Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 61


What? Timing imports? What does this have to do with my illness? Xia Yi didn't react for a while, and his expression was a little confused.

Immediately, he understood the meaning of these words, and slowly opened his eyes, both in shock and disbelief.

That's not what it means, is it? isn't it? Maybe Zhuge or a relative of the original body is coming here

Xia Yi's expression was stiff, but there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart, "Brother Zhu, make it clearer, what do you mean by importing a baby in our family?"

Gu Wenzhu first looked at him silently, his expression focused, as if observing his expression.

Then he said cautiously, "Xiaoyi, you are pregnant with a child."

Xiaoyi, you are pregnant with a child.

You are pregnant with a child.


Xia Yi stood there dumbfounded, his limbs numb and his mind buzzing.

"You, are you talking nonsense? I think you are mistaken." Xia Yi tried his best to suppress his emotions and try to be as calm as possible.

It's just that the voice was still trembling, with unconcealed horror.

Gu Wenzhu looked at him silently, with deep black eyes.

Then, he stroked the back of his head with his hand and brought it into his arms.

Xia Yi buried his head in front of that broad chest, and his heart only sank.

He has been terrified since the very beginning when he talks about the third sex here. But after so long, he gradually forgot that this was a child-bearing world.

When he put this matter behind him, others told him suddenly.

you are pregnant.

He scratched the words carefully, as if he didn't think that the person involved was himself, but felt that the whole thing revealed a kind of weird and funny.

Can really be pregnant.

There is a real life in the stomach.

This life is still growing up in his womb, and one day, he, a man, will give birth to it.

Xia Yi finally felt a sense of reality, only to feel the blood rushing to the top of his head. The whole body was hot and hot for a while, and then it was like being in an ice cave.

There were a lot of emotions in his heart, sad, flustered, overwhelmed, and frightened.

Suddenly, I felt a sense of grievance welling up in my heart, and my eyes began to heat up.

Feeling a piece of wetness slowly soaking into his chest, Gu Wen slid up and down his Adam's apple.

He lowered his head, grabbed the back of Xia Yi's neck, and moved his head slightly from his arms.

Touching his forehead, gently touching the tip of his nose with the tip of his nose.

Xia Yi tilted her head, her eyes were flushed, her small chin was round, and her slender neck was porcelain white, with an endearing fragility.

I saw him looking aside for a moment, then suddenly turned back to look at Gu Wenzhu, his eyes burning with anger.

"Why wasn't you born? Ah? Why do you want me to be born again?"

His eyes were fierce, but his voice was hoarse and trembling with the will to resist crying.

Gu Wenzhu was speechless when asked.

But seeing Xia Yi's chest rising and falling with excitement, panting heavily, he quickly apologized warmly, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I can't get pregnant, I'm sorry."

"I originally blamed you." Xia Yi blushed, threw away the hand that touched his back, and shouted loudly, "It's all your fault."

"Yes, yes, it's my fault, it's all my fault." Gu Wenzhusheng apologized repeatedly for fear that he would hurt himself suddenly.

Xia Yi was furious, he wanted to hit people, he wanted to smash everything in sight and destroy it.

He angrily pushed Gu Wenzhu away, and his eyes began to wander around the room.

He picked up a teapot on the table, and as he threw it hard, "Bang", the fragments scattered.

The small pottery vase with wild flowers in it was smashed.

The big red window grille attached to the window is a fat doll holding a big fish. It looks so unsightly and dazzlingly red, and the doll smiles so maliciously.

Tear it off, tear it all off.

Xia Yi was panting heavily, red-eyed and furiously running around the room, like a cannonball that had already been lit.

Gu Wenzhu silently followed behind him, letting him smash the room into pieces. It just kicks away the broken pieces of porcelain around him very quickly.

When Xia Yi didn't find anything to smash, he stopped. Standing in a pile of mess with collapsed shoulders, the back looks aggrieved and sad.

Gu Wenzhu leaned forward and carefully picked him up from behind, "Are you tired? If you're not tired, you can beat me to vent your anger."

Xia Yi closed his eyes tiredly and buried his head in the warm embrace.

Next, he didn't mention it anymore, as if it had never happened, and he wasn't pregnant, he still carried his hoe to the ground every day.

Gu Wenzhu was nervous and worried, but he didn't dare to stop him, so he had to follow him every day. Seeing that he was about to swing his hoe, he quickly picked it up and planed it a few times.

Pregnancy was very difficult. The first thing I woke up every day was to rush to the clean room to vomit, but nothing came out.

At this time, Gu Wenzhu could only hug him behind him, caress his back lightly, and then feed him a bowl of sour soup made from plums.

Ever since he found out that sour plums can well suppress Xia Yi's nausea, there is always a warm bowl on the table, and it is replaced with a new one when it cools down.

Xia Yi began to be picky eaters, not eating meat, vegetables, or fish.

Gu Wenzhu had to chop all the meat and vegetables into mince, and then carefully season it and cook it into porridge for him to eat.

When taking a bath at night, Xia Yi stripped naked and stood in front of the bronze mirror, looking coldly at himself with his lower abdomen gradually protruding, as if he was looking at a stranger, his eyes were not warm.

It wasn't until Gu Wenzhu knocked on the door uneasily and asked him why he hadn't finished washing before he put on his clothes and went out.

It seemed that over time, Xia Yi finally accepted the fact that she was pregnant and gradually calmed down.

179 became smart for the first time, and noticed that under Xia Yi's seemingly calm appearance, there was an undercurrent surging, and it was uncertain when it would erupt.

So during this time, there was no more noise, as if he was dead in his mind.

That night, Xia Yi tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. He simply stared straight at the top of the bed from behind, staring at the light blue bedding above.

Beside him, Gu Wenzhu was falling into a deep sleep, with long breathing and a slight snoring.

Xia Yi suddenly burst into a nameless fire and pushed him with his hand, his voice pretending to be calm, "Brother Zhu, I want to eat dates."

Gu Wenzhu stopped snoring, turned over and went back to sleep.

Xia Yi kicked his calf again, raised his voice and said, "Brother Zhu, I want to eat dates."

Gu Wenzhu heard Xia Yi's voice this time, opened his eyes in a daze, turned his head and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Yi, why haven't you slept yet?"

When he was done, he reached out his hand to hug him in his arms.

Xia Yi pushed Gu Wenzhu away, looked at him seriously, and said word by word, "I said, I want, eat, jujube."

There was a stubborn stubbornness in his eyes.

Gu Wenzhu looked out the window sleepily, "What time is it? Besides, there are no jujubes in winter. I'll go and see which one has jujubes tomorrow, okay?"

After he finished speaking, he took Xia Yi into his arms and patted him on the back soothingly, "Go to sleep, it's very late."

Gu Wenzhu gently patted Xia Yi's back with his hands, and closed his eyes again.

When it was hazy, I suddenly felt a slight tremor beside me, and there was a sound of nose twitching.

At this moment, his drowsiness disappeared, he rolled over and sat up, reaching out to light the oil lamp, "Xiaoyi, is there any discomfort?"

The oil lamp was lit, and he saw Xia Yi lying upright on the bed, his chest heaving up and down, tears constantly overflowing from the corners of his eyes, sliding down his temples into the pillow. Gu Wenzhu panicked and patted Xia Yi's cheek gently, "Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, are you having a nightmare?"

"Nightmare, nightmare, all you have to do is ask me if I'm having a nightmare." Xia Yi suddenly opened his eyes, sat up angrily, collapsed and shouted, "I've said it several times, I want to eat dates! I want to eat date!"

"I'm going to find Lang Zhong to kill this child tomorrow! Kill him!"

"I never thought about having a baby, I hated him, hated him!"

After shouting, he buried his face in the quilt, howled sadly, and his shoulders twitched violently.

Gu Wenzhu's hand gently fell on his shoulder, and he flung it away, "Go away! Don't touch me! Let me be quiet for a while!"

He felt that Gu Wenzhu had been standing beside him, looking at him quietly. It continued to be buried, immersed in anxiety and anger, and kept crying.

The string that had been breaking these days, the fear that had been hidden deep in his heart, and the emotions that made him angry and restless, finally turned into tears.

After a while, I suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened.

Then, a gust of cold wind whistled back in, making the oil paper on the window squeak.

With the sound of the door closing, the wind suddenly stopped.

Xia Yi raised his head blankly, only to see that the room was silent and empty, and Gu Wenzhu had already gone out.

He really just left.

Xia Yi couldn't help feeling bewildered, stopped crying, and stared at the closed door with swollen eyes.

Maybe the next second Gu Wenzhu will come in with the hot sour soup and let him drink it with a smile.

But after waiting for a while, the door didn't open.

Time passed slowly, and Xia Yi sat on the bed in a daze, listening to the shrieks of the cold wind raging outside the window.

The wind blew through the leaves, and from time to time the clack of the overwhelmed trunk could be heard.

Did Brother Zhu really leave like this? He was mad at me. Will he come back when he's out of breath? He won't just leave me like this.

Xia Yi couldn't help but panic, and his heart was full of regrets.

After sniffing, he looked around. Gu Wenzhu's clothes on the back of the chair were missing only one coat, and the padded clothes were still there.

The wind is so strong and the temperature is lower at night, so he will not be frozen when he goes out like this

"179, is Zhuge alright? I've been out for so long and haven't come back." Although Xia Yi tried her best to restrain herself, she still had a hint of panic at the end of her voice.

The system didn't say anything. He knew that Xia Yi was in a bad mood recently, which would have angered him, and he always hid there and pretended to be dead.

The old branches outside the house made another unbearable click, and Xia Yi shivered all over.

No, I'm going out to find him.

He suddenly lifted the quilt, got up and went to bend over to put on his shoes.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in the yard, and then the door was pushed open, and the wind was closed instantly, isolating the cold and cold outside.

Under the candlelight, the tall figure turned against the light, and Gu Wen chased over.

Seeing Xia Yi staring blankly at him, his words were filled with joy, "I found it, I found you a handful of red dates, fortunately, Sister Wang's house—"

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Xia Yi rush over suddenly, slammed into his arms, and hugged his waist tightly.

He said repeatedly: "Brother Zhu, don't go, don't go."

"What's wrong?" Seeing him like this, Gu Wenzhu couldn't help but get anxious, "What happened?"

Xia Yi shook his head desperately, "I'm too self-willed, don't go." After saying that, he seemed to feel that he was still not close enough, and then stretched out his hand to hook Gu Wenzhu's neck.

"When did I say I was leaving?" Gu Wenzhu was stunned for a moment, then smiled again, "Where can I go when you are with the child?"

After speaking, he kissed Xia Yi's head again, "What are you thinking about? Stupid or not, eh?"

Not knowing where he was bumped, he only heard a hiss, and he let out a painful inhalation from between his teeth.

Xia Yi raised her head quickly, and asked nervously and anxiously, "What's wrong? Where is the pain?" He took two steps back and looked at Gu Wenzhu's whole body with his eyes.

"It's nothing, it's just that I can't see Dao in the dark, I fell and it's fine." Gu Wenzhu quickly comforted Xia Yi when he saw Xia Yi's anxious appearance.

Xia Yi stubbornly still wanted to check, and reached out to unbutton his shirt.

Gu Wenzhu had no choice but to stretch out his right hand, "It's really okay, it's just that my hand scratched the skin."

Xia Yi gently lifted his sleeves, and his heart twitched in an instant.

I saw a few bloodstains winding upwards from the wrist, extending to the elbow, and the deepest two were still oozing blood.

"Does it hurt?" Xia Yi was so distressed that his voice was shaking.

He stretched out his finger to gently touch the blood stain, but he was afraid of hurting him, so he stopped abruptly, and the finger was suspended in mid-air tremblingly.

"It doesn't hurt, this little injury doesn't get in the way, don't be sad." Gu Wenzhu looked at him softly.

Xia Yi touched his face, the place where he started was cold, and quickly grabbed the cotton-padded coat on the back of the chair and put it on him.

Gu Wenzhu suddenly remembered something, took out a small cloth bag from his arms with his left hand, and put it on the table.

The cloth bag was spread out, revealing a dozen large and bright red dates inside.

"I went from house to house to ask, and finally found it at Brother Wang's house. This is what was left when Sister Wang gave birth to an egg baby and was confinement." Gu Wenzhu smiled and looked at the handful of red dates, the dark Eyes flashed.

Then he carefully picked one up and put it to Xia Yi's mouth, "Hurry up and try to taste the sweetness." His eyes were full of anticipation.

Xia Yi took a light bite with red eyes, only to feel the sweetness of red dates overflowing between her lips and tongue.

"Sweet." He rolled his eyes and smiled.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Tian の Xia Xia's rocket launcher, and thanks to the little angel for your comment, you are sweeter than Xiao Yi's big red dates.