Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 62


After this incident, Xia Yi didn't bother anymore, she was already pregnant anyway, what else could I do

Not to mention the tossing and turning, every time Gu Wenzhu suffers, which makes him feel very distressed.

Recently he has stopped vomiting and his appetite is getting better. Every meal of fish, meat and eggs continued, chewing snacks at any time, and it seemed to bulge like a fermented steamed bun.

Gu Wenzhu's cheeks were getting thinner and thinner, as if he was actually pregnant.

Although he never said it, he showed joy and caution everywhere, telling him that he cared about this child.

Xia Yi no longer has the idea of aborting the fetus.

I don't know if it was because of the pregnancy, but when he saw the lively children in the village recently, he couldn't help but feel soft in his heart, and he couldn't help but caress his lower abdomen.

With the baby's first fetal movement, he felt his small hands and feet for the first time, and gradually he had expectations for the arrival of this life in the womb.

Besides, those delicate little girls in the original world can give birth bravely, why should I be a big man and a gentleman

Why don't you just have a baby, what a big deal.

Gu Wen came back from day to day, and when he entered the house, he always felt that something had changed.

Taking a closer look, there were more new teapots on the table, and a bunch of wild flowers were still stained with moisture in the new pottery vase by the bed.

On the window lattice where the fat doll was torn off by Xia Yi, there were two little red paper figures holding hands. One of the little figures' arms was obviously unnatural and much thicker.

Taking a closer look, there is another layer of paper pasted on the arm, which is cut into a swaddle.

It's just that the handwork is very poor. One of the little people's legs are not the same length, and the other's body is bent upwards, like a hunchback.

Gu Wenzhu watched it carefully for a while, then walked out of the room.

When I came back, I had an extra bowl of batter in my hand. He carefully re-glued the part that was not glued.

Taking two steps back, he touched his chin and looked at it, the corners of his lips raised slightly.

179 has recently started to talk a lot again. When he is free every day, he will play soothing light music in his mind, or read aloud to him the guide for pregnant women.

One day he fell asleep and was woken up by Peppa Pig's dialogue. 179 also explained aggrievedly that this was prenatal education for the baby.

At night, Xia Yi was leaning on the head of the bed, watching Gu Wenzhu caressing his slightly bulging belly and kissing him a few times, he couldn't help but start to look forward to the child's appearance.

Whether he (she) is a boy or a girl, his eyes must be like Gu Wenzhu. The peach blossom eyes that float slightly, the eyes are as dark as deep pools...

By the way, Gu Wenzhu's eyes look like Jie Entropy.

I only knew that he looked like Cang Yi before, but looking at it this way, his appearance is actually a combination of two people.

The bridge of the nose is high, shadowing the other side of the face in the candlelight. The contours of the face are deep, and there is a bit of indifference when not smiling.

Gu Wenzhu was muttering to his belly when he suddenly raised his head and found that Xia Yi was looking at him, his eyes shining brightly thinking of something.

"What are you thinking?" Gu Wenzhu couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"I'm thinking of your two fathers." Xia Yi answered without thinking.

I regretted it as soon as I said it.

Sure enough, Gu Wenzhu's smile froze on his face. Immediately, he turned back as if nothing had happened, and continued talking to his belly. It's just that Xia Yi could feel his mind wandering.

"I'm sorry, I just rushed out and didn't think much about it." Xia Yi explained uneasily, "I think you look a lot like them, thinking that the baby will look like you in the future."

"It's okay, I don't care." Gu Wenzhu laughed again, reached out and touched his head, "As for the baby, it must look like you to look good."

"The eyes are big and round, the nose is small and upturned..."

Gu Wenzhu's fingers followed his words and slid along Xia Yi's face along the part read out.

Gradually, his voice decreased until it was completely silent.

The eyes gradually became a little dangerous, with a certain meaning that Xia Yi was familiar with.

"Don't be foolish, the baby is still young." Xia Yi alertly stretched out a finger against his approaching lips.

As Gu Wenzhu continued to move forward, he said in a hoarse voice, "I asked Uncle Li and said that it will be fine in three months."

"Really?" Xia Yi's mouth was blocked, and he still struggled to ask, keeping the last trace of clarity in his mind.

Gu Wenzhu kept going, but his movements were very gentle, "Really, I will be careful, leave everything to me."


As the weather warmed up, Xia Yi's body became heavier and heavier, and his stomach became bigger and bigger.

Seeing that the baby will be born soon, Xia Yi began to prepare small clothes and shoes for the child, as well as swaddling blankets.

Of course, these are all Gu Wen's seams.

Gu Wenzhu doesn't have much time to go to the ground now. He goes early and returns early. After returning, in addition to cooking for Xia Yi, he sits in the courtyard and sews clothes for the children.

Those little shirts and trousers are very cute, I can see that Xia Yi just wants to give birth soon, and see what the baby looks like wearing these.

I also listened to the words of the aunts in the village, dismantled the soft old sheets into strips, washed them, scalded them with boiling water, and then exposed them to the sun for a few days, and put them away to make diapers for the baby.

In addition to preparing these, Gu Wenzhu didn't know where to drag out a few good pieces of wood and began to make a crib for the baby.

"Didn't you use up all the wood for furniture last time? Where did it come from?" Xia Yi kicked the logs in the courtyard.

Gu Wenzhu smiled, "I put the wood for the child's bed in advance, and the rest will be used for furniture."

When I used to practice my craft, I said that I was going to make a bed for Qilin's puppy, so I knew I was not at ease.

You liar.

179 is not urging Xia Yi to farm and do tasks now, his attention has been completely diverted by the baby. Every day, I study various guidelines for pregnant women, and urge Xia Yi to do various prenatal exercises.

"Host, you have to move more, lie in the yard every day, eat, sleep, sleep, eat. It's just that Gu Wenzhu didn't feed the food into your mouth, and it will be difficult to give birth."

"Host, I think you should rub your breasts, or do some breast expansion exercises. Breastfeeding after the baby is born can increase the resistance, but you, your accessories don't look like they can provide baby rations. "

179 looked worried, very anxious.

I'm such a man, it's weird enough to have babies, and you're telling me to breastfeed

But at night, Xia Yi couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart, so he asked hesitantly, "Brother Zhu, after your brother here gave birth to children, what did those children eat?"

"Drinking milk." Gu Wenzhu replied rightly, and continued to knead Xia Yi's calf without raising his head.

Recently, Xia Yi didn't know if it was due to calcium deficiency and always had calf cramps. The world couldn't buy calcium tablets, so Xia Yi had to tell 179's method and ask Gu Wenzhu to make more calcium-rich foods for himself.

However, his calf was still unavoidably stiff and stiff, so every night, Gu Wenzhu would knead him to relieve the soreness of his muscles.

Xia Yi was very dissatisfied with Gu Wenzhu's answer. After thinking about it, he asked bewilderingly, "What kind of milk do you eat?"

"Take whatever milk you have." Gu Wenzhu continued to press his calf patiently, paying full attention.

Xia Yi couldn't bear it anymore, and kicked his calf a few times on the soft sole of his foot, "I'm asking you and me, what kind of milk do you give your baby to eat."

Seeing Gu Wenzhu looking up at him, Xia Yi gestured a few times with his hands on his chest.

Gu Wenzhu suddenly realized, "You ask this, of course the baby can breastfeed. Don't look at if you don't have it now, it will come naturally after the baby is born."

After speaking, he glanced at Xia Yi's chest, "I think from now on, I can take a puff every night."

Seeing Xia Yi's face sinking, Gu Wenzhu hurriedly said: "If you don't want to feed it, don't feed it. I will go to the nearby village tomorrow to see if there are any sheep that have just given birth to buy two sheep, and then let the baby drink goat milk. OK too."

"After all, my brother didn't have enough milk to begin with—"

Before he finished speaking, Gu Wenzhu immediately shut his mouth obediently when he saw Xia Yi's two cold eyes shot like knives.

Early the next morning, after Gu Wenzhu made breakfast for Xia Yi and warmed it in the pot, he went out to look for the wet nurse sheep. Before noon, he came back with two fat and strong sheep, and three soft lambs in his arms.

"I didn't buy the sheep, but the villagers borrowed two for me. They are fed at our house these days. The lambs are sent back after weaning, and the ewes are kept until the baby eats for a while before returning them."

Gu Wenzhu said while sending the sheep to the backyard, "I'll buy it then, don't worry."

If your sheep is not ready, you have to rely on me to deliver nutrients to the baby. Can I not worry

Qilin has also been very obedient during this time, as if he knew that Xia Yi was pregnant with a baby, and he was no longer like before with a brutal collision from time to time, and plunged his head into Xia Yi's arms.

Always cautiously going forward and back, at most rubbing against his legs.

Since the sheep were brought home, the baby moved more happily in the womb.

Xia Yi's body is getting heavier and heavier. Although he doesn't want to move, he makes time to go outside the village every day.

There is no surgery in this world, let alone having surgery if you can't give birth, it's all up to you.

Xia Yi's scalp tightened at the thought of this, and without 179's urging, he felt a sense of urgency.

If it wasn't for Gu Wenzhu's disapproval, he would want to use his hoe to reclaim his three acres of land every day. Only with such an intensity of exercise can he feel at ease.

So, as soon as the bowl is put down after dinner every day, I bring the unicorn and three lambs to wander outside the village.

Occasionally Qi Zhou would go for a walk with him, because they never talked about speculation, so the two of them didn't communicate. They just walked slowly along the village road, which was harmonious.

It's just that for some reason, Qi Zhou didn't come to him these days, and Xia Yi went to the door of the old house to have a look, only to see that the door was closed.

I called the door several times, but no one answered, and Erniu was not there either.

Because Qi Zhou said before that he wanted to go to the county town for a few days, Xia Yi wondered, did these two people enter the city

Qi Zhou has been here for a long time, and he also knows about his brother.

After the remodeling of the three views of the sky and the earth, I can now face it calmly, that is, every time I see Xia Yi's big belly, I will turn my eyes very quickly.

Xia Yi also stuffed him the water-repellent grass that he had never used.

When Qi Zhou took over and asked him what it was, Xia Yi was a little embarrassed to say it clearly, and said vaguely, "Anyway, you must keep it well. As for the effect, you will find out later. When you feel that the whole body is hot and abnormal When the situation is over, eat this quickly."

Although Qi Zhou didn't quite understand it, he also knew that the world was a little weird.

So I didn't ask much, I took it and put it in my arms solemnly.

The weather was fine today, and after taking a nap, Xia Yi took the unicorn and went out.

When he first showed his pregnancy, he was too embarrassed to go out, and there was no way to go out.

Although he knew that it was normal for a man to have a big belly, he was still not used to it.

The figure in the back is getting more and more clumsy, and it is indeed impossible to hide it anymore. After being surrounded by the aunts and wives in the village several times, after guessing the gender of the baby in his belly, Xia Yi began to break the jar and let it go.

He walked past the head of the village with a big belly and greeted the villagers along the way. Passing by the Xiaohekou again, he caught a fresh cucumber thrown by the laundry group of daughters-in-law, and continued to walk while eating.

His eyes looked forward unconsciously, and his mouth was still humming an out-of-tune song.

Suddenly, two tall figures came into sight, walking down the village road, heading in his direction from a distance.

There was also a big black dog with him.

As soon as Qilin saw the big black dog, he rushed out like an arrow, and Xia Yi couldn't even shout.

"179, don't tell me, some of these villagers are really good-looking. Except for my brother, you can see that the two people in front of you are not bad. One looks like Cang Yi and the other looks like Jie Entropy."

179 was concentrating on the distance teaching of practical obstetrics and gynecology.

As the person on the other side got closer and closer, Xia Yi slowly stopped. A mouthful of cucumber was just put in his mouth, and he forgot to swallow it.

One of them, that Qishan uniform, that immortal demeanor, who else could it be if it wasn't Cang Yi? The other person beside him, with a striking red gown, porcelain-white skin, slanted peach blossom eyes and dark eyes, is Jie Entropy.

At this time, 179 finally got out of the sea of knowledge and screamed, "Host, your father-in-law and mother-in-law are here."

Xia Yi was stunned at this time.

There is no problem in passing through. After all, the people from the Qishan faction, either today or tomorrow, take turns passing through.

But how did Cang Yi and Jie Entropy come and walk side by side? Didn't I beat you to death? Before he left, wasn't Jie Shuo's dagger still resting on Cang Yi's chest

HE so soon

As the distance got closer, Cang Yi and Jie Shuo also recognized Xia Yi.

"Wang Lan?" Jie Entropy still remembers the handsome man with a big belly on the opposite side, dressed as a villager, who is the son of the flower essence that his son is crazy about, Wang Lan.

Looking at his half-open mouth stupidly, with a few pieces of cucumbers that he hadn't swallowed, Jie Entropy couldn't help showing disgust in his eyes.

Slowly stopped, and before Xia Yi could open his mouth, his eyes fixed on his bulging belly again.

"Ah, me, my name is Xia Yi." Although Xia Yi didn't know why they both called him Wang Lan, she was Gu Wenzhu's mother after all.

A kind of nervousness that his son-in-law felt when he saw his mother-in-law for the first time, still made him feel uneasy, and he began to stutter when he spoke.

"You, who are you?" Jie Shuo's eyes locked tightly on his belly, and his mouth began to stutter, "Yes, do you have a child?"

Although Xia Yi felt a little embarrassed, he still nodded.

I don't care, isn't my brother Zhu also born by you

each other.

Jie Entropy's face gradually showed surprise, he grabbed Cang Yi beside him, but asked Xiang Xia Yi, "Is it Ze Yuan's?"

Cang Yi stood aside, although he never said a word, but his eyes were bright, and his face also showed a bit of anticipation.

Although Xia Yi was reluctant, she had to keep nodding.

Yes, congratulations on being a grandma.

Ah, no, no, no, no.

"179, did I read it wrong? Why is there a red mole on Cang Yi's forehead, but there is nothing on Jie Entropy's forehead?"

179 also seemed to be in shock. It took a long time before he muttered: "Host, it turns out that Cang Yi is your mother-in-law, and Jie Shuo is your father-in-law."

Fuck fuck fuck, I'm so uncomfortable, ah, I've gone against CP.

