Case Files 013

Chapter 126: dog teeth


"What's your name, kid?" I looked at the kid and said, "Did you touch this arm just now? Why did you do that?"

The child hummed, pulled his father's skirt with one hand, and said, "My name is Sun Kangning. I went to visit Uncle Li's house with my father today. When I came back, I ran home by myself. Then on the side of the road, I just saw a hand. I was so happy, I just went over."

The child looked at us and then at his father before continuing to speak: "I have always had a dream to have two arms and two hands like others. But my parents told me that I was born When I was young, I only had one arm and one hand. My parents said that I was a superhero in my previous life, and my hands were taken away by bad guys.”

Sun Kangning said in a cheerful tone, seeming very excited: "Mom and Dad told me that as long as I eat well and study hard, I will be able to regain the superpowers of my previous life in the future, and I will be able to kill the bad guys. The snatched hand is back. Is that so, isn't it, Papa?"

Sun Kangning looked up at his father. In front of everyone, Sun Kangning's father was a little shy. This is a man in his thirties who doesn't seem to have any disabilities. I saw him gently stroking Sun Kangning's forehead with his hand, and said to his son lightly: "Yes, you are fine, and the bad guys will send your hand back in the future."

After getting the answer she was satisfied with, Sun Kangning said happily: "In order to get my arm back quickly, I eat well and write well every day. When I came out today, I saw that hand. That must be the bad guy sent my hand back, I just wanted to touch it."

At this point, Sun Kangning pulled his face down, and then said: "But my father saw it and scolded me to let me go quickly. I don't know if I did something wrong again, but I really want mine Come back your hands. Everyone has two arms and two hands, but I only have one arm and one hand."

Sun Kangning told us a very cruel story with innocence. In order to protect the heart of this little boy and make him accept the difference between himself and others, Sun Kangning's parents made him a small Dream. Maybe the boy will eventually understand that this is just a beautiful story, but for now, at least let him live in fantasy.

"I just want to be like everyone." Sun Kangning said softly.

I saw Sun Kangning's father, who was gently wiping the tears overflowing from his eyes with his hands. All the people stood silently, and most of these people were disabled. I don't know if there was such a person who came to weave good lies for them when they were young.

Sun Kangning's father looked at me, as if he was afraid that I would break the little guy's dream.

I smiled and said to Sun Kangning: "Little friend Sun Kangning, you were indeed a superhero in your previous life. You did well every day, but you didn't do enough. Look at this hand, is it bigger than yours? , this is the hand left for others, not yours.”

Sun Kangning nodded, a little disappointed: "So it wasn't for me."

I said: "Good things come last. Your arms and hands are the most perfect, and they will come later. Uncle asked you, did you see who put this hand here. This is the bad guy who specializes in snatching other people's hands, have you seen it?"

Sun Kangning's eyes lit up when I said it: "Really? But I didn't see the bad guy. If the bad guy appears, I will definitely arrest the bad guy."

"So you didn't see anyone?" I asked.

Sun Kangning nodded: "No, when I got here, I only saw one hand, no bad guys."

"So what time was it when you saw this hand?" I asked again.

"I don't know." Sun Kangning shook his head, feeling a little impatient.

At this time, Sun Kangning's father said: "We came here at about one o'clock. He ran fast at that time, but I was not pulled far away. I guess it took a few minutes before and after. I saw My son was moving that hand, so I hurriedly told him to stop..."

"I really didn't see anyone." Sun Kangning's father added: "I saw a pair of footprints next to this hand leading to the east of the village, and then mixed with the rest of the footprints. Look. After I got this hand, I hurried to the village committee to find the village head."

Sun Kangning's father looked at the old village head, and continued: "But there is no one in the village committee. Li Danan told me that you all went to Mrs. Wang's house, so I told Li Danan about it. Then Li Danan said Said let me come here and wait, he went to find you, and then you all came."

Although Sun Kangning's father saw the murderer's footprints at the first time, but now he has no way to find the murderer's footprints among the chaotic footprints.

"Did you see anything suspicious?" I asked.

"No more." Sun Kangning's father shook his head.

Sun Kangning and Sun Kangning's father didn't look like they were lying. And it's easy to verify, just check whether they have visited, so I basically have no doubts about the two. However, it is also certain that the murderer must not have left too far away, but even if there are only two or three hundred people in Tougouzi Village, it is difficult to find out the murderer.

While I was thinking, no one spoke.

At this time, Sun Kangning said suddenly: "Look, these two brothers and sisters are different from us. They are not like me, they have two arms and two hands. They are not like Grandma Wang, who can't hear anything Now, they can talk. Unlike Uncle Li, who can't see anything, they can see things. They're not like… "

Sun Kangning wanted to continue talking, but was stopped by his father.

Sun Kangning looked confused, I don't know why he was not allowed to speak, but Sun Kangning's father looked at us apologetically.

"It's okay, I have no problem." I said to everyone: "Go back if you have nothing to do, if you have any clues, you can tell me. After all, something like this happened in the village, the murderer is likely to throw the body again I also advise everyone to be careful recently, this murderer must be an extremely cruel person."

After all, everyone dispersed.

Sun Kangning's father came over, bowed to me, and said seriously: "Thank you, you are really a good person. If there is nothing else, I will leave first. If there are any clues, I will I told you."

After a while, all the people dispersed, and there were only a few of us left on the scene.

I looked at the scattered footprints on the ground and couldn't help but be in a daze.

Guan Zengbin raised an arm, as if shaking someone's hand.

She said: "I said Wu Meng, even if you put your eyes on the ground, you can't see anything. The murderer's footprints have been stepped on for a long time. These footprints overlap footprints, back and forth Yes, even the most powerful technology can’t be identified, so give up.”

I pulled my hair, sighed and said: "Well, I don't expect to find clues from this aspect, but we can still find a breakthrough. For example, the broken part of this arm was obviously bitten off by some animal. , what kind of animal do you think it will be?"

Guan Zengbin nodded, and then said: "Well, you are right. Judging from the traces of this wound, it is the trace of being bitten by an animal. You see, there are obvious bite marks left by dogs on the humerus. From the traces Judging from the arrangement and density, it should be a larger hunting dog."

I snapped my fingers and said, "This is the mark of a dog bite. Today we walked from the west end of the village to the east end of the village, and then from the east end of the village to the west end of the village. Did you find anything unusual?"

"An unusual place?" Captain Zhou scratched his head and said, "This Tougouzi Village, because the village head and I are good friends, so I sometimes come here. But I have come so many times, except for the people in the village. Most of the villagers were disabled, so they didn't see anything special, and they didn't think there was anything unusual."

I shook my head and said, "One thing is unusual, that is, this village doesn't seem to have any dogs. We've been walking all day, have you ever heard a dog bark?"

After I said the answer, everyone understood in a daze. If it's an apartment building, it's understandable not to see dogs. But there is not even a single dog in the village, something is wrong.

"You put it that way." Gu Chen nodded and said, "It's true, there are no dogs in this village."

The old village head said with a smile: "It's not that there are no dogs. Some people had dogs before, but gradually no one kept dogs. Our village is different from other villages. There are many dogs in our village. People have no hands and feet, no labor force, and can only rely on assistance to live. There have been incidents of wild dogs attacking people in the village before and killing people. They have no hands and feet and can't resist. Later, as long as dogs are found, we will send them away gone."

Captain Zhou also interjected, "Well, I still took over that case."

"So it's not that no one keeps dogs." The old village chief waved his hand and said, "We also consider it for safety. You think, most people in our village are like this. It's really dangerous. Later, everyone didn't keep dogs at all. Yes, it has been coming like this. Whether there is a dog or not, the impact is not great."

After listening to the old village chief's explanation, we realized that there was such a secret.

I continued: "If there is no dog in Tougouzi Village, where did the marks on the arm come from? This is our breakthrough. As long as we find this dog, we will be able to find the owner of this dog. "

Gu Chen smiled: "Looking for a dog?"

I nodded: "And this dog is not small, at least a medium-sized dog. There are no dogs in Tougouzi Village, which saves us a lot of unnecessary trouble."

The old village chief said suddenly: "By the way, the supermarket at the east entrance of the village."