Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 59


In fact, deep in Gu Wenzhu's heart, he already had some faith in Jie Entropy. Because the first time I saw him, some intermittent images appeared in my mind.

In those pictures, Jie Shuo watched him tenderly, and he could also feel his inner peace and joy.

Not to mention, Jie Shuo pointed out the mark behind his ear without hesitation, and called it the mark of protecting the soul.

In his memory, he suffered several serious illnesses when he was a child, and he burned into a stupor.

Gu's father was so anxious that he was at a loss, so he could only force him to pour the soup and medicine from the village Tulangzhong, and then wipe him with a handkerchief over and over again.

Gu Wenzhu was in a semi-consciousness, only to feel that his body was getting lighter and lighter, as if there was nothing, and he floated up along the air.

He could even float and see his own body, lying quietly on the bed with his eyes closed.

And Father Gu was twisting the wet handkerchief anxiously and was wiping it on his back.

When he was about to float out of the window following a gust of wind, when he saw his body, the blue birthmark behind his ear gradually became a layer of light, and an unfamiliar mark flashed.

Then I felt a huge suction hit, and I was instantly sucked back into my body.

Could it be that this is what Jie Shuo said about the soul-protecting seal, and opening the seal helped him protect the soul that was about to leave

Gu Wenzhu's heart was like a mess, and he was disturbed, and he couldn't tell what he felt.

Suddenly being told by a stranger that you love your parents, they are not your biological parents, and this stranger is your father.

It is difficult for anyone to accept it.

Xia Yi was also very surprised at this time, but he didn't show the slightest on his face.

He stared at Jie Entropy in front of him calmly, held Gu Wenzhu's hand tightly, and felt a cold and damp place.

In the brain, the system screamed in waves.

"Host, it turns out that Gu Wenzhu is not from the farming world. He actually has biological parents here. What about his parents?"

"Host, you are the princess of the devil world."

"Host, I have a terrible guess, Cang Yi—"

"Shut up." Xia Yi fiercely interrupted 179, "One more word, and I'll complain to you."

Jie Entropy looked at Gu Wenzhu eagerly, eager to prove to him that he was Ze Yuan, "I was injured by the great elder of the demon world and was in retreat. After I received the news that you went to Yulu Mountain, I forcibly went out and rushed out. , but it's too late..."

"Ze Yuan, you are indeed Jie Shuo's son." Cang Yi's voice suddenly sounded aside.

I saw him take a deep breath again, as if he had made a decision.

"I am also your biological father."

This time, the whole square was dead silent.

The sword in one of the disciples slipped off and fell to the ground with a clang, and the sound of gold and iron resounded.

None of the people present were able to regain their senses and closed their open mouths.

Only 179 screamed excitedly in Xia Yi's head, "Am I right? You think I'm right? You told me to shut up."

Xia Yizheng was holding Gu Wenzhu's hand tightly, his heart shocked and his expression calm.

"The immortals and demons have always been antagonistic, and it is because I am too strict with the old rules that I have left you father and son for so many years."

Cang Yi's voice was hoarse, and everyone in the square could hear it clearly.

"As for myself, I am tortured by longing and guilt all the time, and I have never felt at ease every day."

"After all these years of retreat, I finally got rid of the knot and figured out some—"

Xia Yi found that Cang Yi's lips were still opening and closing, and his expression was no longer as calm as usual, but the voice suddenly couldn't reach his ears, as if he was performing a pantomime.

What did you figure out? ah? If you have something to say, don't just keep your mouth shut.

No, it doesn't feel right, it's not that he didn't say anything.

This is to wear!

Xia Yi quickly looked around, and sure enough, the air began to float, and the surrounding scene rippled like water waves.

"179, it seems to be wearing it again!"

"Yes, host, quickly wave your parents-in-law and say goodbye."

Gu Wenzhu also noticed something different, but at this time he couldn't open his mouth and couldn't move his body.

Seeing Jie Entropy and Cang Yi's expressions getting more and more shocked, they reached out and tried to grab themselves, but they were in vain.

The unicorn named Da Hei who had been lying on the ground also stood up and let out a long roar at this side, with a bit of anxiety.

Gu Wenzhu stabilized his mind and tightly held Xia Yi's hand beside him. After a while, he was caught in the vortex of time and space.

After the surroundings calmed down, there were a few barks in his ears, and Xia Yi slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the big red window grilles with happy characters, the burnt out dragon and phoenix candles on the table, and several pieces of furniture made by Gu Wenzhu himself, he could not help letting out a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, this is home.

The unicorn has turned into a dog-like shape, and is looking around anxiously around him. It seems that the scene has changed in a hurry, and his big black father has disappeared.

Gu Wenzhu still stood blankly, holding Xia Yi's hand, his expression stunned, obviously he hadn't recovered from the scene just now.

Xia Yi called out tentatively, "Brother Zhu."

Then he suddenly came back to his senses, looked around, and looked at Xia Yi with a dazed look, "Are we coming back?"

Xia Yi nodded.

Looking around, the house still maintained the appearance of passing through on the wedding night, but it was covered with a layer of ash.

"Xiaoyi, me, the two of them," Gu Wenzhu looked at Xia Yi, hesitant to say anything, not knowing where to start.

"It should be getting dark soon, I'll go cook for you." After being stunned for a while, Gu Wen hurriedly walked out towards the kitchen.

Xia Yi knew that he needed to be alone at this time to calm down and sort out his thoughts, so he didn't follow.

Seeing Gu Wenzhu's figure entering the kitchen, he squatted down, stroked Qilin's big head, and said warmly, "Don't panic, dear son, we'll be there in the future, and we'll see your dog dad again."

"Actually, I'm just your adoptive father, that's your biological father, right?"

Qilin didn't respond, just licked Xia Yi's hand, calmed down, and was no longer so restless.

After a while, dinner was ready, and the two sat down to eat, silent.

Xia Yi always looked at Gu Wenzhu secretly, and saw a calm expression on his face, as if nothing had happened.

Maybe it was because he looked too many times, Gu Wenzhu tapped his bowl with chopsticks, "Concentrate on eating."

Xia Yi finally couldn't bear it any longer, put down the bowl and chopsticks, "Brother Zhu, what are you thinking?"

Gu Wenzhu devoured his own meals without saying a word.

Just when Xia Yi thought he wouldn't answer, Gu Wenzhu swallowed the food in his mouth and suddenly said, "I don't know them, my parents are Gu Dashi and Li Xiu'er."

Then he took a piece of tofu and put it in Xia Yi's bowl, "Hurry up, don't think about it."

Xia Yi nodded, picked up the bowls and chopsticks again, and started eating.

At this time, the courtyard door creaked, was pushed open, and a head stuck in.

Seeing that the two were eating, Qi Zhou came in and said with relief: "You guys have come back. Where did you go after disappearing these days? Did it spread to Qishan?"

"Uncle Wang asks me about you every day, and I said you went to Junior Brother Xia's hometown, but I was so anxious. If you don't come back, I don't know how to explain it to the villagers." Qi Zhou complained loudly.

"Master was talking to me just now, and he disappeared suddenly, leaving me here alone." Qi Zhou remembered the scene last night, his eyes were still a little red, if he was the only one left in this world, he would Still don't know what to do.

"Has Elder Meng passed it back?" Xia Yi asked.

"Yes, it just turned into a spot of light and disappeared." Qi Zhou stood in the courtyard, his expression still a little embarrassed.

"I watched him disappear, and I wondered if you guys came back, so I came over to see. It's okay, you've sent it back."

Xia Yi looked at his panicked appearance and comforted: "Don't worry, you will pass it back sooner or later."

"Have you eaten?" Xia Yi asked.

Meng Wanzi has already passed it on, so Qi Zhou, the master cultivator who doesn't take fireworks, is going to starve to death? Let him eat at his own house in the future.

"I have eaten." Qi Zhou replied absently, "Gu Beicheng cooks for me."

Xia Yi nodded, as long as he didn't starve to death.

At night, Xia Yi lay quietly beside Gu Wenzhu, pressed his face to his chest, and listened to the powerful heartbeat in his chest, but no one spoke.

After a while, Gu Wenzhu spoke softly. His voice was low, as if it came from his chest.

"When I was a child, my family was very poor. When I saw the children in the village eating maltose during Chinese New Year, I didn't dare to ask my father for it. My stepmother was not very healthy. Besides meals, the rest of the family had to pay her to see a doctor and get medicine."

"As a result, when I came home that day, my father took out a piece of candy from behind and gave it to me."

"I still remember the taste of that piece of candy. It was very sweet. I asked my dad to taste it, but he didn't eat it, but gave it to my stepmother. She shook her head, and the two of them looked at me with smiles..."

Gu Wenzhu suddenly interrupted his words, took a few deep breaths, turned his head to the side, and looked out the dark window through the window.

The beautiful pictures that have been cherished for so many years seem to be a very lame story when I say it again.

After a while, he calmed down and said in a flat tone:

"They will never abandon me, except in life and death."

"Gu Dashi and Liu Xiu'er are my biological parents, I have no other parents."

Xia Yi closed his eyes and leaned against his chest motionless. After a while, he reached out his hand and gently touched Gu Wenzhu's face in the dark.

Warm and soft fingers caressed the sharp and deep outline with careful cherishing and pity.

Gu Wenzhu tilted his head, and pressed his soft palm tightly.

There is confusion and bitterness in my heart, or maybe I am afraid of something else.

The next day, when Xia Yi woke up, he was surprised to find that he had slept until noon.

Gu Wen went to the ground early in the morning, and he was served warm porridge and steamed buns in the kitchen.

"179, why didn't you wake me up, you've already slept until this time." Xia Yi was a little annoyed.

179 hurriedly complained, "I called you several times and played a march in your head, but there was no response at all. You are too sleepy, host."

"Is that so? I'm sorry, it may be that my body is too weak recently, so I have to do more exercise."

Xia Yi ate the porridge and the steamed buns in one hand, listening to 179 give him a new task in his mind.

"Host, your lettuce has already matured on the day you got married, and the task has been completed. After so many days of waste, you should also take on a new task and farm well."

Xia Yi took a sip of the meat porridge, "Hurry up, don't delay my meal, I have to go and collect the lettuce in the field after I finish eating."

"Please host to accept a new mission.

Mission Introduction: Rescue Qishan Sect Master and all his disciples who were kidnapped.

Completion: 0/1

mission rewards--"

When the system read the quest reward here, it suddenly stopped the sound, as if the host was stuck.

"179?" After waiting for a while before the system continued, Xia Yi became puzzled, "Are you gone, 179?"

After a while, the mechanical sound of the system sounded, "I'm here."

"What happened to you just now that your voice suddenly stopped?" Xia Yi asked.

"Nothing." 179's voice became hesitant.

"What happened?" The system revealed this tone, which made Xia Yi suddenly alert, "No, is there something wrong with that quest reward?"

179's voice became very erratic, "Nothing, host, don't think too much."

"Then tell me clearly, what is the reward for that mission?"

"The quest reward is just an ordinary gift bag. It contains some medicinal pills. It's the same as before." 179's voice returned to normal.

"Really?" Xia Yi's voice was still suspicious.

"Yes." 179's voice was serious and serious.

Well, although this system is spicy, it doesn't seem to have lied.

Seeing that Xia Yi no longer asked, 179 let out a sigh of relief.

"Then you haven't told me what this new mission is."

"Whatever you want, plant whatever you want, just plant it blindly." 179 was very absent-minded.

"Blind?" Xia Yi was stunned.

This is the first time I have seen 179 being so irresponsible for his own work, and he doesn't even bother to arrange tasks properly.

"179, then I plant some marshmallows?" Xia Yi asked tentatively.

"Okay." "179, then I plant some ice cream? Plant the sun?" Xia Yi asked again.


"Did you hear what I said?" Xia Yi finally couldn't help but wake up the system loudly.

If you don't assign me tasks, let me plant whatever you want, but just two words are the worst.

"Then you can grow carrots." 179 replied after thinking about it.

"Okay, carrot."

After eating, Xia Yi picked up the hoe and walked into the field, greeting the villagers along the way.

"Xiaoyi, come back from her mother's house."

"I haven't seen you and Wen Zhu in the past few days. I know you went home in the middle of the night. Those who didn't know thought you were caught by the mountain spirit and wild monsters, hehe."

... maiden's home.

All right.

The mother's house is the mother's house.

When they reached the ground, Xia Yi took a deep breath of fresh air.

It smells of moist earth and fresh melon leaves, so homely and familiar. He just wanted to throw off his arms and dig for three days.


The author has something to say: I figured it out and thought that Xia Yi might have already figured it out.

Thanks to lemon jam sub for the nutrient solution.