Case Files 013

Chapter 133: surprise


Then for a moment, everyone turned their heads to the side, and then couldn't bear the nausea in their hearts anymore, and vomited. I really can't describe how I feel in my heart at this moment. If I had to describe it, I would rather eat a mouthful of shit than touch this thing.

Immediately, several people vomited into a ball, as if they were poisoned collectively.

The little brother saw that he had bitten off half of the stuffing in the dumpling, his face turned green in an instant, and he probably spit out all his gall while lying on the table.

Seeing this scene, the old village head cursed: "You prodigal bitch, I haven't seen you make any mistakes. You lost the chain at such a critical moment. Where did you get these dumplings from? I don't know. You dare to serve up the dumplings for others to eat? Are you going to kill us all?"

The old village head's wife is also in her fifties, but when the old village head said this, she even wiped her tears: "Sin, when I woke up in the morning, I saw a pot of dumplings on the window sill Ah. I thought it was sent by Cuihua and the others. Who knew it was... how could I have thought of it... "

As she said that, the aunt cried and shouted: "You are worth a thousand dollars. When you married me, you said you were good to me and coaxed me every day. It's fine now. I'm in my fifties. Now, you are just picky, do you want to divorce me? Ever since you became a village chief, you have been talking and drinking, and you can't live through this day... "

As soon as this remark came out, the old village chief had no choice but to apologize repeatedly.

I hurriedly stopped the farce, and quickly asked: "Old lady, when did you get the dumplings?"

The old lady rolled her eyes at the old village chief, and said, "Young man, I really don't know what's going on with this dumpling. I got up at five o'clock this morning, and I want to go out to see if the snow has stopped. I saw such a pot of dumplings on the window sill of my aunt."

While patting the back of the little brother next to me, I suppressed my nausea and said, "Can you tell me carefully what happened when you saw this pot of dumplings?"

The old lady seemed very sorry, she kept pinching the corners of her clothes with both hands, and said slowly: "I just saw a basin on the window sill with a plastic cover on it. This is not something from my house, yesterday Before going to bed at night, I didn't see such a thing."

Then, the old lady looked at me: "I just wanted to go over and see what it was. When I opened the lid, I saw a pot of dumplings. You also know the weather here, put the dumplings outside, just It seemed to be quick-frozen. When I saw it, I thought it was delivered by someone, so I took it back to the house."

Afraid I wouldn't believe it, the old lady added: "Cuihua and the others sometimes did the same thing before. If you don't believe me, ask the village chief."

The old village head nodded.

I asked again: "Grandma, did you see the footprints when you went out?"

The old lady was afraid of her thighs and said, "Oh my god, there are no footprints in the yard. That's right, I didn't see any footprints when I went out. Could it be that the one who gave us the dumplings was not a human, but a ghost who put the dumplings on the window sill On? My mother, our old couple have done nothing wrong!"

The old village chief slapped the table and scolded: "What a ghost, you are the wife of the village chief, why are you so superstitious every day?"

I felt helpless and funny, so I hurriedly said: "It's not a ghost. The snow fell heavily last night, which should have covered this person's footprints. The dumplings should have been placed on the window sill last night. When you wake up, That person is long gone."

"But!" The old lady was still a little worried, as if she was a little scared: "But what is this person going to do, commit crimes, who on earth would do such a thing, our Tougouzi Village, how about peace! "

The old lady's words hit the point, and Tougouzi Village will not be peaceful.

I closed my eyes, and while pulling my hair with my hands, I was deeply thinking about several corpse throwing cases. At the beginning, the murderer randomly threw a leg on the side of the road. The murderer then stuck one arm in the snow. Followed by last night's blood words, and today's dumplings.

In fact, the murderer seemed to want us to pay attention to this matter from the very beginning. From the moment he threw the first leg over the curb, the killer wanted us to see it. If the murderer really wanted to hide the body, he could have thrown it deep in the field, but the murderer didn't do that.

Why did the murderer deliberately disguise himself as a heinous murderer? The murderer deliberately attracts our attention, and why

There was a faint voice in my head telling me something, but this clue broke the most important link, making it impossible for me to connect the whole case.

"Pick out all the minced meat!" I looked at the bowl full of dumplings, and said to everyone: "We need to figure out how much meat is here, which is probably the amount of the whole corpse. These What part of the corpse is the piece of meat, and who is the deceased?"

While speaking, several people nodded.

The little brother said that he didn't want to stay here anymore, so he had to hurry back with the evidence. Even when the old village chief asked him to eat and leave, he refused to say anything. With what happened just now, it is estimated that he almost threw up his stomach. Unable to hold him back, the village head had no choice but to bring him some pancakes for him to eat on the road when he was hungry.

But we squatted in the yard and began to pick out the meat fillings in the dumplings one by one in a basin. Judging from the number of dumplings, it is enough for seven or eight people to eat. Roughly counting, it is estimated that there are about two hundred. The old lady didn't waste it either, knowing that we young people eat a lot raw, that's why we boiled all the more than 200 dumplings.

Judging from the meat that came out of it, the minced meat is not very finely chopped, and it is more accurate to call it a piece of meat.

Looking at the number of dumplings, the murderer should have started chopping meat to make dumpling fillings since yesterday afternoon, and then made dumplings with bread. Judging by the size of the dumplings, if the murderer did it all by himself, it would probably take several hours.

I doubted Lao Xia before, because Lao Xia was a butcher and fit the profile. But when the dog appeared, I thought the murderer might not be Lao Xia, but Er Xiao. Because Heibei listened to his master very much, even if he was used by others, he would not happen to bite off the dead man's arm without moving other parts.

So I felt that the murderer should not be one person, but two. I once suspected that Er Xiao and Lao Xia had joined forces to kill. And the reason why I acted calmly was to keep the two of them from getting suspicious. But now, Lao Xia and Er Xiao obviously wouldn't have the time to do this kind of thing.

Judging from the dumpling skin, the skin is thin and fresh, and it is obvious that it is not a dumpling that has been stored for a long time. If the dumplings are kept for too long, the dumpling skins are easy to crack after thawing, but there are so many dumplings, only a few dumpling skins are cracked.

So, who is this murderer? Why is it that every time I doubt someone, new evidence will appear to interrupt my train of thought

Several people were still picking up the pieces of meat inside the dumplings, Gu Chen said: "There are so many dumplings, how many catties does this meat weigh?"

We put the meat in another large pot, which is already half full at the moment.

Thinking of this, I said to the crowd: "I said, just laugh secretly, I only ate one..."

After hearing my words, several people changed their colors, and Guan Zengbin even scolded: "Get out!"

But before the voice of this word fell, Guan Zengbin turned his head and vomited again.

Not long after, we finally got all the mince out. Judging from the appearance, only that piece of meat had obvious human features. Presumably, the murderer did this on purpose. It's just that what he didn't expect was that we ate this dumpling after only eating the second one.

"Let's weigh it."

I stood up and said to the old village head.