Case Files 013

Chapter 123: Mrs. Wang


A cold wind blew in, and Li Danan opened the door. But Li Danan stood at the door, as if he remembered something.

The village chief said: "Li Danan, if you want to come in, come in, if you want to go out, go out, why are you standing at the door. It's so cold, you close the door."

Li Danan finally came to his senses, and said, "By the way, the village chief, I suddenly thought of something."

With that said, Li Danan walked in again.

Li Danan looked at us and said, "I remembered, when I came back today, I met a man on the road."

"Meet someone?" I was aroused by Li Danan's words, and I sat up straight and asked.

Li Danan sat down again, and said seriously: "When you were talking just now, I thought that there was a person who was walking towards me. It was probably four o'clock at that time. When I was walking into the village, the king The old lady walked out of the village, about a thousand meters east of the corpse, we passed by."

"At four o'clock?" I asked.

Li Danan hummed: "The west of the village is close to a national road. There is a small convenience store next to the national road. The things in it are cheaper and there are more types. So I would rather walk an extra hour each time to go to the convenience store next to the national road. When I came back, Mrs. Wang happened to be going shopping too."

My eyes lit up. If what Li Danan said is true, then based on the time calculation, it is very likely that Mrs. Wang saw the murderer. Although it may not be possible to see the process of the murderer throwing the body, at least he should have seen the murderer, or at least saw the footprints left by the murderer.

This clue is a breakthrough clue. If we can get a little clue from Mrs. Wang, it will bring great help to our detection work. Thinking of this, I quickly said to the old village chief: "Where does this Mrs. Wang live? If possible, I think we should meet her."

As soon as I said it, Li Danan and the village chief frowned secretly, as if I had come up with an unrealistic idea.

I looked at the two men and shrugged, not understanding what was going on.

"How could it be her." The old village chief began to pack the tea set: "Anyone is fine, but why is it just Mrs. Wang? .”

The old village chief muttered to himself, his tone implying that this matter was difficult to handle.

I couldn't help asking: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

The old village head sighed, and said: "You said who was the one who went out to buy things at the time, but it was Mrs. Wang. To be honest, almost all the people in our Tougouzi village are disabled. The old lady Wang mentioned by Li Danan specifically refers to a deaf-mute old lady named Wang Meizhi."

"And then?" Guan Zengbin asked at this time.

The old village head looked at Guan Zengbin and said, "Everyone knows the truth about ten deaf and nine dumb. When Mrs. Wang was three years old, her father and mother divorced and sentenced her to her father who was able to support her financially. But she His father is really not a thing, every time he vents his anger towards his wife on this child."

After I heard it, there was another sigh in my heart. Whenever I say this, I know that this is often another story with a tragic ending.

The old village head slowly told us the story of Mrs. Wang: "As a three-year-old child, Wang Meizhi only knew how to cry and had no other solution. It was like this until Wang Meizhi was six years old. At this time, Wang Meizhi's hearing There is already a problem."

"It's a beast to treat your own daughter so cruelly." Gu Chen gritted his teeth and said.

"Who says it's not?" The old village head continued, "Wang Meizhi's personality has become withdrawn and cowardly. She never communicated with others at school, and she dared not tell the teacher about it. Others thought she was a She has an introverted personality, but in fact, in the later stage, she can hardly hear any voices."

When Guan Zengbin heard this, his face was full of sympathy and distress: "Then no one noticed her abnormality? Did no one see that this child is different?"

The old village chief shook his head and said: "It was not our time, when kindergartens took care of all aspects of children. At that time, the kindergarten was a place where children were stored in one place. As long as there were no major incidents, children could do whatever they liked. , the teachers don't care."

Hearing this, Guan Zengbin shook his head and said softly: "It's really sad."

The old village chief moved his neck and gave a wry smile: "How should I put it, anyway, everything in this child's ears is broken, and the marks can be seen on the face. But the teachers probably think that more than one thing is better." The attitude of doing nothing, so no one wants to investigate this matter clearly in the past three years."

"In the past three years, Wang Meizhi not only couldn't hear anything, but also didn't communicate with the rest of the people," the old village chief looked at Bai Xue outside the window, and continued: "Then he will go to elementary school when he is seven years old, and he will give elementary school students free medical examinations. This Only then did the doctor discover the wound on Wang Meizhi's body."

"What a beast." The old village head became angry as he said, "Even the doctor saw the wound and found it shocking. I don't know how this child endured it. They asked left and right, but this The child just wouldn't talk. A doctor noticed something was wrong and checked her hearing."

"Ah." Sighing, the old village head continued: "After they checked, they found that Wang Meizhi's eardrums had been ruptured, and the auditory ossicles were broken. This girl can't hear anything at all. Wang Meizhi was actually a child when she was three years old. I have learned to speak, and I had no problem communicating with others before."

The old village chief sighed again: "But in the past three years, she had very little communication with others, and her hearing problem started again. Gradually, his language ability also slowly degraded. When the doctor found out, She doesn't know how to speak at all."

"What happened next?" Guan Zengbin asked.

"Later." The old village head said: "Later, Wang Meizhi was sentenced to his mother. But in fact, her mother may not be much better than her father. At that time, Wang Meizhi's mother had remarried. Others, and already have a two-year-old baby."

The old village head continued: "Her mother already has a new family. Her mother regarded her as her life three years ago, but three years later, there was a substitute. Moreover, Wang Meizhi was thin and full of scars. It's very ugly. Her new family can't integrate this deaf-mute Wang Meizhi."

"One day later." The old village head kept shaking his head while speaking, his face full of anger and sympathy: "Her mother also knew that Wang Meizhi became deaf and dumb, and couldn't say anything. So that afternoon, under the pretext of taking her out to play, my mother abandoned her in the small city of Yumu City, and then left by car."

Guan Zengbin's tears rolled in his eyes: "If you can't fulfill your responsibilities as a parent, don't have children!"

The old village chief rubbed his eyes with his hands: "Who said it wasn't? When Wang Meizhi got off the merry-go-round, her mother had already disappeared. She waited in the amusement park all day and night, and her mother never came again." I won’t be coming back. Six-year-old Wang Meizhi cried all her tears. She did nothing wrong, but she was born to suffer.”

Hearing the words of the old village head, I felt a sore feeling in my heart, like knocking over a bottle of old vinegar in my heart, and the sour person wanted to cry. We don't know, that night, Wang Meizhi stood beside the carousel alone, waiting all night. We also don't know what Wang Meizhi was thinking that night.

This world is very strange. Some people are born with smooth sailing and live a life of luxury and enjoyment. But some people seem to come here for redemption. They have suffered all the tortures and suffered all the pains in the world.

The old village chief said slowly: "At that time, the management was not as strict as it is now, and no one took care of Wang Meizhi's affairs. But there are still kind-hearted people in this world. The next afternoon, an old man found For Wang Meizhi who was standing under the merry-go-round in a daze."

"That old man is an old man from Tougouzi Village, Yumu City." The old village head said in retrospect: "At that time, I was also a kid in Tougouzi Village. At that time, the old man brought Wang Meizhi back to the village. From now on, I will raise Wang Meizhi as my own granddaughter."

The old village chief laughed again when he thought of this: "Under the care of the old man, Wang Meizhi's injuries have healed up. She can be regarded as a beautiful little girl. Under the care of the old man, Wang Meizhi slowly recovered. It's going to say something."

"But." The old village head's eyes dimmed: "The old man was already very old at that time. When Wang Meizhi was fourteen or fifteen years old, the old man passed away. After the old man passed away, Wang Meizhi still lived in the village. She makes money by weaving some handicrafts for others, embroidering some bed sheets and quilt covers for others.”

The old village chief said: "After the old man died, Wang Meizhi never said a word. Others tried to make her speak, but it was of no avail. After the age of eighteen, there are many people who talk about their relatives, but Wang Meizhi No one agreed. After a lifetime like this, Wang Meizhi became Mrs. Wang, and since she was fourteen, she has lived alone for more than fifty years. Now, it is even more difficult to communicate with her."

This is a story about a man silent and a woman crying, and Guan Zengbin has already secretly wiped his tears.

The old village head continued: "It is said that Wang Meizhi is not her original name, because the old man who raised her was surnamed Wang, so she is called Wang Meizhi. I heard these things from the old people in the village, a long time ago. Now , Those little brats back then have become bad old men, not many people know these things."

"In other people's eyes." The old village chief lowered his head and said slowly: "Maybe Mrs. Wang is a deaf, dumb, withdrawn and stubborn old woman. They have never seen a fourteen-year-old woman." Wang Meizhi, that's a good-looking one..."