Case Files 013

Chapter 127: Things gather together


The old village head told us that because there were incidents of wild dogs hurting people in the village, dogs were no longer kept in Tougouzi Village. And the only place to keep dogs is in the small supermarket next to the national highway in the east of the village. Because it is close to the national highway, there are many vehicles coming and going, and there will naturally be all kinds of people.

So it is necessary to have a dog to protect your own safety. The old village head told us that the owner of this supermarket is called Zhang Ke, and he has a big wolf dog that stands almost 1.8 meters tall. If there are any dogs in Tougouzi Village, this is the only one.

If not, it must not have been bitten by a dog in Tougouzi Village.

However, judging from the traffic situation, if the murderer was not in Tougouzi Village, he must be near Tougouzi Village.

The old village head said: "It's already noon now. If we want to investigate the supermarket, we must do it as soon as possible. I'm afraid it will get dark after we come back and forth. Looking at the weather, I'm afraid it will snow heavily at night." "

At the end, the old village chief looked at us again and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to go back these few days."

Listening to what the old village chief said, I also looked up at the gray sky. The thick clouds indicate that too much water vapor has accumulated inside, and this heavy snow is not far away from us. At this moment, it really feels like dark clouds are overwhelming the city, and the surrounding environment also gives people a feeling of depression.

I always have a strange feeling in my heart, and I always feel that the village as a whole gives people a gloomy feeling.

I exhaled a few mouthfuls of hot air into my palms, and finally felt the heat in my red hands. I waved my hand and said to everyone: "Then let's go. It seems that we will live in Tougouzi Village in the next few days. We will go to that supermarket to buy some daily necessities, such as warm gloves."

Guan Zengbin's face was red from the cold, and she was still holding that arm: "Then put this arm in a refrigerated environment first."

The old village head placed this arm in a slope cellar, and then took us to the supermarket in the east.

Along with the old village chief took out a few pairs of worn gloves: "I'm sorry, you have been here for so long, I didn't even notice this. Take it first, go to the supermarket to buy A few new pairs, buy some daily necessities, and just charge it to my account."

Pushing the old village head all the way to the east, it is estimated that it will take more than an hour to walk, and we chatted all the way.

I asked: "Old village chief, why are there so many disabled people in this village? Is there any non-disabled people? Could it be that those without disabilities automatically leave the village and go to other places when they reach a certain age? "

The old village head shook his head, and said slowly: "From the current situation, the village is not without normal people. The ratio of normal people to disabled people should be seven to three, which should be about the same. For example, Sun Kangning's father is a normal person. His child is born with a disability and has only one arm, as you all know. Outside, Sun Kangning is different from others. Sun Kangning's father does not want Sun Kangning to face He has a strange look at others, so he came to live in our village."

I nodded, and then asked, "Does this mean that the residents in this village are not necessarily all from Tougouzi?"

The old village chief pointed to a piece of houses in the distance, and said: "I also told you that there are not many other things in this village, except for houses. Even if there are another hundred people, they can live there. This village Since the 1980s, healthy people have gradually moved out, while more and more disabled people live here."

"It's also interesting." Gu Chen couldn't help but said at this time: "It's obviously inconvenient, but they are all willing to live together. I don't know who can take care of whom."

The old village chief couldn't see Gu Chen who was pushing him behind him, and naturally he couldn't see the expression on Gu Chen's face.

However, the old village head still sighed and said: "I read a little story in the newspaper, and I will tell you now. Once, on the bus, an old man came up. The old man stood in front of a young man. In front of him, but the young man didn't seem to have seen the old man, and he didn't intend to give up his seat at all."

Gu Chen nodded, and said, "Nowadays, some young people are of poor quality. It is our traditional virtue to give up our seats to the elderly."

The old village chief smiled, as if what he was waiting for was Gu Chen's words, and he continued to tell us: "Yes, the rest of the people on the bus said the same thing about the young man. Everyone joined in to support the old man In the team. The young man was blushed by the words, so he quickly stood up and gave up his seat."

The old village chief seemed to have something to say in his words, and it shouldn't just be a question of whether to give up his seat or not.

I heard the old village head continue to say: "But these people didn't give up, so the young man was forced to get out of the car halfway. The young man walked back home alone, sat on a chair, and rolled up his trouser legs. Prosthetic limbs. It turns out that the young man is a disabled person, but he didn't justify himself along the way."

Hearing this, Gu Chen said again: "If it is old, weak, sick, or disabled, it should be seen by others. If the young man explained the situation clearly, it would not cause such an embarrassing situation."

The old village head shook his head, and said slowly: "But the young man laughed out loud when he returned home. He is really happy. Gu Chen, do you know why he is happy?"

"Happy?" Gu Chen obviously couldn't understand what the old village head said, he asked suspiciously: "How can you still be happy? Being misunderstood, you should feel disappointed and angry."

The old village head waved his hand and said: "He is very happy, not disappointed and angry. This is the difference between us and you, because we see the world from a different perspective. You know that what a disabled person fears most is not discrimination , but sympathy?"

The old village chief's tone was very slow: "Compassion is the most genuine emotion that comes from the bottom of my heart. It is a feeling that he is different from me from the bottom of my heart, and it is the kind of real feeling that comes out of my heart. Emotions cannot deceive people. This young man was misunderstood and abused, but he laughed because no one saw that he was different from others."

We were silent, no one spoke.

At this time, the old village head continued to tell us: "People are animals that live in groups. Being different from others is the greatest negation of oneself. Therefore, healthy people moved out, and disabled people moved in. Because with the disability As the number of people increases gradually, healthy people feel that they are abnormal, understand?"

We nodded.

"So in this village, as Sun Kangning saw, you are the abnormal people." The old village chief smiled: "You said that if Sun Kangning never left this Tougouzi Village for the rest of his life, He has been a normal person all his life. But if he has seen the outside world, Sun Kangning is a different person."

I suddenly remembered a sentence that Team Leader Shao often said. Sometimes, the reason why people are unhappy is because they know too much. It's as if you can't see the outside world for a lifetime, but you feel that the place where you live is the happiest.

But can we say they are not happy? What they feel from their hearts may be the original intention of happiness. In a world where everyone is asleep, it is painful to be a sane person. Perhaps dying in a dream is the life that ordinary people are willing to live.

Captain Zhou heard the words of the old village head, and said with some emotion: "Yes, in different environments, there are different views of right and wrong, and different views of the world. What is normal and what is abnormal?"

While speaking, Captain Zhou revealed a kind of helplessness and sadness.

"So there are more and more disabled people in this village." The old village head said: "Many people know that there is such a village in Yumu City, so they all come here to settle down. Of course, whether they are normal people or people with physical defects Some people have left the village and lived a different life from the people here."

We went to the supermarket in the east while listening to the words of the old village chief.

After listening to the story of the old village chief, I felt an indescribable bitterness in my heart, and I guess the rest of the people felt the same way. Sometimes different people see different worlds, just like for color-blind people, they cannot see our colorful world.

After all, the old village chief looked back at me and said, "So most of the time, don't use guessing. Eyes may deceive others, especially for you, let alone guessing."

Then the old village chief turned his head back and said nothing more.

When he said this, the old village chief's eyes seemed to be full of too many things, as if he wanted to tell me something. And this sentence itself has more profound meaning, it seems that there is something in the words. But I don't know if the old village chief just sighed with emotion, or because of some other reasons.

Along the way, everyone didn't speak anymore, but walked quickly to the supermarket.

At almost three o'clock in the afternoon, we finally came to the end of the road and finally saw the small supermarket. The supermarket doesn't look very big, it is estimated to cover an area of 100 square meters.

Looking from the outside of the supermarket, the wall skin has peeled off, exposing the gray cement inside. The small advertisements and the phone number for applying for a permit are posted on the wall, still vaguely visible. A signboard torn out of plastic sheeting was pasted on the wall—the second small supermarket.

These details are enough to show that this supermarket has been around for a long time, and it is estimated that it has been in business for more than ten years or even decades.

The supermarket is on the side of the small road, and outside is a north-south national road. There is no car on the road now. But when you think about it, you know that the snowfall has increased sharply in recent days, and it is estimated that few people will choose to drive in such bad weather. Even if there are, it is estimated that they are very few.

The old village head pointed to the Erxiao Supermarket and said, "The one who runs the supermarket is called Zhang Ke. We all call him Erxiao. He is the only one who keeps a wolf dog."