Case Files 013

Chapter 131: I will give you a surprise


In my heart, I felt a little regretful about inspiring Captain Zhou to make this call. After all, the relationship is a matter between two people, and there is no reason for us third parties to intervene at will. Captain Zhou didn't get married at the age of forty, of course there is a reason for Captain Zhou, why should we be caught in it

Turning off the lights, the surroundings suddenly became dark. Only the coal stove in the middle of the room is glowing red, bringing some warmth to our room.

In the darkness, Captain Zhou's words slowly reached our ears: "Sometimes when I think about it, I'm in my forties, and it's too late to get married now. I still remember that in our era, late marriage and late childbearing were advocated. There are fewer and better births, but now, a second child is also advocated."

Captain Zhou's tone was a bit sad: "Unknowingly, I have fallen behind the times. In fact, I have considered getting married, but how should I put it, every family has hard-to-read scriptures. I came from the countryside. It's ridiculous, my village is even poorer than this Tougouzi village."

I don’t know if he mentioned Captain Zhou’s sadness. Captain Zhou’s tone was very slow: “I came out of the countryside back then and didn’t know anything. Now that I’m in this position, the ghost knows what I’ve been through. But after so many years, I love this job so much.”

"I don't know about you, do you have such a feeling?" Captain Zhou asked us.

In the darkness, Captain Zhou's expression could not be seen. But Captain Zhou's words touched me deeply. Some people really love an industry and love an industry with their lives. It's a pity that due to my own reasons, I can only be regarded as an outsider and may be kicked out at any time.

But before I had time to answer, Captain Zhou continued: "It seems a bit biased, but I really want to be a lifetime. My uncle died early back then, leaving behind two younger siblings who are still in high school .Now I have to pay for the money my younger siblings need to go to school.”

The two of us still didn't speak.

Captain Zhou sighed and turned over: "In order to let me go to school, my uncle insisted on giving me the money to build a new house. It was the money he had saved all his life. Thirty thousand yuan twenty years ago , is like an astronomical figure to me. So my younger siblings are my real younger siblings."

Speaking of the younger siblings, Captain Zhou's tone lightened up: "Fortunately, my younger siblings are also very competitive. Both of them are doing well in their studies, and I think they can be admitted to a good university. You say you are getting married now, and the woman requires a house and a car." , and a bride price. You see, I am in my forties now, and I don’t even own a house or even a car, so it’s normal not to get married.”

Captain Zhou's words were word for word, full of vicissitudes and helplessness. Faced with a middle-aged man's explanation of reality, I, a 20-year-old kid, can't understand it at all. Captain Zhou is indeed a loving, righteous and responsible man. If he becomes a husband, he might be a good husband too.

Even if the woman is willing to marry Captain Zhou, I'm afraid Captain Zhou won't have the heart for him to suffer with him. If the younger siblings want to go to college, they also need a sum of money.

"I'll be like this for the rest of my life."

As if summing up his life, after Captain Zhou said this, he stopped talking. Later, I can often think of Captain Zhou's words.

Gu Chen and I didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, it seems that if we don't speak, we can pretend that we didn't hear it. It seems to pretend not to hear, Captain Zhou has always been the optimistic and even funny Captain Zhou in our hearts. Instead of a middle-aged man who looked very helpless in the silent night.

Everyone fell silent.

Can hear the sound of violent wind raging around, presumably tonight is another night that can freeze people to death.

When I woke up early the next morning, I opened the curtains and looked outside. There was a vast expanse of white everywhere, and heavy snow covered all traces again. I was vaguely worried that if the murderer chose to dump the body last night, today's footprints would also be covered. And I also mourned for the little brother who came to collect the evidence. It is estimated that it will take three or four hours to walk in such a heavy snow.

I suddenly remembered Captain Zhou's car, probably covered in snow.

Coming out of the warm bed to put on clothes is a great torture in winter.

Captain Zhou was no longer in bed at this time, I don't know when he got up. But looking at the glowing red coals in the stove, we know that Captain Zhou has even helped us fill in the coals. However, the warmth of this stove is obviously not comparable to that of a heating system.

Walking out of the house, I saw Captain Zhou shoveling snow at the door. It turned out that it snowed all night last night, almost blocking the wooden door.

I yelled at Guan Zengbin's room: "Hey! Guan Zengbin, the sun is drying your ass, you still don't get up, how will you get married in the future? If you don't get up again, I will stuff snowballs into your quilt."

After a while, I heard Guan Zengbin shout angrily: "Go away, it's only seven o'clock! I can't afford to have nothing to do with you, and I won't marry you! If you dare to put a snowball in, I will definitely put you Chop meat stuffing and make dumplings! Get out!"

When I heard that Guan Zengbin was still the original Guan Zengbin, I felt relieved.

As soon as I walked out of the house, I was stunned by the scene in front of me.

I saw that on the wall facing us, someone wrote a few large characters on the wall with something dark red——I will give you a surprise.

Captain Zhou smiled and said, "Wu Meng, you woke up so early, I plan to let you sleep a little longer. You can just joke with Xiao Guan, and you will be beaten to death sooner or later."

Looking at Captain Zhou's appearance, he didn't seem to care about the dark red writing on the wall at all. But when we entered the yard yesterday, there were obviously no such words.

Thinking of this, I said to Captain Zhou: "Captain Zhou, look behind you."

Captain Zhou turned his head and followed my gaze. He stood where he was and didn't speak.

Gu Chen also got dressed and came out at this time, looked at Captain Zhou and me, followed our gaze to the opposite wall, and said word by word: "I will give you a surprise. "

Captain Zhou said at this time: "Who do you think did this?"

I faintly felt something was wrong, and hurriedly shouted into the room: "Guan Zengbin, Guan Zengbin, come out quickly, there is something for you to see."

Guan Zengbin also shouted: "What are you urging?"

As she spoke, she opened the thick door curtain and walked out, shouting as she walked, "What's the matter, what are you showing me?"

From what I can see, she has disheveled hair. A woman is a woman, unlike Gu Chen and I, who get up as soon as they say they wake up, and don't need to dress up at all.

"Look at the wall." I said to Guan Zengbin.

"I'll give you a surprise?" Guan Zengbin obviously saw something on the wall.

There are no human footprints on the ground, which means that these words must have been written on the wall last night. But last night, the wind was howling, and the sound of the wind almost covered all the sounds. If someone opened the door and came in, we couldn't hear the movement, which is very likely.

And last night was so windy and snowy that hardly anyone else was hanging out. If this is the case, it is certain that the murderer is a villager.

A few of us walked over quickly and looked at the writing on the wall. Judging from the width of the handwriting, someone should have painted it on the wall with a brush. The writing is crooked, as if someone wrote it with his left hand on purpose. Some snowflakes floated on it, soaked in a dark red substance, and looked a little wet.

Guan Zengbin said: "Wait for me!"

With that said, she walked quickly back into the house and put on her gloves.

Guan Zengbin gently rolled the liquid on the wall with his hands, then looked at it carefully, and put it on his nose to smell it. Then she said with a solemn expression: "Smell it carefully, and there is a faint smell of blood. Based on our case, I am afraid that it is human blood. If it is not bad, it may belong to the same person."

After I heard this, I couldn't help muttering in my heart, is this murderer so crazy now? Knowing that we are here to investigate this case, so come to provoke us? But if it's provocative, then it doesn't correspond to the previous profile. What is this case, this or these murderers, going to do

Gu Chen scolded: "This murderer doesn't think much of us at all, knowing we live here, he dares to write these words with human blood."

Captain Zhou frowned, and while observing these words, he said, "But why did the murderer leave this handwriting? Give us a surprise, and what kind of surprise will it be?"

I shook my head and said, "Now this case is getting more and more complicated and confusing. I don't know what the murderer is going to do. If the murderer didn't kill and dismember the body for his own satisfaction, would there be other possibilities? ?”

"Other possibilities?" several people asked.

I pulled my hair with my hands and said, "Well, I think there is another possibility for this case, but I'm not sure yet, so I won't talk about it. Wait until I'm completely sure, and then speak." .”

Seeing the dark red human blood smeared on the gray wall is really depressing. The dark clouds in the sky were also pitch black, and the sun leaked a little bit of light through the thick clouds. The whole environment gave people a dark feeling, which made people feel gloomy.

I couldn't help but said, "This season, everything except white and gray is black. It's really depressing for me to live in this black and white world all day long."

"Really?" Captain Zhou looked around and said subconsciously.

"What now? What are you going to do?" Gu Chen asked.

I shrugged and said slowly, "Go to the old village chief now, gather the whole village and see if you find anything."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard Li Danan shouting outside the gate: "The village chief asked me to wake you up. The villagers have already started to gather, come out and have a look. The village chief asked me to wake you up..."