Carrying A Lantern In Daylight

Chapter 104: Extra chapter of Zi Ji*Feng Yi, who is tempted by the world


The heaven and earth have great beauty but do not speak, the four seasons have clear laws but do not discuss, and all things have order but do not talk. This is the meaning of the gods to the human world - clear laws and order. It is the order of the changing of the seasons, birth, aging, sickness and death, and all things and spirits.

She has always believed that God does not demonstrate his power in the world, nor does he listen to people's prayers. The order is already established, and all things are interdependent and mutually exclusive. Any preference is a destruction of order.

After becoming the divine supervisor who had maintained order in the human world for a thousand years, one day a reckless and ignorant young man suddenly broke into the heaven and yelled angrily, each word directly targeting the order of the human world.

She asked her colleague what was going on, and the colleague smiled and said - Sima Ming, this is the old policy left by the previous God Supervisor, saying that he wanted to give mortals a chance to correct their mistakes, so he left a loophole to reach the heaven. This mortal has the blood of Mars, and it is the easiest for him to reach the heaven.

She thought, it was the blood of Mars. However, recently everything in the world was peaceful and there was no chaos, the order was running smoothly, and even the blood of Mars lived peacefully in his destiny, and did not do anything extraordinary before running to the heaven.

Why would this mortal make such a fuss?

She said - human nature is inherently greedy. No matter what they get, they will never be satisfied and always want more. What is the point of letting them up here? There is no need to leave this loophole.

Her colleagues shook their heads and reminded her that since they wanted to cancel the policies left by the previous God Supervisor Xihe, they must have sufficient reasons and could not do it casually.

She looked at the angry eyes of the young man in the yard and said, "Okay, then I will follow him to the lower world."

The young man seemed stunned when he saw her coming out. He asked her, "Who are you?"

"I am the thousand-year-old divine supervisor, my name is Zi Ji." She said.

Zi Ji was her name ten thousand years ago before she ascended to heaven. This was the only name she could remember about that period of time.

Her original purpose of coming to the mortal world was to make it impossible for mortals to go to heaven without any problems.

This young man, He Jia Feng Yi, was one of the first generation of the Yinghuo bloodline that she had created. The fate of the Yinghuo bloodline was genius, power, sincerity, and early death, and few Yinghuo bloodlines could live past the age of 40. He Jia Feng Yi was born weak, and perhaps this was the reason why he was dissatisfied with his fate.

He said: "Now that I have come to the human world, it is my territory. Lady Ziji, I just happen to be in need of a servant. I wonder if you would be willing to condescend to me?"

He seemed very dissatisfied with her and wanted to tease her. She thought, he is just an ordinary person who is unwilling to give up.


She agreed readily.

From then on, she and Hejia Fengyi were inseparable. Although Hejia Fengyi wanted her to be a servant, he never let her do servant work. On the contrary, he often took care of her.

"Why aren't you wearing shoes again?" At a market, he ran over and put the shoes at her feet, then looked up and asked her, "Don't you know how to wear shoes?"

In the moment she hesitated, he pressed his temples and bent down to help her put on her shoes. Then he stood up and took the basket of fruit from her hand, sighed and said, "Look at this basket of fruit you bought. Only the top layer is good. The bottom is rotten!"

"Don't you know there are liars in the world? No, aren't you the ones who designed the liars?" He looked at her for a moment and said with a smile, "Those who only talk on paper."

Then he turned around and said as he walked, "Which store did you buy it from? I'll go and seek justice for you."

She thought that living here was different from designing the order, but as a god, she was not wrong. After all, the boy who grew up under her design was indeed as kind and sincere as she needed.

Only when powerful forces are placed in the hands of such people will they not get out of control.

With the added constraint of early death, people’s hearts will not be tempered by the world and become evil, and this power will be even more stable.

She was happy with her order.

He Jia Feng Yi had been weak and sickly since childhood. If he was exposed to the wind, rain, or caught a cold, his life might be in danger. He only had the energy to travel far away in spring and autumn when the weather was warm. She followed him to exorcise evil spirits. Many people in the places they passed by lived a hard life, and even had no money to live. He would say, "God, look at the world you have arranged."

She said, in this world there are great mountains and rivers, as well as valleys and rivers, and it is normal for people to be born with different statuses, strong or weak physiques, happiness or misfortune. Besides, aren't you here to save these unfortunate people?

He Jia Fengyi would get a little angry and say what if he didn't save them? What if he harmed people?

She said, you won’t, you are not that kind of person.

At such times, Hejia Fengyi was often speechless. Later he said that he felt that she looked at him as if Nuwa looked at the perfect mud dots she had thrown.

—You are always like this, so superior.

Later, she met another person in her destiny, the Ghost King He Simu, beside He Jia Fengyi. In the Ghost King's destiny, those who are born as evil ghosts, and the most desireless evil ghosts, can become the masters of the ghosts born out of obsession. Only when such evil ghosts control the ghost realm can the gods feel at ease.

He Simu is just as she wished, a very competent ghost king.

—The ancestor really wants to live as a human being. She loves the human world the most. Is there no way to make the ghost king a mortal?

He Jia Feng Yi asked her this.


—Isn’t it possible?

She was a little confused, and she asked - why should it be necessary? At present, the order is running smoothly and there are no mistakes. Since there are no mistakes, why should there be any extra trouble?

He Jia Fengyi looked at her for a long time, and she saw contempt in his eyes.

He said - you coward, go back.

This was the first time she heard him ask her to go back. In the years that followed, he seemed to have given up trying to persuade her, sometimes even saying that he was young and frivolous, and always advised her to go back to heaven as soon as possible.

But she could see the deep contempt in his eyes, which never faded over the years.

But she didn't think she was wrong. Everything she witnessed in the human world, even the existence of Hejia Fengyi, proved to her that her order was perfect. But when she saw the look in Hejia Fengyi's eyes, she still felt a little sad for no reason.

She didn't leave. Since she was a god, she couldn't be summoned and dismissed at will. He Jia Feng Yi followed her and continued to go with her wherever she went. She had gradually become familiar with this world. Now it was the weak He Jia Feng Yi who had to rely on her.

She always felt bad when he was sick and tossed in bed in agony, and she was even more reluctant to talk to him when he mentioned his approaching death.

He seemed to find it ironic and said, "Didn't you design this?"

Yes, this was her design. She didn't think it was wrong.

She just felt sadder and sadder.

The bloodline of Yinghuo will be passed down, and there will be more people like Hejia Fengyi in the future, who are rebellious, sincere, and kind, and finally die under fate. He is just an ordinary person among the millions of people in the world.

But now he was more than just a number to her.

His death is not the disappearance of a number, but a void that cannot be filled by life.

She accompanied He Jia Feng Yi to intervene in the disputes in the ghost world. When she saw He Simu and Duan Xu, she suddenly realized that Duan Xu and He Simu were just like He Jia Feng Yi and her.

He Simu was no longer a perfect chess piece in her perfect order, He Simu became her.

The life and death, separation, suffering and pain of all people in the world seemed to have happened to her. When she felt the pain from the order she was proud of, everything began to become chaotic.

She knew He Jia Fengyi's sensitivity, and he caught her confusion.

So he took advantage of the situation and, contrary to his usual behavior, forced himself on her.

When she held He Jia Feng Yi's hand, she saw a smug smile on his face. She suddenly realized that perhaps He Jia Feng Yi's disheartened and resigned attitude over the years was all fake. He was just waiting.

He was waiting and she developed feelings for him.

Wait until she is crushed and hurt by the order she designed. Wait until she starts to waver, doubt, and compromise.


That’s what he said then, and he said the same thing later. He said, are you so afraid of imperfection? In this world, from demons to gods, what is perfect?

Order without emotion is just arrogance.

After twenty years away from heaven, she returned to heaven. When her colleagues saw her, they laughed and asked, "What? The entrance to the prison is going to be closed?"

She shook her head and said, "It's not closed anymore. I want to change the order."

In the new order, when a person of the Mars bloodline reaches the age of 30, he or she can choose to give up his or her power and live a long life, or keep his or her power but die young. If the Ghost King finds a true lover who is willing to exchange his or her life for his, he or she can become a mortal, losing his or her power but gaining reincarnation.

—It’s been too long since we last went to the human world. Maybe we should go down there more often.

When she said this, her colleagues were a little surprised. He said that Siming looked a lot different after going down there.

Perhaps there is more to change.

Later, some years passed and He Jia Feng Yi was walking on the street. The autumn weather was getting cooler and the ginkgo leaves on the road were dyed golden.

Among the bustling crowd on the street, Hejia Fengyi suddenly saw a familiar face.

She stood in the crowd and looked at him quietly.

He walked over and asked, "My Lord God, what are you doing here?"

—Come and see if there is anything wrong with my new order.

She said this in the same calm and nonchalant tone as before.

Feng Yi looked at her for a moment, smiled and walked side by side with her - do you want to go see the ancestors? She always mentioned you, and now she is living a happy life...

The roadside vendors in the human world were bustling with noise, and the streets were filled with the fragrance of osmanthus. She thought that she had lived in such a world thousands of years ago, which she had forgotten.

She was bewildered by the world and came here to seek refuge in it.