Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 53


Xia Yi began to try hard to recall, when was the last time he saw this Ultraman.

A few scaly scratches and fragments of memory floated through his mind. But when he tried hard to catch those fragments, the memory floated away in an instant.

Suddenly, he remembered a dusty past event.

It's been so long that he can't tell whether it's a reality or a dream.

But at this moment, when he connected with his surroundings, he felt that was what really happened.

One night when he was a child, he was suffocated by urine. Dazedly hugged Ultraman by the pillow, he went to the toilet with his eyes half closed.

But when he pushed open the bedroom door and walked to the living room, he reached out to touch the wall light switch on the wall, but his hand didn't touch anything. I only felt a breeze blowing across my body, and I heard the rustling of forest trees and the chirping of night insects that should not have appeared.

Doze flew away, suddenly opened his eyes, and found that he was no longer in the living room at home, but in a quiet garden.

Surrounded by half-human-high forests, there is a rockery not far away, and the strange rocks are extremely terrifying under the moonlight.

Xia Yi stood there in his bear pajamas, holding an Ultraman in his arms, his eyes wide open, and he looked around in amazement.

The shadows of the trees are mottled, swaying in the pale moonlight, like a monster with claws and claws rushing towards people.

There were also some shrill cat meowing from a certain corner, and a black cat gently jumped up on the fake mountain top, with twinkling pupils, fixedly staring at Xia Yi.

Xia Yi took a few steps back and finally shouted uncontrollably. While crying for her mother, she ran around in panic in the garden, looking for a way out.

He ran across a long wooden porch and heard the crunch of his little slippers on the wood. The end is connected to a pond with a small red arch bridge spanning it.

He was crying in the forest garden, running on the winding path, and he didn't even find where the Ultraman in his arms was lost.

Then there were messy footsteps behind him, and someone hurriedly chased after him.

He didn't know any of those people, they all wore long skirts and long shirts from the TV series.

First he looked at him in amazement, then pulled his bear pajamas to check, and kept calling for the young master, ignoring his resistance, kicking and kicking, hugging him and walking back.

Panic arose in his heart, where are these people taking him? He began to struggle frantically, shut his eyes and kicked the people around him desperately, and cried out to his mother sharply.

Until the "snap" sounded, the lights came on, and the mother's panicked voice sounded at the same time, "Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, what's wrong with you?" At the same time, she was hugged into a warm embrace.

Xia Yi felt the dazzling light and heard her mother's familiar voice. She immediately stopped crying and held her mother's arm tightly and opened her eyes.

Everything seems to have been lifted, the courtyard is no longer around, the rockery, the promenade, and the surrounding people have disappeared, and I am standing in the middle of the brightly lit living room.

Father also came out and asked nervously while putting on his clothes, "What's wrong with Xiaoyi?"

"I, I went to the toilet, and then I couldn't turn on the light. I saw me standing in a place I didn't know, and you weren't there. There were bad guys in long skirts who wanted to take me and sell me." Xia Yi cried and told.

"What bad guy in a long skirt?" Father asked suspiciously, and reached out to touch his forehead.

"I'm wearing the long skirt in the TV series that my mother watched, and you call me young master." Xia Yi said sobbing.

I remember my parents glanced at each other quickly and picked him up, "That's Xiaoyi's nightmare, isn't it okay to be at home? We Xiaoyi are so good, how can any bad person want to sell you."

Mom patted him on the back as he walked, "Would you like to sleep with mom today?"

Xia Yi nodded and fell into his mother's arms.

It turned out to be a dream, no black cats and bad guys, and no scary corridors.

Xia Yi recalled that he suddenly remembered that he and Zhuge were picking mushrooms on the mountain, and when they crossed for the first time, they stood on a small arch bridge to feed the fish.

It was exactly the same as the small arch bridge he saw when he was running on the promenade as a child.

And beside the pond is a vermilion-painted wooden corridor.

What he saw when he was a child was exactly the scene of the backyard of the prefect's mansion.

In this way, this Ultraman was accidentally left behind when he was running that night. Then it was picked up by Xia Yi here as a toy, and he also sewed clothes.

Then why did the parents lie to themselves and say that the Ultraman was stolen by a thief? What do they know and what are they hiding from themselves

The parents here look exactly the same as the parents in the original world. Is this the reason for the parallel world, or... are these my parents

But it's not right, if it's their own parents, then why do they act like they don't know themselves? And they don't act like they're pretending at all.

Xia Yi held Ultraman and stood there in a daze, the doubts in his heart surfaced one by one.

Gu Wenzhu's hand suddenly swayed in front of his eyes, "Xiaoyi, what are you thinking? I've been stunned for a long time."

"Brother Zhu, I seem to have discovered something extraordinary." Xia Yi said blankly, holding the Ultraman nervously with both hands.

"What's the matter? Can you tell Brother Zhu?" Gu Wenzhu's face became serious as he looked at Xia Yi, stunned, and then panicked.

Xia Yi thought for a while, pulled Gu Wenzhu to sit beside the bed, and said solemnly, "Brother Zhu, I have a discovery, I think, I have traveled through it since I was a child, and this toy is the proof. Maybe, what I said is possible, the parents here are also my biological parents, and Xia Yi here is also me."

"If Xia Yi here is myself, what would happen if you said I came through the farming world?"

"What's going to happen?" Gu Wen was at a loss, not understanding what Xia Yi was talking about.

"I know what will happen." 179's sharp voice sounded, faintly excited, "Gu Wenzhu will have two wives."

"If this were a parallel world, there would be two of me. But after I came here, that Xia Yi disappeared from the world, and I took over his life logically."

"Is it possible that Xia Yi and I are the same person. After I came here, he disappeared and didn't exist? Or, he merged with me?"

Gu Wenzhu looked at Xia Yi with a headache.

And Xia Yi didn't notice him at all, and was immersed in his own thoughts, his eyes were burning, his face full of determination and excitement.

"I'm going to ask my mother now about the origin of this toy."

After finishing speaking, Xia Yi squeezed Ultraman, opened the door, and ran towards the courtyard where Xia's father and Xia's mother were.

"Master is here, Madam is going to rest." Mother Xia just got up to go to the clean room, when she heard a girl outside the door greeting loudly.

Then the door was pushed open with a creak, and Xia Yi came in panting.

Father Xia was still angry at first, but when he saw Xia Yi like this, he became even more angry, "Is there any etiquette? You didn't make a sound at your father's house, and you just broke in when you said you did? "

"It's always been this way, no wonder you will marry a man."

Speaking of this, Father Xia felt another pain in his heart.

Xia Yi can't take care of so much now. He raised the Ultraman and looked at Mother Xia with bright eyes, "Mother, look at this, do you know it? Do you remember how you got this?" After passing Ultraman, he looked up and down suspiciously, "Didn't you find this in the yard when you were a child? I thought this thing looked weird and wanted to throw it away, but the servants who served you said it was you who dropped it. . Then I stayed and made a set of clothes."

"Then... Mother, do you remember what kind of child I was when I was young?" Xia Yi asked again.

"What kind of child? It's just like that, naughty and disobedient, every time you are so angry that your father wants to beat you. Before the broom fell on him, he was howling desperately, and hiding in the closet while howling. Especially You failed an exam once, and your teacher called your father..." Having said that, Mother Xia's voice was cut off, and she stood there with her mouth open, her face showing confusion.

"Mother, you go on, then go on." Xia Yi said with trembling lips.

His voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of interrupting Mother Xia's memories, and at the same time as if he was afraid of waking him up from a beautiful dream.

Mother Xia stood there in a daze, her expression confused and confused, "Why can't I remember it? Why can't I suddenly remember what happened when you were a child?"

Father Xia was still angry, but he couldn't help but turn his head and asked in a rough voice, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Father, think about it, think about what happened when I was a child." Xia Yi saw that Xia's mother was still stunned, and hurried over to ask Xia's father.

"I'm so embarrassed to ask you when you were a child. You were able to anger people to death when you were a child. For example, for example..." Father Xia's words were also interrupted. Like Mother Xia, he was stunned there.

"Why can't I remember my son's childhood?" After a long while, Father Xia turned his head to Mother Xia and asked dumbly, "Did I have hysteria?"

Gu Wenzhu sat in the room and waited for a long time before he heard footsteps coming from under the eaves.

As the door was pushed open, Xia Yi floated in as if he had lost his soul, with straight eyes and the Ultraman in his hand.

"Xiaoyi, what's wrong?" Gu Wenzhu reached out and waved in front of him.

Xia Yi squeezed Gu Wenzhu's hand and looked at him blankly, "Brother Zhu, I really can't see through this world."

Gu Wenzhu took his hand and walked to the bedside, "Didn't you ask your parents? What did your parents say?"

Xia Yi let Gu Wenzhu sit on the bed like a corpse, and muttered in his mouth: "Brother Zhu, my parents don't seem to be dead. No, they are dead, and I buried them myself. It's just that their souls Arrived here? And my memory was washed away? But it doesn't make sense, who would do this?"

"179, you just finished listening to the whole story, can you help me analyze it?" Xia Yi only had the help system at this time.

"This... uh... um..." 179 couldn't answer a word.

Xia Yi fell heavily on his back on the bed, closed his eyes and said loudly, "Brother Zhu, are my parents here really my biological parents?"

Gu Wenzhu took the Ultraman in his hand and put the little Hanfu on it again, "Both your biological parents, or the parents in the other world, they are yours anyway."

Xia Yi was stunned after hearing this, his eyes fixed on the top of the bed.

After a while, as if he had figured out something, he opened his eyes and looked at Gu Wenzhu with a smile on his face, with a satisfied expression, "Brother Zhu, you are right, I don't think about it anymore. Whether it's true or false, in the end I have parents again."

"Yeah." Gu Wenzhu patted his face lovingly, "I have parents again."

After taking the dressed Ultraman, Xia Yi placed it by the pillow, just like when he was a child.

Turning over again, burying his face in Gu Wenzhu's arms, listening to his steady and powerful heartbeat, he fell asleep peacefully.