Case Files 013

Chapter 142: dead body


With that said, Er Xiao walked to the side of a shelf, pushed hard, and the shelf was pushed out. Then, Er Xiao squatted down and clasped the large tile with his hands. Following Er Xiao's movements, I saw that a long ladder appeared in front of me.

Erxiao took the lead and climbed down the long ladder, followed by me. Followed by Lao Xia and Li Danan. Uncle Li and Sun Kangning's father were on the ground looking at Gu Chen and Captain Zhou who were still unconscious.

Er Xiao turned on the light, and the whole underground warehouse brightened up.

I slowly looked at this underground warehouse, and found that it is not very big, probably only half of the above-ground area. Various large boxes were piled up against the wall. And in the middle of the warehouse, there was a puddle of blood, which had solidified at this moment. Looking in the direction of the blood, a corpse appeared in front of me.

Because it was winter, there was hardly any stench from the corpse. And in this cold underground warehouse, although Luo Sumei had been dead for four days, judging from the body, she was still vivid, as if she hadn't died yet.

She leans against a box.

It was a very mutilated corpse.

Looking up along the corpse, the head of the corpse is still growing on his body at this moment. There is a deep strangle mark on the neck of the female corpse, which is parallel to the neck. From the perspective of the direction of force, it is backward. We can imagine such a picture, someone put a rope around Russell May's neck, and then pulled back violently.

I pressed it lightly with my hand, only to find that under this long trace, there is a thinner trace similar to a steel wire. This ditch is hidden behind another wide ditch. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it clearly.

There are two strangulation marks, one wide and the other narrow, and there is a slight bleeding point under the narrower strangulation mark. This fully shows that it is not the same kind of rope that caused the two strangle marks.

Luo Sumei's eyes were open, and her expression was distorted, as if frozen in the moment of death. Guan Zengbin once told me that this is called corpse convulsions. When she died, her muscles tensed up, so the last picture was left.

Looking at this mutilated corpse, looking at the eyes still glaring at the corpse, and seeing her frightened and distorted expression, I kept trembling, and an incomparable anger arose in my heart.

I can see how desperate Luo Sumei was when she died. I can see how cruel these people's methods are. But what kind of purpose is it that makes these people who usually dare not kill a chicken extend their butcher knife to a living person

I feel more and more that there is an evil devil living in everyone's heart, and under certain circumstances, this devil in the heart will be completely released. It seems that the shy and honest Li Danan can do such a thing. It seems that the person who imagined a gentle world for his son would kill people mercilessly.

Luo Sumei may be a greedy person, but she will not be punished like this.

I suppressed the anger in my heart and continued to examine the corpse.

Er Xiao leaned against the wall, looked at the corpse, and murmured: "Many times, as long as people take one wrong step, they will make mistakes every step of the way. The more you try to cover up, the harder it is to hide." Let me tell you the truth. In fact, at the beginning, I didn't intend to kill her either."

I was extremely angry in my heart, but my head was surprisingly calm. This is actually a more extreme anger.

"Killing people doesn't need to be so cruel." I looked at Er Xiao and said word by word: "In order to cover up the truth of the matter, you tortured and killed an innocent person? How did the rope marks on Luo Sumei's neck be caused? "

Er Xiao said slowly: "I fucked up, that was definitely the most frightening moment in my life."

While talking, the three of them showed painful expressions on their faces, as if recalling something that they never wanted to think of again in their lifetime.

When Er Xiao spoke, her body trembled a little: "I will never forget the time at 2:40 noon four days ago. This is a day that I will remember for the rest of my life, a time that I will remember for the rest of my life."

As if to calm himself down, Er Xiao lit a cigarette for himself: "At that moment, Luo Sumei sat up suddenly. Can you imagine that scene? When a corpse you thought was going to die suddenly sat up stand up."

"Luo Sumei sat up suddenly, and the five of us were shocked." Er Xiao described the scene at that time: "At that time, she screamed and she kept struggling."

"I'm too scared! I'm too scared." Er Xiao took a deep puff of cigarette, and then said: "Although there are basically no people coming to the east entrance of the village, and it's snowing heavily, even a car on the national highway is not No. But I'm still afraid that her screams will attract the rest of the crowd."

Second Xiao kept smoking, he pointed to Li Danan, and signaled for Li Danan to talk about the next thing.

Li Danan nodded, looked at me and said, "Lao Xia was taken aback. Maybe because of the pain, Luo Sumei yelled louder. At this time, Lao Xia held down Luo Sumei's body, and the few of us quickly pressed choked her legs and arms."

After speaking, Li Danan looked at Erxiao again, and then continued: "Then Erxiao got a little scared, so he tore a rope from the box in the warehouse. No, it was the packing belt outside the box."

I nodded, judging from the relatively wide stretch mark on Luo Sumei's neck, it fits the mark left by this kind of flat and hard packing belt. But the thinner, sharper-looking mark is by no means caused by this kind of packing tape. So, where did this trace come from

Li Danan continued: "Er Xiao pulled off the rope, and then he put it on Luo Sumei's head. We pressed Luo Sumei, and he strangled Luo Sumei tightly. After three days Minutes later, Luo Sumei's face turned red, and she gradually stopped struggling."

Er Xiao had already finished smoking a cigarette at this time, he patted Li Danan on the shoulder: "I didn't expect that she hadn't died yet, actually I didn't want to. I know she must have experienced great pain when she died, Must hate us. But I don't want to torture her, I'm just too scared."

These few people are definitely still lying, why didn't they talk about the narrower strangle mark? Another guess in my mind reminded me more and more that this case is still not that simple.

Seeing me frowning and thinking, Erxiao said again: "This time, Luo Sumei is really dead. She will never get up again, but my fear has not weakened at all. I know that Luo Sumei is missing. You will definitely find Tougouzi Village."

"Yes." I answered seriously.

Er Xiao said: "Li Luo told me that you can't throw out all the limbs at once, it's too passive. He told me that we have to throw out two arms and two legs one by one, so that we will be thrown out." We are deluded. The more deluded they are, the safer we are."

"Really?" I shook my head: "Then do you think it's safe now?"

Er Xiao shook her head and said, "It's not that we didn't think about burying her in a place where others can't find it."

"Yes." I stared into Erxiao's eyes and said, "Why didn't you do this? Buried on the mountain, I'm afraid you won't find it in ten days and half a month. But instead of doing this, you even called the police yourself .Can you tell me, what is your reason for doing this?"

Er Xiao sighed and said, "The most dangerous place is the safest place. This is my idea. Since we are all ordinary people, we definitely don't think it was made by the villagers."

"But you still saw through." The second child seemed very helpless: "After Luo Sumei's head was also thrown out, I will give a little guidance here, saying that it is good to see someone running off the national highway. It's a pity, just That's one step away. When we saw that you were close to the truth, Li Danan was willing to sacrifice for us."

Li Danan looked at the second primary school and said, "I don't have any friends, and I won't live long. If I could do something for my friends before I die, I would be willing. But, we won't give us this chance."