Carrying A Lantern In Daylight

Chapter 65: Wedding dress


When He Jia Feng Yi and He Simu finished dealing with Concubine Yu and the Lord of the Ghost Palace, removed the formation and walked out of the palace, the bright moon had already risen to the middle of the sky. A purple figure walked in the alley of Yubianfang. He Jia Feng Yi smiled happily when he saw it, and waved his hand and said, "Purple Princess!"

He had just taken two steps forward when his feet began to shake, and the wooden stick in his hand fell to the ground, with the bell making a crisp sound. In the sound, his thin white figure fell down, and was caught by Ziji in time.

He Jia Fengyi closed his eyes in Zi Ji's arms and lost consciousness. Zi Ji looked at the horrifying red spots all over his body, raised her head and looked at He Simu with a questioning look.

He Simu said: "His body reacts strongly to filth and evil spirits. He can only last three hours at most if exposed to the ghost energy. Please take good care of him. He will be fine after the red spots on his body fade."

The most powerful sorcerer in the world happens to be the least suitable person to be a sorcerer.

Zi Ji nodded, supported He Jia Feng Yi and stood up. He Simu looked at her calmly, and suddenly asked: "Zi Ji, how old are you this year?"

Zi Ji was stunned for a moment, then replied, "Twenty years old."

"What's your zodiac sign?"

"… "

When Zi Ji hesitated, He Simu smiled and said, "Miss Zi Ji, you can't even remember your zodiac sign. Are you really only twenty years old?"

She is indeed not an ordinary person.

Zi Ji held He Jia Feng Yi in her arms and stood there in silence.

"I don't really care who you are. Feng Yi has grown up and doesn't need me to make decisions for him. No matter who you are, he has his reasons for keeping you by his side."

Under the veil with red beads hanging down, He Simu's voice was calm and gentle.

"Feng Yi has been a troublesome child since he was young. He is very curious, weak, and suffers from many illnesses. He cannot live out his life. He will have to walk his own path in the future. I see that he respects you very much, and I hope you can take care of him more by your side."

Ziji nodded and said, "Okay?"

He Simu patted her shoulder and said, "Take him back. I want to relax."

In the deep night of the Southern Capital, all was silent, with only the careless voice of the night watchman, "It's dry, be careful with fire," ringing in the streets. He Simu walked straight through several gates and walls under the moonlight, and finally walked into a room in an elegant courtyard.

The owner of the room was not asleep yet. He was lying on the windowsill in a single layer of clothes, looking at the night sky. He Simu followed his gaze and saw several bright lights rising into the night sky.

“Another person has died,” he said.

She opened his ghost eyes, and now he is very familiar with this ghost world, but he still cannot see her who is deliberately hiding.

This is the courtyard of the Duan family. The person in front of her is her curse-maker and the groom-to-be who will be getting married soon—Duan Shunxi.

Duan Xu suddenly turned his head. He seemed to be aware of something, and his eyes scanned the room. He whispered, "I always feel like someone is looking at me."

It was a familiar scene. In Shuozhou, she had also hidden herself to see him, and his intuition was still so accurate.

After a moment of silence, Duan Xu closed the window and walked to the bedside to sit down. He looked around for a while and said with a smile, "Is it you?"

He Simu didn't answer - even if she answered, he wouldn't be able to hear her. She thought about it and simply sat down in the bright square on the ground where the moonlight fell through the window. The beaded curtain of the veil fell to the ground, covering her entire body. She looked up at Duan Xu who was sitting on the bed.

In fact, she didn't know what to say, and didn't know why she came here. She was just reminded of the past by the Ghost Palace Master's words, and she felt melancholy for a moment. She walked aimlessly for a long time, and when she came to her senses, she was already here.

"what do you like?"

She remembered that she hadn't prepared a gift for him yet, so she asked. Through the spell that concealed her voice, it was more like she was talking to herself than asking a question.

Duan Xu sat cross-legged like her, his hands supporting his face, his eyes fixed on a distant place, blinking quietly.

"Your Highness, I like you." He said this suddenly, as if responding to her question.

He Simu frowned and said, "This won't work."

Duan Xu propped up his head and looked at the quiet room with only the moonlight, and smiled softly. He said to himself: "There is one thing that bothers me a lot, you never ask me why I like you. You don't ask me, it must be because there are too many people who like you, you are used to it, so you are not surprised by the reason why I like you."

He Simu looked at him silently. His distinctive features, his passion, bravery, sincerity and madness were now as quiet as water in the night, as if all his emotions had turned into a clear pond.

He whispered, as if accusing or joking, "You seduced me."

He Simu raised his eyebrows.

"You lured me with your gentleness beneath your cold exterior, your loneliness above all the ghosts, and your love for the world. And I was willing to take the bait."

He lowered his chin and raised his eyes to look at her. From this angle, his upper eyelids were clear and sharp, his eyes were sparkling and extremely focused. He Simu was stunned for a moment, as if she was captured by his gaze.

Duan Xu leaned over and said softly, "Will you miss me?"

"From the time I left Yuzhou City until now, I always miss you. I think of you every day and every time I think of you."

"When I met you on the street, you asked me who I was. Although I knew you were playing dumb at that time, I thought that maybe one day you would really do that, forget my name, forget what I look like, forget me. By then, I would have turned into dust, and there would be no chance for me to hold you and introduce myself to you again."

"I think this is really unfair. You must have missed me so seldom that you forgot me so easily. If you missed me as much as I miss you, you would at least remember me for a hundred years."

He spoke in a very relaxed tone, as if he was just joking, his eyes fell on the stone bricks in front of He Simu. In fact, they were very close, so close that she could touch the side of his face when she stretched out her hand.

As if bewitched, He Simu raised her hand through the crimson bead curtain and reached towards Duan Xu, until her fingertips passed through his cheek. She was startled, realizing that she could not touch his soul now.

He raised his bright eyes and asked seriously, "Simu, are you still there?"

He Simu's hand paused in the air, then slowly retracted. She did not remove the concealment spell, nor did she speak to Duan Xu.

Duan Xu lowered his eyes, chuckled softly, and said, "You left without saying a word to me."

He finally stopped talking to himself, lay back on the bed, covered himself with the quilt, turned over and faced the wall, closing his eyes. He Simu looked at his back for a long while, until his breathing became steady and long, she stood up and smiled softly.

"Little Fox Duan, I'm very busy."

If he woke up at this moment, if he could hear her voice, he would find that her voice was surprisingly gentle.

"But, I miss you sometimes."

He Simu was silent for a while, as if he felt that it was probably a little ridiculous for him not to tell the truth at a time like this.

So she added.

"I miss you all the time."

The moon set, the sun shone a little in the sky, and the chirping of insects and birds brought a lively atmosphere. He Simu thought, she came here inexplicably, listened to Duan Xu talking to himself for a long time, and stayed here for a long time, but she still couldn't think of what wedding gift to give him.

On the night of May 20, Concubine Yu and the fifth prince attempted to escape from the palace and assassinate the emperor. When their plan was exposed, they committed suicide in Guanghe Palace. The emperor was furious and punished the family of Sun Zi'an, the Minister of War. The person who went to investigate was Jing Yan, the Minister of Justice. He found the ironclad evidence of the corruption of Ma Zheng in the secret compartment of his house. The witness confessed again, and the Ma Zheng corruption case was finally concluded. Sun Zi'an, the Minister of War, and the Minister of Imperial Household were beheaded. The emperor ordered the reform of the horse policy and the construction of Yunzhou Horse Farm.

On June 18th, the chaos was settled and the third son of the Duan family, General Duan, got married.

Nandu was very lively that day, with the sound of firecrackers and gongs and drums filling the air. Countless people crowded the streets to watch the spirited young General Duan marry his new bride.

He Simu and He Jiafengyi stood on the roofs of the buildings along the street, watching Duan Xu walk out of the Duan Mansion. He had a bright smile on his face, and he jumped onto his horse swiftly, with his clothes and hairband flying in the wind, showing the bright and flamboyant look that only a young man could have.

He Jia Feng Yi sighed, fanning himself with a fan and said, "I am a guest who handed in a wedding invitation to the Duan Mansion. I am much more formal than your headband. But now I have to stand with you under the scorching sun and admire the new groom in such a shabby way. What crime have I committed?"

He Simu sneered and said, "You can go to Duan's house to have a drink by yourself. Who asked you to come?"

"I'm just thinking about you, ancestor, you've never attended a wedding, so I just wanted to accompany you." He Jia Fengyi said aggrievedly.

The sound of their conversation was drowned out by the firecrackers and the noise of the crowd. The servants were holding long bamboo poles with firecrackers hanging from the top. Now they were all lit from the bottom, crackling and surging upward with flames. The sound resounded through the sky. Confetti flew all over the sky, like sparks or a heavy snow.

The bright wedding couplets swayed, the musicians played lively music, and the boiling atmosphere of joy filled the streets. He Simu thought that it was someone else's marriage, and those people standing in the streets clearly got nothing, so what were they happy about

What's so good about being happy? What's the meaning of a wedding? Duan Xu insisted on letting her attend his wedding. Why

Did he want her to be sad or regretful

Duan Xu on horseback suddenly raised his head. This time He Simu did not try to hide, so Duan Xu could see her at a glance. He looked at her deeply for a moment and then smiled brightly. He took out a talisman from his arms, shook it, and threw it into the air. The talisman spontaneously combusted in the air and turned into ashes.

From that moment on, the world in He Simu's eyes suddenly changed. Black, white and gray seemed to dissolve in water, and everything was instantly dyed with various confusing colors, rushing into her eyes, vivid and beautiful to the point of making people panic and at a loss.

Amidst all those chaotic and bright colors, Duan Xu looked up at her without blinking, and his dark headband, clothes and light-colored hair crown suddenly changed. His whole body was such a warm, warm, and bright color, shining in the sun, just like the day she had touched his heartbeat.

Those colors seemed alive, alive in him. I don't know if he made the colors alive, or if the colors made him more alive.

He Simu realized belatedly that it was what people called red, and Duan Xu looked very good in red.

Duan Xu smiled at her, and amid the flying red confetti, she was breathtakingly beautiful, like a burning painting.

He wanted her to come to his wedding and then give her his sexual desire.

He wanted her to see the colorful world for the first time in her life, of him in his wedding dress.