Case Files 013

Chapter 140: All murderers


Lao Xia tied Li Danan with the rope that tied me before, and I hurriedly sat by the stove to warm up.

My body warmed up a bit, and I asked, "Where are Captain Zhou and Gu Chen? Where did they go?"

Lao Xia and Er Xiao shook their heads at the same time, and Er Xiao said: "I'm not talking about you, your little physique is really too bad. If you want me to say that we have all kinds of tonics here, you are absolutely A little kidney deficiency. Speaking of far, Captain Zhou and Gu Chen ran much faster than us."

After a pause, Erxiao continued: "Li Danan's grandson ran so fast that we couldn't catch up at all. Only Gu Chen and Captain Zhou could catch up. They chased all the way to the national highway, and then we couldn't find them. .The road was too dark to see anything, and then we turned back."

"At this time, I saw that the second small supermarket turned on the lights." The second small supermarket looked at Li Danan who was tied up, and said fiercely: "When I left, I always locked the door and turned off the lights. I didn't expect Let him find it."

As he spoke, Er Xiao walked up to Li Danan, and opened his mouth left and right, only hitting Li Danan's mouth blood flowed out. Li Danan looked at Erxiao angrily, but he didn't cry out in pain.

Er Xiao said: "I'm talking about you kid, hurry up and tell us the whereabouts of Gu Chen and Captain Zhou. Why did you come back, and where did they go? Let me tell you, you'd better be frank and lenient while resisting strictness."

But Li Danan spat a mouthful of blood on the second child's face, and said, "I want to find you yourself."

Er Xiao still wanted to do it.

I smiled and said to everyone: "Don't do anything yet, let me tell you a story. Sit down, Li Danan can't escape."

Erxiao looked at Li Danan, didn't say anything, and sat down by the stove. Lao Xia also came over and sat down.

While warming up the fire, I said to everyone: "It is said that there is such a woman who fell into the hands of everyone. This is a team of five people. At least from now on, it should look like this. This woman is credulous. They killed others and were taken to Tougouzi Village in a car."

While I was talking, I observed the expressions of everyone, but there was no expression on the faces of the three of them. Erxiao still looked at me with interest, wanting me to continue talking.

I casually took a bag of potato chips from the shelf, and said while eating: "A few people found this woman. For one purpose, these people must kill this woman. But these people belong to ordinary people, and they don't have any I don't know how to kill."

"At this time." I looked at Li Danan, and said with a smile: "A man suddenly remembered that when he was going to the toilet, he saw a newspaper in his toilet. When he thought of this, he went back immediately. Get the newspaper."

Erxiao looked at Li Danan, and said, "Oh, that's him. How else could I think of cutting off a person's limbs and throwing his body away? Normally, I really can't see it, you see This grandson usually pretends to be submissive, but he is very courageous."

Li Danan snorted coldly.

I continued to eat potato chips: "Yeah, the villager ran back home, and then he found the newspaper in his toilet. But out of a subconscious, he didn't tear off all the newspapers. Because if the newspaper If you tear it all off, there will be a hole in that area, and then he will use newspaper to paste the wall."

"Did you see that newspaper?" Er Xiao said.

I nodded and put down the potato chips: "Yeah, when I went to the toilet, I saw this newspaper by accident. I tore it off at that time, and looked up the information from the Internet. It's very interesting." , if you also read this newspaper, you will find a very coincidental thing."

"What is written in this newspaper?" Er Xiao was a little curious.

Seeing Erxiao's curious expression, I smiled and said, "The second half of the newspaper recorded twelve methods of killing and dismembering corpses, which are exactly the same as the methods of killing and disposing of corpses in Tougouzi Village."

Er Xiao frowned, and said, "If you ask me, the newspapers nowadays are also very powerful, and such things can be published."

"Yes." I said with emotion: "It's just that the original intention of the newspaper to write about these people is to warn everyone, but how could they have thought that someone would achieve their own goals by imitating them. So at the beginning, my side I wrote a picture of a butcher, and later, I drew a picture of a hunter."

"Profiling?" Er Xiao obviously didn't understand what it was.

I shook my head with a smile and said, "This is a trick, you don't need to ask too much. Actually, the point is why I think this murderer is a butcher and a hunter at the same time? Is this person really a butcher and a hunter at the same time?" ? These two professions are actually very close, because hunters must learn how to handle their prey."

"Yes." Second Xiao followed up my words and said, "I have seen hunters in the animal world."

I shrugged and continued: "But when the dumplings appeared, I felt something was wrong. Because according to my profile, the person who made the dumplings must be a delicate person. The dumplings made by this person have thin skins and fillings. It is thick and looks extremely good-looking. This actually shows that this person is destined to be a person who is very good at cooking. Moreover, this person's knife skills are very good, which is better than many people."

"And then?" Er Xiao asked suspiciously.

"This is a bit strange." I took another bag of plum candy from the shelf and said, "If I can still connect the first two methods of throwing corpses, then the last one method, I can't convince myself to attribute it to the same person."

I was eating Huamei: "A person's personality is actually very difficult to change. Even if they are asked to choose a killing method, they will subconsciously choose a method similar to their own personality. Because a person's habits are difficult to change. It’s like it’s hard for a rough and used to get the details right.”

Er Xiao didn't speak, just nodded.

"Plum sugar is quite delicious." I smiled, and took a large bottle of carbonated drink, but didn't open it: "Actually, how to say it, and then these people decided that each person chooses a method, to brutally kill this woman, and now, we have seen three kinds."

While holding the bottle of carbonated drink, I said lightly: "No, to be precise, there should be four kinds. It's just that we haven't had time to see what the fourth method of throwing corpses looks like, so we chased all the way here Yes. In fact, sometimes when I think about it, I should believe in myself. I don’t know when, I’m a little timid.”

"How do you say that?" Er Xiao scratched his head and looked at me.

I smiled and said: "How should I put it, I have already guessed that there is such a possibility. But I have never dared to guarantee it, because my conjecture is so crazy that it is difficult for me to convince myself. Myself. Do you know that in this world, there are very few people who commit such cruel dismemberment cases."

"Really?" Er Xiao shook his head.

I nodded and said, "Yes, because they will always fall apart because of jealousy, but what if this doesn't happen?"

"Then how do you think they did it?" Er Xiao slowly poked the coals in the stove with a fire hook.

I scratched my head and said slowly: "Well, I will tell you later. Now, I will continue to tell this story."

"Tell me." Second Xiao said.

I nodded, and continued: "So these people started throwing corpses in a strange style, making us lost in the way of throwing corpses one by one. Every time more limbs are thrown, these people will be safer. Because the case is getting worse. It's complicated, and the more bizarre it is, the less clues we have."

"Actually." I tapped the coal stove lightly with the bottle: "These people don't even know what method will be used next time the body is dumped. They each chose a method of dismembering the body. This body of Luo Sumei It’s like a doll, when a part is missing, it will be passed on to the next person.”

"It's precisely because of this." I looked at the two people and said, "Even the murderer doesn't know what will happen next time the body is dumped, so it's even more difficult to investigate."

I sighed: "Such a seamless plan, it's a pity that I saw that newspaper."

"So these people are in a hurry." I said with a smile, "Because the motive of these people's killing is not to torture Luo Sumei at all. Sometimes, killing a person may not necessarily mean killing a person, but it may also be to save someone."

Erxiao shook his head, as if he couldn't agree with my statement: "What does it mean to kill people to save people?"

I didn't answer, but continued: "The more I know, the more I will investigate the truth of the matter. So these murderers decided to deliberately expose a person and point all the fingers at this person. They knew this When someone appears, pretend not to know him, pretend not to be familiar with him.”

Er Xiao slowly looked at the burning red fire hook, and said, "What do you mean?"

I smiled: "Because once the case is closed, the investigation of this matter will end here. In order to confuse me, these people have worked hard. Sacrificing one person can bring back so many lives. Li Danan is a man who values love and righteousness." People. But your hearts may not be too cruel, right?"

I looked around the three people, and said lightly: "Your tricks are very real, but you can't escape my eyes."