Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 54


The next day, thinking about Qilin, the two returned to Qishan after breakfast.

Mother Xia stood in the yard, holding Xia Yi's hand, and the circles under her eyes began to turn red again. Xia Yi quickly reassured: "Mother, I'll be back in a while, don't be sad."

"Whoever is sad, I wish you wouldn't be bothered in front of you." Xia Mu said so, but she held Xia Yi tightly, reluctant to let go.

Seeing that Xia Yi's eyes kept looking into the room, he sighed again, "You can go in peace, your father will be fine after this period of time, don't lean in front of him now and annoy him."

Xia Yi nodded and said shyly, "I see."

Seeing that Gu Wenzhu had released the magic weapon spear in the air, he let go of Mother Xia's hand and prepared to board the magic weapon.

"Wait." Mother Xia suddenly shouted.

Then he took out a square wooden box the size of a palm from his sleeve, stuffed it into Xia Yi, and handed a color in Gu Wenzhu's direction, "Give it to him."

"What is this?" Xia Yi saw that the box was simple in style, and it was heavy in his hand. Curiously, he was about to lift the lid of the box, and was held down by Mother Xia.

"It's for him, let him open it up by himself, don't overdo it."

Xia Yi tucked the box into her arms, hugged her mother again, lowered her body, leaned her head on her shoulder, and swayed gently like when she was a child, "Mother, then I'll go, you help me Persuade Dad not to get angry, and I will come back to see you after a while."

"Let's go, let's go, don't delay the time." Mother Xia urged impatiently, but turned around secretly and wiped the corners of her eyes with her sleeves.

"Mother, then we'll leave. After a while, my son-in-law will bring Xiaoyi back to see you." Gu Wenzhu pulled Xia Yi onto the spear and said loudly to his mother Xia.

When Mother Xia heard this, her face went down.

Seeing Mother Xia ignoring him, Gu Wenzhu let out a wry smile, letting his heart move, and the magic weapon began to slowly lift into the air.

"You are the daughter-in-law, do you know? What is the son-in-law and the son-in-law?" Seeing that the treasure was rising higher and higher, the mother Xia suddenly shouted in dissatisfaction to the top of her head: "I gave Xiaoyi the token from the Xia family to the daughter-in-law. , let him give it to you."

Gu Wenzhu was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then he smiled and replied loudly, "Hey, I see, mother-in-law."

His voice was full of energy and loud.

As the magic weapon rose higher and higher, Xia Yi waved at Mother Xia and remembered the box just now, and hurriedly took it out of his arms.

Carefully opened the lid of the box, and there was a crimson flannel under it. After carefully opening it, there was a crested jade hairpin used by a woman to tie her hair.

At first glance, the quality of jade is high-quality, warm and lustrous, transparent and flawless, and it seems to have a streamer floating in the sun. In the mouth of the intricately shaped crested head, there is also a white pearl the size of a longan in its mouth.

"Wow... My mother is really a big hand, isn't this a family heirloom?" Xia Yi was amazed, and he was about to take out the crested hairpin and take a closer look, but Gu Wenzhu snatched the box away.

Gu Wenzhu carefully covered the fleece again and closed the wooden cover. After putting it firmly in his arms, he felt uneasy on his chest, making sure it wouldn't fall out.

"This is a gift from my mother. I have to take it home and put it away."

Xia Yi couldn't help laughing in his heart, "This is given by the mother-in-law to the daughter-in-law, why don't you take it out and put it on your head?"

Gu Wenzhu also laughed, "Where can I wear it? This is also my mother's intention. Put it there, and when our son gets married, you will hand it over to your daughter-in-law."

Xia Yi instantly lowered his face and looked at the ground expressionlessly.

At this time, the two of them have risen very high, and the house under their feet is getting smaller and smaller. But Xia Yi's eyesight is unusual now. He can see at a glance two figures supporting each other in the courtyard of his prefect's mansion, struggling to raise their heads, looking up at the sky.

It's dad.

Xia Yi's nose was sour, and the eye sockets were swollen.

Although he knew that he was only a small spot on the ground and couldn't see anything clearly, he waved his hand to the bottom and shouted loudly, "Father, mother, I will come back to see you again after a while."

Gu Wenzhu pulled him into his arms and patted his back soothingly.

The magic weapon ascended into the clouds, and the Huang Zhongfu below could no longer be seen. The long spear accelerated and galloped away in the direction of the Qishan faction.

When they went back, they were not in a hurry to hurry. The two of them flew and stopped all the way. When they saw the unique scenery, they lowered the cloud head to play first.

Gradually leaving the plain, the lower bounds are all towering mountains.

Giant peaks are raised everywhere, layered and unique, and the eyes are full of lush green.

In some places it has just rained, and the water droplets on the leaves reflect the sunlight. When the two passed over the top of the mountain, they were blinded by the colorful light from time to time.

At this time, he simply fell to the ground and walked hand in hand for a while.

Just like this, I was swimming and walking, and before I knew it, it was getting dark, but I hadn't walked halfway.

I simply chose a dry and open place, prepared to rest overnight, and continued on the road tomorrow.

Gu Wenzhu asked Xia Yi to sit and wait for a while, then plunged into the forest next to him. After a while he came back with two pheasants and a rabbit.

There is a small stream not far away, clear and clean. Gu Wenzhu lifted the pheasant and rabbit to the edge of the stream, plucked the hair and cleaned it up.

Then he turned the hoe into a long spear, and lightly drew a circle on a large rock. After taking out the middle part of the circle, the stone becomes a clean stone pot.

Back in the open space to make a fire, put the stone pot on the rack, Gu Wenzhu began to blanch the pheasant to remove the fishy smell, and cook the whole process skillfully.

The rabbit was put on with a spear and slowly roasted on the fire.

He took out a porcelain bottle similar to a panacea from his arms, uncorked it, and sprinkled it into the stone pot.

"Brother Zhu, what did you fall?" Xia Yi asked curiously.

"Before going out, I packed a little seasoning, I'm afraid you won't be used to the taste when I'm in the wild." Gu Wenzhu replied while flipping the roasted rabbit.

"I'll go and see if there are some wild vegetables like mushrooms to pick and stew with pheasants, that's delicious." After Gu Wenzhu finished speaking, he was about to get up to look for mushrooms, but Xia Yi quickly stopped him.

"179, take out two Tianlingguo and Mu Ge, I want to stew pheasant." Xia Yi said to the system.

"Huh?" The system was stunned, only to realize that it was referring to radishes and onions.

The pheasant was tumbling in the stone pot, giving off a tempting meaty aroma. Xia Yi handed the radish and onion to Gu Wenzhu, "Brother Zhu, don't go looking for wild vegetables. Here, use this."

After Gu Wenzhu took it, he looked it up and down, and asked hesitantly, "Isn't this round one the Mu Ge that Elder Liu said? It seems to be very precious."

"Eat it with confidence." Xia Yi turned the rabbit on the fire, "We have a lot of these in our house. Last time, you pulled a cart to the military camp and sold it."

"Drag a cart to sell the barracks?" Gu Wenzhu was puzzled, and looked at the onion in his hand carefully, "But I don't remember I sold this, and I've never seen it anywhere else."

Seeing that Xia Yi didn't answer, he just looked at himself with a mysterious smile on his face, Gu Wenzhu's eyes suddenly lit up, "This is the vegetable we grew ourselves, and it will become this one after we pass through it. It looks like a unicorn?"

"Smart." Xia Yi praised: "This is the onion we grow at home."

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yi himself burst into laughter.

"Our family's onions will become Muge Immortal Fruit when they arrive here."

"Then where do you keep all these things?" Gu Wenzhu asked curiously, his eyes rolling on Xia Yi.

Xia Yi rudely knocked on his head, "What are you thinking? I don't know if I can hide you from me

"But don't ask, it's a secret."

"Okay, if you don't ask, don't ask." Gu Wenzhu smiled, and sure enough, he didn't ask any further.

179 breathed a sigh of relief in Xia Yi's mind.

Gu Wenzhu used his fingers as a knife and lightly slashed across the radish. Pointing to the wind, the radishes were scattered into small pieces. Then put it into the pot and simmer it with the pheasant.

The onion was also cut into pieces and stuffed into the belly of the roast rabbit.

It didn't take long for the rabbits and pheasants to recover. The two gathered around the stone pot, nibbling on rabbit meat and drinking chicken soup.

This chicken soup is very fresh, with a faint fragrance of radish. Rabbit meat is also roasted until it is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the skin is golden brown.

Before I knew it, all the meat and soup, including those radishes and onions, were swept clean by the two of them.

After eating, the last light on the mountain side also sank to the bottom of the valley, and it was already dark.

I don't know when it started, and there was sporadic light rain in the air.

Seeing that the light rain was getting bigger and bigger, making Xia Yi's hair and shoulders half wet, Gu Wenzhu went to the forest to find some wide leaves to keep out the rain.

Xia Yi grabbed him and said, "Brother Zhu doesn't need to go, I have a house." Looking around, he hesitantly took out the half-finished winter melon from his arms.

Seeing that a green winter melon house popped up on the ground, Gu Wenzhu asked Xia Yi in surprise, "Xiaoyi, what is this? Your magic weapon?"

Xia Yi felt that compared with Gu Wenzhu's magic weapon, his winter melon was not on the table, and it was hard to tell. He answered vaguely: "It's not a magic weapon, it's a tent, er, a house that can be moved."

As soon as the winter melon house was put out, the rain stopped.

The moon hangs on its head, and the autumn insects also begin to chirping.

Xia Yi leaned against Gu Wenzhu's arms, and the two sat on a large rock beside the cliff embracing each other.

He closed his eyes, felt the soft wind on his face, and listened to the sound of the night.

As if his perception was greatly amplified, he could hear the sounds of flowers and plants in addition to the sound of wind, water, trees swaying, and the chirping of various animals and insects.

The rhizomes of those flowers and plants rustled in the soil towards the outside, full of vigorous vitality.

It seems that there are all kinds of radio waves, from the sky, from the ground, from the strange sounds of nature from space.

Xia Yi was shocked and slowly opened his eyes.

When he was about to turn back and confide his strange feelings to Gu Wenzhu, the scene in front of him shocked him even more, and he couldn't say a word.

I saw countless spots of light floating around me and Gu Wen, floating slightly in the air.

It's like being surrounded by thousands of luminous stardust, and it's like countless fireflies gathered together.

I don't know how long these light spots have been floating around, and they have formed a band of light that flows slowly around the two of them.

As far as the eye can see, those stone cliffs, ground, trees, flowers, and even mountains and streams are all emitting that kind of small light spots, and they are slowly flying in the direction of the two of them.

Xia Yi stared at the marvelous scene in front of him in a stunned manner, just as he was about to call out to Brother Zhu, suddenly he felt that something was not right.

Gu Wenzhu should have noticed the abnormality long ago, but he didn't say a word and still sat with him in his arms.

Xia Yi hurriedly turned around and saw Gu Wenzhu sitting there with his eyes closed, he couldn't help sighing in relief.

I saw his chest rise and fall gently, and his breath was heavy, as if he was taking a nap or meditating.

But then it was discovered that something was wrong. The band of light gathered by the light spots around him seemed to be pulled by a suction force, and the flow swirled away towards Gu Wen, and got into his body.

And Gu Wenzhu's clothes are also automatically without wind, hunting and fanning.

The sleeves of the robe fluttered, and the wind seemed to be full of wind.

"179, 179, what's wrong with Brother Zhu?" Xia Yi called out to the system in horror, "Hurry up and see for me."

"Don't panic, host, Gu Wenzhu has unconsciously entered a state of meditation and is absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and turning it into existence." 179 quickly said, "Don't disturb him, just help him protect."

Xiuxian, Xiuxian, this is Xiuxian.

Xia Yi was excited and confused in his heart. Hearing that Gu Wenzhu was not disturbed, even the voice that was communicating with 179 in his head unconsciously lowered and turned into an airy tone.

"179, these light spots are spiritual power, are they equivalent to providing energy for Zhuge to become a god?"

"Ah, no, it has no effect on kidney function."

"I was a little flustered. I wanted him to smoke more, and I wanted to finish it earlier."

"Premature ejaculation is even more impossible."

179 also answered earnestly with an air tone.

Xia Yi was shocked, what was this system thinking about all day long

Seeing that more and more spots of light were rising from the mountains, and even in the distance there were bands of light winding from the sky, Xia Yi gradually became flustered.

Gu Wenzhu is now like a large air pump, all the light strips are continuously inhaled by him, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Xia Yi stared at Gu Wenzhu without blinking, trying to see every change on his face.

As long as Gu Wenzhu was abnormal and his expression showed pain and discomfort, he would rush up without hesitation and shake Gu Wenzhu madly awake.

Even if the legendary practice goes wrong, it is better than being blasted into fireworks by these auras.

However, the expression on Gu Wenzhu's face has always been calm and serene, and there is a faint light that appears on his face.

And it seems to have a layer of beauty, with a high nose bridge in the hazy, dark black hair, and more clearly defined facial features.

Xia Yi couldn't care about admiring the beauty in front of him, and just waited anxiously, waiting for Gu Wenzhu to wake up from the state of meditation.

I don't know how much time has passed, but I only know that the light is gradually brightening, and fish maw white has appeared on the horizon.

Xia Yi sat opposite Gu Wenzhu, and had been watching all night with his full attention. During this period, I did not go to the toilet once, and changed my posture once.

Just as he was about to ask 179 how long it would take, he heard Gu Wenzhu let out a breath of turbid breath and slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, the bottom of his eyes flickered, the shadows flowed, and then disappeared.

Xia Yi was stunned for a moment, and then shouted loudly, "Brother Zhu, are you finally awake?" He rushed up with a face full of surprise.

But I don't want to be stiff all over my body, my muscles are sore, I don't know if it's ice or numb, and my feet have no feeling. This time, instead of throwing himself into Gu Wenzhu's arms, he fell headfirst to the ground.

Xia Yi originally thought that this time he would fall firmly to the ground, but he did not want to fall into a warm and firm embrace.

He didn't see any movement from the opposite Gu Wenzhu, so he had already flashed to his side and caught himself firmly.

Gu Wenzhu caught Xia Yi and felt that his clothes were wet with dew, cold and astringent. Quickly use his spiritual power to evaporate the moisture around him.

Compared with the daytime, the night in this mountain has a very large temperature difference.

Although Xia Yi was nervous all night and was unaware of the cold weather, as soon as he relaxed, he felt cold all over and started to shiver.

While trembling, he burrowed into Gu Wenzhu's arms and kept asking, "Brother Zhu, how are you feeling? Nothing unusual, right?"

Gu Wenzhu held him in his arms distressedly, his eyes full of remorse.

Looking around, he picked up Xia Yi horizontally, and got into the winter melon house next to him.

The winter melon house has been covered with a long-haired carpet by Xia Yi, which is warm and dry, with a sweet aroma of fruits and vegetables.

Gu Wenzhu knelt on the ground, gently placed him on the carpet, took off his shoes and socks, put his cold feet against his chest, and rubbed him with both hands.

"Are you always watching over me like that?" Gu Wenzhu's face was cold, both distressed and angry, "I didn't know that when I came back to the room and sat, it was so cold that my feet were like ice cubes."

"You stay there just like sitting in the house. Be careful of catching yourself cold for nothing."

Gu Wenzhu said coldly with a dark face, but his movements were gentle. After a while, Xia Yi felt that his feet were conscious, and the blood seemed to flow.

"Brother Zhu, take a moment to feel if your body has changed." Xia Yi looked at Gu Wenzhu excitedly and expectantly, her tone full of eagerness to try.

Gu Wenzhu frowned and tilted his head, as if thinking about something. Then Xia Yi felt that his feet were being held by Gu Wenzhu's hands, as if two heat currents had been poured into them.

It was as if two flames had sprung up on the soles of his feet, warm but not scalding. After circling twice, and after the entire sole of the foot was warm, he followed the calf all the way up and swam around the body.

Xia Yi felt warm and comfortable all over, moved his position and leaned against Gu Wenzhu as if he had no bones, like a lazy cat.

The voice is also lazy, "Zhu brother, you are really amazing, you can control the water and temperature, warm in winter and cool in summer, IKEA and IKEA."

He raised his eyes slightly again, and his half-closed eyes were gleaming because of comfort, "Quickly feel it, to see if you have made any breakthroughs, opened up what veins, what realm you have reached, and so on."

The world of immortality is like this. Although Xia Yi has never practiced, he has read a lot of immortal novels.

Routines are routines.

He waited for Gu Wenxu to feel the changes in his body, but he felt that a pair of hands began to wander around him restlessly.

There were thin calluses on his fingertips, and there was a shudder wherever he passed.

Yeah, I asked you to feel yourself, but I didn't ask you to feel me.

Xia Yi was about to speak, but was blocked firmly.

After a while, Gu Wenzhu whispered in his ear with a light panting voice, "I don't feel it myself, I want you to come."

In a daze, Xia Yi seemed to be sinking and floating in a heat wave.

The heat wave was brought to him by Gu Wenzhu, flowing through his limbs from his lower abdomen. Everywhere in the body was washed, as if the body and mind were washed away from the dirt inside and out, and it looked brand new.

After wandering all over the body, he fed it back to Gu Wenzhu through XX, and suffered a new wave of heat.

The cycle repeats itself endlessly.

Xia Yi suddenly became smart, and instantly felt that this situation fit the description in Xiuxian's novels, and suddenly he became a little more awake.

Two bright red characters appeared in his mind:


Ah, no no no.

Double repair!

The author has something to say: Merry Christmas, little angels