Case Files 013

Chapter 121: fire


Captain Zhou nodded and said with a smile, "You still understand what I mean, Wu Meng."

I saw Lao Xia, who was walking in front, suddenly paused, but then returned to normal. I don't know if Lao Xia heard our conversation, and I don't know what kind of feeling Lao Xia would feel if he heard us.

But no matter what he thought, Captain Zhou had already continued to tell the story.

It was the anniversary of Lao Xia's father's death. That night, the family returned to the old house to pay homage to their father. According to local customs, the family members drink some white wine on this day. The whole family sat around a table with five pairs of chopsticks.

The extra pair was reserved for my father.

Lao Xia is thirty years old this year, and his daughter is also three years old.

Lao Xia's mother cooked a table of delicacies early, waiting for the arrival of her son and grandson.

His mother took a few sips of wine and was a little talkative: "When I married your father, I saw him as simple and motivated. You may also have a little impression that there were so many people in that factory at that time, and the real workers How many people are there?"

"I knew it back then." Lao Xia's mother continued: "Following such a person, I knew that I was right in this life. The factory collapsed, how many people jumped around and scolded their mothers? But your father is different from them. If you start over, don’t you still have money? Marrying someone is really not about family background, but character.”

At this time of year, Lao Xia's mother would babble a few words like remembering bitterness and sweetness.

During the conversation, several people drank a few glasses of white wine and felt a little sleepy.

Even the table was not cleared, and several people went to bed.

But who would have thought that this sleep was the scariest sleep Lao Xia had ever had. If there was a chance to do it all over again, Lao Xia would never choose to go back that night.

This happened two years after Lao Xia rejected Lao An's request for money.

From the moment Lao Xia refused Lao An's request for money, Lao An had the first enemy in his life, and this person was Lao Xia. It's funny to say that this old An has achieved nothing at the age of thirty, and he is as cowardly as his grandson in front of others, and he doesn't even dare to speak out. But in front of Lao Xia, he seems to have become the demon king of the world, trying to stir up a situation.

Sometimes, being an honest and kind person does not necessarily bring good luck.

Lao Xia's relatively introverted personality brought disaster to him and his family.

When Lao Xia was drinking and eating meat at home that day, Lao An, who was at the door, heard it very clearly. Lao An hates it, he hates it so much, he can't wait to eat Lao Xia's family on the opposite side alive.

They are all from the same background, so how can Lao Xia be able to get along like a fish in water in this small town, but he is a dragon in the shallows. They all have the same educational background, so how can Lao Xia soar into the sky, but he is a tiger in the sky. Today, Lao An finally couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and he wanted revenge.

Standing downstairs, seeing Lao Xia's house turned off the lights, Lao An snickered in the dark night.

This is the house allocated by the meat joint factory before. At that time, you only need to pay a small amount of money to buy the house and make it your own. So the only valuable thing about Anjia is this house. And Lao An is desperate for revenge.

This house is an old-fashioned building, and a large part of the window, door frames and even the beams are wooden structures. If it catches fire, it will basically burn out quickly. Both of them are on the first floor, and in order to prevent thieves, there are guardrails outside the windows on the first floor. Lao An has pulled the railings, which are very strong.

At that time, people were still relatively real. The railings were all built into the red bricks, and it was difficult to remove them without special tools. Lao An was very satisfied, and then he returned to the door of Lao Xia's house. The anti-theft door of Xia's house was tightly closed. Lao An looked at the anti-theft door, gently swung the doorknob, and returned home.

When he came out of the house, Lao An had an extra bucket in his hand. Inside the barrel is liquid, an extremely flammable liquid that everyone calls liquid alcohol. Lao An slowly opened the lid, and he poured some alcohol into it along the window.

The windows are all wooden structures, and they have been too long, with a lot of gaps between them. Alcohol was poured into the window along the crack, and everything was silent. Lao An thought very clearly that this is where the husband and wife sleep with their children. If this place is set on fire, they will soon be engulfed by the fire.

However, Lao An suppressed his urge to ignite the fire, and he put his red heart back in his stomach. In order to be safe, Lao An must carry out the second step. He wants to pour alcohol into the crack of the door, and then use his sofa to block the anti-theft door of Lao Xia's house.

Lao An's ingenuity is fully used here.

If the couple hadn't been burned to death by the fire, they would have run out of the door with their children and the elderly. The gap in the iron railing outside the window is not big, it can only accommodate one hand in and out, and there is definitely no way for a person to come out. So the door has become the only way to survive, and what Lao An has to do now is to block this way to survive.

He poured liquid alcohol in along the crack of the door, and then moved out his rotten sofa to block the door. In this way, maybe even his own house will be implicated, maybe it will be reduced to ashes together. But Lao An doesn't care anymore, as long as Lao Xia's family can be killed, he doesn't care about anything.

Two matches, one was thrown at the crack of the door, and the other was thrown at the window.

Following the traces of the alcohol flow, the raging fire spread immediately.

Lao An looked at the burning house and laughed loudly.

In less than two minutes, Lao An heard screams in the room. The night was pitch black, except for the light of the fire that illuminated Lao Xia's house as if it were daytime. A heart-piercing sound came out, and Lao An heard it. It was the cry of Lao Xia's daughter. Then came another woman's cry. This is the cry of the old Xia woman. The sound was like the ghost cry he heard on TV, it was very scary.

But the worse the sound, the happier Lao An was.

Aren't you rich, don't you live happily and happily, don't you don't give me money. Well now, your family is going to die, no matter how much money you have, what's the use of it? This is your fate, this is your fate for being rich and unkind.

The house was full of flames, and shouts and cries were heard.

But they had nowhere to run out, there was no way to escape through the windows, and the door was burning with fire. Like being in a steamer, they were going to be burned alive in this house from which there was no way to escape.

Shouts and flames alarmed the rest of the neighbors, who got up and joined the fight. They saw a terrifying sight, a man standing in front of a burning house, laughing loudly, that laughter seemed to contain his incomparable happiness, as if he had encountered the happiest thing in the whole world.

But what they didn't know was that when the alcohol met the water, as the water flowed, the fire began to spread in all directions. They accelerated the speed of this fire, they increased the size of this fire.

The screams inside gradually subsided, as if everyone inside had died.

Everyone looked at the soaring fire, which had already spread to Lao An's house. They had never seen such a big fire, and it was the biggest fire they had ever encountered in their lives. Someone called 119, but everyone present could see that it was useless. No one dared to brave such a big fire to save people. At this time, whoever saves people will die.

But at this moment, a sharp voice suddenly shouted: "Hold my grandson and run! Go!"

Then there were screams.

This voice came from Lao Xia's mother.

It was only later that people learned that there was a raging fire at the door, and there was no way to rush out. But if you wait, it will be a dead end. At this time, Lao Xia's mother broke out with amazing courage, and she rushed into the raging fire. Enduring the pain caused by the huge burning, she survived the fire, opened the wooden door and the anti-theft door, and opened a passage for her son and granddaughter.

Lao Xia rushed out holding his daughter.

People saw that Lao Xia was on fire all over his body, like a burning man.

The crowd rushed forward and extinguished the fire on Lao Xia.

"Save my daughter, save my daughter." Lao Xia kept yelling these words when he passed out.

Later, people used "hell" to describe the tragedy of the family. When the firefighters put out the fire, they cleaned up two charred bodies from the scene. These are the bodies of two women, one older and the other younger. This is Lao Xia's mother, and this is Lao Xia's wife.

It became two cokes, and I couldn't see what they looked like.

To restore the situation when the fire broke out, Lao Xia's wife was sleeping by the window, with her daughter in the middle and Lao Xia on the outside. When the fire broke out, Lao Xia's wife immediately became a burning person, and his daughter was also on fire. Lao Xia hurriedly slapped the fire on his daughter and wife, hoping to extinguish it.

But to no avail, everything burned too fast.

The fire burned into a raging fire almost instantly, and Lao Xia's wife could not be saved.

He wanted to run away with his daughter, but the fire at the door was bigger than that at the window.

The surrounding residents rushed to put out the fire, but they didn't understand the situation, and the water poured in made the fire burn even bigger. Seeing that they were all about to die in the house, at this moment, Lao Xia's mother made an astonishing move.

Lao Xia suffered severe burns all over his body and spent three days and three nights in the hospital.

However, Lao Xia's daughter died when Lao Xia was in a coma because of her injuries.

Lao Xia's relatives came to help, and after spending all of Lao Xia's savings and selling the new house, Lao Xia's life was finally saved.

But Lao Xia became a different person, and the children called him a "monster".

There was nothing left, the savings of three generations, a happy family under a relentless fire.

Lao Xia couldn't face it, and came to this small city in the north from the farthest south in one night. He came to this Tougouzi village and lived in this so-called disabled village.

I have lived here for more than ten years.

Lao Xia in front suddenly stood up straight, his back still facing us.

His shoulders trembled, as if he was crying, but there was no sound.

After people's eyes are not working well, their ears become more sensitive.

He was listening all the time.

He finally couldn't take it anymore.

He cried.