Case Files 013

Chapter 109: Secrets and death


Wu Zui leaned forward, as if he was going to fly into the sky.

The towels from Liu Yinyan and Liu Fei'er's mouths were taken out, and the two of them could finally talk freely. Wu Zui brought a table and a chair. He sat on the chair, and I stood aside with Scar's face pressed down, as if he wanted me to participate in the game.

Because I almost died when I was young, my health has never been very good. I have been weak and sick since I was a child. I wanted to fight back, but Scarface's hands were like a vise clamping my hands tightly behind my back, making me unable to even move. If I were Gu Chen, there must be some hope.

"What do you want to do!" Liu Yinyan shouted: "The money has already been brought, what else do you want to do? If 10 million is not enough, I will give you whatever you want. I just ask you to let it go." My daughter, we didn't call the police, they found it themselves."

Wu Zui put one hand on Liu Yinyan's head and kept stroking it, while the other hand stretched out a finger and put it next to his mouth, as if coaxing a child of a few years old: "Shhhhh , Be quiet, don’t shout, be good. Of course I know that you didn’t find me, I believe in you. Look at how good your daughter is, how cute she is.”

Liu Fei'er's eyes were full of fear, her body was trembling slightly, her face was like white wax.

With that said, Wu Zui moved his face to Liu Fei'er's.

Liu Yinyan's expression was solemn at the moment, and he didn't know what kind of thoughts a father had.

After a long time, Wu Zui leaned back again and said, "Ahem, I lost my temper, I'm really sorry. Next, let's play an interesting game. The name of this game is, I have a lot of little secrets, just I won’t tell you. Just hearing the name makes it fun, doesn’t it?”

"Whatever you want to do, come to me, please don't do anything to my daughter!" Liu Yinyan begged bitterly: "Even if you let me die, I will not hesitate!"

"Dad!" Liu Fei'er only yelled, and burst into tears uncontrollably.

The two suddenly cried together.

"If you say one more nonsense, you two will have a hole in your head, understand?"

The two nodded.

Wu Zui seemed very satisfied with the effect, and continued: "That's good, now, the game begins. The content of the game is very simple, you can answer whatever I ask. Don't try to lie to me, you can be fooled in this world My people haven't been born yet."

"Okay, first question, Liu Yinyan. Thirty-five years ago, did you plan to rob the gold store?"

Liu Yinyan looked at his daughter, was silent for a moment, and said, "That's right, I planned it."

"Very good. The next question is up to you, so are you still innocent now?"

After all, everyone was staring at Liu Fei'er, especially Liu Yinyan. It seemed that he was also very concerned about this issue.

Liu Fei'er lowered her head and said softly: "No, I'm not anymore."

"Yes, it seems that you are all quite honest." Wu Zui seemed very satisfied: "These are small problems, but the questions after that are very interesting. People who lie will end up dead, I hope you can I understand. Then Mr. Liu, do you know that the person you killed had a daughter with uremia?"

These words directly hit the dusty past thirty-five years ago, and seemed to shatter the dignity of a father in front of Liu Fei'er. So that a daughter can see how many dirty tricks are hidden under the neat and clean appearance of her father's suit and leather shoes.

Liu Yinyan looked at Liu Fei'er, tears streaming down his face, but finally said: "Yes, I know he has a daughter with uremia."

"Next is you, Liu Fei'er." Wu Zui asked, "Did you give it to your boyfriend that time? Don't lie."

The expression on Liu Fei'er's face suddenly changed from fear to shock, and she stared blankly at Wu Zui. Seeing this expression, I knew that Wu Zui must have mastered a lot of secrets about these two people, otherwise he wouldn't be so confident. And Liu Fei'er must not be just the innocent and lovely nineteen-year-old girl we see from the outside.

"No, it's not." Liu Fei'er said these two words with great difficulty.

Liu Yinyan looked at Liu Fei'er with a complicated expression, shocked and ashamed: "Fei'er, how did your father teach you, you, why did you do such a thing?"

Wu Zui shook his head and said, "No, no, now is not the time for you to ask questions. Let me ask you, since you know that he has a daughter with uremia, don't you feel ashamed to do this?"

"Yes, but even if I don't do this, his daughter will still die." Liu Yinyan did not answer, but argued: "That is already in the late stage of uremia, and there is no cure! Even if you have money, you can still die." It’s impossible to save his daughter! If I do this, since her daughter is dead anyway, he doesn’t want to live anymore, why, why can’t I be fulfilled.”

"I'm not asking you this question." Wu Zui shook his head: "I'm asking you, are you guilty?"

Liu Yinyan limp down like a deflated balloon.

"I, I'm guilty." Liu Yinyan replied: "I'm guilty. For thirty-five years, I have often dreamed about this thing. I think of the body that was salvaged, and think of her daughter who couldn't see her father before she died. That moment. So I founded the foundation for treating uremia patients, and I saved a lot of people!"

"En." Wu Zui waved his hand, signaling Liu Yinyan to shut up: "Then Liu Feier, when was your time?"

Liu Fei'er lowered her head, not daring to look at her father with her eyes. She might have thought about lying, but when she saw Wu Zui wearing a mask, she still said, "It was when I was sixteen. I went out to play that day and met a man..."

Hearing Liu Fei'er's words, Liu Yinyan trembled all over. He seemed unable to believe his ears: "What, what? When he was sixteen years old, who was that person! Why didn't you tell Dad..."

After hearing this, Wu Zui couldn't help applauding: "Stop talking, it's not my problem. My problem is, do you understand the feeling of being willing to do anything for your daughter?"

"Me." Liu Yinyan suddenly couldn't say anything.

Just like Ren Tian thirty-five years ago, the kind of determination that he would rather take his own life for the sake of his daughter's survival. That feeling of being an enemy of the whole world and wanting my daughter to live. Thirty-five years ago, Liu Yinyan didn't have a daughter yet, so maybe he couldn't understand that feeling.

But thirty-five years have passed, and Liu Yinyan's daughter has grown to nineteen years old.

So, does Liu Yinyan understand this feeling

"I understand." Liu Yinyan said with a wry smile: "Thirty-five years ago, I had no choice. If Ren Tian didn't die, maybe I would die. But now, I have many choices, and I can help many people. Why, definitely Are you going to cling to what happened thirty-five years ago?"

Liu Yinyan burst into tears.

Wu Zui ignored him, but instead asked Liu Feier: "Then Liu Feier, did you do it voluntarily?"

Wu Zui seemed to want to break the casserole and ask the end, he shattered the dignity of a father. And now, he wanted to show a daughter's self-esteem to her father. In the future, how will the pair of fathers face each other, how can they greet each other with a smile

Liu Fei'er's tears are no longer shed, maybe when something is said, she doesn't care to continue talking. She was already planning to break the can: "Yes, I did it voluntarily."

As soon as these words were said, Liu Yinyan's heart was completely broken. As an old man who treats others very harshly, he naturally treats his family members even more strictly. But how could Liu Yinyan think that his only daughter would do such a thing.

It's easy to break a person, crush his most important things and show him.

"That's right, cutie." Wu Zui touched Liu Fei'er's face, then turned his head and said to Liu Yinyan: "Liu Yinyan, you heard it all. I think you finally know what a heart that is too sad is like." , how bitter and helpless it is. So, are you willing to pay for the mistakes you made thirty-five years ago?"

Wu Zui's words were very soft, but all of them fell into Liu Yinyan's ears.

Liu Yinyan's cloudy eyes suddenly flashed a gleam of light, he said: "I will live to be seventy years old this year. There are many people in this world who will not live to be seventy years old. I only started studying when I was thirty years old. , I had a career when I was thirty-five, and I had a daughter when I was fifty."

"I feel like I don't have enough time, so every time I'm actually working hard." Liu Yinyan said calmly, "I've lived for so many years, and I finally understand a truth. What you want, you actually have Not what you want."

"When I came to Dongxing City, I just wanted to find a wife and have a child." Liu Yinyan closed his eyes: "When did I forget my original intention?"

These words are plain, but in my heart, there is always an indescribable sadness. An old man who is all-powerful in the financial world actually doesn't want much.

It's just that when people are running, they always forget why they are running.

"So you've thought it through!" Wu Zui suddenly stood up.

"Yes!" Liu Yinyan said lightly.

"No!" I yelled.

"Let's do it!" Liu Yinyan also shouted.

Wu Zui sighed, and said: "When a person is about to die, his words are good, but so many years have passed, let the past pass."

We all breathed a sigh of relief.

Liu Yinyan's expression eased down.

Blood splattered everywhere, and Liu Yinyan fell backwards.

"Haha, I lied to you!" Wu Zui laughed loudly.