Carrying A Lantern In Daylight

Chapter 40: master


Maizi calmly escorted the child in flowery clothes and said to Duan Xu, "You came from the south? The south can't control it well. You, a newborn evil ghost, don't even know the thirty-two golden wall methods."

Maizi explained to Duan Xu as they walked down the street. He said that the 32 Golden Wall Methods were agreed upon by the former Ghost King and the Ghost Hall Masters, and were written and engraved on a golden wall in the palace of Yuzhou City in the capital, hence the name. But for some unknown reason, the Golden Wall Method could not be implemented at that time and was temporarily shelved.

When this Ghost King ascended the throne, the first thing he did was to vigorously implement the Golden Wall Law. When the Ghost King himself was suppressing the rebellion, he killed gods and Buddhas, turning the ghost world upside down. When he implemented the Golden Wall Law, he also destroyed all the ghost palaces that pretended to obey the law but actually disobeyed it, and this law was finally implemented.

Although this law is restrictive, it has some advantages. In the past hundred years, serious monks have not caught ghosts very often. They also know that the laws among evil ghosts are strict, and they have been punished for any excessive behavior. Other evil ghosts can just look for food normally, and it is not good to force them too hard. For example, the orthodox Xingqing Palace of the immortal sect directly sends the captured evil ghosts to Yuzhou City for the ghost king to deal with. It is quite good, each minding their own business.

"Count the number of ghosts who died in the hands of the king. There are at least eight out of ten. The king has a really bad temper. When he used the Golden Wall Technique, he was capable of killing all the evil ghosts." Maizi sighed and warned, "If the king knew about your situation, the master of the hall you belonged to would be in trouble. You might even be reduced to ashes."

Duan Xu's eyes were smiling under the black veil, and he listened with interest while holding his sword.

"Well, since we meet, it's fate. I will definitely not tell anyone about your situation, and I can also teach you these laws in detail. Can you lend me your magic sword to play with for a few days?" Maizi stood on tiptoe and patted Duan Xu's arm, finally getting to the point.

Although Maizi said "borrow", if this spiritual sword is given out, it may never come back. However, Duan Xu still handed the sword to Maizi and said calmly: "You try it."

Maizi grasped the hilt of the sword with shining eyes. The moment he touched it, he saw the hilt glowing. He screamed and withdrew his hand.

"This is a spiritual sword and it does not recognize you as its master. An evil spirit like you cannot touch it."

Mai Zi thought to himself, what about you? How did you manage to do that

He looked at Duan Xu angrily, and then he saw the sachet in Duan Xu's hand, and he felt that this new evil ghost was even more strange. How could an evil ghost who couldn't smell anything carry a sachet with him

Duan Xu looked at the sachet on his wrist and said, "A girl likes this scent and asked me to go to the spice shop to make her an identical sachet."

Maizi understood immediately after hearing this, and teased with a smile: "You fell in love with a living girl?"

Before Duan Xu could answer, Maizi put on a vicissitudes of life expression, waved his hand and said: "Newly born evil ghosts always forget that they are ghosts, and it is normal for them to fall in love with living people. It will get better after a while. I advise you not to fall in love too deeply, it will hurt others and yourself."

It was really strange to hear such words from a ten-year-old child, as if he were an elder who had experienced the world. Maizi was obviously a chatterbox that could not be stopped, and he would start talking about anything he found.

"How long can a person live? You see her now, young and pretty, but in the blink of an eye she will be fat, with a hunched back and bent waist, a head full of white hair, and fallen teeth. Can you still hold your nose and like her? Even if you are loyal to her, she will turn to ashes in the blink of an eye. The life of a mortal is just a blink of an eye for us evil ghosts, and it is out of our reach." Maizi shook his head and said earnestly.

The new evil ghost beside him, who walked briskly, seemed to pause for a moment after hearing this. Maizi thought that he had given him a great reminder, so he became more energetic.

"Besides, the girl you like is suffering. How are you going to see her? Are you going to possess different people? Are you strong enough to reveal your true form? You can't be with her openly. She will be pointed at for the rest of her life. Young man, you have to think it through."

Duan Xu laughed out loud and said without thinking: "You think too clearly. Life is so boring."

"Tsk, you're already dead, whether life is interesting or not is none of your business."

Maizi felt that this new evil ghost had a lot of problems with his thinking and would definitely have a rough time in the ghost world in the future. Out of a little compassion, he picked up a few important laws and explained them to Duan Xu.

The two of them walked and talked, and then they turned into a quiet alley. A female voice was heard: "Hey, you've become familiar with the evil spirits so quickly?"

Maizi looked in the direction of the voice and saw a beautiful woman wearing an ancient and gorgeous long skirt with freesias in her hair standing at the end of the alley. She looked at Duan Xu and Maizi and stretched out her hand, saying, "Where's my sachet?"

Duan Xu walked up to her and placed the sachet in her palm, saying, "You? Smell it and see if it's right."

The woman put it to her nose and sniffed it carefully, then smiled and said, "It is indeed you. It is the fragrance on your body."

Maizi looked at this scene in amazement, wondering how this woman could see them in such a bright and sunny day and at such a quiet time. Was this woman a human or a ghost? Was she a monk

This new evil ghost not only likes a living person, but also a monk? It turns out that the tiger did not recruit Wu Song as an accomplice, but fell in love with Wu Song directly! His taste is really picky. He thought that only the former ghost king would have such an extraordinary taste.

Maizi saw Duan Xu waving goodbye to him, and he raised his hand stiffly and waved. A myriad of thoughts came to his mind, and finally turned into one sentence: "Hey, after all, she is such a beautiful girl, it's understandable."

If he knew one day that the woman he met today was not a cultivator, but His Majesty the Ghost King whom he revered, he would probably record this day in his notebook and celebrate it with the same status as a birthday or death anniversary.

Duan Xu looked at He Simu beside him through the black veil. The freesias in her hair were clustered together, swaying gently with her steps. Passersby glanced at her wherever she went. It seemed that she was like a walking incense burner.

She is not afraid of choking.

"What you just saw was a ghost, or a child ghost. They are all children under ten years old who have died. They have been dead for hundreds of years, and their minds are no longer those of children, but they still look like children."

He Simu didn't know where to go, so she walked slowly, and Duan Xu followed her.

"Will children also have obsessions and turn into evil spirits?"

"Yes, they were probably killed by torture. Did he ask you for anything just now?"

"He wants my Delusion-Breaking Sword."

"That's it. Most ghosts were inexperienced in life, so desires were everything in this world. They wanted everything, but once they got it, they instantly lost interest and were always pursuing the next desire."

After a pause, He Simu smiled softly: "So they are the easiest to be instigated, not considering the consequences, being short-sighted, and not having a long memory, and being used as guns by others."

Duan Xu heard the implication in her words and asked, "So the one who wanted to kill you in Shuozhou City was the ghost?"

"His Highness the Ghost Palace has a guy named Fang Chang. His lover wanted to have sex with Chen Ying, but I caught him and killed him. He held a grudge against me and followed me secretly. I sensed it at first but was too lazy to care about him. Who knew that he was good friends with the Lord of Ghost Palace? When he found out that I had lost all my magic power, he ran to persuade the Lord of Ghost Palace to kill me. The brainless guy was actually persuaded by him. He hastily set up a clumsy plan and covered it up for fear that I would find out that it was him."

He Simu sighed, crossed his fingers and stretched lazily: "All of them are vying to turn into ashes to fertilize the garden of my palace. The master of the Ghost Palace wants to kill me. Maybe he did something shameful behind my back."

As they were talking, they arrived at the door of a wealthy family. On the plaque of the mansion was a long string of Huqi characters. At the wide entrance stood two statues of the Huqi mythical beast, the Huoming beast, which looked very imposing.

Not far away, a carriage covered with golden silk came over, and a man in his forties wearing a fox fur coat got off the carriage. He was broad-shouldered and broad-waisted, and his attire showed that he was extremely wealthy. Although his figure was not very good, he still had some aristocratic temperament and dignity, and walked towards his home without looking around.

He Simu and Duan Xu walked past the door of this house, and when they crossed paths, they heard a jingling sound coming from the Huqi noble master. Duan Xu looked back and saw a string of bronze bells hanging around the master's waist, which were trembling strangely.

When he raised his eyes again, he met the gaze of the Huche noble. The Huche noble's eyes were burning, thoughtful and secretly happy, as if he wanted to see his true face through the veil.

Duan Xu said: "He can see me."

He Simu didn't even look back, and said lightly: "It seems so."

Duan Xu was silent for a moment, then suddenly lifted the black veil under his veil, nodded to Master Hu Qi, and then, ignoring the master's surprised expression, put down the black veil and slowly turned his head to meet He Simu's gaze.

"… What are you doing?"

"You? Don't you want to attract his attention?" Duan Xu blinked and said with a smile: "I saw the plaque says Yili's Mansion. Is that the man just now the most famous Master Yili in Fujian City?"

The Yilier family had some blood relationship with the Danzhi royal court, but the blood relationship was not close, so they did not have the qualification to live in Shangjing and were conferred to Fujian City. Originally, such a marginal family had no family background, but after arriving in Fujian City, they somehow got lucky and found a gold mine after buying a mountain, and the wealth immediately rolled in. At the same time, the eldest and youngest sons of Master Yilier were also promoted to high-ranking officials in Shangjing, which can be said to be a prosperous career.

In short, the Yilier family is now known in Fujian City as "prominent". He even borrowed the sacred object of the Danzhi Cangyan Sutra back to Fujian City for worship, thanks to his sons. The place of worship is a glazed tower in the Yilier mansion, which is mysterious. Outsiders can only worship outside the tower, but those who worship the sacred object will have good luck after returning. For a while, celebrities who came to visit the Yilier mansion broke through the door, and now this is the most popular family in the whole Youzhou.

Duan Xu smiled and said, "You are not here to worship the holy relics of Hu Qi, are you?"

He Simu smiled slightly with some disdain and said, "Worship holy objects? Why don't I worship myself? Since you like guessing riddles, why not guess why he is so lucky?"

Duan Xu thought for a while and said, "I've heard of raising little ghosts before. Some people would raise evil ghosts in exchange for good fortune and fame. This Yilier... could it be that he raised the Lord of the Ghost Hall?"

He Simu raised his eyes and looked at him for a moment, then touched the back of his head and said with a smile: "I must collect your clever little skull in the future."

Duan Xu thought that her way of expressing appreciation was really unique.