Case Files 013

Chapter 100: sorrow


Looking at Liu Yinyan's appearance, I always feel that he has something to say to me. This is very different from the usual Liu Yinyan, who almost doesn't want to talk nonsense to you. And now, Liu Yinyan made everyone leave again.

He laughed so hard that he almost shed tears.

I think what he's going to say next may be the key point.

I was silent, but Liu Yinyan said excitedly: "You know what? An ordinary person may not be able to earn 100 million in three lifetimes. But I have billions, billions! But what are billions?" What about the concept? I don’t know, it’s just a string of numbers in the bank card.”

"I'll tell you the truth." Liu Yinyan waved his walking stick, as if he had returned to the age when he scolded Fang Qiu when he was young: "The first time I earned 100 million yuan, I made an appointment several months in advance and took all 100 million yuan away. I came back. My house was covered with 100 million yuan, and I took the money with a serious expression, but no one knew that I was ecstatic after returning home."

Liu Yinyan's expression was a little frenzied: "I have grown from a rural child with nothing to where I am today. When I came to Dongxing City, I only had 20 yuan on me. But I started to earn from the 20 yuan step by step. Ten thousand, one million, ten million, one hundred million!"

"Money is a good thing!" Liu Yinyan sat down on the sofa again: "It can buy everything you want, and it can let you have everything you want."

I frowned, looking at Liu Yinyan's eyes that seemed to be filled with tears, I vaguely guessed something, and said lightly: "But can't you buy peace of mind?"

Hearing my words, Liu Yinyan looked like a robot that hadn't been wound up. He lost his strength and collapsed on the sofa. The eyes of a seventy-year-old man are cloudy, he is old, and he can really feel that his hero is twilight.

He slowly wiped away the cloudy tears from his eyes with his hands: "I thought that thirty-five years had passed, and no third person would ever know about this matter. I thought that if I didn't tell it, I would forget it. But I didn't expect that thirty-five years later, I would still say it. You must save my daughter."

He almost knelt down to me.

Liu Yinyan selectively forgot that memory, but in fact, when you want to forget something more, this thing will appear in your mind all the time. It's like engraving it deeply with a dagger, and there is no way to forget it forever.

After I left today, Liu Yinyan thought about it all day, but decided to tell the story of the past that has been buried for a long time.

I know that Liu Yinyan wants to tell what he did after entering the gold shop that day.

Thirty-five years ago, Liu Yinyan, who was desperate, came to the gold shop. Liu Yinyan stayed in the gold shop for a month, and he spent a month lobbying the boss. One month later, the boss of the gold shop agreed to Liu Yinyan's request.

Since then, this matter has become the deepest secret in the hearts of Liu Yinyan and the owner of the gold shop, and it has been sealed forever.

Two months after Liu Yinyan left, a person walked into the gold shop.

The location of this gold store is not remote, but it is not close to the city center either. The day I chose was very smart. On this day, the gold store was taking inventory, and most of the employees were not in the store. It was an evening, and under the reflection of the setting sun, the jewelry in the gold shop shone brightly, looking dazzling and dazzling.

After getting out of the car, the man looked around, but there was no one, so he walked in.

There are only the store manager and a clerk in the store, and there are no other people. He was wearing a poor-quality sock on his head, which even wrapped his face in a distorted shape.

He said in a thick dialect: "Root, rob!"

Both the boss and the clerk were taken aback. He threw the nylon bag in his other hand on the ground and shouted, "Hurry up and put all the gold in this bag, or I will kill your gold." Heads smashed! Come on, I'm not kidding! Come on!"

The boss and the clerk looked at each other and began to slowly put gold and jewelry into the bag.

The clerk was more careful, and quietly pressed the alarm device at the foot of the counter. This device will automatically alarm and will not make the slightest sound. But a strange thing happened, the device didn't start. She suddenly remembered that today the boss said to conduct a test, so the device was not turned on.

It really came at the right time, as if it came on time.

No one dares to joke about their own lives. Compared with money, life is more important.

Filling a sack full of gold, he drove away. It was a van with no license plate and it was very old. The boss stood in front of the clerk and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

The clerk was very touched that her boss cared so much about her. She said, "I'm fine, but if this person robs so much gold, how much money do you have to lose, boss?"

The boss shook his head, sighed and said, "Losing money is a trivial matter, as long as people are fine. But it's not a big deal, at least with the insurance company, we can't lose much."

The boss's gold shop is insured. If something like this happens, according to the contract of the insurance company, the boss must pay 80% of the loss. On the day of the robbery, it was time for the boss to take inventory. With the help of the clerk, the insurance claim was settled soon.

According to preliminary estimates, the market value of the lost gold is close to 100 million. The boss got 80 million yuan, which is considered to make up for the loss.

It's not that the people from the insurance company haven't investigated it, but everything happened by such a coincidence. The security guards in the gold store were not present, the alarm system was being overhauled, and the surveillance video was being overhauled. Everything was a terrible coincidence. The whole thing seemed to be negotiated to cheat the insurance, and the insurance company hadn't thought about it that way.

Not long after it was available, that person was arrested. To be precise, the dead body of that person was caught.

The migrant worker and the owner of the gold shop did not know each other at all, and there was no intersection in their lives.

He has a daughter who unfortunately suffered from uremia when she was a teenager. Because he had no money for treatment, he took the risk. The time is right, the witnesses and material evidence are right, and the motivation is right. The day before her suicide, her daughter tragically passed away at home.

So he came to a conclusion: in order to raise money for the treatment of his daughter who was suffering from uremia, Ren Mouyu robbed a gold store three kilometers away from the construction site. The time was chosen at random, but it happened to be at the time when the guards of the gold shop were weakest.

After accumulating a sack of stolen gold jewelry, etc., he fled in a white van. Three days later, before the robbed gold could be sold, his daughter died unfortunately. Unable to accept this blow, he chose to commit suicide by throwing himself into the sea.

Two months later, the body washed ashore. But that sack of gold has never been found until today.

The case of the gold store was announced to be cracked, although the gold has not been found so far.

Ten years ago, the owner of the gold shop passed away at the age of sixty-seven.

So far, only Liu Yinyan knows what happened that year.

Today, I'm second.

I heard a story that I still can't forget.

Another month later, a sum of 50 million was credited to Liu Yinyan's card. Liu Yinyan used the 50 million to invest in that Internet company, and since then it has been out of control and has become the most famous venture capitalist.

That money was called by the owner of the gold shop to Liu Yinyan. To be precise, this case was actually planned by Liu Yinyan.

When Liu Yinyan was young, he did all kinds of work, including moving bricks on construction sites. While on the construction site, Liu Yinyan met many fellow workers. At the age of thirty-five, Liu Yinyan had already left the construction site by self-studying economics and finance, but the rest of the workers were still moving bricks on the construction site.

This person is called Ren Tian, and he has a daughter who suffers from uremia.

That day Liu Yinyan "accidentally" ran into Ren Tian who had just come out of the hospital on the road.

That day Liu Yinyan invited Ren Tian to dinner, outside a dilapidated restaurant, both of them drank a bit too much. Ren Tian told Liu Yinyan that his daughter was hopeless. Ren Tian can only earn a little money moving bricks in a day, but his daughter's hospitalization and maintenance expenses cost thousands of dollars a day.

He took his daughter back home to die.

Yes, wait to die.

Liu Yinyan drank too much at that time, and he "unintentionally" said: "Brother Ren, I didn't say that. Although I don't have a family or a daughter now, I can understand your mood. If I have a daughter, Even if I go out to rob, I have to make up enough money!"

"Snatch?" Ren Tian laughed: "Brother, you drank too much, how can it be so easy? Do you think I haven't thought about it before? Tell you, it's all nonsense!"

Liu Yinyan said while drinking: "Brother Ren, what you said. Don't say anything else, there seems to be a gold shop nearby. How strict can it be guarded there? If I just put on a mask and went, what's the point? What? Let me tell you, I know that the gold store will take inventory at the end of every month, there are not many people and there is no security."

"You drank too much." Ren Tian said quickly.

"What else can I do? Move bricks?" Liu Yinyan said disdainfully: "If my daughter dies, I'll just jump into the sea."

"You drank too much." Ren Tian still said the same thing.

"Who said I drank too much?" Liu Yinyan lay down on the table: "I claim that I will not get drunk after a thousand cups, and I will not pour down ten thousand cups. I can still drink. I can still drink! Whoever stops me, I will fight desperately with whom! "

That day, Ren Tian gave Liu Yinyan a room in an express hotel.

Looking at Ren Tian's back through the window, Liu Yinyan suddenly woke up.

Most of the time, alcohol can't get you drunk, it's just people trying to get themselves drunk.

That day, Liu Yinyan was not drunk.

That day, Ren Tian was drunk.

The next day, Ren Tian found the gold shop.

In fact, the gold that was stolen was not fake at all, it was just coated with a layer of terrible gold leaf with low purity, but in fact it was all iron. This sack is sold and estimated to be worth several hundred dollars.

But Ren Tian asked for all of this. No one ordered him to do this. Is it Liu Yinyan's fault? Liu Yinyan just drank too much that day, how can he believe the words on the wine table

Ren Tian was standing by the sea with a bag of fake gold.

His daughter is still dead, waiting to die.

He doesn't want to live anymore.

He jumped into the sea with the bag of fake gold in his arms.

Until his death, Ren Tian didn't know that Liu Yinyan didn't meet him by accident that day.