Carrying A Lantern In Daylight

Chapter 12: Military camp


After drinking the medicine, He Simu felt that her body was under control again. Fortunately, the doctor diagnosed that she just caught a cold and was not seriously ill. The next day, she got out of bed, wrapped in a thick fur cloak and walked from her room to the courtyard.

Although Shuozhou is north of Guanhe, its climate is similar to that of Liangzhou. There are many Chinese pagoda trees, maple trees, and plum trees planted in the courtyard of this wealthy family. The bluestone floor tiles and gray courtyard walls, the plum blossoms are in bud at this time, it is an elegant gate. Chen Ying jumped over and held her hand. He looked at He Simu worriedly and said, "Sister, are you okay?"

"No big deal."

Chen Ying nodded, then frowned again: "Little sister, you talked with the general brother for so long yesterday, you are not going to hand me over to the general brother?"

He Simu shook her head. She sat down on the bench in the corridor and said, "Based on the current situation, Duan Xu is in great danger. I won't push you into the fire pit."

"What do you mean by that, girl?"

He Simu turned his head and saw a young man in white standing in the yard, looking at them with burning eyes.

Perhaps he was not a man in white, because all light-colored clothes looked white to her. His clothes were embroidered with delicate patterns of pine, cypress and Cangshan Mountain, his hair was half draped over his shoulders, he was tall and had a strong outline, and was a handsome young man.

He Simu's eyes swept over his head. His bone structure was not bad, but of course a little worse than Duan Xu's.

He saluted He Simu and said, "Hello, Miss He. I am Lin Jun, from Shuozhou."

Lin Jun, it turns out that he is the owner of this house, Boss Lin.

The head of the famous Han Chinese wealthy merchant Lin family in Shuozhou was the unlucky owner of the carriage that she almost destroyed. Since Duan Xu entered Shuozhou, the Lin family has been supporting Duan Xu and providing a large amount of supplies to the Tabai Army. When He Simu, the Fengjiao Zhanhou, fell ill, he took the initiative to provide a place for him to recuperate.

I don’t know how much the Lin family had suffered from the Danzhi in the past, but they actually welcomed the arrival of the Daliang army so much.

He Simu returned the greeting, and then heard Lin Jun ask, "Miss He just said that General Duan is in danger. What does that mean?"

He Simu stared at Lin Jun for a moment, put his arm on the beauty and smiled, "Boss Lin is so close to the Tabai Army, he should know more than me. How many people are there in the entire Tabai Army? Liangzhou needs to be protected, and Shuozhou needs to be attacked. General Duan can't turn out more people even if he has three heads and six arms."

"Tabai was able to capture the five cities of Shuozhou by taking them by surprise. But why was Danzhi unprepared? Because Duan Xu was taking a road that was seeking death. Tabai only had 50,000 troops in Shuozhou, while Danzhi had 200,000 troops waiting to march south. Except for the city wall, which is high and thick, surrounded by mountains on two sides and backed by water on one side, it is easy to defend but difficult to attack. The other four cities are simply not safe. Soon the other four cities will return to Danzhi's hands, and we will all be trapped to death in Shuozhou City."

"Shuozhou City is the only way for Danzhi to reinforce Yuzhou. Danzhi will definitely attack desperately. Duan Xu may retreat or defend to the death. If Duan Xu defends here to the death, there will be a tragic bloody battle. If Shuozhou returns to Danzhi in the near future, Boss Lin, what will be your fate?"

After He Simu finished speaking, he started to cough, and Chen Ying's face turned pale. He ran to He Simu to calm her down, and whispered, "Then little sister, why did you agree to come to Shuozhou? It's so dangerous..."

Why? Of course it was for Duan Xu's invitation and to find food.

He Simu didn't look worried at all, he just smiled and tapped Shen Ying's forehead and said, "Now you know you're scared. At that time, I said it would be good to go and check the wind for the Danzhi people, but you didn't believe it."

Lin Jun's eyes flickered, he stared at He Simu without saying a word.

An old man who looked like a housekeeper walked quickly into the yard, saluted Lin Jun and He Simu, and said, "Master, Miss He, General Duan has arrived and is waiting in the front hall."

Lin Jun nodded. He seemed to turn around and leave, but just as he took a step, he stopped and turned back to look at He Simu.

"Miss He, do you think that my Lin family is rich and powerful, and that we live a very glorious life even in Danzhi? You have not seen how my father and I endured humiliation and tried our best to please those Huqi nobles. In the eyes of the Huqi people, we Han people are just slaves, perhaps even worse than dogs."

He straightened his back, as if a force of air was holding him up, and he said word by word: "We Lin family members are human beings. We don't want to be slaves, let alone dogs."

After saying that, he turned away. He Simu hugged Chen Ying and looked at his back with his eyes slightly narrowed. This was still a passionate boss.

She followed the housekeeper's instructions and came to the front hall with Lin Jun. Duan Xu and Han Lingqiu were standing in the front hall wearing armor. Lin Jun quickly walked over to them and saluted them. Then he turned to Han Lingqiu with some concern and asked, "Captain Han, how are you?"

Han Lingqiu still had trouble lifting his left arm. He saluted and said, "It's recovering now. I'm fine now."

"I heard from the doctor that you once used heavy medicine that was life-threatening and had numerous consequences. I wonder if you still remember what medicine you used so that you can ask the doctor to treat you." Lin Jun said enthusiastically.

Han Lingqiu frowned, shook his head, and said firmly, "I know my body well, so there's no need for Boss Lin to worry about it."

Lin Jun's good intentions were choked back, and he awkwardly asked Han Lingqiu to take care of himself, and said nothing else. He Simu looked at the situation, his eyes moved among the crowd, and then met Duan Xu's eyes, the latter's eyebrows curved slightly and smiled gently.

Duan Xu interrupted the topic at the right time and said straight to the point that he was going to the military camp and would pick up He Simu to discuss important matters with him.

He Simu didn't refuse.

When they arrived at the camp, He Simu got off the car gracefully, and Duan Xu dismounted and walked to He Simu's side.

"Would you like to guess what I want to talk to you about now?"

"Captain Han?"

Duan Xu approached her and whispered, "No, you have a runny nose, wipe it quickly."

… Being a human being is so troublesome.

He Simu frowned and subconsciously reached out to touch her nose, but Duan Xu pulled her hand back and held her wrist.

"No, no." He raised the last line of his voice and took out a handkerchief from his arms and handed it to her.

"A hero of Tabai cannot attend a meeting with snot in his nose."

This seemed to be the second handkerchief that she had ruined of Duan Xu.

He Simu held the handkerchief under his nose and said with a smile, "You are the hero of Tabai. I am nothing. Probably no one will look at me in a while."

It turned out that she was right. After entering the tent, before Duan Xu could introduce her to everyone, Wu Shengliu jumped up. His copper-yellow armor clanged, and the burly man with a full beard shouted, "General, what do you mean by sending Xia Qingsheng back to Liangzhou?"

It has been a few days since we last met. Last time, Wu Shengliu had his neck stuck out as if he looked down on everyone. Although he still had his neck stuck out today, he seemed to be getting more comfortable calling him "General".

Seeing that she really had nothing to do, He Simu paused and walked to the side with her cloak, sat down in the seat that should have been prepared for her, picked up the tea and prepared to drink it and watch the show.

"Watch out for your tongue, the tea is very hot."

Duan Xu tapped He Simu's desk with two fingers, reminding him meaningfully. Then he turned to face Wu Shengliu, still smiling.

"Yes, I sent General Xia back to Liangzhou and asked him to lead the remaining Tabai troops in Liangzhou and wait for reinforcements to arrive. What is General Wu dissatisfied with?"

He Simu, who was watching the show, raised his eyebrows, but put down the steaming tea in his hand to avoid getting hurt.

At this time, all the lieutenants and officers except Xia Qingsheng had arrived in the camp, each wearing a cold armor that made the camp a little colder. In addition to Meng Wan and Han Lingqiu, there were several unfamiliar lieutenants who watched the confrontation between Wu Shengliu and Duan Xu nervously.

Wu Langjiang and Duan Xu have been at odds with each other for a long time. One is more senior and the other has a higher status. One has a straightforward temper and the other has a smiling face. They can still cooperate reluctantly during a war, but they start quarreling as soon as the battle is over.

It is quite surprising that they can still win battles even today.

"Why should I be dissatisfied? General, I have fought with you in these battles. Although we won, I am confused. You rarely speak the truth to me!"

Wu Shengliu got angry when he talked about this. Duan Xu originally said he wanted to attack Yuzhou, but not long after he started, he suddenly turned around and crossed the river to attack Shuozhou. It was even worse when he attacked Fucheng. Before the battle, he had argued with Duan Xu that if they were to attack them, they would surely die, considering the terrain and the number of enemy troops. But who knew that a lot of red birds flew in from nowhere, and actually scared the Huqi people into abandoning Fucheng.

Duan Xu never discussed these plans with him beforehand, which clearly showed that he looked down on him!

At this time, Wu Shengliu didn't know that his thoughts had greatly wronged Duan Xu. Duan Xu didn't look down on him. Even if the king of heaven was in front of him, this man would not change his arbitrary nature.

Duan Xu smiled. He waved his hand to let Wu Shengliu sit down. He also sat behind the table and said calmly, "General Wu, you are very expressive and have been at the border for many years. The enemy is very familiar with you. If I tell you about the strategy of confusing the enemy, I am afraid it will be exposed. Besides, General Lang is also clear about the difference in combat power between the enemy and us. As the saying goes, you must fight to the death. If you don't fight the enemy with the determination to die, what's the point of having a plan for the future?"

"Speaking of those red birds, they are just pigeons painted red. I asked Meng Wan to lead people to search all the letter societies in this area and obtained thousands of pigeons, all painted with red flame patterns and ready to be released in time of war. The Huqi people believe in the God of Cang and regard the Cangyan Sutra as the supreme scripture. The Cangyan Sutra mentions that when the God of Cang punishes believers, he will send down red birds with flame patterns from the sky, and those who are touched will never be reborn."

Wu Shengliu's expression eased as he listened to Duan Xu's explanation.

Duan Xu smiled and said slowly: "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be in danger in a hundred battles. It has always been like this."

He Simu's fingers were carelessly rubbing on the edge of the teacup, and his fingertips were burned red but he did not retract them.

Based on her understanding of the Huqi, they only allow their own people to believe in the Cang God, and reading the Cangyan Sutra is a privilege reserved for the priests. The Huqi language that Duan Xu spoke on the battlefield that day was a scripture, and it was exactly the same as the original text in the Cangyan Sutra.

—The Cang God brought disaster and burned all living things.

How come he is so familiar with the Cang Yan Sutra

Her eyes moved to the Sword of Breaking Delusion at his waist, and she thought that the sword made by her uncle was very picky and was chosen for such a mysterious master.

Could it be that after a hundred years, it got bored and fell in love with solving puzzles

Wu Shengliu and his people didn't know what the Cang Yan Jing and Cang Shen were, but they vaguely knew that they were probably the Jade Emperor of the Huqi people. He finally snorted, sat down on his seat, crossed his arms and said, "General Duan is very knowledgeable, and I, a rough man, can't compare to him. Now Awolqi of Danzhi will lead a large army to the city in a few days. I think the general must have a perfect plan in his mind. I wonder if he is willing to tell us."

"Avolzi..." Duan Xu folded his hands and rubbed his fingers together.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Duan Xu. During this period of time, they had become accustomed to Duan Xu thinking for a moment and then coming up with all kinds of strange plans.

This time Duan Xu thought for a moment and said, "To be honest, I don't have any perfect plan."

Wu Shengliu was about to jump up again: "No countermeasure? They have 200,000 troops!"

Everyone knew that the four cities of Shuozhou could not be defended. If the army did not withdraw to Liangzhou via the official road along the four cities, once the Danzhi army took the four cities, the prefectural capital would become an isolated island attacked from all sides.

"Miss He Xiaoxiao, do you have any good ideas?" Duan Xu suddenly called out.

Everyone's eyes turned to He Simu. She was holding the teacup and blowing air carelessly, but now she stopped blowing.

He Simu raised her eyes, looked around at the people who were looking at her, and put down the teacup in her hand with a smile and proper manner.

Duan Xu introduced at the right time: "This is Miss He, the Fengjiao fortune teller of our Tabai, from Liangzhou. She helped us deduce the weather when we attacked Shuozhou this time."

He Simu smiled, she turned to look at Duan Xu and said, "General, do you really want to stop the Dan reinforcements?"


"Then why don't you go and blow up Guanhe?"