Case Files 013

Chapter 136: Fools and half a million


To Captain Zhou, this short distance of a few hundred meters seemed as long as a century. Back in our room, Captain Zhou leaned on the bed, the frozen tears on his face were melted by the new hot tears, mixed together and flowed down his cheeks.

I know it's really unreasonable to ask Captain Zhou about Luo Sumei at this time. But the case has been investigated to this point, and the murderer is getting more and more crazy. If we don't get the information as soon as possible, I'm afraid the murderer will walk ahead of us.

Thinking of this, I still asked: "Captain Zhou, when did Luo Sumei cut off contact with you?"

Captain Zhou looked back at me, and then said with some sobs: "A week ago, a week ago, she never contacted me again. To be precise, it was nine days ago. At that time, we had just quarreled. , she blocked all my contact information in a fit of anger."

"I'm rather dull, especially when it comes to emotional matters." Captain Zhou wiped away tears with his hands: "She didn't contact me, and I didn't want to take the initiative to find her to annoy her. So it just passed by day by day, but I never imagined that such a thing would happen..."

I nodded, and then asked, "Didn't Luo Sumei have the habit of putting on nail polish?"

Captain Zhou looked at me, Guan Zengbin and Gu Chen also looked at me with a questioning look. From the look in their eyes, I could see what they were trying to tell me. My words were so obvious, they naturally heard the meaning of interrogation in my words.

Guan Zengbin stared at me, as if to say that he suspected that Captain Zhou was too unkind at this moment. But I can't rule out every possibility of solving the case, especially at this critical moment. I have to rule out everyone's suspicion one by one, or in other words, find everyone's suspicion.

Captain Zhou naturally heard my voice-over, and he said: "No, Xiaomei is 30 years old this year, and she never wears these things when she is with me. I have never seen Xiaomei put on nail polish, so How could I have imagined that this leg and arm turned out to be Xiaomei..."

Guan Zengbin shook his head and said: "Although I never wear nail polish or make-up, I have never eaten pork and seen pigs run away. When I was in school, I often did nails with my girlfriends. From the look of those nails, that It’s not something I can do by myself. I think Xiaomei must have gone to a special shop to get her nails done.”

After hearing Guan Zengbin's words, I added, "Captain Zhou, when she left after arguing with you nine days ago, didn't she wear nail polish?"

Captain Zhou said firmly: "No, I'm sure of this. Otherwise, I would have seen it immediately."

In other words, Russell May disappeared when she finished her nails. If we can determine when Russell May last appeared in the field of vision of others, then we can determine when Russell May disappeared, so that we can find out who the last person who met Russell May was.

Then the question arises, why did Luo Sumei come to Tougouzi Village. Why did Luo Sumei die in Tougouzi Village? Is there any special connection between Luo Sumei and Tougouzi Village

I said, "Don't worry Captain Zhou, no matter who killed Luo Sumei, I will definitely find the murderer."

At this time, my mobile phone rang a few times. It was the sound of someone sending a message on WeChat. I took out my mobile phone, only to find that the WeChat message was from Mary: "I have found that newspaper for you, and I am still investigating about Russell May."

This passage is followed by a newspaper, which is from many years ago. But this time, I finally saw all the twelve behind, and my frown became tighter every time I saw one.

That's right, all the methods of throwing the body of Luo Sumei's murder case can be found in this newspaper.

No wonder my profile portrays the image of a butcher, because when the murderer kills and dismembers the body, he deliberately applies other people's killing methods, instead of expressing his own mentality. Why did the murderer use different dismemberment techniques on the same corpse

I now have three conclusions.

First, the murderer and Luo Sumei have a sworn feud.

If this is the motive, it means that the murderer is not only satisfied with killing after killing. He wants to use our mouths to tell others who he killed. This kind of mentality is like if you passed the double hundred in elementary school, you want to let the whole world know. If it is this kind of mentality, it is also reasonable for the murderer to use Luo Sumei's mobile phone to tell us the information of the deceased.

Second, the murderer and Captain Zhou have a sworn feud. People often wish others like this, I wish you a long life and a lonely life. Many times we want someone to suffer, never physically destroying that person. Dying is a relief, once it's over, you don't know anything. But as long as I live, I have ten thousand ways to make you suffer.

If this is the motive, then only Captain Zhou will know if he has done anything to offend others. Only Captain Zhou knows if there is anyone who hates Captain Zhou to the core. He hated him so much that he killed Captain Zhou, and he couldn't let go of his anger. Captain Zhou must live in pain.

Third, the motive of the murderer is to hate us. He had no enmity with the two of them, it was just because Luo Sumei was Captain Zhou's girlfriend, and Captain Zhou had a special job, so the murderer wanted revenge. And this kind of psychology often lies in the fact that the murderer may have been treated unfairly or he thinks he has been treated unfairly.

If this is the motive, it is necessary to check whether the villagers or their family members have records. And if there is a record, it must be in the file. Thinking of this, I took out my mobile phone and sent Mary a text message to investigate the villagers' records.

Judging from the current situation, these are the three most likely motives for killing that I can think of. Regardless of the motive, the current murderer couldn't sit still.

If you are a murderer who dismembers the body, what is the best option for us to know the identity of the deceased

You answered correctly, of course the head of the dead is thrown out.

But the murderer didn't choose this way, instead he sent us a text message with Russell May's mobile phone. However, it is useless to start the investigation from this aspect. The location of the mobile phone can only be accurate to a certain range, and we now know that the murderer must be a villager in this village.

So, why didn't the murderer throw the head out, but in this way

Shaking his head, put this aside for now. The best thing to verify now is actually my second thought, which is whether Captain Zhou has a sworn enemy. When I told Captain Zhou my thoughts, Captain Zhou fell into a short thought.

After a long time, Captain Zhou shook his head. His tone was hoarse: "No, I don't have any enemies. You know me as a person, and I have never been willing to have any grudges with others. I usually seldom quarrel with others, pitifully. How can there be enemies? It shouldn’t be someone who hates me.”

Gu Chen said at this time: "Is it possible that those people you caught did it?"

Captain Zhou frowned, but said slowly: "It's impossible. Yumu City has very few murders, as you all know. Most of the people I've arrested were fighting and stealing people's wallets, but They didn't involve human life, can they commit murder?"

"You know, once you're caught." Captain Zhou sighed, and said, "You can't run away from death. In order to get revenge on me, take your own life? The risk is too great, and I want to be caught by me." Those people wouldn't do that."

Looking at Captain Zhou's resolute look, then the second point can be ruled out. Captain Zhou didn't have any mortal hatred with others, the murderer should not be targeting Captain Zhou.

But the first and third points are hard to verify now, and everything has to wait for the news from Sister Mary.

Just thinking about it, Sister Mary sent a message, telling me the news before Luo Sumei disappeared.

Luo Sumei did not disappear nine days ago. The last time someone saw her was the morning of three days ago, that is, the morning of the day Luo Sumei was killed.

The last person who saw Russell May was an employee of a nail salon, a male employee named Tony.

Since not too long had passed, when Mary called Tony, Tony still had an impression of Russell May. Because it was snowing heavily that morning, Luo Sumei was the only customer in the store. At that time, Tony was still a little surprised, so he asked why he came out to do nails under such heavy snow.

Luo Sumei told Tony because she had an appointment with someone at noon.

Tony asked if you were so happy because you dated your husband, and if it was your wedding anniversary.

Luo Sumei told Tony that she was not married yet, and that she had an appointment with a fool at noon. This fool is about to give her 500,000 yuan. With this 500,000 yuan, it is enough to buy a big house for herself in the city of Yumu City. In this way, he finally has a home of his own.

Seeing that Luo Sumei was very happy, Tony quickly recommended Luo Sumei to make a complete set, and Luo Sumei happily accepted it.

Sister Mary sent a photo of Russell May's fingernails, and Tony was sure that these were the nails that Russell May had done that day.

It was about eleven o'clock at noon when Luo Sumei left the nail salon.

And Luo Sumei's death time was probably between 1:00 noon and 3:00 noon.

Who did she meet? Why did that person give her half a million

Could the person she was going to meet be the murderer

In these short few hours, what happened