Case Files 013

Chapter 134: half a newspaper


The old village head called his wife to bring the scale, which is a very primitive scale. The old village chief poured the meat onto the scale, and then moved the weight on the beam. After a while, the scale reached a balanced state. The old village head looked at it intently, and then said: "My dear, this is almost ten catties."

The words of the old village chief undoubtedly caused an uproar in our hearts. We looked at the cooked meat and really didn't know what to say. The murderer said that he would give us a surprise, did he mean such a surprise

I spit a couple of mouthfuls, and I still seem to be able to feel the taste.

Gu Chen gritted his teeth and said: "The murderer is getting more and more rampant now. First, he left blood on the wall for us. Then he put the dumplings on the window sill of the village chief's house. Knowing when, the murderer will stand in front of us and tell us defiantly that he is the murderer."

Although what Gu Chen said was just angry words, we all know that the murderer has already reached this point. I don't even dare to continue to think about what kind of crazy things the murderer will do if I continue to stay here.

Captain Zhou said with some concern: "The murderer is a little too rampant now. I think we simply ambushed on the roof at night. You think, every snowy night, the murderer will always boldly come out to throw the body, so that we can Bury his footprints."

"Then how about we just wait on a snowy night and catch a turtle in an urn?" Captain Zhou looked at us.

I frowned, what Captain Zhou said was very reasonable.

Gu Chen praised Captain Zhou's idea, and said, "That's right! Let's not sleep at night, just spend it with him. Now the piece of meat here is only ten catties, which is still far from the whole corpse." It’s far away. There’s not much distance between the villages, and if we call two or three people, we’ll be able to observe the entire village, so we’re afraid we won’t be able to catch the murderer?”

"Yes." I nodded and said, "This method is possible, but you must find a trustworthy person for this matter. If the news leaks, the murderer will probably know. At that time, the murderer will probably not Come out and throw the corpse, then we will be even more passive."

The old village head looked excited, and said: "This relationship is good. Now that the murderer is in the dark and we are in the light, the murderer may see our every move. But if we do this, we will be in the dark. Just wait for the murderer to come out from the open. At that time, he will definitely be caught."

Speaking of this, the old village chief said again: "By the way, Wu Meng, don't you suspect that there may be more than one murderer, let's find a few more helpers."

Captain Zhou looked at the old village chief and said, "Then you should find some trustworthy ones."

The old village chief frowned, and tapped the wheelchair lightly, as if he was considering candidates. After a long time, the old village chief said: "Look, this old Xia has always been my assistant, and that second primary school has been in contact with the villagers. Very few. Look, how about having these two people?"

Both Lao Xia and Er Xiao were once my suspects, but now, I have to ask them two to help us. But judging from the current situation, the two of them really don't have the time to make and deliver dumplings. Although Lao Xia suffered severe burns on his face, his hands and feet were normal and he was strong. Er Xiao is a normal person and can indeed help.

We looked at each other and felt that this matter was actually quite reliable.

Seeing that we all agreed, the old village chief said, "Okay, I'll call Lao Xia and Erxiao right away."

I said, "It's better to be cautious about finding a house that is unlikely to be seen by the villagers."

The old village chief nodded and started calling the two of them.

I looked up at the sky, the sky is still gray, but it looks like it won't snow today. However, the weather forecast on the mobile phone told us that it will still snow in the next day or two. As long as there is still snow, the murderer is likely to come out to throw the body.

At three or four in the afternoon, we waited at Li Danan's house. Li Danan's home is in the east of the village, and ordinary villagers would not come here. Several of us have arrived, but the second elementary school is still on the road because it takes more than an hour to walk.

I was looking around at Li Danan's house.

It can be seen that Li Danan lives alone, and the room is very messy. The quilt and mattress were thrown just like that, with no intention of folding them up. A few pieces of clothing were thrown aside casually, as if they hadn't been washed for a long time.

Li Danan lost his hands, no matter how sensitive his feet are, he is definitely not the murderer. So it is also a good place to discuss this matter at Li Danan's home. It seems that Li Danan's house has never seen so many people. He is a little shy and keeps adding coal to the coal stove.

He turned on the TV for us to watch.

I haven't eaten for almost a day today. Now my stomach is growling with hunger. It's not that I don't want to eat, but the current state is how much I vomit. The impact of the dumplings on us was too great, and only a fierce person like Gu Chen could eat a whole table of meat dishes in his stomach after experiencing such a thing.

So this afternoon, I rely on drinking water to satisfy my hunger. At this time, I also felt the urge to urinate, so I opened the door and went to the toilet.

The layout of the courtyards in this village is similar. Entering the courtyard is the main house, the east is the kitchen, and the west is the toilet. I opened the door of the toilet and walked in, only to find that the walls of the toilet were covered with sheets of newspapers. These newspapers are bluffing at the moment, and they seem to be blown by the wind. Only then did I understand that these newspapers were used to keep out the wind.

The newspapers looked blurred and mushy, and I peed while reading the information in these newspapers.

These newspapers are old newspapers, all of which have been yellowed by the wind and the sun. I was bored and looked at the newspaper in the toilet. Mostly the Elmwood evening papers, and occasionally the rest. Some of the newspapers are interesting to look at.

With a glance, I saw a newspaper that interested me.

This evening paper has a very attractive title——Twenty Famous Killers in the World.

I read this evening newspaper with great interest, and I was fascinated by it without knowing it, but the content behind it was pasted under another newspaper. I put on my trousers and wanted to tear the newspaper on top with my hands. But when my hand first touched it, I realized that the newspaper was actually covered up on it.

But under this newspaper, the second half of the evening paper was completely torn off. I gently touched the edge of the torn newspaper with my hand, and it still felt a little burly. This shows that this newspaper was torn off not long ago.

But when going to the toilet, it is understandable to look at the above information. Seeing the emotional part, it is easy to understand if you want to see the plot behind it. But who would tear up the newspaper and take it away after reading it

A possibility suddenly occurred to me, copycat killing. It's not to pay tribute to the superb murderer I think, but I just learned it by accident.

The murderer must have imitated some of the techniques in the latter twelve. Thinking of this, I hastily tore off the newspaper. I took a photo of the newspaper and sent it to Sister Mary, telling Sister Mary to find the complete information of the newspaper from the Internet.

If this is the case, the murderer must have been to Li Danan's house, and the murderer must have been to Li Danan's house to use the toilet. Judging from Li Danan's shy personality, he doesn't have many friends. If this is the case, then although Li Danan is not the murderer, he must know the murderer.

And Li Danan was the first witness. Is it really just a coincidence

As I was thinking this way, I suddenly felt someone pull the door outside. I hurriedly stuffed the newspaper into my pocket, then quickly turned around and lowered my head, pretending to be wearing a trouser belt. The door was opened, and the person who came in was Li Danan. I pretended to see Li Danan just now and said, "Are you in such a hurry?"

Li Danan smiled shyly, looked at me and behind me, and then said: "No, you have been coming to the toilet for a long time, let me see what's wrong with you. We all have dry toilets in the countryside, and it has snowed recently This hole is a little slippery."

I smiled and said, "Are you afraid that I will fall into the cesspit?"

Li Danan was a little embarrassed by me and didn't say anything. When the two of us came out, Erxiao also rushed here.

I walked into the house and said to several people: "Okay, everyone is ready, let's go."

As I said that, I walked straight outside, leaving everyone with blank faces behind.

Although a few people didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in my gourd, they didn't say much and followed me out. Gu Chen took a few steps to catch up with me, and asked in a low voice, "What's going on, isn't this Li Danan the murderer? Look at him, he didn't even throw his body away?"

I took out the half of the newspaper from my pocket, and quietly handed it to Gu Chen: "I found it in the bathroom of Li Danan's house. I guess, those dismemberment techniques were learned from this newspaper. But, the second half The page was torn out, and we are not yet sure what the second half of the page looks like."

The actions of Gu Chen and I were very covert, and the people who followed us could barely see them.

I continued to whisper to Gu Chen: "So far, this case has really involved too many people. I think this case may not be as simple as we imagined. Please don't tell anyone other than the two of us about this. people."

"Don't Guan Zengbin say anything?" Gu Chen asked.

I nodded.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Gu Chen and I were walking faster and faster, and we were about to leave the village, the old village chief hurriedly asked from behind.