Case Files 013

Chapter 152: Hao Ren disappeared


When I opened the door, I suddenly thought of a cross talk by Guo Degang.

Yu Qian went out to perform, and when he came home, he found that his house had collapsed, leaving only one anti-theft door standing, so Yu Qian opened the anti-theft door with the key and walked in. And when we opened the door, we found that the surrounding area was empty. If it wasn't for the surrounding walls, we would have thought we had just walked out of the house.

We looked at each other, not understanding what had happened. A large number of beams and bricks collapsed in front of us, and the entire house in the yard collapsed. Judging from these collapsed wooden beams and bricks, the beams were burnt, and the bricks also had black lacquer marks that had been smoked.

This kind of wooden bungalows can be seen everywhere in Yumu City. Compared with the reinforced concrete in big cities, once such a house encounters a fire, the consequences will be unimaginable. The house in front of him obviously suffered from a relatively large fire. Except for the gate of the courtyard still standing, the rest is a piece of wreckage.

"Is it here?" The principal looked at the ruins in front of him, a little in disbelief.

Wang Lulu nodded, and then said, "It's true that the address is here, but what's wrong here?"

I frowned, thinking that this matter might not be as simple as it appeared on the surface. The family's house burned down, their daughter committed suicide, and their parents are now missing. Could it be that in this new year's 30th, all disasters will befall this family, are they destined not to have a good year

Guan Zengbin had already walked up at this time. She stood on the collapsed ruins, pinching the ashes on the ground with her hands from time to time. After a while, she said, "It's probably been a while, it won't happen in the past few days. Press In the final analysis, if this girl chooses to commit suicide today, where does she live recently? Will it be near the Rainbow Bridge?"

"By the way." I asked Gu Chen, "Didn't you check the surveillance before? How did she get here?"

Gu Chen said: "She did come here on foot."

I nodded, and then said: "It will take at least three hours to walk from here to the Rainbow Bridge. If Fang Xiaoqi really came from here, then there must be surveillance. Check, whether this matter is designated Simple."

The principal scratched his head a little bit at a loss, and then said to Wang Lulu, "Are you sure it's here? What are her parents' names?"

I shook my head and said, "Leave this matter to us, it should be written on Fang Xiaoqi's file."

When we came back, we couldn't wait to check Fang Xiaoqi's online profile.

The surname of Fang is not a common surname. There are only two people in the city named Fang Xiaoqi. After knowing Fang Xiaoqi's name and home address, they quickly found the rest of Fang Xiaoqi's information. Judging from the data, Fang Xiaoqi is sixteen years old this year and goes to No. 2 Middle School in Yumu City, but in terms of family relationships, we have made amazing discoveries.

When Fang Xiaoqi was four years old, she was kidnapped to a small mountain village in Yumu City. But later, when the family who bought the house Xiaoqi went out to work, the contractor encountered an incident in which the contractor defaulted on the wages of the migrant workers. So her father climbed up the electric pole and wanted to kill him, but he was electrocuted to death halfway up the climb. up.

His wife couldn't bear the pressure and committed suicide. From then on, Fang Xiaoqi became an orphan. Under the control of many people, Fang Xiaoqi moved around, and was finally adopted by others, and her life became stable. And in the adopter column, we saw a very familiar name. This person's name was Hao Ren.

"Hao Ren?" Gu Chen obviously still had an impression of this person, and said, "Isn't this the security guard of the Xianyuan Internet cafe, the person who wants to open a martial arts gym?"

Guan Zengbin said: "It can't be such a coincidence, can it? Open the photo and have a look."

However, when we opened the photo, a coincidence happened. This Hao Ren turned out to be Fang Xiaoqi's adoptive father, the security guard of the Xianyuan Internet Cafe. According to Hao Ren's information, he adopted not only Fang Xiaoqi, but also a child. Hao Ren is forty-four years old this year, and the eldest adopted child is already twenty years old, and his name is Du Zigui. The youngest adopted child is only eight years old this year, and his name is Wang An.

Hao Ren adopted a total of four children, and Fang Xiaoqi was just one of them.

Seeing this kind of information, Gu Chen said: "Hao Ren, he is really a good person. In fact, I have seen it from the time when Yong caught the thief, and now there are very few people like this. How many people see this kind of thing. With the attitude that more things are worse than less things, I turn a blind eye and close one eye. When watching the excitement, there are many people, and if you make a record, you will disappear... "

I sighed and said, "Sometimes, it doesn't necessarily mean that people are unwilling to act bravely, but that the cost of acting bravely is too high."

Gu Chen obviously disagreed with my words, and said: "As long as everyone can stand up, are you afraid that those people will not be able to retaliate?"

Guan Zengbin interrupted the conversation between the two of us and said, "It's already past two o'clock. I think if we want to find Hao Ren, we have to wait until tomorrow."

"I just asked Sister Mary to find the basic information about Hao Ren and his adopted children." Guan Zengbin said to the two of us: "With these information, we may be able to find out why Hao Ren's home was burned down. We will be able to find out why Fang Xiaoqi committed suicide."

As he said that, Guan Zengbin printed out a document: "This document contains the basic information of Hao Ren and his four adopted children."

I took the documents and looked at them.

Hao Ren is forty-four years old and lives at No. 5 Taishan Temple Hutong. Forty-four-year-old Hao Ren is still unmarried, but has adopted four children. These four children were all adopted by Hao Ren many years ago. The earliest child was adopted by Hao Ren when he was twenty-two years old. After that, Hao Ren gradually adopted three more children.

According to the data, Hao Ren treated these adopted children as his disciples and taught them boxing skills.

The first child Hao Ren adopted was Du Zigui. He has been with Hao Ren for more than twenty years, and he has learned all of Hao Ren's martial arts. When Hao Ren was young, he had no money, so Du Zigui didn't go to school. So according to the information, Du Zigui came out to work early and has been working as a worker in an auto repair factory.

The second child adopted by Hao Ren was Zhao Xiaoli, who was just eighteen years old this year, and had been with Hao Ren since she was very young. At present, Zhao Xiaoli is studying at university in another city, and according to the information, she is studying well. Zhao Xiaoli can get a scholarship every year, so Hao Ren doesn't need to worry about the school money.

The third adopted child is Fang Xiaoqi, who is sixteen years old and a freshman in high school. Fang Xiaoqi's academic performance is also good, and she is a boarding student. Fang Xiaoqi is taciturn and doesn't have many friends. The only good friend is Mo Yu. But for some unknown reason, Fang Xiaoqi committed suicide.

The fourth child adopted by Hao Ren is called Wang An, who is eight years old this year and a second grade student. Currently, Hao Ren is mainly busy with Wang An's affairs, and Hao Ren basically doesn't need to worry about the rest of the children.

As for the first three children, because the age difference is not very big, they basically grew up together since they were young. Only when Wang An was adopted, the rest of the children had already gone to school and worked part-time. So Wang An grew up alone, and Hao Ren liked Wang An relatively more.

I frowned, looked at the names on the list, and said, "It's getting late now, and tomorrow morning, we'll go find these people. It's the first day of the Lunar New Year, and everyone who goes to school is on vacation. The people who went to work are also on vacation. But the house of this family was burned down, where did they live?"

"I think it's necessary to go to Xianyuan Internet Cafe." I said, "Maybe we can learn something from the boss."

Nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, we found the address of Xianyuan Internet Cafe. When we came to Xianyuan Internet Cafe, the Internet Cafe was still open. After walking in, there was no sign of Hao Ren. We found the owner of the Internet cafe, and only then did we know that the Internet cafe has replaced its security guards.

And we also know a story.

More than two months ago, Hao Ren sent the three of them in. Ten days later, three people came out. After that, Xianyuan Internet Cafe never had a day of safety. After the three came out, they took revenge on Hao Ren.

This is like a toad on the instep, it doesn't bite and respond to others.

Call the police, they ran away without a trace. Call someone, these people know quite a few people in this circle. No matter, it scares the guests away. The other party's conditions were also very simple, that is, Hao Ren could not be allowed to continue working in this Internet cafe.

The owner of the Internet cafe could only calm down, so he fired Hao Ren a month ago.

But after Hao Ren was dismissed, those three people still came to demonstrate in front of Hao Ren, thinking that they had won. They did this on purpose, just to see Hao Ren's frantic look. But it was a pity that Hao Ren didn't say anything in the face of such a thing, and left with a good salary.

The three thieves thought they had been insulted, so they shouted that this matter was not over, and they must continue to show Hao Ren a good look.

And the boss also revealed to us a piece of information, that is, the three thieves asked him about Hao Ren's home address. In order to prevent the three toads from pestering him, the boss told them Hao Ren's home address.

Afterwards, the boss never contacted Hao Ren again, and he didn't know where Hao Ren went.

The mobile phone number the boss gave us is the same as the mobile phone number Wang Lulu knows, but at this moment, there is still no one answering the phone.

The boss said in a low voice: "When those three people left, I heard a gossip."

"What?" I asked.

The boss looked around, a little cautiously, as if he had had enough: "One of them said that as long as he knew the address of his house, he must demolish his house."