Case Files 013

Chapter 150: Suicide suspicions


Dissection room.

There are red lanterns hanging outside the dissecting room, but the inside of the dissecting room emits a miserable white cold light. The intersection of lights emits soft light, and the sound of firecrackers in the distance can be heard in the ears. Due to the destructiveness of the high fall injury, we had no way to help the female corpse take off her clothes, so we had to cut the female corpse's clothes with scissors.

Since it was winter, the girl was wearing a lot of clothes, and we spent a lot of effort.

Guan Zengbin started the autopsy, while Gu Chen and I were flipping through the clothes of the female corpse, hoping to find some clues to prove the identity of the female corpse. And from the pocket of the female corpse's red down jacket, I took out a neatly folded origami. This is the kind of pink stationery, full of romantic style of little girls.

I unfolded the origami, and right above the pink letter paper, two large characters appeared in front of me—a suicide note.

The letter paper is only sixteen, but it has written a full page. This word is beautiful and delicate, it looks like it was written by a girl. I asked Gu Chen to continue looking for clues in the rest of the clothes, while I was looking at this so-called suicide note.

The suicide note reads:

I never dreamed that this would happen to me. As long as I close my eyes, what happened at that time will appear in front of my eyes. But I have no way to tell this matter, after all... I don't know what happened, and I don't know why he became like this, but maybe everything is fate.

But I will not resent anything, after all, I should have died ten years ago. It is also a very lucky thing to live for ten years in vain. I am very satisfied to meet these people. I know he didn't mean it, I know he has always been gentle and kind, and I know he loves me.

I know that what I do is to escape, but all I can do is escape. My leaving may be the best choice. That's it, live without suffering. Just leave it at that, without all the consequences. That's it, I just want to sleep peacefully.

It's just that after I left, I can no longer sit on my dad's bicycle and tell my dad stories about school. It's just that after I left, I can no longer pester my brother to buy me my favorite romance novels. It's just that after I left, I couldn't fight with Xiaoyu anymore.

I'm leaving on a special holiday.

Maybe in this happy festival, after I leave, you will be less sad.

Love you little Qi.

After reading the suicide note, I frowned tightly. Judging from the tone of this suicide note, it looks like the tone of a teenage girl. There are several key points in the suicide note. From these points, some useful things may be analyzed.

The suicide note stated that this girl named Xiaoqi had experienced some things that she could not accept, so she chose to commit suicide. So, here comes the question, what is the unacceptable thing for this girl. The word "he" was used in the suicide note, indicating that the person who did something unacceptable to her was someone she knew and should be an acquaintance.

Then, the suicide note said she should have died ten years ago. And judging from the girl's age, she should have been a child ten years ago, what happened to her. In the end, this little Qi is still in school, probably still in high school. And the most important point seems to be that she voluntarily chose to commit suicide on this special festival.

Then we can imagine a scene where an acquaintance of Xiaoqi did something that Xiaoqi couldn't accept anyway, and he couldn't tell the rest. Then, Xiaoqi couldn't bear the torment and torture in her heart, and finally chose to end her life on this day of universal celebration.

Then, it is very likely that she will meet this acquaintance again in her thirties, which makes her really unable to face it.

But all this was told to me in this suicide note, and whether this suicide note was written by Xiao Qi is still uncertain. If someone pushed Xiaoqi off the Rainbow Bridge and forged this suicide note, it is not impossible.

To prove the authenticity of this suicide note, it is necessary to test whether some handwriting was left by Xiaoqi.

At this time, Gu Chen touched my arm and asked me to look at the things in his hand. From what I can see, this is a green short-sleeved shirt, which looks very old-fashioned. But when Gu Chen showed me the front of the clothes, I understood Gu Chen's intention. Because I saw a school badge and a line of small characters on the left chest of this short-sleeved shirt—Yumu City No. 2 Middle School.

From the looks of it, this Xiaoqi is a student of No. 2 Middle School in Yumu City.

However, it can be seen from Xiaoqi's clothes that this girl's family background should not be very good. Because no matter from the down jacket she was wearing outside, or the short-sleeved sweater she was wearing inside, there was no brand, and the style was also very rustic. It seemed that she had worn it for a while.

I looked at the clothes, while Gu Chen looked at the suicide note.

After a while, Gu Chen said to me: "Judging from this suicide note, it feels like an acquaintance committed the crime. But what is it that makes a girl unable to accept and tell others?"

I sighed, and then said, "I can guess it."

Looking at Guan Zengbin who was still dissecting the corpse, he replied: "Yes, when encountering such a thing, they usually choose to keep silent and dare not call the police."

Hearing this, Guan Zengbin said with deep emotion: "Nowadays, some netizens on the Internet really make people a little angry. When they hear this kind of thing, they don't condemn the murderer, but find fault with the victim. What clothes are exposed? Now, why go out in the middle of the night and have a look is not a good girl."

Guan Zengbin snorted coldly: "We are all in this business, and we know that those murderers choose girls who are not like this at all. They usually choose women who are traditionally dressed and look weak. On the contrary, those people, It will give the murderer a feeling that such a woman is difficult to deal with, so it has something to do with the clothes!"

"What are you talking about hanging around outside in the middle of the night?" Guan Zengbin was even more angry: "If you say that we are out on missions in the middle of the night, we are not good girls?"

I shook my head and said: "Fortunately, these people are a minority. If you want me to say, these people don't understand the truth at all, they are pure evil. They deliberately lead public opinion to women and make this matter It seems that the fault lies with women. And once it happens, guided by such public opinion, some women will subconsciously feel that they are also at fault, and dare not and will not choose to call the police.”

Gu Chen frowned and said, "But why did they do this?"

I snorted coldly, and then sighed again: "Because deep in their hearts, they already have expectations. And once such public opinion becomes the mainstream, if there are no people who firmly defend women's rights, they will go away." It’s only a matter of time before we embark on this path.”

I looked at the corpse on the dissection table and said, "There were people like this fifty years ago, now, and fifty years from now. Forget it, let's not talk about this matter. How is the autopsy going?" "

Guan Zengbin also sighed, and then said: "The autopsy is almost done, and the cause of death is determined to be Gao Chuan's death. Although there is nothing on the surface of her stomach, almost all of her internal organs have been smashed. A broken spine is a fatal injury, almost a fatal injury. He died the instant he hit the ground."

Guan Zengbin showed us the internal organs of the female corpse while talking.

I looked, and sure enough, as Guan Zengbin said, almost all the internal organs were cracked. Looking at her broken arms and legs, it made people feel numb all over. This kind of death is probably the most tragic death I have ever seen.

Guan Zengbin continued: "The time of death was three hours ago, that is, around 8:40 p.m. At that time, there should be cars on the Rainbow Bridge. Maybe someone saw this scene. But there are no cameras on the Rainbow Bridge. Because the whole bridge is not very long, but there are two ends."

Gu Chen said: "I'll go to the surveillance camera and see how this little Qi got here."

We nodded.

Guan Zengbin started to sew up the corpse and asked me, "What do you think about this matter?"

I pulled my hair with my hands, and said slowly: "From the current situation, I think the possibility of suicide is relatively high. If I want to kill someone, it is unlikely that I will choose this place. Because as you said By the way, at 8:40, there may be cars or pedestrians passing by on the bridge, which is really too risky."

"But not all murderers are like you." Guan Zengbin looked at me and said, "Not all murderers are so skillful. Is it possible that the murder was caused by passion?"

I was silent for a moment, and said: "There is such a possibility, but we don't know anything yet, it's time to go to Xiaoqi's school to ask. He disappeared for three hours, and at this time, his family Might be looking for her. But she doesn't have a mobile phone, maybe she's a kid from a poor family."

Guan Zengbin shook his head and said nothing.

I said, "Look up Xiaoqi's school, Yumu City No. 2 Middle School. You should be able to find more information about Xiaoqi from here."

At the end, I looked at the fireworks that were still going on outside, and I added: "However, this New Year, I am afraid that many people will not have a good time."