Case Files 013

Chapter 147: Don't guess anything


Seeing Guan Zengbin coming, I knew that Guan Zengbin had followed the steps written on my phone. A few hours ago, when we were preparing to ambush the murderer, I roughly predicted what would happen at this moment. So I asked Guan Zengbin to do these few things.

First, contact Captain Zhou's younger brother and sister to see if Captain Zhou has sent money recently.

Second, find the wholesale market where Erxiao buys goods, and see if Erxiao has gone out to buy goods.

Third, if neither of the above two items is true, let Team Leader Shao bring someone with him.

Obviously, the answer to the first and second points is no.

At this moment, five people have also come up from the underground warehouse.

"Have you found the murderer?" Captain Shao looked at me.

I didn't answer, but looked at Captain Zhou and said slowly: "Luo Sumei's body is in the warehouse, I think you should go and have a look."

Captain Zhou looked at me with a complicated expression, then nodded and walked on.

There was a brief silence at first, and then Captain Zhou's heart-piercing cries came out.

"What's wrong?" Guan Zengbin didn't understand what happened, and wanted to go down to have a look.

I suddenly felt an indescribable sadness in my heart, I hugged Guan Zengbin directly, and said slowly: "Let him cry for a while, let him cry for a while."

Guan Zengbin didn't know what happened. It could be seen that I was depressed and didn't say anything. He just patted my back slowly with his hand.

I've never been in love, and I don't know what it's like. But from Captain Zhou's crying, I could tell that Captain Zhou loved Luo Sumei deeply. But there was no other way, Captain Zhou still decided to kill his favorite woman with his own hands. This feeling of love to hate is really sad.

"I killed the man." Captain Zhou climbed up: "I am achromatopsia."

after one day.

Guan Zengbin told me that the test results finally came out, the DNA belonged to Russell Mei, and the hard brown hair was dog hair. Guan Zengbin also told me that when Luo Sumei's family was notified of her death, the family was reluctant to claim the body because they thought it was too far away.

Mary's investigation found that Luo Sumei sent money home every month because Luo Sumei had a 25-year-old younger brother. The younger brother needed money to get married. Luo Sumei's mother told Luo Sumei that if she couldn't send back 5,000 yuan a month, she would not recognize her as a daughter.

Three days later.

Captain Zhou and the five others explained the entire killing process, and one, as an elder who watched Captain Zhou grow up, participated in the entire interrogation. After hearing Captain Zhou's story, he turned and left without saying anything.

As I was leaving, I heard him muttering: "God has no eyes."

Sometimes, it is not as long as you work hard, as long as you struggle, you will definitely get what you want. Some people are born with original sin.

I suddenly remembered Captain Zhou once said: "This is the way I will be in my life."

What a helpless tone, what a resentful tone.

There is a question I have to ask Captain Zhou, because in the future, it is very likely that there will be no chance.

I asked: "You have pretended for twenty years that no one has discovered that you are colorblind, but why did Russell Mei discover?"

Captain Zhou showed his signature smile: "I told her."

"Why?" I asked suspiciously.

Captain Zhou turned around and got in the car, opened the window, and said to me: "Because we are actually the same person, I have been so lonely in the past forty years. Go to where I live. There is a vegetable market at the back, and there is a vegetable market at the end. An old lady who sells vegetables, you can ask her. I thought I loved her, and she loved me."

The car had already started, Captain Zhou finally said: "But we love ourselves, I have some regrets, really. If it were me, how much better would I be than her..."

This was the last time I saw Captain Zhou.

five days later.

Tougouzi Village.

When team leader Shao came that day, he used a snow plow to clear the road, so all the snow on the road in the village was shoveled off. We can drive directly to Tougouzi Village, and I am sitting in the office of the old village chief at the moment.

"Now, all the villagers in Tougouzi Village know the truth of the matter." The old village head poured me tea: "Captain Zhou, Lao Xia, Er Xiao, Li Danan, Li Luo, and Sun Zheng are all murderers. Go to Tougouzi Village It was a long time ago that so many people were missing.”

I shook my head, didn't drink tea, but walked to the old village chief's bookcase.

Last time I saw the bookmark was still in the middle of the book, but now, it's already two-thirds of the way there. I opened the bookcase, took out the book, and flipped through it casually.

I said, "When you are in a wheelchair, no matter how long you stretch your arms, there is absolutely no way to take down the books on the upper shelf of the bookcase."

"You don't have a secretary." I looked back at the old village head: "So why do you always have to sit in a wheelchair? Isn't it good to stand up and exercise?"

The old village chief laughed, and then said: "I never said that I can't stand up. It's just that people always see me in a wheelchair and think I'm a disabled person. So, don't guess anything. , the eyes will deceive themselves."

The corners of my mouth turned up slightly, and I said, "If you don't believe your eyes, what do you believe?"

"Believe in your own heart." The old village chief stood up, took the book from my hand, and then sat on his wheelchair again: "Whatever you think in your heart, the world you see is what it looks like."

I said: "Actually, there is one thing I don't quite understand. Captain Zhou has been to Tougouzi Village many times, so he must know or know Lao Xia. But when he came for the first time, he pretended not to know Lao Xia. What do you think Captain Zhou is doing for?"

The old village chief pointed to my chest and said, "What do you think?"

I was silent for a moment, and said: "Captain Zhou didn't want to plead guilty at all from the beginning. I once told five people in the underground warehouse that Captain Zhou would definitely turn himself in. In fact, I was not sure. Is there such a possibility that Captain Zhou actually didn't want to surrender at all, but when he saw that I had investigated the matter thoroughly, he turned himself in so as to reduce his punishment?"

The old village head didn't answer my question, but said: "What is your heart like, this is what the world is like. Perhaps, Lao Xia has indeed seen it many times. I also don't understand why he pretends not to I know what Lao Xia looks like."

"But if that's the case." I frowned, and asked, "Is there a fixed time for Second Xiao to go buy goods?"

The old village chief nodded: "It's fixed, it's unshakable, after lunch on the 25th of every month."

The words of the old village chief were like a bolt from the blue sky, which made me stay in place. I felt chills all over my body, and my surroundings seemed like an endless abyss. Those five people can sacrifice themselves for Captain Zhou, which means that they must have a good relationship with Captain Zhou. Captain Zhou must also know the time when Er Xiao buys the goods.

If Captain Zhou deliberately didn't kill Luo Sumei completely, but used someone else's hand to kill Luo Sumei...

Captain Zhou made a play, he wanted to kill Luo Sumei, but he didn't want to die.

He can only count as an attempted murder, and there are so many people interceding for him.

But if all of this is true, Captain Zhou, what a dark person he must be.

"But..." I even trembled when I spoke.

Seeing that I seemed to have other ideas, the old village chief pointed to the words hanging behind him and said, "When I was young, I was just like you. I wanted to understand everything in this world. But then I realized why I must How to do this? If you don’t understand it, then you don’t understand it. Forty is not confused, not everything is understood.”

"It's about understanding that some things just don't have answers."

"You're still too young."

As he spoke, he pointed to the four words.

Rarely confused.

I feel relieved.

When we left the village, we decided to visit Mrs. Wang again, the old lady who couldn't hear or speak. This time, it was Guan Zengbin's cooking, which was unexpectedly delicious. Mrs. Wang was wrinkled all over her face with a smile, as if she was an old child.

When I said goodbye, I gave her several hundred yuan, but Mrs. Wang refused to take it no matter what.

After walking out of the yard, I turned back, threw the money on her bed and ran.

But in a trance, I heard a sentence.

"A good man is gone."

It was a very kind voice, but when I turned my head to look, Mrs. Wang still looked the same, as if the words didn't come from her mouth. It turns out that Mrs. Wang can talk, but she has never said anything to anyone in her life. I don't understand whether people in the so-called disabled villages should treat themselves as disabled.

And maybe, there are stories behind them that they don't want to tell.

But who can tell clearly, are we also "disabled"

I don't know if Mrs. Wang is referring to me leaving or Captain Zhou leaving.

But who knows, who dares to say that he is a good person

a week later.

Zhang Ke, Xia Tian, Li Danan, Sun Zheng and Li Luo were sentenced to death, and Captain Zhou was sentenced to death with a reprieve.

After hearing the news, I couldn't help but think of Sun Kangning.

I don't know if he will hate me when he learns the truth of the matter later. To him, am I a good person or a bad person? Maybe he will think that I am as bad as the person who took his arm, I took his father.

ten days later.

I found the old woman selling vegetables according to the address Captain Zhou told me.

I asked her about Luo Sumei. Unexpectedly, the old lady still remembered it vividly, because the old lady knew Captain Zhou, and she said that Captain Zhou often helped her move things.

four months ago.

When Luo Sumei went shopping for vegetables, she quarreled with the old woman because of the three-dollar price for vegetables. Luo Sumei was aggressive at the beginning, but in the middle of scolding, Luo Sumei suddenly sat on the ground and cried.

No one else knew what was wrong, so they hurriedly asked.

Luo Sumei said: "I'm 30 years old this year, but I still have to worry about food money for 30 cents. This is not the life I want. Why do I live like this?"

Captain Zhou happened to come out to buy vegetables and watched what happened.

He said, "What's your name?"

"Luo Sumei." She looked at Captain Zhou, a little shy, as if she was twenty years old.