Carrying A Lantern In Daylight

Chapter 3: cemetery


It turned out that Captain Meng Wanmeng kept his word. He Simu and Chen Ying got up in the morning and had a meal. After the doctor came to see that they were fine, they were politely asked to leave the prefectural government. It is said that this is a military secret place and no one is allowed to enter.

Chen Ying pulled the corner of He Simu's clothes and asked anxiously, "Young lady, will we still have food to eat in the future?"

This child talks about food every other sentence. It seems that he was really hungry before.

He Simu patted his head and said with a smile: "Of course there is food to eat, and it's much better than what you ate before."

She held Chen Ying's hand and went to find his father's body first. The young general ordered the bodies to be collected in the city and moved to several abandoned mansions, and asked each family to claim the bodies. Those who did not claim the bodies within three days would be buried together.

Seeing that there were so many corpses in the house, one next to the other, that it was dizzying, He Simu secretly cast a spell and followed the guidance of the spell to find the body of Chen Ying's father.

Chen Ying started crying again when he saw his father's body. He wiped his tears and said, "Dad was injured so much that I couldn't recognize him... Sister, how did you see him from so far away..."

"I'm an adult, and my eyesight is better than yours." He Simu said calmly.

Chen Ying lay on his father and cried for a while, then clumsily but seriously put away his father's clothes, and wiped his father's face and limbs with a wet cloth. In the middle, he found the bite marks on the neck of the corpse, pursed his lips, and burst into tears again: "I came too late, Daddy's body was bitten by wild beasts!"

The beast He Simu stood nearby, wondering where this child got so many tears? She touched Shen Ying's head and said kindly, "After you finish crying, take your father away and bury him."

They registered with the guards, then pulled out the body of Shen Ying's father and buried it in a pit dug in the cemetery behind the city. The cemetery behind the city was crooked and had some weak trees and overgrown weeds. However, it was quite lively at this time, with many people burying their relatives here, and crying one after another, because there were too many dead people and there was not enough space.

He Simu found a wooden board and sat in front of the small mound in front of Shen Ying's father to help Shen Ying write the tombstone.

Chen Ying couldn't read a single word and could only tell the pronunciation of his father's name. He Simu made up a character for Chen Ying based on the pronunciation.

When the wooden board in He Simu's hand was inserted into the mound of earth, it was as if the final word was put. Chen Ying felt that his father would never be able to uncover the board and come back to him again. He became completely depressed and said nothing. He just cried and scattered paper money on the grave.

"Why are you crying for him? He should be crying for you. He has already ended his life and been reborn as a human being, while you, little guy, have to live alone in this chaotic world. No matter how you look at it, you are the more miserable." He Simu sighed.

The nagging child was speechless and just wiped his tears.

He Simu sighed and squatted beside him, then picked up a stack of paper money and threw it into the sky.

The paper money that was thrown into the air from her hands seemed to be possessed, spinning and floating in the air for a while. The pale and thin pieces of paper flashed in the sun, and suddenly turned into countless white butterflies, flapping their wings and flying up and down.

Chen Ying, a child who had never seen the world, was stunned for a moment, and the people who were burying their relatives and friends not far away were also amazed.

He Simu encouraged him: "You should also sprinkle some."

Chen Ying hesitantly picked up a handful of paper money and threw it into the air. The paper money flew into the air and suddenly turned into butterflies, fluttering like snowflakes.

Chen Ying was startled, stood up suddenly, and looked at his hands in disbelief: "I... this is..."

"What are you looking at? It's just a magic trick." He Simu laughed.

Shen Ying was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "So the little sister is a magician!"

"That's fine."

He Simu snapped his fingers, and the butterflies flew away on the north wind. Chen Ying opened his mouth wide and turned to look in the direction where the butterflies flew away. He Simu also turned his head to look.

Then I saw at the end of the butterfly's flight, in the slanting sunlight stood a young man with a figure as tall as a pine tree.

He wore a veiled hat with a black veil over his shoulders, and a silver-grey round-necked robe with arrow sleeves. The cuffs and center were embroidered with ink-black sun, moon and stars. His hair was neatly tied with a silver hair crown, and two light white hairbands hung from the outside of the veiled hat.

—This was the scene in He Simu's eyes. To be honest, she didn't know what color clothes he was wearing. Maybe it was red, orange, yellow, green, blue, or purple, but in her eyes there was only black, dark gray, light gray, and white.

The world of evil spirits looks like this, there is no such thing as color.

The butterfly fluttered away from the boy's head. He slightly turned sideways to avoid it, and his headband drew a graceful arc.

The young man looked at He Simu, smiled heartily and said, "What a magical trick."

He Simu stood up, his eyes lingering on the sword at his waist for a moment, then moved to his vague face under the black veil.

She was just thinking about how to get closer to the young general, but he came to her door himself.

She smiled and bowed to express her gratitude. She was a sweet and lovely girl, and she looked even more innocent and charming when she smiled.

"General, you saved my life yesterday. My sister and I have no way to repay you. We would like to express our gratitude here."

"I am the general who protects Daliang. Saving the people is my duty. Why should you thank me, young lady?" He put his index finger to his lips and said, "Young lady, please don't call me General. It will alarm other people."

He was wearing a veiled hat, no official uniform, and no attendants. He didn't seem to want to be recognized. He Simu rolled his eyes and said, "Are you here incognito?"

He did not deny it and looked at the soldiers guarding the cemetery in the distance.

Because there were so many dead, there was not enough space for graves, so some soldiers were stationed here to maintain order. The original rule was first come, first served. Some people wanted a good plot of land, so they gave money to the soldiers and drove away the families who had already dug graves and were ready to bury their relatives, so they could bury their own relatives. The soldiers were also very experienced and accepted everyone who came.

They were a family that had all suffered misfortune, and now they were still fighting against each other.

He Simu turned to look at the boy, but the boy's expression was unclear.

"But young lady, you have a good eye. We just met briefly yesterday, and today I was wearing a veil, but you recognized me at a glance?" He turned his head and said to He Simu.

He Simu said generously: "Of course, I have long admired your reputation and heroic spirit."

The young general folded his arms and put his hands on his chin. As if he found it funny, he said leisurely, "Really? So famous? Then what's my name?"

"… "

Wasn't this exactly the question she had been planning to ask him

The young general did not delve into it. He lowered his head and smiled, saying, "Young lady, there is no need to flatter me. If I really had a great reputation, I should have saved Liangzhou City from being massacred. My name is Duan Xu, the Xu in Fenglangjuxu, and my courtesy name is Shunxi."

Duan Xu, Duan Shunxi.

This young general holds a high position at a young age. He should be arrogant and look down on others, but surprisingly he is not arrogant.

He Simu then smiled and said, "My name is He Xiaoxiao, and this is my adopted brother, Xue Chenying."

"Little girl." Duan Xu repeated. He took two steps towards the brother and sister and wanted to say something. He Simu caught a glimpse of someone standing high up in the pavilion next to him and shouted, "Be careful!"

Almost at the same time she opened her mouth, Duan Xu quickly turned sideways, the Sword of Delusion was unsheathed and spun in his palm. With a flash of silver light, it knocked down the arrow shot from the tall building, and the sword was sheathed again in a moment.

"There are Huqie thieves!"

The guards shouted, and the black figure on the tall building disappeared in a flash. Many soldiers chased after the man. Duan Xu was not in a hurry, and still put the sword back to his waist with a smile: "It seems that it is not only Miss He who recognized me, but also others."

He turned around and saw that Miss He, who had just reminded him, was already pulling his clothes, while her brother was pulling the girl's clothes and hiding behind him, shivering.

He Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with tears, and she said touchingly, "This is really scary."

“… I’m fine now. Thank you for saving me, young lady.” Duan Xu consoled her.

He Simu grabbed the corner of his clothes and said, "Although I also want to be like the general and say thank you. But my brother and I have no family. We were driven out of the prefect's mansion yesterday. We have no one to rely on and are afraid that we will be displaced and hungry. Besides, it's going to snow soon, and we haven't even found a place to stay tonight."

Chen Ying grasped the corner of He Simu's clothes, realizing that this was the key point of whether he would have food to eat today, and nodded desperately in cooperation.

The young general looked like a decent man who had read a lot of classics. He probably wouldn't reject such a pitiful girl and her helpless brother. Duan Xu looked at He Simu and then at Chen Ying, and said, "Okay, I will repay a drop of kindness with a spring of gratitude. I will naturally help the girl and your brother find a place to live."

After a pause, he looked up at the sky, seeming a little puzzled: "Miss He just said, is it going to snow soon?"

"The weather is weird this year. It's not surprising that the Guanhe River can freeze and snow on sunny days. It looks sunny now, but the weather will change soon." He Simu got Duan Xu's promise, and let go of his clothes with satisfaction, pointing to his eyes: "My eyes are always very poisonous."

It was effortless to get it. If Duan Xu had not been there, she would definitely applaud the assassin's assassination, and she did return the favor.

In fact, Duan Xu seemed to have eyes behind him, and he dodged before she reminded him, so the arrow would not have hit him. However, He Simu used magic to make the arrow deviate a little in the air, and it still went straight to Duan Xu, which forced him to use his Delusion-Breaking Sword.

He Simu held Chen Ying's hand and happily went back to the city with Duan Xu.

The Sword of Breaking Delusion is a double sword, made of ebony inlaid with silver and engraved with silver incantations. Normally, the two hilts serve as scabbards for each other, and when combined, they look like one sword. Two-handed weapons are harder to master than one-handed weapons, but Duan Xu used them very skillfully just now, and even cut off the arrow with his left-handed sword, which shows that his martial arts skills are not bad.

When the Sword of Delusion Breaking was unsheathed, she could see clearly that it was gleaming with cold light and was extremely sharp. Normally, it was a blunt sword without a sharp edge, and it would only be sharpened after recognizing its master.

He Simu looked Duan Xu up and down calmly.

He has no spiritual power, but he is able to control the Sword of Breaking Delusion. It seems that this young general has a very strong destiny and is very much liked by the Sword of Breaking Delusion.

It's strange, why did this young general get the Sword of Breaking Delusion and the Green Eyes

The originally bright and clear sky suddenly changed color and became gloomy, followed by heavy snowfall on the deserted streets, adding a bit of desolation to the city of Liangzhou.

He Simu stretched out his sleeves to cover the top of Shen Ying's head and said, "You have only been unconscious for a day and a night. If you catch a cold, I can't take care of you."

As soon as she finished speaking, she felt a weight on her head, and then her vision was blocked by a black veil. It was Duan Xu's veil hat on her head.

She turned her head and saw Duan Xu holding up the brim of his hat. Through the black veil and falling snow, he smiled and said, "Miss He has only been unconscious for a day. Be careful not to catch a cold."

His eyes were round and bright, as if containing a layer of light. When he smiled, his white and neat teeth were exposed, and he showed a natural youthful spirit.

He Simu held up his hat and smiled, "Thank you, General."

Duan Xu loosened his hat brim, turned around and walked forward into the snow. His back was straight and his steps were brisk, as if there was nothing in the world worth worrying about.

It is indeed like a bright moon in the mountains, white snow on a sunny day, and a young man in the world.