Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 57


Cang Yi stood firmly at the door of the main hall.

I saw his eyes swept around the hall, and when he saw those who were still lying in mourning and grief, his brows were furrowed.

Seeing that Ze Yuan was holding Wu Qianyuan's head in his hand, his eyes were even sharper, and he was shocked and angry.

"Ze Yuan, but what did you do?"

Ze Yuan still kept his long spear in his hand, half kneeling on the ground. Wen Yan raised his eyes, looked coldly at Cang Yi in front of him, and said coldly, "I did it."

Cang Yi closed his eyes, his figure swayed slightly.

After a while, he asked in a hoarse voice, "Why are you doing this?"

"Just do it, what's the deal with you? You want to avenge them, just go straight up."

Seeing the pained expression on Cang Yi's face, Ze Yuan sneered again, "You don't have to look like this, who do you pretend to be?"

"But do you know how many innocent people will be killed by doing this?" Cang Yi stared at Ze Yuan, and his face was full of anger, "Have you ever thought about it, what will you do in the future? You... your father What shall we do?"

Zeyuan seemed to have been touched by the word father, and his face changed slightly and lowered his head.

After a while, she whispered, with resentment and despair in her voice, "My lover was killed by them."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head again, his voice trembling, and he said word by word, "My Wang Lan was killed by them and tortured for more than ten days. He died without resting his eyes, and his body was horrible to see."

"I looked everywhere, but I didn't expect him to be caught in the dungeon of Yulu Mountain. I couldn't help him and didn't protect him. Now that he's gone, I want the entire Xiuxian Realm to pay the debt with blood."

Ze Yuan's eyes were blood red, and his voice was shrill, like a lost lone wolf howling in pain.

"I'll ask you again, what do you want your father to do in the future?" Cang Yi also shouted sharply, and the fingers hanging on his side spasmed slightly.

Ze Yuan suddenly interrupted him and roared, "I can't control that much, all I know is that Wang Lan is gone, and Wang Lan was killed by them."

"You are now asking my father what to do in the future. Have you asked him all these years ago? Have you asked me?"

"We are nothing in your heart! What's the point of you being hypocritical now! Why pretend! Isn't it the same spirit? Isn't the world of immortals all in the same vein? If you want to kill it, you have to fight it. What's the point of talking nonsense? mean!"

When Cang Yi heard these words, his face was pale, his body trembled, and he closed his eyes in pain.

Seeing this, Liu Siqian immediately shouted at Ze Yuan alertly: "What nonsense are you talking about to our Immortal Venerable? It is said that the demons of the demon world are good at bewitching people. What have you done to our Immortal Venerable?"

Cang Yi suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and made a stop gesture, Liu Siqian had to swallow the rest of the words and closed his mouth angrily.

"Where's his corpse? Where did you put Wang Lan's corpse?" Cang Yi asked suddenly, having calmed down a lot.

"His body is naturally taken care of by me, what's the deal with you!" When Ze Yuan heard the mention of Wang Lan, he immediately looked at him sharply, like a vigilant beast.

Cang Yi ignored his evil appearance and said to himself, "You know in your heart that I will never harm you."

Ze Yuan continued to watch him, as if on guard, but also as if he was observing his expression.

Cang Yi didn't stare at him, his eyes were deep.

"He went to Qishan with me once before. There is a medicinal field at the foot of the mountain. He said that the flowers from the medicinal herbs are very beautiful." After a long time, Ze Yuan murmured.

"What are you doing here in Qishan?" Cang Yi's eyes were strange, his voice was low, and there was a hint of trembling that was hardly noticeable.

"I told him that I wanted to take him to see my relatives. Even if I can't, I'd better look at where he lives." Ze Yuan suddenly chuckled, as if mocking himself.

Then he raised his eyes and looked into the distance from the gate of the temple, his eyes were blank, "I also promised him that I would live with him by the medicine field in the future, and look at the flowers with all kinds of medicinal materials."

"So, I put him in a jade coffin and let him sleep by the medicine field. But he will not be alone. Now the pair of flower essences, his parents, are also by his side."

"And Xiao Hei, there too."

"When I get my revenge, I will accompany him."

"Hurry up and take me there, the jade coffin has sealed his three souls and six souls that have not yet dissipated, and there is still time." Cang Yi interrupted his muttering and said hastily.

Ze Yuan didn't seem to hear what he said, and he was still caught in his own thoughts, his face was blank, and even Cang Yi walked up to him and didn't notice it.

Cang Yi grabbed the front of his clothes, dragged him from the ground, and said sharply, "I asked you to take me to see Wang Lan now, before it's too late."

"Also, what do you mean it's too late?" Ze Yuan was shocked, as if he was suddenly awakened, looked at Cang Yi in a daze, and asked in a trembling voice.

Just like that, Cang Yi grabbed the front of his clothes without resisting, and his eyes suddenly lit up with an incredible surprise, as well as a deep expectation and pleading.

"Let's go." Cang Yi let go of him, hurried out of the hall door, waved his hand, and stepped on the long sword suspended in the low sky.

Looking at the surging silver line in the sky, he turned back and shouted sharply: "You take back the Hidden Sea first."

Ze Yuan's expression was no longer in a hurry, and without saying a word, he rushed out of the temple door and waved the long spear in his hand, only to see that the silver line in the sky slowly retreated again.

Just as the two were about to fly towards the Qishan faction, a hoarse voice sounded on the ground, "Xianzun, this devil killed my sect, destroyed my sect, and hurt my sect, this bloody feud, Xianzun, you have to help us get it back. Fair enough."

His voice was full of deep resentment.

The one who spoke was a Yulu Sect who had his arm cut off.

After some treatment, he just woke up from a blood loss coma, and was lying on the stone steps leaning against the column, staring at Ze Yuan.

Cang Yi paused for a while, then turned sideways and said coldly, "I will find out about this by myself. No matter who it is, as long as it is evil, it will definitely pay the price."

After he finished speaking, he drove the long sword under his feet to fly to the sky, Ze Yuan also stepped on the silver spear and quickly followed.

Next, for those who remained in Yulu Mountain, those who should be healed and those who should regulate their breathing, the body of Wu Qianyuan, the head of the Yulu Sect, was also sealed in a coffin.

Seeing that the Yulu Gate was no longer in the way, Ze Yuan followed Cang Yi to Qishan.

Although it was Immortal Venerable Cang Yi, Liu Siqian was still not at ease, and hurried back to the sect with all the disciples.

The sect waited anxiously until late at night, only to see the returning Cang Yi.

The crowd hurriedly gathered around and asked questions with concern.

Cang Yi just waved his hands tiredly, "Ze Yuan has already lost his mind, so I won't talk about this later."

Then, his eyes were sharp and his tone gradually intensified, "It was Wu Qianyuan of the Yulu Sect who misbehaved. If he didn't practice properly, he wanted to go the wrong way and hurt innocent people's lives with cruel means, which caused the young master of the demon world to come to seek revenge."

"Although he also hurt a few people in Yulu Sect, it is their own fault. Besides, Ze Yuan also got the punishment he deserved."

"From now on, the Xiuxian Realm does not allow anyone to seek revenge and trouble in the Demon Realm. If I know that someone is dissatisfied and secretly goes his own way, I will not be able to forgive him."

Seeing that everyone was silent and didn't dare to show any signs of disobedience, Cang Yi's expression softened again.

He only said that he was going to retreat, and from now on, the affairs of the gang were handed over to Tianxuan to take care of it temporarily.

While speaking, his voice was low, his face was haggard, and he could not help but cough twice occasionally.

Several people saw that Cang Yi had no signs before, and suddenly said that he was going to retreat.

However, seeing Cang Yi's current situation, it was obvious that he had a fight with the devil Zeyuan.

Although he defeated Ze Yuan in the end, after all, the monster had deep magic power, and Immortal Venerable was probably also severely injured, so he had to retreat to recuperate.

Therefore, several people obediently stopped asking in detail.

After speaking, let the others leave, leaving Tianxuan behind.

I don't know what they told him, but it was all about his sect after the retreat.

That night, Immortal Venerable Cang Yi disappeared, thinking that he had already retreated.

That catastrophe was thus vanished by Cang Yi.

The monstrous flood has receded, and there has been no news of Mo Zi Zeyuan in the Xiuxian world since then.

During this period, it is estimated that Jie Entropy has been paying attention to Cang Yi's movements. As soon as he heard the news that Immortal Venerable had left the customs recently, he came to seek revenge.

When Jie Entropy finished saying the words "Vengeance for Killing Son", the venue was silent.

Because of Cang Yi's attitude back then, the Qishan Party never mentioned the matter of Yulu Mountain, but the disciples of the sect knew all about it in private, and would always talk quietly after dinner and before going to bed at night.

At this time, when they heard Jie Entropy come to take revenge, they couldn't help but tremble with fear and chills all over their bodies.

"Back then Cang Yi begged me not to hurt you before he left the customs, and I agreed when I was soft-hearted. But I didn't expect that after he left the customs, he would still shrink his head and dare not show up, is it because he was afraid that I would hear the news? Come here and destroy your Qishan family?"

Jie Entropy looked around and sneered coldly.

"You bastard is full of nonsense." Cheng Ming suddenly became furious when he heard the disdain for Immortal Venerable Cang Yi in his tone.

The bright sword that had been stagnant above his head suddenly burst into silver light and stabbed straight at Jie Entropy.

"Heaven's power is impossible." Liu Siqian hurriedly stopped him, but the sword had already flown out.

Seeing that he was about to stab Jie Entropy, he stopped a few feet in front of him, trembling slightly, and he couldn't move any further.

Jie Shuo didn't even look at it, and suddenly said to the front, "Cang Yi, I know that you have left the customs. The appointment of the year, come to practice today, the revenge of killing your son will never end. If you don't show up again, every other time. In half an hour, I will kill ten people under your sect until you show up."

It didn't seem to be loud, but the shout echoed in the sky of the entire Qishan faction.

Xia Yi also heard this, so he could not help grasping Gu Wenzhu's arm beside him with one hand, and wrapping his arms around Qilin's neck with the other.

Is this Jie Entropy a secondary disease, or a sociopath? She looks like a beautiful woman with a smile on her face. She opens her mouth to kill, and she kills ten in half an hour

"Shut up!" Liu Siqian couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his sword and pointed it at Jie Entropy, "We originally respected you as a demon, but you deceived me to send an immortal to retreat. First, you kidnapped the disciples and the head of the sect, and now you Immortal Venerable made a rude remark."

"Do you think that I will be captured by you at Qishan? Even if you are a Demon Venerable, if you fight with Qishan's entire family today, it will definitely make you look good."

"All the disciples under the sect, come out with swords."

As soon as the voice fell, I saw the hundreds of thousands of swords floating in the sky all emitting light, and the swords trembled and made a buzzing sound. Entropy shoots away.

"Ah." Xia Yi exclaimed briefly and closed his eyes.

Even if Jie Entropy is an anti-social element, as a citizen who grew up in modern society and obeyed the law since childhood, Xia Yi would not see anyone being tied into honeycomb.

However, the imagined screams were not heard. Instead, there was a loud bang in the field, and then there was the clang of a sharp sword.

Xia Yi opened his eyes and looked out in astonishment.

I saw long swords falling everywhere on the ground in front of me, and some were still slanted in the cracks of the slate, shaking tremblingly.

And Na Jie Entropy is still standing in place, the red clothes are better than blood, and they are flying in the wind. The snow-white skin made the eyebrows darker and darker, like a deep pool.

Xia Yi couldn't help but look at Gu Wenzhu next to him.

Gu Wenzhu felt that Xia Yi was looking at him, so he turned his head, raised one eyebrow, and showed a questioning look.

Those eyes were pitch black as well.

Xia Yi hurriedly shook his head, then turned back and pointed to the front, meaning to continue to look.

As soon as Gu Wenzhu turned his gaze back, he called out, "Not good."

Just as Xia Yi was about to ask what was wrong, he saw that there was already a Qishan disciple in the hands of Jie Shuo, who was still standing in the same place and had not seen any movement.

The disciple was tall and strong, but he was pinched by Jie Xue, who was much thinner than him, like a little chicken with no ability to struggle.

When he was adjusted by Jie Entropy, Xia Yi almost exclaimed.

It is clear sleeves.

I saw Jie Entropy grabbed the back of Qing Xiu's neck with one hand, and hovered over his head with the other hand, and a black qi rose slightly from the palm of his hand.

"Cang Yi, I'll do it dozens of times. If you don't show up again, don't blame me for killing me."

"one two Three,"

Qing Xiu's eyes had already floated for a while, he looked nostalgically in the direction of the Qishan Sect, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.

"Four," Jie Entropy counted casually, seemingly casual, but there were hidden waves in his eyes.


Jie Entropy only counted to five, and a clear shout came from the air.

The author has something to say: Thanks for the nutrient solution of Kuaipao Panda