Case Files 013

Chapter 105: Assault on the coastal factory


After a while, Mary removed the human voice, leaving only the background sound. Mary turned the background sound up to the max, and the rest of us listened. The background sound does sound very quiet, so quiet that it makes people drowsy. But in this quietness, a very low-frequency sound of "humming" can be heard.

We closed our eyes and listened carefully, but I don't know anything about this, and I can't hear anything tricky.

After a while, Mary said, "Transformer! It must be a transformer!"

"Transformers?" I asked.

Mary nodded, and then said: "There are many large piers in the east, and the voltage of industrial electricity is much higher than that of household electricity. The voltage of households is not insufficient to form such a large current, which means that there must be It's near the factory by the sea, where there are many transformers."

As she said that, Mary quickly called up a map of Dongxing City's industrial land from the computer: "Industrial by the sea, they won't be in chemical plants. The level of danger in chemical plants is too high, and it may cause poisoning if you are not careful. There's a lot of people coming and going on the pier, and it can't be there, fishing?"

As Mary spoke, she marked something on the map: "Except for a large fish processing factory in Dongxing City, the rest of the factories are very small! The East my country Sea of our country has entered a fishing moratorium since June 1st, and it lasts for three years. After many months, now, successive fishing boats have gone out to sea to fish."

"In other words, it has entered the fishing season." I looked at the map and said, "Going out to sea and fishing usually lasts for a month or even three months. If you find a small factory to rent during this time, then It’s not impossible. So, it should be in these small factories.”

Mary nodded heavily: "I guess so."

Team leader Shao slapped the table: "There is no more time to verify whether it is correct. We have already considered this step. If we fail to bet on the treasure, it can only show that our luck is too bad. Mary, please inform the local Go to various fish processing factories to investigate, and if one can be ruled out, it is counted as one.”

"Gu Chen, tell the rest of the people to bring your equipment and let's go."

Team leader Shao waved his hand, and everyone moved.

Gu Chen said: "However, it shouldn't take such a big battle to deal with those people on the other side?"

I nodded and said slowly: "It's really possible, they can do anything, especially the one on the phone."

Everything was ready, Team Leader Shao checked me as expected, and he said: "It's not that I don't trust you, this is the rule. You have a history of paranoid mental illness. If something happens, you and I have to eat I can't just go around and I can't risk everyone's life."

Team Leader Shao looked at me with complicated eyes.

"I understand." I said with a smile, "I know you are taking my emotions into account. Different positions naturally have different perspectives on issues."

Team leader Shao was very relieved: "It's good that you understand, then, let's all go."

east side.

Get down from the car, we split into several groups, along the coastline to find this place.

Time passed minute by minute, and there were only a few minutes left before the end of the first hour. And this meant that Liu Yinyan could no longer keep one of his fingers. For a young man, breaking a finger might not be a big deal, but Liu Yinyan is already a 70-year-old man.

Another hour passed, which meant that Liu Yinyan lost two fingers.

"Wu Meng!" Team Leader Shao's voice came out: "Bring everyone here, this place has been found."

"Found it?" I asked.

Team leader Shao said: "That's right, the location has been sent to you."

After ten minutes, I finally came to this place.

The place is really remote, away from the noisy industries around it. It turned out that Team Leader Shao had led people to run to places where the sound could not be heard from the beginning, and finally found this place. From the outside, this is a factory that is almost collapsed. The red bricks are exposed and the steel bars are everywhere. It looks abandoned.

A few of us leaned against the wall of the gate, and Team Leader Shao whispered: "This place seems to have been abandoned for a long time, but the gate has traces of opening and closing. This means that someone must have entered and exited here, and this place is remote. A little farther is the mountain, and it is easy to escape. So I concluded that it must be inside."

Gu Chen nodded and said in a low voice: "But we don't know what's going on inside now, we don't know how many people are inside, where Liu Fei'er and Liu Yinyan are locked up, we don't even know whether they have weapons or not. We don't know, if we rush in like this rashly, I'm afraid that the other party will be against them."

"So we have to sneak in and see what's going on inside." Team Leader Shao said, "In this regard, the people here are not as good as you. So you have to sneak in and find out as much as possible without being exposed. The situation inside. It has been two hours and twelve minutes since we communicated, and in forty-eight minutes, Liu Yinyan's third finger will also be amputated, so hurry up."

Indeed, judging from the current situation, rash actions are likely to lead to the failure of the action, and the situation must be ascertained.

Team leader Shao went on to say: "Support is already on the way, we need to figure out the situation before we can get in place."

"No problem." Gu Chen nodded.

Mary stuck a camera on Gu Chen's chest: "Through this camera, we can see what you see."

Saying that, Mary opened the computer bag, and gave Gu Chen seven or eight round things. This thing looks small, about the size of a glass ball. It's just that the outside is made of rubber, and it's not particularly round. Some places are raised, and some places are concave. I don't know what the purpose of this is.

Gu Chen took the ball and asked, "What is this?"

Mary patted her computer and said: "These things are the same as the things on your chest. They are all cameras. It's just that this thing is easy to carry, and it looks like rotten rubber, so it won't attract suspicion. If you I was not sure if there was anyone in it, so I threw one in, and there was almost no sound when the thing landed, and I can monitor the picture here."

"Okay!" Gu Chen nodded, "I'll go in and have a look first."

"Go!" Team Leader Shao said.

Mary rolled a rubber camera through the crack of the factory gate. As the rubber rolled, we saw the situation inside the gate. The space inside was not small, but no one was found.

Mary said softly: "There is no one inside, you go in carefully, use the camera smartly, we need to understand the situation inside."

The two leaned against the wall and stood in a lunge.

Gu Chen stepped on the shoulders of the two, and the two slowly moved up, pushing Gu Chen up. He put his hands on the wall, looked around, made a gesture of OK to the outside, and then exerted force with his arms, and the whole person was propped against the wall. With a kick of his legs, he had already entered inside.

The movements are smooth and flowing, and there is no sound at all.