Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 46


Liu Siqian held the onion, his eyes narrowed into slits, "On my field, only a small half of the seedlings can bloom smoothly, and when the flowers wither and bear fruit, only a small half. It is the most favored by those geese beasts. Even if I guard the batch of young fruits day and night, I will only harvest three or four fruits at the end. Moreover, where can there be such a good quality that is unique."

"It is said that Junior Brother Meng has two ancestral Mu Ge, which are of average quality, but he is reluctant to give it to me. He also said that if I get married, it would be such a nonsense to give it to me."

"Xiao Xia, if you are willing to resell this Mu Ge to me, this land will be destroyed. How about I go and give you a few more pills to help you improve your cultivation?"

Afraid that Xia Yi would underestimate his medicinal pills, Liu Siqian hurriedly explained, "Each pill I make takes effort and takes many days to make, but everyone in the world of immortality asks for it. And get it.”

Xia Yi smiled and said to Liu Siqian: "Elder Liu, you're welcome, you can take this onion."


"I call it an onion, Mu Ge is too eloquent."

"Xiaoyi, you are so interesting, hehe."

After Xia Yi finished speaking, he asked 179 to take out a pile and hold it in his arms.

The yard was too high, the top one fell off, and Gululu rolled to his feet and was kicked by him.

Seeing that Liu Siqian's brows twitched, he picked it up quickly and carefully blew it again and again.

"This is your spiritual compensation." Xia Yi put all the onions in his arms into Liu Siqian's arms.

Liu Siqian hurried to catch it, and said repeatedly: "Slow down, don't rub the skin."

But isn't that skin still skin underneath

Xia Yi thought for a while, and then asked 179 to take out a few radishes and handed them to Liu Siqian, "I've been here a few times, and I haven't given me any thanks for your hospitality. Give it to you, even as a thank you."

Liu Siqian looked at Mu Ge and Tianlingguo in his hands, his face flushed red, and there was a slight noise in his throat, and he was choked up there and had to go down.

Just when Xia Yi looked at him worriedly, suspecting that he would pass by like Cheng Ming, he let out a long breath and finally managed to survive.

Then Xia Yi began to send greetings to all the brothers present.

One radish and one onion per person.

"Come on, a small gift is not a respect, don't dislike it."

Who hates it? Who can say disgust to Tianlingguo and Muge

These Qishan disciples have also heard of these two names. In this life, let alone one, it is impossible to meet them once. If they have the opportunity to fill their eyes, it will be enough for them to blow for several years.

This time, not only can I see and touch, but I can also have it. I can see it whenever I want, and I can even take a bite. I feel a sense of unreality in my heart.

"Senior brother, is this true?" A younger disciple carefully looked at the onion and radish, and asked the elder disciple around him.

The eldest disciple was also at a loss, "How do I know, do you think I have seen it? But if the elder said it was true, then it was true."

Some disciples are already wiping away their tears excitedly, "I want to go back and make offerings, and I have to bring them home during the Chinese New Year, so that my parents can also open their eyes."

Over there, Liu Siqian had recovered from the stimulation of Mu Ge and Tianlingguo, collected the pile of onions and radishes, and arranged his grooming clothes.

Xia Yi saw that he was about to open his mouth to him, and quickly raised his hand to stop it, "Don't ask, don't ask anything, it's a good way anyway, just keep it."

Liu Siqian opened his mouth, but had to close it again.

Don't ask, don't ask, anyway, the fruits that have been harvested are real.

Bestowed by God, thank the Immortal Venerable.

Standing in front of Gu Wenzhu, he nodded with a smile, "Xiao Gu and Immortal Venerable Cang Yi are quite alike, so it's no wonder that the Fourth Junior Brother admits his mistake. However, the difference is quite big when it comes to returning to the statue."

Our Cang Yi Immortal Venerable Immortal Daogu, Luan Zifengfeng, and mere mortals are the difference between clouds and mud.

Xia Yi also stood in front of Gu Wenzhu, touching his chin and nodding in agreement, "Yes, it's just like, the difference is still huge."

My brother-in-law is full of vigor and arrogance. How can this youthful vitality be comparable to that of Cang Yi

"Let's go, you two go back to the sect first." Liu Si jumped onto the gourd, turned to Xia Yi and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll go ahead. Thank you Xiao Xia for your generosity and gift to Liu and the people. If there is a chance, Liu must be grateful."

After speaking, he drove the gourd under his feet and lifted off toward the sky. The rest of the disciples also thanked the two of them, and finally left with the magic weapon in gratitude.

Here, Gu Wenzhu was still confronting Qilin. Qilin tried to approach him several times to make out with him, but he pushed him back with a hoe, and his mouth even made a shouting sound.

Qilin was very puzzled, and flicked his tail more happily, and swung the piece of land that Gu Wen had turned over, causing the soil to splash around.

"Xiaoyi, what kind of thing did you just ride here?" Gu Wenzhu had to ask Xia Yi who was behind him, and put his hoe to his chest vigilantly.

Xia Yi rolled his eyes at him and walked towards Qilin. Seeing this, Gu Wenzhu hurriedly wanted to reach out to pull it, but saw Xia Yi suddenly shouted at the monster with a smile: "Kirin, good son, come to Daddy's place."

I saw that the monster trotted in front of Xia Yi, licking his hand and rubbing affectionately.

How familiar this scene is.

Gu Wenzhu flashed a guess in his mind, he suddenly remembered that Xia Yi had just passed away, and he also jumped into the light spin, and there seemed to be a dark shadow rushing in from the corner of his eye.

Could it be that the shadow is his own dog? It is also worn, and it has become this way

Thinking of this, Gu Wenzhu asked Xia Yi hesitantly, "Kirin? Is this the unicorn from our family?"

"Yeah, that's it." Xia Yi scratched at the chin of the unicorn, watching it turn its head slightly to make it easier for him, "You don't like it at all, it's just an extra horn, you won't recognize it. "

After speaking, he squinted at the hoe in Gu Wenzhu's hand, "And I want to hit it."

Gu Wenzhu quickly put down the hoe in his hand, and looked up and down around the unicorn, "...It's not just an extra horn."

"You seem to recognize the unicorn. Who was scared by the unicorn at the beginning?" 179 sneered, "I really don't understand what's going on with you, and the unicorn has not changed. It's just a different world, a It's like being blind."

"This time I was really eye-opening. What I have seen and heard in the past few days is still heard by those old people telling stories about ancient times. How can I think it is true." Gu Wenzhu looked at the silhouettes of the people who were gradually disappearing in the sky. , was very shocked inside.

Xia Yi pouted, wanting to say what is there, I don't have a magic weapon yet. But when I thought of the battery life of my winter melon, I was embarrassed to take it out.

"Brother Zhu, how did you suddenly grab their swords just now? I didn't see it at that time." Xia Yi suddenly remembered the two moves that started Gu Wen Zhulu, and asked curiously.

Gu Wenzhu heard him mention the scene just now, his face turned gloomy again, with a faint trace of anger.

Seeing that Xia Yi was still curiously waiting for his answer, he tried his best to suppress that anger and began to think about it.

"I can't tell you the specifics, but when I was thinking about stopping those swords, their movements slowed down in my eyes." Gu Wenzhu replied flatly and then closed his mouth, obviously not wanting to talk about this anymore. thing.

Seeing him like this, Xia Yi didn't ask any further questions, and just lightly bumped his forehead with the top of his head. Gu Wenzhu's expression was soothed, and a gentle expression appeared on his face.

"Let's go, take me to see your house in Qishan School." Gu Wenzhu gently lifted a strand of Xia Yi's hair that fell on his cheek, and said softly.

Xia Yi pursed his lips and reached out to hold Gu Wenzhu's hand, "Then let's not ride the unicorn, just walk back like this."

"Okay." Gu Wenzhu has always been obedient to him.

Following the path beside the medicine field to the mountain gate, Xia Yi pointed and introduced Gu Wenzhu all the way, and the unicorn rushed all the way in front, rushing to the left and right to attack the rabbit and the little beast.

Gu Wen was dazzled by the wonders of this fairyland, and his eyes were full of shock. Xia Yi knew that the scenery here was very beautiful, but she had been thinking about how to get back, and she was full of worries all day, so she didn't want to enjoy the scenery.

Now that Gu Wenzhu, who is thinking about it, is by his side, he can watch it with confidence.

Looking up, the strange peaks cover the sky, the clear stream is gurgling under the feet, and the strange rocks lie on the waves.

The floating island in the sky is shrouded in a layer of veil, and the shadows are chaotic.

The cranes flying over his head are like a few light strokes of ink, smeared on the blue sky.

Both of them were immersed in the beautiful scenery, they stopped talking, they just intertwined their fingers and walked quietly on the mountain road.

"Da da da, da da da." A strange sound suddenly came from behind, breaking the silence around.

It sounded like someone was rhythmically hitting the ground with a stick.

Xia Yi paused and turned around to look, thinking that all the Qishan disciples were flying off? I didn't see anyone just now, where did this come from.

Who knows at a glance, there is nothing on the trail behind him, and the medicine fields on both sides are also empty. There were only two unknown birds with bright tails, chirping and flying over their heads.

"What's wrong?" Gu Wenzhu also turned around when he saw that he had stopped and looked around.

"It's nothing, I heard it wrong just now, I thought someone was behind us." Xia Yi turned around and led Gu Wenzhu forward.

The soft wind blew his face, sending a scent of green grass.

Xia Yi was in a good mood, and as he walked, he swung the hands of the two of them back and forth. He smiled at the people around him, revealing a pair of small tiger teeth, and his clear eyes seemed to be filled with fine sunlight.

Gu Wenzhu's sharp and deep face also softened, and rubbed his head, "So happy to see me?"

Xia Yi nodded heavily, then raised their hands, rubbed his cheeks on the back of Gu Wenzhu's hand, and said softly, "Just happy."

Gu Wen suffocated his breath and felt that he could barely walk. He gently hugged Xia Yi, and dropped a kiss on the top of his hairy hair, "I'm happy too."

"Da da da." As the two continued to move forward, the strange sound suddenly rang again.

This time, Gu Wenzhu also heard it, and turned around suspiciously, but the back was still empty.

He cautiously turned around and walked a short distance, his eyes wandering around.

But apart from the wind blowing through the herbs, like a wave of wheat stretching into the distance, nothing was seen.

"179, what was following us just now?" Xia Yi could only ask the system at this time.

After a long time, the system's voice sounded, with a cry, "I didn't pay attention just now."

"What's wrong with you?" This was the first time I heard 179's mood fluctuating so much, Xia Yi hurriedly asked, "Is something wrong?"

If you can make 179 cry out, then this must be very important.

"Your computer room is about to lose power?" Xia Yi asked with a solemn expression.

"No, it's the technical system, and the technical system has finally been found." 179 choked a few times, too excited to be able to help himself.

Xia Yi knew that the technical system had been missing for a long time, which made 179 very concerned. Also glad to hear that, "Really? Where did you find it?"

"A colleague saw him on TV."

"He's still on TV? He's an actor?" Xia Yi exclaimed, "Your technical system is good, and you can still be a star after MLM."

"No, it's not an actor, it's a news column. The latest episode aired just now. The content is that several local departments jointly destroyed several black coal mines and rescued a lot of people." 179's mood has not yet calmed down. Behold, he was among those who were rescued."

"I'm sitting on the bench of the police station eating instant noodles." 179 was about to cry, "There are two empty boxes next to it that have been eaten up."

The author has something to say: Thanks to Jvfidj, Lemon Jamzi, Xinggu Qianwei, Ziying Liuyue, I want the nutrient solution for Xiuxian, Lord Shaoqing, and Clenbuterol for the mine.

Thanks for the support and encouragement.