Case Files 013

Chapter 137: ambush


I told everyone about this, and then said: "We'll just see the test results now, if it can be matched, then."

Having said this, I paused: "The deceased must be Luo Sumei."

In fact, judging from various evidences, the deceased was almost 100% Russell May. But in front of Captain Zhou, I can't say for sure. Maybe give Captain Zhou a hope. Although this hope is illusory, it is like spreading the truth in front of Captain Zhou.

And the truth, I'm afraid not everyone can accept it.

Seemingly wanting Captain Zhou to forget about this matter, Guan Zengbin deliberately complained: "It's a pity that the speed is too slow. When I was in Dongxing City, the result was produced in an hour. But now, it takes three days." It's all over, and the things that were sent for inspection at the earliest have no results now."

Although Captain Zhou is still sad at the moment, it can be seen that Captain Zhou is much better than before. He stood up, smiled at us, and started to light a fire and said, "No matter what, life must go on. The room is so cold, and you don't remind me to light a fire."

Watching Captain Zhou skillfully light the fire, I felt like a knot was tied in my heart. I have encountered such a big thing, but I still have to help us light a fire to keep warm. If you were an ordinary person, you must not be in the mood to do these things. Captain Zhou's thoughtfulness really went deep into his bones.

Such a good boyfriend, I feel sad for Russell Mei.

Seeing that none of us spoke, Captain Zhou continued Guan Zengbin's previous topic and said: "Actually, our Yumu City is too small. Even if we go out for inspection, we have to sort it out. We can't turn around until the previous inspection is over. to us."

Guan Zengbin shrugged and said helplessly, "But the efficiency is too low."

Captain Zhou replied: "No way, we are like this now. I don't know why you were transferred to this place, but the wages must be much lower."

I have never cared about this kind of thing, and I don't know how much money I have in my card now. Anyway, I usually eat at work, and I don’t usually buy anything, basically it’s pretty good.

Gu Chen shook his head and said, "You can earn as much money as you can. If you earn more, spend more, and if you earn less, spend less. Although Dongxing City has high wages, consumption is also quite expensive. A bowl of noodles Twenty is the normal price, unlike here, ten yuan for a big bowl of beef noodles is enough and cheap."

Captain Zhou sighed, and said: "Gu Chen, you are still young and don't understand. But when you reach my age, you know that we have more than just ourselves on our shoulders. Why do so many people choose to go to big cities? Don’t they know that high wages also lead to high consumption?”

Captain Zhou shook his head: "No. A bowl of noodles is 20 yuan, but a bowl of instant noodles is the same price. Then you can earn 1,000 yuan more than people in small cities every month. A thousand dollars, in some places, is already a lot of money."

When it comes to money, Captain Zhou is very emotional: "It seems to say 500,000 yuan. Do you think I can earn 500,000 yuan if I work here for the rest of my life? My monthly salary, benefits and allowances add up to only 300,000. One thousand yuan, I have to work for fourteen years without food or drink to save the half a million yuan. But why don’t you need money in your life?”

"Let's say I save 1,000 yuan a month." Captain Zhou was a little excited: "It will take me forty years to earn enough."

People often say that a penny can't beat a hero. It seems that Captain Zhou is very poor in this regard. I suddenly thought of Liu Yinyan from Dongxing City. He once told me that 10 million yuan can only buy the area the size of a toilet in their house. This man is really strange.

After the coal stove was fired, we didn't talk all night.

The next day, we got up for a simple wash.

It didn't snow last night, so the murderer didn't come out. And we took advantage of this time to sleep well, but judging from today's weather, it is estimated that it will snow.

As usual, we came to the old village head's house for breakfast, and we happened to meet Sun Kangning and his father in the village.

"Young man, what are you doing?" Seeing Sun Kangning, a lively kid, made me feel much better, and the haze brought to me by this case was swept away.

Sun Kangning saw me and said, "Let's go play chess with Uncle Li. Uncle Li's eyes were taken away by bad guys, and now I am his eyes."

"So Uncle Li is very powerful?" I said with a smile.

Sun Kangning nodded, and said seriously: "Yes, although Uncle Li can't see anything, he seems to be able to see everything. At noon, he can still cook for himself."

After speaking, Sun Kangning asked in turn: "Are you going to live here for a long time, just like last time?"

"Last time?" I didn't understand what Sun Kangning was referring to.

Sun Kangning pointed to Captain Zhou and said, "Yes, this uncle always comes here. Sometimes this uncle lives here, but he didn't live for such a long time."

Captain Zhou patted Sun Kangning's head with a smile, and said, "Yes, your grandfather and I are good friends. It's like you visiting Uncle Li, we have such a good relationship."

Sun Kangning asked seriously: "Are you also the eyes of the village chief's grandfather?"

Smiling and saying goodbye to Sun Kangning, we came to the home of the old village chief.

At the dinner table, I chatted with everyone: "I said, the old village chief, there is a ten-year gap in your age. How did you become a friend? I remember the first time I came to Tougouzi Village, Captain Zhou always talked to us. you."

The old village head took a sip of porridge, looked at Captain Zhou and said, "Speaking of which, due to special reasons in our village, ordinary people are not willing to come. But after Captain Zhou came to our village once, he will come here often. Captain Zhou is a good person, he knows that most of the villagers are inconvenient, and sometimes he brings people to help."

Captain Zhou waved his hand, and then said: "Our city of Yumu has good law and order, and we haven't encountered a murder case in decades. I'm idle and I'm idle, just come and help."

Seeing Captain Zhou's heartfelt smile, we couldn't help laughing too. However, although Captain Zhou often comes to Tougouzi Village, these villagers don't seem to be very enthusiastic about Captain Zhou. If Captain Zhou is so helpful, these villagers would not be so indifferent.

All day.

Towards evening, Sister Mary sent me WeChat messages, and I read them one by one.

Sister Mary told me that through the investigation of Luo Sumei's mobile phone number, it was found that the last phone call record of Luo Sumei was at twelve o'clock at noon four days ago. In other words, Luo Sumei probably died because of this person.

The person who met Luo Sumei was a huge suspect.

But when Sister Mary went to track down the number, she found that it was a mobile phone card purchased on the side of the road. The information was not from a local person, but from a person thousands of miles away. It can be seen from this that when this person made an appointment with Luo Sumei, he had already planned to kill someone. He used a mobile phone card he bought at random to call Luo Sumei in order not to be traced.

I frowned.

Sister Mary continued to send me WeChat messages.

Early this morning, Sister Mary went to the nail salon to check the situation. Manicurist Tony told Mary that Russell May came on foot. Before leaving, she didn't take a taxi either, she said that that fool would come to pick her up. But who it was and what kind of car it was, Tony didn't see it.

Mary called up the surrounding surveillance records, and found that after Luo Sumei walked into an alley, she never came out again. The monitoring records did not show what kind of car the car that picked up Mary was. It seems that the other party deliberately chose the parking place.

According to Mary's guess, it is estimated that it will take more than an hour to drive from that place to Tougouzi Village, if calculated in this way. The idiot that Luo Sumei said must be the last person to see her, and also the most suspicious person.

But when I was in Tougouzi Village, I didn't even see a single car. The only one who purchased the goods was Er Xiao who had a truck, but Luo Sumei would date Er Xiao

Moreover, the murderer was able to park the car in a place that could not be seen by surveillance, which also showed that the murderer had excellent anti-reconnaissance awareness and was very familiar with the city. Because Luo Sumei's nails should be a temporary idea.

I already had a prediction in my mind, and the direction of the case gradually coincided with my guess.

I put the phone in my pocket, and then said to Captain Zhou: "Captain Zhou, it may be a bit bad to say this here, but I still have to say it."

Captain Zhou nodded and said, "Just speak up if you have anything to say, don't worry about me."

I said, "When Luo Sumei was with you, was she a little greedy for money?"

"Greedy for money?" Captain Zhou frowned, and then said: "It's not too greedy for money, otherwise, she should find someone richer. I told you before that I They have to send money to their families, and there are very few left by themselves. I don’t think she is trying to get my money.”

I frowned. If Luo Sumei is not a money-seeking person, and she is not very beautiful, why is a fool willing to give her half a million? Is it really a fool

Gu Chen looked outside and said, "Wu Meng, it's time to act. The snow fell a lot today. I think the murderer might choose to throw the body tonight."

I looked at the sky outside, and it was exactly as Gu Chen said.

"Let's go." We stood up.

With that said, we filed out of the room.

Guan Zengbin said from behind: "Leave me alone in the room? I want to go too!"

I walked back again and said loudly: "You have something to do with it, so just stay at home."

While talking, the two had already walked out of the yard.

I whispered to Guan Zengbin: "I have a task for you, do it according to what is written on my phone. I think, if nothing happens, we will soon catch the murderer."

Guan Zengbin held my mobile phone suspiciously and wanted to ask me something, but by this time, I had already run out of the yard.