Case Files 013

Chapter 125: A hand raised in the snow


Li Danan shouted loudly at the door of Mrs. Wang, hearing his anxious tone, it seemed that something terrible had happened. Mrs. Wang naturally did not respond to the shouts outside, she still smiled. We quickly stood up and walked outside, while the old village chief hurriedly gestured to bid farewell to Mrs. Wang.

We walked out of Mrs. Wang's house, opened the big iron gate, and saw Li Danan with a nervous face.

I was about to speak, but Li Danan spoke first: "Come out and have a look, something big has happened."

I nodded and said, "You have to speak slowly about the big urgent matter, what's the matter?"

Li Danan breathed a sigh of relief and talked about the ins and outs of the matter: "I was waiting for you to come back at the village committee just now. But before you came back, some villagers came to say that they saw something extraordinary. I asked what happened. Something happened, the villager said that he saw a hand sticking out from the snow! There is a piece of snow there, and there is a hand!"

While speaking, Li Danan's eyes revealed a kind of panic.

"A hand stretched out from the snow?" Li Danan hesitated. I couldn't understand what Li Danan was going to say, so I asked, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Li Danan couldn't make it clear after watching it for a while, so he simply took my arm and said, "Go and see it and you will understand."

We nodded and followed Li Danan quickly to the west of the village. After walking for more than ten minutes, I saw a dense row of people in the distance, and they all looked down at the area in the middle of the crowd. The crowd stood so densely that I couldn't see anything inside.

The closer you get to the crowd, the more you can hear the chaotic discussions in the crowd.

"This is so strange!" Someone said, "A hand grew out of the snow?"

Some people also said: "This is fake no, this can't be true."

The old village chief was pushed forward by Gu Chen, and as he moved forward, the old village chief shouted: "What's wrong! What are you all doing here? Come on, let's all make room, let's all make room."

The old village chief shouted at the top of his voice, many people heard the old village chief's shout and consciously made way for him. Following this path to get out of the way, I finally saw clearly what exactly the people were surrounding.

It was indeed a hand protruding from the snow, and it could be seen that it was a right hand.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way." The old village chief shouted, "Let the people from the city see what's going on."

I took a closer look at the hand, which was also painted with nail polish, which looked to be the same color and style as the nail polish on the leg we found. This hand stretched out from the snow, revealing a small arm and palm. The palm shows a grasping motion, but there is nothing in the hand, only air.

The skin on this arm is very white. Combined with that leg, the possibility of the deceased being a woman is extremely high.

The snow here is about 30 centimeters thick, and it should be impossible for a person to be hidden here. In other words, like the thigh, it was just a stump. Judging from the thickness of the snow and the way the arm was erected, the arm should have been inserted vertically into the snow.

Guan Zengbin squatted down and carefully observed the severed arm.

After observing for a while, Guan Zengbin put on gloves. She held the hand with her left hand, lifted it vigorously, and pulled her entire arm out of the snow. The people around suddenly let out an exclamation, and everyone subconsciously took a few steps back. Because we saw that as Guan Zengbin pulled out the whole arm, everyone saw the broken part of the arm clearly.

Judging from the cut in this arm, it doesn't look like it was made with a knife at all. Because we can see that the fracture is uneven, and there are obvious marks of being bitten by some kind of animal. On the bone at the cross section, rows of teeth marks can be seen.

The tooth marks looked fine and sharp, and deep holes could be seen on the bones. This shows that this must not be a mark that people can bite out. And in this kind of village, the most likely animal I can think of is a dog. But since I came to this village, I have not heard a dog barking.

Is it because there are no dogs in this village, or are the dogs in this village also deaf

Guan Zengbin frowned, and slowly said to us: "Look, the tendons in this arm are tight, so the fingers show a kind of empty grasping movement. In medical terms, This kind of situation is called corpse spasm. This kind of situation usually occurs at the moment of death, because the muscles contract and stiffen, so that the posture and expression of death are fixed."

Guan Zengbin thought for a while, and then continued: "The same is true for the previous leg. The foot is stretched upwards, which is also caused by muscle contraction and stiffness. That is to say, when this arm was bitten off, this person was also alive. Yes. And it may be the same person, in a similar situation."

I nodded, looked at this arm, and asked: "Look at this man's nails, they seem to be the same as the nail polish on that leg. They are both darker in color, and they are all done in the same way." Can you be sure that the two stumps belong to the same person?"

"It's possible." Guan Zengbin nodded and said, "It's very possible. Although there is no guarantee that it must be a person without DNA testing. But from my experience, it should be a limb of a person."

A horrible picture appeared in my mind. We see this arm and that leg as belonging to the same person, so we can imagine a cruel picture.

In my mind, I imagined an image of a butcher with a dog looking for prey. If the prey is caught by him, then I will mourn for the prey.

I looked at the people around me, and they all stared at Guan Zengbin and the arm in Guan Zengbin's hand. Their expressions ranged from serious to fearful. The snow at the scene was full of footprints, and there was no way to detect them, and maybe the murderer was among these people.

The north and south of Tougouzi Village are covered with patches of fields, and farther away are rolling hills. In this season, no one will live on the hills. The eastern part of the village is a national road, surrounded by only a small supermarket and no residents. The west of the village is connected to the urban area of Yuzhou City, but it takes more than two hours to get here by car.

The traffic in this village is relatively closed, especially when it encounters such a heavy snowfall that has not happened in more than ten years, the traffic is even more inconvenient. Now people from outside want to come to this village, I am afraid it will take at least three hours.

Looking up, the gloomy sky is full of thick clouds. This shows that at some point, it will snow again in the sky.

Then the murderer must be familiar with this village to be able to insert an arm into the snowdrift here without being noticed by others. In other words, it is really possible that the murderer is hiding among this group of people. Hiding in the middle of this group of disabled people who look harmless to humans and animals.

There are dozens of people around here. Judging from their appearance, we can directly tell that some people are disabled, while some people cannot tell that they may be disabled like deaf-mute.

Then would the murderer be a disabled person, and the deceased be a disabled person

Guan Zengbin said: "The situation here is too simple. I can extract DNA, but there is no way to test it, and there is no way to compare it. If there is any situation, I have to send it out for testing."

Gu Chen nodded, then shook his head again: "Now we have to go back to Yumu City, and it will probably take three hours anyway. It's too inconvenient, and we haven't found any clues in Tougouzi Village."

Captain Zhou patted Gu Chen on the shoulder, and then said, "Well, I'll transfer someone from here to be responsible for the transportation between us."

As he said that, Captain Zhou looked at the old village chief and said, "Cillage Chief Wei, the sky is gray and it might snow sometime. If we go back, we will probably be blocked by snow on the road. Besides Well, the murderer is so vicious that he dumped his body in the village in broad daylight, it's better for us to stay here."

"I wonder if there is any place for us to live?" Captain Zhou said.

Village head Wei nodded: "Don't worry about this. There are not many other houses in the village. There are quite a lot of houses here. At that time, I will find you a few houses in the village. It's just that the conditions are definitely not as good as those in the city. There is no heating, and they all use coal stoves for heating, and I don’t know if you will use them.”

It seems that Captain Zhou is very concerned about this case and is still very conscientious.

I waved my hand and interrupted the conversation between the two of them: "Now is not the time to talk about these things, and it's not too late to talk about these things in life at night."

"Who was the first to spot the scene?" I shouted to the crowd of onlookers.

No one around listens to me.

Seeing that the people around could not calm down all the time, the old village chief shouted: "It's all quiet. Didn't you see that everyone is dead? What's going on now? Why are you making noise? Let me ask you, who saw this first?" If it's you, stand up, if it's not you, stand quietly aside."

In Tougouzi Village, it seemed that the words of the old village chief were more effective than mine. After a while, all the people who were still making noise just now quieted down.

Then, a seven or eight-year-old child stepped forward.

From what I could see, the child also had only one arm.

"Grandpa Wei." The child looked at the old village chief and said timidly, "I saw this arm first, I, I went over to touch it, and then my father pulled me back."