Case Files 013

Chapter 103: Stimulation can also be life


From beginning to end, we have not seen where Liu Yinyan's wife is, so we don't know whether she really hired a private detective. Likewise, we don't know what Jesse looks like. If they knew about this in advance and came to Liu Yinyan's side pretending to be Jesse, it would be very possible.

The gentleman pretending to be Jesse appeared in my mind. I don't know who this person is and who his two assistants are. This person doesn't look very old either.

"Now it can almost be deduced that Lin Dafa was sent here on purpose, but they will send Lin Dafa here for no reason." Team leader Shao leaned his back against the wall, looked at the ceiling, and seemed to be thinking: "In the future From our current clues, Lin Dafa is a key breakthrough. If you want to get any clues, you have to come from him!"

Gu Chen scratched his head, and said, "But Lin Dafa is a soft-spoken person, and he seems to be very stubborn. How can we get useful information from Lin Dafa's mouth?"

Team leader Shao stood up straight, looked at the interrogation room not far away, and said, "As long as he is not dumb, we have a chance."

"In this way, Mary continues to investigate and monitor." Team leader Shao said lightly: "We continue to examine Lin Dafa, Guan Zengbin, you are responsible for recording."

Everyone nodded.

But before she could act, Mary suddenly said, "A phone call came in."

"Unfamiliar number?" Team Leader Shao asked.

"No." Mary shook her head and pointed the phone screen at us: "It's Liu Yinyan calling."

Team leader Shao frowned slightly, and walked over in two steps: "Answer."

We sat around Sister Mary, listening to the call from Liu Yinyan.

A sharp voice sounded, which is the iconic sound of using a voice changer. I suddenly remembered what Sister Mary once said, after restoring the effect of the voice changer, his voice sounded like a young man aged twenty to twenty-five. But this person is not Jesse, we have all heard Jesse's voice, so who is this young man

"Good afternoon." The lazy voice came out, which seemed very cynical, as if it was a way of greeting between old friends. But we all know that the owner of this voice has taken away one of the top figures in the venture capital circle of Dongxing City, so we should not underestimate it.

Team Leader Shao was silent for a moment before he said, "Hello, have you eaten yet?"

The other party didn't seem to expect that Team Leader Shao could be so calm, and was a little surprised: "Listen to your voice, is it Shao Shilin? I've heard of you before, but I don't know if you have the ability to catch me."

Team leader Shao reminded Liu Yinyan repeatedly before that he must deal with them as much as possible. But Liu Yinyan has always been straight to the point, and this is what Team Leader Shao did very well: "I'm just lucky. What are you planning to eat for lunch? Let's order takeaway. Order one for you?"

"Haha!" The man laughed: "You are really interesting, but I won't bother you. Besides, how can I have home-cooked food for takeaway? To tell you the truth, I am a good cook. Just eat the dishes I cook."

Team Leader Shao also smiled and said: "Then I should find an opportunity, I can also cook. What do you cook, do you go to the vegetable market by yourself? Meat and vegetarian dishes? Beef stewed with potatoes? Deep-fried prawns?"

The man said, "You don't want to ask me what I want to do?"

"It doesn't look like these two dishes?" Team leader Shao ignored the person's words at all: "Or, is it pork rib soup? This food is delicious. Otherwise, it's pretty good to eat hot pot or something. Said Wake up, it's more than one o'clock, and I'm really hungry."

The person on the opposite side was obviously a little impatient: "Is it good to eat braised fish!"

After saying this, the other party hung up the phone. It seemed that the other party was still very cautious, and the phone call would never exceed three minutes.

Mary said: "Liu Yinyan's mobile phone is turned off, and the mobile phone card must have been physically damaged. The other party is very cautious, and has certain anti-tracking skills. There may be talents in this field."

"Then shall we continue to interrogate Lin Dafa now?" Gu Chen asked.

Team leader Shao shook his head, stretched out a finger and tapped the table slowly: "Wait, they haven't finished what they want to say, and they will definitely call again. As long as we go around in circles, we can always Finding a little bit of clues from his words, even a little bit, is likely to be the key."

It has to be said that based on Team Leader Shao's more than 20 years of experience, his intuition is very accurate. Sure enough, as Team Leader Shao expected, an unfamiliar number called again after a while.

"I'm sorry, Team Leader Shao, the signal was a bit bad just now," the man said.

Team leader Shao snorted coldly: "The signal is not good, are you still afraid that we will find you?"

"Isn't this just a joke?" The man continued: "I called because I hope you can find me, otherwise how can this game continue?"

Team leader Shao didn't go around in circles this time, probably because he was afraid that if he continued to do so, the other party would become annoyed, and the loss would be outweighed by then: "Games? Did I say I wanted to play some games with you?"

"You have to keep playing this game, otherwise, the lives of Liu Yinyan and Liu Fei'er will be lost." The man said.

Team leader Shao was silent for a moment, and asked: "Okay, I'll play this game with you, but you have to ensure the safety of Liu Fei'er and Liu Yinyan. And let me tell you, sometimes there are some things that cannot be touched. , there is no turning back. Let him go now, maybe you still have a chance to escape."

The man laughed: "Escape? Many people here have escaped for half their lives or even their whole lives. Where else can they escape? Sometimes life is very boring. We have experienced too many things in life, and now we can't stop. Did you know?"

"Oh?" Team Leader Shao asked suspiciously, "Then what else do you want to do?"

"Natural selection of the fittest is a law evolved over billions of years. But human beings want to suppress this natural law. In fact, we are the ones who really adapt to nature."

Having said that, there was a suppressed excitement in his voice. I think, if you look at his face now, it must be a frantic and excited face. People who have no beliefs are sad, but people with extreme beliefs are terrible.

We feel sorry for such people, because they are immersed in a world of their own.

"What do you want to do?" Team leader Shao also heard the danger in this person's mind, and asked seriously.

The man replied: "You finally asked this question, what do I want to do. I want to play a game with you. From now on, every hour, I will cut off one of their fingers until you Until this place is found. Of course, if they can't find it, they may die, who knows?"

"Then, the game begins."

The phone hangs up.

Several of us were lost in thought. Judging from the conversations before and after, this person was a bit nervous, and I don't know if he also has mental illness. If this kind of person is not arrested early, maybe something will happen.

Sometimes desire is a bad thing, but it can also be a good thing.

How terrible would it be for a person who has no desires or desires.

"Could it be that you have worked so hard just to have a date with us?" Gu Chen said, "Just to find excitement, just to make the city famous?"

I suddenly remembered what Lin Dafa said to us in the interrogation room:

Sometimes, stimulation can also become a kind of belief, and it can also become a person's life.