Case Files 013

Chapter 148: Be brave


After Captain Zhou left, his place became vacant. There is no candidate for the above, so I will take over for the time being, and I will step down when the above arranges a candidate. Even though I'm just a transition candidate, it's enough to keep me happy.

However, when I sat in this position, I realized that this position is not as simple as I thought. It turned out that what the captain had to do was not just to solve the case, but also a lot of trivial things to do.

For example, I am writing a report on a couple fighting at the moment. The reason is that the couple fantasized about five million yuan. Because of a disagreement on how to allocate and use it, the couple turned from a quarrel attack to a fight. Fortunately, the two of them didn't do anything cruel, they were all skin wounds.

When I was frowning and thinking about how to speak, I heard a commotion outside.

I pushed open the door of the office and walked out, only to find that Gu Chen and Guan Zengbin were also outside the door at the moment. More than a dozen people were clamoring and shoving, making me feel like I had walked into a vegetable market. It seems that there may be some neighborhood disputes again. In the past few days, I have encountered such things quite often.

A little brother shouted at the crowd: "Calm down, what's the problem, explain it clearly. It's like pushing and shoving now. Many people are working inside now. If there is anything, you can't say it calmly." come out?"

Following the little brother's shout, the shouting crowd finally quieted down. Through the gaps in the crowd, I could see the crowd surrounding three people. The hands of these three people were pinned behind their backs by the crowd, and the three of them leaned forward. But looking at the faces of these three people, they looked indifferent.

I frowned and walked in front of these people.

I looked at these people, and from their appearance and clothing, it seemed that there were people from all walks of life. Some wore mink coats, some dirty sweaters, some trench coats, all different. Judging from their state of mind, some look like bosses, some look like migrant workers, some look like high school students, and some look like housewives.

On the contrary, looking at the three men under control, they were all dressed in a spirited way. They wore shirts inside windbreakers and plaid scarves. They looked like white-collar workers of a high-end company.

Men and women are mixed together, it doesn't look like a simple family dispute or something, could it be that migrant workers are in arrears of wages again

"What happened." I asked a few people.

But Guan Zengbin and the others shook their heads, indicating that they had just come out and didn't know what happened.

I cleared my throat, looked at the crowd and said, "Don't be confused, you send a representative to tell me what happened."

At this time, a teenager who looked like a high school student said, "These three people stole the phone."

"Stealing the phone, what's going on?" I asked with great interest, "Tell me the whole story."

Then, the high school student told a detailed story about the three thieves who stole the mobile phone.

These dozen or so people were all surfing the Internet at Xianyuan Internet Cafe. At around five o'clock in the afternoon, the three people under control walked into Xianyuan Internet Cafe. At five o'clock in the afternoon, the business of the Internet cafe was relatively hot. The three people wandered around the Internet cafe on the grounds that they were not sitting together. They pretended to be waiting for someone to get off the plane, but in fact, they were looking for a target to attack.

They specifically look for people who play online games and stare intently at their computers.

These people's mobile phones are either on the computer desk or in their pockets. Today's mobile phones are very large, and most of the fuselage is exposed. These people are the best targets for these three people. After selecting a target, the three of them gathered around the target pretending to be watching other people's game operations.

Two people are responsible for blocking the target and other customers respectively, and one person is responsible for quickly taking away the mobile phone.

Once they succeeded, these three people would never stay, but left the Internet cafe under the pretext that there were too many people and went to other Internet cafes. In this way, when a customer who surfs the Internet finds that his mobile phone has been stolen, even if he realizes that it was done by those three people, it is too late, and the three people have already run away.

This time, these three people still did it like this. But in the process of implementation, it was discovered by a person.

This person is the security guard of Xianyuan Internet Cafe, and also the only security guard.

After discovering this, the security guard immediately rushed up to argue with the three of them. During the pulling, the stolen mobile phone fell out, thus confirming that the three people were the thieves. The three people who were caught stealing were immediately furious and wanted to rush to leave, but at this time, the security guard stopped the three people.

The three of them knew that the longer they spent here, the worse it would be for them, so one of them took out a dagger.

The crowd of onlookers dispersed quickly like a tide, but the security guard still didn't seem to want to retreat. The thief holding the dagger turned out to be angry from the heart, and he raised the dagger and stabbed at the security guard's stomach.

The onlookers seemed to be able to see the next moment, and seemed to have anticipated the scene of blood spurting out, but something unexpected happened, and the dagger fell to the ground with a "clang".

The security guard firmly grasped the man's arm with one hand, and then twisted it back violently. Hearing the "click" of the man's arm, the man's arm was already dislocated. The other two thieves had never seen such a scene before, and wanted to take advantage of the chaos to escape. But the security guard didn't care about the feelings of the two thieves, and grabbed one with each hand.

Immediately afterwards, the two thieves crawled on the ground before everyone knew what happened.

Then, the crowd gathered around again, surrounded the security guard and escorted the three thieves here.

It turned out that he acted bravely for a just cause, and while speaking, a person was pushed out. I looked at this person carefully. He was a forty-year-old man with dark skin, wearing a gray sweater and an unzipped leather jacket. He seemed to be serious and shy when he was pushed out by everyone.

"Lock these three up," the crowd yelled.

One of them said: "If you say something is stolen, there must be evidence. Which of your glasses saw us steal something? You said we stole a mobile phone. Where is the mobile phone? Where is the person who was stolen?"

This person spoke a little hysterically, with a stingy expression on his face, as if he was determined that we would not do anything to him. However, the fact is also the same. If there is no owner to file a case, this matter will probably not be resolved. In this respect, this person has some legal knowledge.

I looked at the crowd and said, "Where is the owner?"

No one spoke, and after a long while, an aunt spoke: "That kid ran away, tell me, who did you catch the thief for, isn't it for him? But this kid saw that something was wrong, took the phone Come and run away. Tell me, there is a saying, the saddest thing in this world is not the evil done by bad people, but the silence of good people."

It doesn't look like this aunt is someone who goes to the Internet cafe to surf the Internet. She probably heard the noise of the Internet cafe and went in to watch the crowd. This sentence was spoken elegantly and loudly, which immediately aroused the cheers of the crowd.

I scratched my head and said, "It doesn't matter if there is no owner, as long as you make a statement to prove that these three people are. Then, even if there is no owner, you can detain them."

But when I said this, the leader said: "Okay, you can prove it. Once I come out, you will look good. I am alone, but you all have families. What are the consequences, you Think clearly."

As he spoke, he looked at the person next to him with a vicious look and shouted, "Let go."

The person behind him was startled, and subconsciously let go of his hand.

At this time, the aunt who spoke just now continued: "Hey, by the way, there is still water in my house. Don't cause a fire. I'll go back and have a look."

The high school student said: "It's not right, I seem to have cram lessons, I have to go to class quickly."

While talking, the people who had nothing to do just now became merchants on Wall Street in minutes, and they were so busy that they didn't even have five minutes. The originally bustling crowd disappeared in just a few minutes, except for the security guard of the Internet cafe.

The thief still looked very arrogant, and said to the security guard: "I advise you not to meddle in your own business, but you, be careful to lose your job."

Hearing this, Gu Chen went up and slapped him, and said, "You still dare to threaten others? You three, it's best to explain what happened clearly."

No matter how arrogant he is now, he doesn't dare to say anything to Gu Chen, so he can only follow Gu Chen to the inside resentfully.

We found out through the transcript that the security guard's name was Hao Ren, and he was forty-four years old this year. Before working as a security guard, he boxed with his master in the countryside. His dream was to open a martial arts gym, but it is already unrealistic in this day and age. So when he faced the dagger, he didn't feel scared at all.

We contacted Xianyuan Internet Cafe and got surveillance, which confirmed that these three people were indeed three thieves.

They were sentenced to fifteen days of administrative detention.

Before we left, we expressed our gratitude to Hao Ren, and Hao Ren said: "It's nothing, this is what I should do. When I was very young, my master told me that people who practice martial arts must A chivalrous hero, fighting against injustice."

Looking at Hao Ren's back, I suddenly remembered the martial arts novels I read when I was a child.

It's just that the knight inside is much taller and more handsome than Hao Ren.