Case Files 013

Chapter 124: Simple tea and light rice


After hearing Mrs. Wang's story, we couldn't help feeling a little bit of sigh. Perhaps everyone who passes you by with a hurried face has his own story. Perhaps everyone who looks ordinary to you has experienced things we can't imagine. Sometimes, looking at a person, it's no use relying on guesswork.

After a moment of silence, it was Gu Chen who spoke first: "Although Mrs. Wang is deaf, she is also deaf from the day after tomorrow. Even if she can't speak, at least we can ask Mrs. Wang about the murderer by writing. If we can find some clues from Mrs. Wang, maybe we can turn passivity into initiative."

What Gu Chen said made sense, and I said, "That's right, based on the time calculation, we have reason to believe that Mrs. Wang saw something."

The old village chief nodded and said, "It's not that I don't understand the truth. It's just that it's useless for you to find her. Since she was fourteen years old, she has lived alone. After forty years old, even more It’s because I haven’t communicated with other people for 20 years. Even if we communicate in words, we must know how to write, right?”

At this time, Li Danan suddenly said: "That's right, this person is like a ghost in our village. She doesn't communicate with others, and she doesn't see her head and tail all day long. If it wasn't for the village head Wei talking about Wang The old lady’s story, I thought she was mentally ill.”

The old village head glared at Li Danan, and then said: "It's a pity, when Wang Meizhi was picked up, that old lady was too old. Otherwise, if I teach a few more years, Wang Meizhi may become a normal person. It's just that sometimes fate That's it. This is Wang Meizhi's life for the rest of her life."

"Wang Meizhi." The old village head added: "Except for writing my own name, I can't write anything."

Guan Zengbin was a little anxious, and she said: "Then she has to communicate with people, she can't live without contact with people, otherwise how can she survive, how can she buy rice and noodles? There must be some sign language, if it is sign language, I I can do a little bit. Although I can’t say I’m proficient, I can still communicate.”

The old village head waved his hand, and then said: "How to say about this matter, that old lady has no relatives, and when she died, she gave all her inheritance to Wang Meizhi. Although it is not much, Wang Meizhi also inherited the old lady's inheritance. A tailor's shop, sewing and repairing, she will take as much as others give her."

"Generally, the farthest place she goes is to go to the small supermarket next to the national highway to get some needlework and buy some daily necessities and vegetables." The old village head said: "You don't need to talk when you buy things in the supermarket. She gives the things to the cashier. The cashier signs a price with her hand, and then she pays."

Sighing, the old village head continued: "But if she talks about complicated things, she can't do it."

I patted the old village chief on the shoulder and said: "No matter what, Mrs. Wang is the most likely witness we can find at this stage to find clues. Even if we can't find clues, since they have all arrived In the village, there is no reason to give up the investigation without contacting Mrs. Wang, right?"

The old village head saw that I was determined, so he didn't say anything, but said to Li Danan: "This is Li Danan! You go and find Mrs. Wang."

Halfway through the talk, the old village head waved his hand again and said, "No, no, she won't come with you if you go, how about this, I'll go find Mrs. Wang. When we were ten years old, Wang Meizhi and I were childhood sweethearts. Right. In this village, I guess she can still communicate with me a little bit."

As he said that, the old village chief said as if he was talking to us and comforting himself: "After all, we have known each other for more than 50 years. When I was three or four years old, I played with her in her teens. "

While speaking, the old village head was about to shake his wheelchair and walk outside. I hurriedly stopped the old village chief, and said: "Old village chief, the wind is blowing outside, and the road is full of snow. You are not young, so don't bother. In this way, let Gu Chen Just push you, let's go to Mrs. Wang's house together."

Captain Zhou stood up and said, "That's right, Village Chief Wei, let's go, or we can go together."

The old village chief nodded and said, "Alright, let's go together. Li Danan, you can sit here. If someone comes to see me for something, you can tell me to go to Mrs. Wang's house." Got it, do you know?"

Li Danan nodded and said, "Okay, village chief."

We walked all the way to Mrs. Wang's house.

We came to the village from the west entrance of the village. The village committee is in the middle of the village, Mrs. Wang's home is on the east side, and the body dumping site is on the side of the road to the east. On the easternmost side of the path are small supermarkets and national highways.

Gu Chen pushed the old village head forward, Captain Zhou and Guan Zengbin stood beside him chatting.

I was walking behind them alone, thinking about the conversation just now.

From previous conversations, I learned that going straight from the small road to the east of the village is a national road. If this is the case, the murderer is a villager in Tougouzi Village, and there will be a question mark. Cars come and go on the national highway, and many vehicles may pass by Tougouzi Village. Those who are familiar with Tougouzi Village may also have drivers of sports cars.

If this is the case, then the scope of our investigation is much larger. If this is the case, I may add another category of people to my profile. It's just that now, although I faintly have such a guess, I don't dare to make in-depth guesses on the road.

And there is a question that I actually don't understand, that is, according to Captain Zhou and the old village head, Tougouzi Village has been a disabled village for some years. Logically speaking, these people living in Tougouzi Village must be married, but it is unreasonable to say that a baby born to a disabled person must be a disabled person.

Then the problem arises, this village cannot be all disabled, so what Captain Zhou and the old village chief said is an exaggerated modification, or is there something else hidden

I don't know what's going on, but I have a faint feeling that this village may not be as simple as we thought.

It's just that now is not the time to think about what is going on in this village. What is important now is to be able to catch the murderer.

After walking for about ten minutes, I came to the gate of Mrs. Wang.

The old village head came to the door by himself in a wheelchair, and pulled a rope protruding from the outside of the door with his hand.

The old village chief said while pulling the rope: "This rope is connected to an iron weight in the house. If Mrs. Wang sees the weight move, she will know that someone is looking for her. All Mrs. Wang's regular customers know, Everyone in the village knows about it."

After pulling it a few times, the door was opened with a "squeak". An old man stood in front of us. This is an old man in his sixties, but his wrinkles seem to be less than those of the old village head. If he didn't know that the old village head was ten years younger than Mrs. Wang, how would he look at Wang? The old lady is also younger than Village Chief Wei.

But think about it, this old man is over sixty years old, and he can still walk for more than an hour to buy things on the national highway, and walk another hour back to Tougouzi Village, so Mrs. Wang must be in good health. And look at the old village head, sitting in a wheelchair all day, unable to exercise, naturally his body function will decline a lot.

And at this time, we finally saw what the old village chief called "a little bit of communication" with Mrs. Wang.

I saw that the old village head was gesticulating with his hands while shouting, as if the louder he shouted, the old lady Wang could understand. And Mrs. Wang looked at us vigilantly with frowns, and she didn't make any move to let us in. Captain Zhou took out his ID and gestured in front of Mrs. Wang.

I saw him gesturing for handcuffs with his hands. It took a long time for Mrs. Wang to understand. Finally, he understood our identities and saluted us with his hands. Then, we were welcomed inside by Mrs. Wang.

It seems that Mrs. Wang is not as unapproachable as Li Danan said. I don't know if it is because it is difficult to communicate with each other that makes Li Danan feel this way. Look at it now, Mrs. Wang smiled and let us into the house, she also looked very kind. Maybe people are really old, and in their bones, they still hope that someone can accompany her.

There is a stove in the house, and Mrs. Wang is using the stove to cook noodles, which are accompanied by stewed potatoes and cabbage. This is a very common lunch in ordinary people's homes. Captain Zhou hurriedly took over the task of cooking, and said with a smile: "I will cook for you. When I was young, I used to make enough food and clothing by myself. It is fragrant and delicious. Everything."

"You guys." While cooking the noodles, Captain Zhou said, "If you have any questions, please find a way to ask them quickly. I think it will take some time. I guess my meal is ready, and you won't be able to ask anything." .”

After all, we all take turns. I tried to communicate by drawing pictures, but it failed. Mrs. Wang couldn't understand what I was drawing at all. Then there was Guan Zengbin, who tried to communicate with the old lady using sign language, but it still didn't help.

The two of us tossed and tossed for a full hour, and Captain Zhou had already fished out the noodles, poured the side dishes, and handed them to Mrs. Wang. Mrs. Wang looked at us like a monkey, while she was eating. From time to time, he gestured with his hands to indicate that we would eat too, and there were still noodles and vegetables.

Gu Chen was the last one to enter the stage. Gu Chen stood in front of Mrs. Wang, without moving for a long time. Finally, he couldn't help but said: "No way, I really can't communicate. But it's already noon now. To be honest, I'm pretty hungry."

Finally, the old village chief said: "Don't bother, it's noon, it's time to eat. I have told my wife before, let her cook more dishes, and eat at my house at noon."

I waved my hand, looked at Mrs. Wang and said, "Old village chief, I really can't obey my orders this time. How about this, tell your lover not to wait for us, and eat by yourself. I think Mrs. Wang The food here is also good, I have been in Dongxing City before, I haven’t eaten this kind of homely meal for a long time, I miss it a little.”

After repeated persuasion by the old village head, none of us agreed, so the old village head had no choice but to call home and signaled his wife that he didn't have to wait for us to eat.

The rice is very filling and the food is very good.

Although Mrs. Wang couldn't hear what we were saying, we didn't know what she was thinking. But happy emotions are always connected. Looking at the smile on Mrs. Wang's face, although it is impossible to find anything from here, I always feel that there is an unusually peaceful force in my heart.

"It's not good!" Li Danan's voice suddenly came in from outside the door: "It's not good, Village Chief Wei, come out quickly!"