Case Files 013

Chapter 129: hapiness


Thinking of this, I immediately said to the old village chief: "Old village chief, if what Er Xiao said is true, then the murderer should be still in the village at this moment, not near the village. Then it is possible that the murderer is a villager in this village." It’s huge, hasn’t anyone gone missing recently?”

The old village head warmed his hands on the fire, and said slowly: "You see, there are only two or three hundred people in our village, and the number of people is really small. If someone from a family is missing, or a neighbor is missing, they will definitely come The village committee came to report. But until now, no one has come to say who is missing."

As he said that, the old village head added: "How about this, I don't think there is enough time today, and it will be dark when we go back. How about it, I will let Lao Xia take all the villagers Get together and see who is missing. Is this okay? If not, we will investigate one by one. If the murderer is a villager, the body must still be there."

I stretched out a finger and shook it: "This method is not good, and it won't work. The snow is so thick now, if the murderer buries the body in the snowdrift in his own yard, it is impossible for us to find it. We can't go home Let’s shovel all the snow away, it’s better to wait for the snow to melt next spring.”

"And." I continued, "It's not what we do to doubt others for no reason. After all, even if you and I are suspected for no reason, we won't be happy."

"Then what should we do?" The old village chief nodded and asked me again.

I said: "The murderer only stuck his arm in the snowdrift at noon today, and he must have not left the village at this moment. What we have to do now is to guard both ends of the village and see if anyone leaves the village. Just notify us immediately. The road is blocked by heavy snow, and we will find him within a short distance."

The old village head took a sip of hot water, and then said: "That's okay. Second elementary school, you should keep an eye on the east entrance of the village. If anyone wants to escape from the national highway, you can contact me. They are all from the village, as long as you see clearly If you don't look good, you're not afraid of where he might go."

Er Xiao didn't understand what we were talking about before, but at this time, he also heard the general meaning, and hurriedly said: "This job is very emotional, it's the same as the informants on TV, absolutely. Alright! If you leave this matter to me, then it’s the right choice, and I’m going to die in idleness.”

I don't know if this second little friend is reliable, but seeing his confident appearance, I can't say anything. If there is a stranger hiding in the village, I am afraid that he will be discovered soon, so the murderer is someone from the village.

Could the butcher-like person in the village really be that old Xia

I vaguely felt that something was wrong, some places couldn't correspond.

But the murderer is only hidden among these 300 people, and my probability of finding the murderer is only as high as 1 in 300. Even if there is no clue, it is not difficult to find this person. Thinking of this, my heart calmed down a little, and I just waited for tomorrow to gather people together and look for this person according to my profile.

After Er Xiao repeatedly refused, Gu Chen still threw 50 yuan on the counter. We put on new gloves and our hands are finally not so cold.

Then, we had to go back to the village.

Captain Zhou said as he walked: "If you say that, the murderer should be a villager in the village. But the villagers here don't seem to be able to do such a thing. Who would be so cruel? You can't tell from their faces that these people have the ability to kill and dismember corpses."

I shook my head and said to Captain Zhou: "This man has never been an animal that looks the same as the outside, you never know who will pass you by the next moment."

Captain Zhou thought for a while and said, "Wu Meng, you have studied psychology. Do you think that if a person is dead, the murderer would still cut off his limbs. Why? And also use dogs to bite? "

I pulled my hair with my hands, and slowly said to Captain Zhou: "From the current situation, my profile depicts a murderous butcher. Because he has been traumatized in his heart, he likes to kill the living." A murderer who dies to satisfy his own desires enjoys the joy of killing."

Seeing Captain Zhou half-understanding, I said, "In psychology, there is a professional term called happy killing."

Captain Zhou scratched his head, looked at me with curious eyes, and said, "It's the first time I've heard of this word, why don't you explain it to me carefully, anyway, I'm idle on the road. Also idle."

After Captain Zhou finished speaking, the others also looked at me, as if they wanted to hear it too.

I cleared my throat, and then said: "We all know that people's needs are actually divided into sequential order. For example, Maslow's needs are divided into five levels of pyramid-shaped needs, starting from the lowest and going up. Gradient satisfaction."

Everyone nodded.

I said slowly: "We rank the three primitive desires of human beings, sleep, appetite, and sex. When these are not satisfied, criminals kill nothing more than three types. Killing with passion, because mental fatigue is not rational, So I made a killing that I would regret afterwards. Killing for appetite, this is a general term, such as wanting to buy an iPhone to rob and kill. Another kind is to satisfy one’s own needs.”

"Well, I understand this." Captain Zhou nodded.

I stretched out three fingers, and withdrew them one by one: "When all these are satisfied, it is not that there will be no murderers in this world. For example, the kind of happy killing we are talking about does not belong to these three types." Any kind. Since such people often kill just to satisfy their own empty hearts, the victims are chosen at random."

After a pause, I continued: "Because of this, it is impossible for us to find out the key points of solving the case, the motive of the murderer and the interpersonal relationship with the victim. So this creates a paradox, often We don't want the murderer to continue killing, but in fact, the more people the murderer kills, the more we can catch him, so that we can avoid further deaths, but at this time, the murderer has already killed a lot of people."

Captain Zhou heard the words and said: "It's true, sometimes I just don't understand. Some people have no grievances with the deceased, why do they kill if they don't agree with each other?"

I nodded and said, "Such murderers are often vicious, and dismembering corpses is one of their hobbies."

"The most important thing." I said decisively: "He simply enjoys it."

Gu Chen snorted coldly: "No matter who it is, no matter how many years they have been running away, killing someone is killing someone, and they will definitely not give up on the investigation. Sooner or later, the murderer will be arrested. Isn't it said that there are ten unsolved cases? Look, the remaining nine cases will be solved soon, too."

I nodded and said, "The murderer is almost 60 years old now. It has been almost 20 years since 1988. If the murderer is caught this time, those dead souls who know the truth can also rest in peace." gone."

"So there are such people." Captain Zhou said with some emotion.

I sighed and replied: "Yes, the world is too big, and there are people of all kinds. The knowledge of profiling was developed abroad because of the need to face such cases. Profilers must In the absence of clues, think of yourself as those people and outline them."

"Then, will this kind of profiling make mistakes?" Captain Zhou looked at me seriously.

I looked at Captain Zhou, he was frowning, as if he was thinking about something.

I nodded and said seriously: "Of course there may be mistakes. If the profiling can't make mistakes, wouldn't it be easy to catch the murderer? In fact, profiling is largely based on a big data analysis , such as what kind of appearance and shape, what kind of childhood or psychology will make it easy to kill people."

"But actually." I continued, "Just like you can't say that a person who looks like a butcher must be a butcher, the profiling can only bring us into another angle as much as possible, and it is not 100% sure. Just For example, I actually already have such a faint feeling now.”

"How does it feel?" Everyone asked.

I pulled my hair with my hands, and said lightly: "Now I have a little doubt whether my profile is correct after all. Because if the characteristics are all concentrated on one person, this person is not quite right. It's like being a top basketball player, being a top football player, being a top pool player."

"Such people rarely exist in our living world." I looked at everyone and said, "Such people may only exist in novels, so they are the same. There is no reason, he alone contains many cores of psychological distortion Elemental."

"Maybe the murderer wasn't a butcher?" Captain Zhou asked again.

I nodded, and shook my head again: "It's hard to say now, I think, we have to wait for us to find more clues."