Case Files 013

Chapter 151: Fang Xiaoqi


After all, Guan Zengbin added: "I checked just now. From this point of view, she should have endured it for a while."

I nodded.

Guan Zengbin said again: "The secret that she can't bear and dare not tell others may not refer to this. But, who knows?"

Leaving the anatomy room, we quickly found the phone number of the principal of No. 2 Middle School in Yumu City. After getting through the phone call, the principal thought we were parents who gave him New Year greetings, and seemed very happy. But when I found a corpse that jumped into the river, and the corpse was confirmed to be a student of Yumu City No. 2 Middle School, the principal couldn't believe it even after confirming it three times.

However, the principal could not be sure who the student was just based on the name "Xiaoqi". So a photo spread on the mobile phones of all the class teachers in Yumu City No. 2 Middle School on the night of New Year's Eve. Guan Zengbin tried his best to choose a photo that was acceptable, but it still looked shocking.

Xiaoqi's entire face was cracked, and there was no "best" angle to be found. I don't know how these class teachers will feel when they see this photo at this moment. Just half an hour later, the principal called us.

It seems that the principal's work efficiency is quite high, and it has been determined which class this Xiaoqi is a student in. However, we couldn't speak clearly on the phone, and the principal asked us to meet at No. 2 Middle School in Yumu City. Gu Chen drove the car and took a few of us to Yumu City No. 2 Middle School.

When we came to this place, the principal was already waiting at the gate of Yumu No. 2 Middle School.

We got out of the car, and after the principal greeted us, he immediately led us into the school. There is a window in the office building that is lit, and we are pushing open the door of this room at this moment. When I opened the door, I saw a woman in her mid-twenties.

She was pacing around the room non-stop at the moment, and it could be seen from the fine sweat on her forehead that this woman was nervous and anxious.

Seeing us coming in, she hurriedly said, "Principal."

The principal is a man in his fifties, obviously much calmer and restrained than this young teacher. He waved his hand to signal the young teacher not to panic, and then said, "This student is from your class? What's her name, who are her parents, have you notified me?"

The young teacher was obviously not as calm and calm as the principal, and was very flustered: "I, I don't know what to do. That photo, that photo is a bit too, too scary. How did Fang Xiaoqi become like this? What the hell happened to her?"

It seems that the girl who committed suicide was called Fang Xiaoqi.

I then asked: "Calm down first, whatever I ask you, you just answer."

The female teacher nodded and sat on the chair.

"What's your name?" I asked an inconsequential question first.

"My name is Wang Lulu." The female teacher replied.

I nodded and continued to ask: "Then can you be sure that this girl is Fang Xiaoqi?"

Wang Lulu nodded vigorously: "Yes, this is Fang Xiaoqi. Although, although her appearance has become like this, but, she is Fang Xiaoqi. She is my student, and I definitely recognize her."

Wang Lulu's mood seemed to calm down a bit, so I asked again: "How is Fang Xiaoqi's academic performance?"

"Fang Xiaoqi's academic performance has always been good." Wang Lulu said: "Every time she ranks, she can be among the top five in the exam. It is very hopeful to be admitted to a 985 or 211 university. But why did she change her mind?" Now that it’s like this, what happened to Fang Xiaoqi.”

I didn't answer, but continued to ask: "Then, does Fang Xiaoqi have a boyfriend?"

"Boyfriend?" Wang Lulu thought for a moment, and then said: "I really didn't see this, Fang Xiaoqi usually doesn't like to talk, and there are not many classmates who play well with her."

If Fang Xiaoqi doesn't have a boyfriend, then it's impossible to be with her boyfriend. But what Wang Lulu said is not necessarily accurate, often the quieter a girl is, the less good at expressing her feelings, the more she will find a opposite sex to confide her feelings to, and the more she will fall in love with a opposite sex.

"Then let's contact Fang Xiaoqi's family." I looked at Wang Lulu and said, "Fang Xiaoqi has been missing for about four hours. Her family must be very worried."

Upon hearing this, Wang Lulu hurriedly started calling Fang Xiaoqi's family, but after a few minutes, there was no answer.

I frowned, looked at Wang Lulu and said, "What's going on?"

Wang Lulu looked at me, then at the phone, and said in a daze, "I don't know what's going on, but her parents can't get through on the phone."

Fang Xiaoqi's family can't get through on the phone, what's going on

"I can't get through." I asked, "The dialed number is still in the middle of a call."

Wang Lulu replied: "If you're not on the call, there's no answer."

I frowned and pulled my hair with my hands. This was supposed to be a happy holiday for the whole family, but at this moment, Fang Xiaoqi's family couldn't get through on the phone. If Fang Xiaoqi is missing, the family members are calling others to find Fang Xiaoqi's whereabouts, this is a reasonable thing.

But not answering the phone means that a lot of information will be missed. So, did her family take the initiative not to pick up the phone, or was the mobile phone not with her family? In other words, if you see an unfamiliar number, you will think it is a fraudulent call

There may be something else wrong with this matter. A sixteen-year-old child committed suicide by jumping into a river, but the family members did not answer the phone.

Is there something else hidden in this

I was silent for a moment, then said: "Then do you know the address of Fang Xiaoqi's family?"

Wang Lulu shook her head, and then said: "I don't know. How should I put it, because I am a high school student, so I don't care too much, and I have never called my parents. Besides, Fang Xiaoqi never makes trouble. I am still Calling her parents for the first time…”

The principal was a little angry at the side, and he said: "I know you young teachers like to engage in teaching methods that make friends with students. But there are some things you must know, such as home address, the relationship between students' parents, etc. Wait, this is of great help to our education of students."

When Wang Lulu heard the words, tears flickered in her eyes, making it unbearable to scold.

I said: "This is not a big problem. Among the students who have a good relationship with Fang Xiaoqi, there is a student with rain in his name. We found the phone number of the student's parents, and we can find Fang Xiaoqi's address through them."

"Yes." Wang Lulu hurriedly flipped through the phone's address book: "Wait a minute."

"Found it!" Wang Lulu said, "Student Mo Yu has her own mobile phone."

I nodded and said, "Dial."

Wang Lulu dialed the phone, and this time it was connected quickly.

"Student Mo Yu, do you know the address of Fang Xiaoqi's house?" Wang Lulu asked straight to the point.

Because of the public release, the voice of classmate Mo Yu also came out: "Mr. Wang, happy new year, what's the matter?"

When Wang Lulu encountered this kind of thing, she was obviously a little anxious: "Student Mo Yu, I have something to ask Fang Xiaoqi, but she doesn't have a mobile phone, and her family doesn't answer the phone. Do you know the address of her home? Among the classmates, it belongs to you The relationship between the two is the best."

Hearing Wang Lulu's anxious tone, Mo Yu couldn't say anything, so he said, "I know, I'll send it to you."

After a while, Fang Xiaoqi's home address was sent.

I recorded the address, and then said to the principal and Wang Lulu, "Now it is necessary to go to Fang Xiaoqi's house, how do you arrange it?"

The principal said: "I also came here by car. Fang Xiaoqi is a student of our school, so I naturally have to go."

We didn't say much, and drove to Fang Xiaoqi's house.

in the car.

Gu Chen said, "I think there's something wrong with this case."

I nodded and said, "I think so too."

Gu Chen said: "Think about it, this is New Year's Eve, if a girl leaves home without saying a word, her parents will ask her a few questions. But judging from the current situation, it seems that this has not happened. things."

Guan Zengbin also said: "Rainbow Bridge is still relatively far from her home, so what does it mean for her to commit suicide so far away?"

I pondered for a moment, and then said: "From the current situation, it is almost certain that Fang Xiaoqi committed suicide. There may be reasons why she came to such a far place to commit suicide. First, she committed suicide when she committed suicide. She hesitated, so she came here unknowingly. Second, she deliberately came so far to commit suicide, just to stay away from her family and not want them to see it."

Everyone nodded.

I continued: "But the point is why she committed suicide."

Gu Chen shook his head and said, "Theoretically speaking, if suicide is found, the case can be closed."

I nodded and said, "Yes, but since we feel that the case is suspicious, we have the right and obligation to investigate further. A young girl committed suicide on this festival. Based on this, we should continue to investigate."

an hour later.

Gu Chen looked at the navigation, and then said: "It's just ahead, we're here."

This is a small alley, cars can't get in, we have to walk in.

But this alley has no atmosphere of the Spring Festival at all, and there is not a single lantern hanging in it.

And when we walked to the depths of the alley, a dark gate appeared in front of our eyes.