy whimper from his throat, and his whole heart seemed to swell.

Qilin also saw Gu Wenzhu, let out an excited low roar, and flew towards him quickly.

Gu Wenzhu was hoeing in the field, and when he got up to wipe his sweat, he saw a small black spot flying from the sky.

That thing was very fast in the sky, and it was close in a matter of seconds. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a monster flying in the sky, with a dark body and extremely terrifying appearance.

It was as if a person was still sitting on it.

Seeing the monster coming in his direction, Gu Wenzhu showed a wary expression and clenched the iron hoe in his hand.

No matter what it is, as long as it shows malicious attacks on itself, it can't make it easy anyway.

Seeing that it had soared not far away in an instant, Gu Wenzhu stared at its eyes intently. Prepare to wait for the moment when it sprints towards itself, swinging the hoe to hit its head hard.

Just as he was hunched over and ready to go, he suddenly heard a familiar call from the monster, "Brother Zhu!"

It was Xiaoyi's voice.

Gu Wenzhu froze in place for a moment.

The monster stopped in front of him, gasped at him with its mouth open and its tongue stuck out, a hairy head sticking out from its back.

A pair of almond eyes were full of joy, the bridge of the delicate and straight nose was still covered with beads of sweat, and the porcelain-white skin was also pink with excitement.

Because it was against the sun, the whole body seemed to be plated with a layer of orange, making Gu Wenzhu slightly dizzy.

It was Xia Yi that he had been looking for for the past two days.

Xia Yi saw Gu Wenzhu standing there in a daze, closed his eyes first, then opened them and looked at himself in disbelief, and couldn't help but shouted out brother Zhu again.

"Xiaoyi." Gu Wenzhu finally woke up, hurried forward a few steps, and stretched out his hands to Xia Yi above his head.

Just as he stretched out his hand, Xia Yi jumped down impatiently and fell into Gu Wenzhu's arms like a fledgling bird thrown into the forest.

"Brother Zhu, Brother Zhu." Xia Yi hugged Gu Wenzhu's neck tightly, his eyes turning red.

Although he hadn't seen it for a short time, he was always in a state of fear and anxiety.

I am afraid that I will never be able to go back after this time, or that even if I can go back, I don’t know when.

He has lost his parents and has no relatives except Gu Wenzhu.

If he loses his only bond and stays alone in this world of immortal cultivation, he doesn't know if he can hold on any longer.

Gu Wenzhu also hugged Xia Yi tightly, whispering his name while kissing the top of his hair.

It was as if the lost treasure was found again and never wanted to let go.

Xia Yi buried his face in Gu Wenzhu's neck, smelling the familiar smell of grass and trees, listening to his low voice, and feeling the hug that was so tightly bound that he couldn't breathe, the anxiety in his heart slowly dissipated.

"Brother Zhu, how did you come here?" After a long time, Xia Yi asked softly in Gu Wenzhu's arms, his voice squeaking and sticky.

179 made a toothache sound.

"Although Lao Tzu is a steel man, he can turn into soft fingers in front of his wife." Xia Yi became angry and roared in his head, "Hurry up and disappear!"

Then he switched the audio without obstacles, and called out again, "Zhu brother." The voice seemed to be mixed with honey.

179 couldn't take it anymore and disappeared immediately.

"That night, you suddenly became blurred, and you couldn't shout. I reached out to grab it, but I couldn't grab it, and my hand was empty. Seeing you slowly disappearing, a halo appeared around your body, and I didn't. After thinking about it, I jumped in."

Gu Wenzhu remembered the panic and despair that he would lose Xia Yi at that time, and he couldn't help but have lingering fears.

He lifted Xia Yi's face and kissed it carefully, then hugged him tightly, and carefully felt the flexibility in his embrace, which made him feel a little real.

"I looked around at you in that light whirl, but my eyes were dazzled, and I couldn't see anything clearly. I was panicking, and I found that I was standing here after my surroundings recovered. I didn't dare to move at first, thinking it was an illusion, and then I remembered it later. This may be the time-travel you were talking about." Gu Wen whispered.

"I didn't believe it before, I always thought that you were confused by Fang Xiandao, but now I know it's true."

"I met Senior Brother Qinghui just now. He said he met you in the medicine field. I couldn't believe it when I first heard your name." Xia Yi saw that Gu Wenzhu's face was still full of unease, and from time to time he would stretch out his hand Pinching on himself, as if to confirm whether the person in front of him is real. Feeling a little distressed in his heart, he pecked his face soothingly.

"I guessed that you were here too, and I wanted to find you. But I searched everywhere in this area, and I didn't meet anyone, so I couldn't find out. I don't know how long I'm going to stay here, I just thought It's better to cultivate a few acres of land first, and then take it with you when you have something to eat, and then go to the world to find you." Gu Wenzhu said in a low voice.

So, did you plan Liu Siqian's medicine field for him

"Then what did you eat these two days?" Xia Yi was distressed and worried.

"Don't worry, you won't be hungry. There are a lot of small wild things around here, and I'm not afraid to hide when I see people, so I hunted a few rabbits to eat."

"I couldn't find anyone anywhere, so I came back here again. Seeing that this field is deserted, only some weeds and hoes grow, I thought that if there is land, there will be people. I will first cultivate a wasteland to grow grain, and wait. Pay the rent when you meet the owner." Gu Wenzhu looked around, with a hint of unease. "You said this is not a weed, but a medicinal herb?"

"Then how did you get started with Senior Brother Qinghui?" Xia Yi didn't answer his question, for fear that he would be more uneasy. Since Liu Siqian owns this medicine field, he will bear the consequences for Gu Wenzhu and how much compensation will be needed.

"That person just now was your Senior Brother Qinghui, right? I didn't fight him." Gu Wenzhu hurriedly explained.

"I've been cultivating the land, and he came as soon as I opened it. He asked my name first, and then he came to grab my hoe without saying a word. I just held the hoe and didn't give it to him."

"I saw that he was wearing the same clothes as Cheng Ming, so I wanted to ask him if he knew your whereabouts. But he surrounded me, grabbed a plate and started dancing. I thought he was having a cramp, and after asking a few times, he seemed to be Even more angry. When he finished dancing, I didn't have time to ask him about your whereabouts, so he made the plate bigger, stepped on it and flew away."

"We really didn't do it." Gu Wenzhu's black eyes were full of innocence.

"I know." Xia Yi raised his head and snorted at Gu Wenzhu's face, then rubbed his head in a mess.

Seeing the connivance and helplessness on his face, his heart was full of joy, "It was Senior Brother Qinghui who misunderstood, I will go to him to explain it clearly."

"Then what about this grass and this medicine?" Gu Wenzhu looked at the grass roots that had been dug up and down, and was very embarrassed, "I have to find a way to pay them back."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a shout from a distance, full of anger, full of anger.

"Who is coming? Why did you destroy my medicine field?"

With the sound of drinking, the two were shrouded in a shadow.

A huge and smooth gourd descended from the sky, and in an instant it was in front of the two of them, floating slightly in the air.

Behind the gourd, there were also a group of Qishan disciples who were riding various magic weapons.

Qinghui's UFO closely followed Hulu, stuck his head out, looked down, and said angrily, "Master, this is the guy."

"Xiaoyi stay out of the way, this person's cultivation base is not low, let me deal with him." Liu Siqian stood firmly in front of the gourd, holding a long sword in his hand, the sharp point of the sword aimed at Gu Wenzhu on the ground .

"You—" However, after seeing Gu Wenzhu's face clearly, the pre-battle provocation stopped abruptly, and he swallowed it in his throat.

Liu Siqian stared at Gu Wenzhu in a daze, with a confused expression on his face, and his long sword hung down.

He asked tentatively, "Xianzun?"

"No, you are not Immortal Venerable, who are you?" Liu Siqian raised his sword again and aimed it at Gu Wenzhu again, his face stern.

He wasn't the kind of face blind Cheng Ming was, and he instantly realized that Gu Wenzhu and Cang Yi were not the same person, they just looked alike.

The disciples behind him couldn't hold back anymore. "Elder, don't talk nonsense with him. He disguised himself as a fairy and ruined your medicine field. He must be a demon from the demon world. Let the disciples take him down first."

After finishing speaking, several anxious disciples flew forward, showing their weapons and chasing Gu Wen away.

As soon as Xia Yi saw this scene, his whole mind went blank. What's going on here? If you say take out a knife, take out a knife

Seeing several disciples attacking Gu Wenzhu, he slammed sideways and rushed forward two steps, opened his hand to block Gu Wenzhu, and shouted in panic, "If you have something to say, don't be rough!"

After the disciples made sword moves, they moved with the sword and could no longer hold back the attack. Unprepared, the sharp sword tip was handed to Xia Yi's chest.

The tip of the sword instantly magnified in front of Xia Yi's eyes, followed by a few panicked faces, and an exclamation from Liu Siqian and Qinghui could be heard.

Knowing that it was inevitable, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

I hope the stabbing is my shoulder, don't stab the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, and aorta!

However, the imagined pain did not come. Two or three seconds later, only the muffled sound of heavy objects falling and a few screams were heard in the distance.

Xia Yi opened his eyes a little and looked out, only to see everyone in Qishan looking in astonishment, staring blankly in his direction. And the few disciples who did it were lying on the ground more than ten meters away, crying in mourning, and the weapons in their hands disappeared.

Xia Yi followed their gaze and turned to look behind him, only to see Gu Wenzhu throwing a few swords in his hand on the ground, making a few clanging sounds.

He stood there without saying a word, his face gloomy and cruel. He lowered his head slightly, the corners of his tightly pursed lips were down, and he stared at the group of people opposite him with cold eyes.

The whole person exudes a bloodthirsty aura like a beast.