Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 9


Xia Yi began to turn the ground, preparing to plant fennel and onions. Potatoes just came out of this land, and the soil is soft and soft. Xia Yi turned it over in one morning, and the ravines were neatly arranged.

"179, fennel and onion are not the main food. How can I eat so much? It's not easy to sell."

System: "Host, the content of the task is set by the main system, and I am only responsible for publishing."

Xia Yi was a little uneasy, who knows if the next mission released by the main system will require some strange things to be planted. This group of systems can't be trusted, and they all feel like they have been infected with a virus.

"179, why don't you go and discuss with the main system, the next mission will release some rice and wheat?"

"This requirement cannot be satisfied, host. Every task released by the main system is not random, it is a task made after a lot of data research and analysis."

"But the host can rest assured that the planting target of each mission is an ordinary plant."

The system added another sentence.

Xia Yi had no choice but to nod and say, "Okay, as long as I don't ask me to plant Ganoderma lucidum elixir or something else."

The system is silent.

The system's appearance suddenly made Xia Yi a little bit alert: "Why don't you speak? You don't answer my question, are you guilty?"

"No, I just got stuck and almost crashed." The system replied, and the voice was a little floating.

The weather is good today, which is for farming, and there is no rain and no sun, so Gu Wenzhu also went to the ground. The area he was going to cultivate was huge, and he didn't plan to go home at noon.

In the morning, before dawn, he got up and baked a few pans of pancakes. Apart from eating some for breakfast, Gu Wenzhu brought the rest, and left the rest for Xia Yi to make lunch.

The pancakes were fragrant and delicious just out of the pan, but they were cold and hard at noon. Xia Yi thought that Gu Wenzhu had to eat cold cakes all morning and felt uncomfortable, so he planned to make a pot of hot porridge by himself, and then fry a plate of salted vegetables and bacon to send to Gu Wenzhu.

"179, how about we try again?" Xia Yi was eager to try, and rolled up his sleeves and entered the kitchen.

"Okay, after the last time, I have already downloaded a few farm cooking books, as well as various tips for making a fire on a soil stove, and I have made all the preparations." The system does not lose the chain at a critical moment.

Half an hour later, smoke billowed from the chimney on the roof, and aromas wafted from the kitchen.

At noon, Xia Yi happily put a plate of salted vegetables and bacon and a bowl of hot porridge into the food box. After looking at it, he felt that it was not beautiful, and then took a few small pieces of green onion and spread it on the bacon. Carrying the food box and walking up the field, he saw Gu Wen's busy figure from a distance.

Gu Wenzhu also saw him, threw his hoe and walked towards him.

"Try it now and see if it tastes good." Xia Yi opened the food box and handed the chopsticks to Gu Wenzhu, while he brought Gu Wenzhu's cake, broke it into pieces and soaked it in the hot porridge.

"Delicious." Gu Wenzhu devoured it, stretched out his hand to wipe off the black ash on the bridge of Xia Yi's nose while eating, "Xiaoyi, how did you learn to cook?"

"I'll see it a few times." Xia Ye couldn't say that he did it under the guidance of 179.

Gu Wenzhu swept away his lunch, and Xia Yi was greatly encouraged, and he developed an unprecedented interest in cooking. After returning home, he plunged into the kitchen and studied various foods.

In the evening, when the last dish was out of the pot, the courtyard door was opened, and it was Gu Wenzhu who went home. He didn't come in when he got home, he just stood at the door of the kitchen with a smile on his back, with his hands behind his back, looking at Xia Yi without saying a word.

Xia Yi was stared at, and looked up and down at Gu Wen with doubts, suddenly turned behind him, and met a pair of dark round pupils.

In the small bamboo basket that Gu Wenzhu was carrying, there was a fluffy little puppy. The soft black fur, the small pink nose, and the watery eyes looked at Xia Yi rightly.

Xia Yi screamed in surprise, hurriedly fished out the puppy, tapped its nose with his fingers, the puppy stretched out two small fleshy feet to hug his fingers, and then licked it with his small tongue, making two cute sounds. 's hum.

Xia Yi's heart was about to melt, and he asked in surprise, "Where did you come from?"

"Old Zhangtou's bitch was going to give birth to a cub before, so I asked him to choose one for me to keep. Today the cub is two months old and I'll bring it back." Gu Wenzhu also reached out to touch the puppy, but his eyes looked at the puppy. Xia Yi.

Xia Yi quickly scooped up a bowl of potato rice, mashed it up, drizzled it with gravy, and brought it to the dog. The puppy put out his nose and smelled it, and then he ate it in big mouthfuls.

"Eat slowly, it's all yours." Xia Yi squatted and watched the puppy eat. He was full of joy. In his previous life, he wanted to raise a puppy of his own, but he was always afraid that he would not be able to raise it well and would let the puppy suffer along with him. , Now with Gu Wenzhu to support him, he can finally get what he wants.

"Brother Zhu, can you name the puppy?"

"Heizi?" Gu Wenzhu frowned and thought for a while, then read the name seriously.

"To be majestic."

"Big black?" Gu Wenzhu thought hard again.

"Several dogs in the village are called Da Hei. In the future, when they call Da Hei to go home for dinner, the big blacks don't know who they are calling."

"Black skin?" Gu Wenzhu looked at Xia Yi unconfidently.

... Why do you have to add black words, what kind of obsession do you have

In the end, Xia Yi gave the puppy a name, Qilin.

"It's just a local dog called Qilin, and it will be laughed at by the villagers." Gu Wenzhu stared at the little local dog Si Lin who was humming and eating, and then thought again, "Whatever, Xiaoyi likes it, Qilin is just a unicorn. "

"Kirin, Kirin, you will be called Qilin in the future, do you know?" Xia Yi said while holding the puppy, and the puppy snorted twice in response.

After Qilin was full, he sniffed everywhere in the house, went under the cupboard and sniffed, and wanted to pee with his hind legs crossed, but Gu Wen grabbed them one by one and carried them out.

In the main room at night, the candles were bright, and Gu Wenzhu was sitting in a pile of bamboo sticks weaving bamboo baskets. He flipped his fingers flexibly, and the bamboo strips slowly formed a round frame in his hand.

The unicorn burrowed excitedly among the piles of bamboo sticks on the ground, gnawing and planing. Xia Yi sat on the side watching Gu Wen weaving bamboo baskets one by one, and from time to time he stretched out his hand to stroke the unicorn.

At some point, he began to stare at Gu Wenzhu's profile and became stunned.

Gu Wenzhu's face has clear lines, fortitude and calmness, the bridge of his nose is high and erect, and his sword eyebrows are inserted obliquely into his temples. He is very handsome.

Xia Yi's heart suddenly moved, and he went to the kitchen stove to find a few pieces of black charcoal. Seeing that Gu Wenzhu didn't notice him, he drew Gu Wenzhu's silhouette on the floor. He was a well-known painter in the original world. After a few sketches, a handsome man in ancient costume jumped out of the charcoal pen.

Add eyes... Zhuge has deep eye sockets and thick eyelashes... His eyes are very gentle...

Also draw his eyebrows... high eyebrows... .

Then draw the lips... Zhuge's lips are so thin... .The lips are so sexy...

"Host, I can see that your heartbeat is getting faster and faster." 179 said suddenly, and Xia Yi's charcoal pen almost dropped.

"Because I haven't painted for a long time, my heart is surging for a while, and I feel hard for myself." Xia Yi replied calmly.

"Host, why is your face so red?"

"It's just too exciting. I said why your system is so nonsense. If you have nothing to do, just go to the river to scan and play, don't interrupt here." Xia Yi was a little angry.

"I won't scan those people at all. Am I such a boring system? I'll just focus on watching over you." When he mentioned this, 179 was a little emotional and couldn't control himself, and the processor heat soared.

"That's right, it's night, and there's no one by the river." Xia Yi said coldly without giving him any face.

Gu Wenzhu found that Xia Yi had been smearing on the ground for a long time. He usually opened his mouth and talked endlessly. Tonight, there was no sound, so he put down the bamboo basket in his hand, got up and looked down.

Taking a closer look, Xia Yi was painting with charcoal.

In the painting, a tall man is weaving a bamboo basket. The man is drawn very delicately, his facial features are lifelike, and even the strands of hair hanging down from his cheeks are visible. There was a pile of bamboo sticks beside him, and a little black dog rolled in the bamboo sticks with its tongue out, cute and cute.

This is clearly a painting of myself.

Gu Wenzhu's face began to heat up, his heart was pounding, his fingers hanging on both sides curled up unconsciously, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, Gu Wenzhu said, "It's a good painting." His voice was dry, and he cleared his throat before adding One sentence, "Xiaoyi, you draw really well."

Hearing Gu Wenzhu's words, Xia Yi didn't understand why he didn't dare to look up at him, so he lowered his head and whispered "en", unconsciously picking at the charcoal pen in his hand.

The two were silent for a while, Gu Wenzhu gently pulled up his hand, opened his curled fingers, took out a charcoal pen and put it on the ground, and wiped the black stain on his palm repeatedly with a wet towel.

The two of them didn't speak, and the air seemed to thicken. Xia Yi only watched Gu Wen rubbing his palms one by one, feeling a mess in his heart.

"Ow, ooh" Qilin's two hums broke the silence of the room, and Xia Yi suddenly recovered. As soon as he retracted his hand, he muttered "I'm going to bed" and hurriedly walked to the bedroom. .

In the darkness, Xia Yi was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the top of the bed, his mind was in chaos.

"Host, you're a little weird tonight." 179's voice implied temptation.

"I was thinking that the unicorn painting just now was not done well." Xia Yi answered quickly.

It's really a bit strange, otherwise why don't you want to tell 179 that you are troubled by the inexplicable reaction just now

Xia Yi, Xia Yi, you must not think that you are a woman just because this is a perverted world.

Remember, you are a real man with strong bones.

Forget it, forget it, go to sleep.