Case Files 013

Chapter 153: disappear together


Hearing what the boss said, the three of us looked at each other at the same time. We could see clearly yesterday that Hao Ren's house was almost burnt to ashes, but today we got some useful clues at the Yuan Internet Café. The boss said that the three of them had said they were going to tear down Hao Ren's house, so could it be that they did this

Thinking of this, I said to my boss: "WIFI told me, I have something to do."

I sent a message to Sister Mary, asking him to send me some information about the thieves.

While waiting, I looked around the Internet cafe.

Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, unexpectedly the boss did not go home, but is still open. There are not many people surfing the Internet in Internet cafes, but a few people can be seen here and there. As for why they surfed the Internet in Internet cafes on the first day of the new year, instead of going home to reunite with their families. This point, I am not clear.

After a while, Sister Mary sent me messages from three people. From our looks, the three of them looked like they were in their twenties, but they started doing this kind of thing when they were almost underage.

The most arrogant person before was called Zhang Bin, 22 years old this year, jobless and homeless. The remaining two are his younger brothers and assistants, one is Zheng Shuai and the other is Cheng Yimin. These two people were twenty and eighteen years old, and they were also unemployed.

None of these three people are locals, but they wander around the local area all the time. Because they have nothing to do in the local area, the three of them become more and more unrestrained. Zhang Bin always carries a reed knife with him, and this knife is a deadly weapon when he encounters those who want money but not life.

But after so many years of walking in the world, Zhang Bin has never met anyone who is not afraid of death. Every time they threatened with a knife, those people would often choose to abandon their wealth to save their lives. But Zhang Bin didn't expect that the first time he met someone who was not afraid of death, it was also the first time he stabbed this knife out.

However, Zhang Bin was beaten to the ground, and the knife was confiscated by us.

Judging from the data, Zhang Bin and the other three did not have a fixed residence, and they drifted from east to west. And most of the time, people who lose their things often do not choose to call the police, because the owner also understands that the things are often not returned.

So do these three people have such great ability, just because they have been detained for fifteen days, are they going to burn down their houses? So where did Hao Ren go? Was Fang Xiaoqi's suicide related to these three people

According to the data, Cheng Yimin once worked on a construction site before he became a vagrant. And when he was with Zhang Bin and Zheng Shuai, he always lived in a cheap rental house in the west of the city. The three of them used to haunt there before, maybe we can find clues there.

"Do you think that because of this incident, as for burning down other people's houses?" Guan Zengbin looked at the street scene that was moving back and forth outside the car window, and said, "It's like, if you step on someone else's foot, they will insist on burning it down." Cutting off one of your arms, is it so cruel?"

Although two months have passed, I can vaguely still think of Zhang Bin's ferocious expression and threatening words. If it was Zhang Bin, it would not be incomprehensible to do such a thing. Zhang Bin said that he would eat enough for one person and the whole family would not be hungry, so it might not be worth thinking twice about burning people's houses.

Maybe it was just for temporary revenge, but I never thought that the wooden structure would burn so fast that the whole house would be burned down. It is also possible that they knowingly committed crimes and wanted to kill them all.

While driving the car, Gu Chen followed Guan Zengbin's words and said, "Why is that impossible? I don't think it's a good thing."

Guan Zengbin frowned, and looked at me who was sitting next to her: "Then Fang Xiaoqi's suicide case and the burning of Hao Ren's house were committed by a group of people?"

I shook my head and said: "Probably not. When I came back, I compared the handwriting on Fang Xiaoqi's suicide note and her usual composition. A person's writing habits, written language habits, and text layout habits constitute the most important part of her life." People's overall writing habits. In comparison, Fang Xiaoqi wrote a good suicide note."

Looking at Guan Zengbin, I continued: "As for Fang Xiaoqi's suicide note, it is easy to deduce that the person who made her intolerable is an acquaintance. These three thieves are definitely not Fang Xiaoqi's acquaintances. Let’s investigate.”

We drove to the neighborhood of this cheap rental house.

Only then did I realize that this kind of cheap rental house is completely different from what I saw in Dongxing City. This is a house built of containers one after another. The surrounding roads are littered with trash and dog poop can be seen everywhere. We asked people one after another, and finally we found someone who knew Zhang Bin and the other three.

We didn't reveal our identities, we only said that we were Zhang Bin's friends, but the man didn't suspect him and took us to Zhang Bin and others.

It turned out that the three of them really lived here in normal times. It is said that the rent here is 300 yuan a month, which is really cheap enough. On the road, I saw a lot of thin, haggard young people. When I saw this, I couldn't help but have a different feeling in my heart.

The houses of Zhang Bin and others appeared in front of us.

I pushed the door and found it wasn't locked.

As soon as I opened the door, I could smell a musty smell inside. When I walked in, there was no heating inside, and it was very cold. This is a house surrounded by two large containers, with three beds inside, with thick quilts on the beds. Inside is a TV, the style is old.

Wine bottles and lunch boxes were thrown everywhere on the ground, with almost no place to step down. The uneaten box lunch was already giving off a rotten smell. There was also a spittoon next to the bed, full of cigarette butts floating in an unknown disgusting liquid. She looked clean and looked like a dog, but when she went to see her at home, she discovered her true face.

Sure enough, it's the gold and jade that's out of the way.

I reached out and touched the inside of the quilt, and found that there was no trace of heat, which meant that these people had been away for a while. But it's only around eight o'clock in the morning, what are these people doing when they get up early. Judging from the garbage all over the floor, these people are not hardworking people.

To me, I would never believe that they would get up at seven o'clock every day, so what did they do today.

Gu Chen wanted to say something, but I stopped him with my hand.

I turned my head and said to the person who brought us, "Zhang Bin asked me to look for him. Why is he gone?"

The man shrugged: "I don't know about that."

"Do they go out so early every day?" I asked.

The man laughed and said, "You can tell by looking at this house. These three people don't sleep until noon every day. They don't even bother to throw their lunch boxes outside. How can they get up so early. I don't know what these three people are doing. I'm gone, since you know it's here, I won't tell you anything. Just sit down, I don't know when they will come back."

"The door isn't even locked, so I'm not afraid of losing things." Gu Chen muttered.

"Haha." The man laughed: "Apart from this TV, what other valuable things are there in this house. This broken TV probably costs only a few tens of dollars..."

The man walked away while talking.

Only then did Gu Chen ask again: "You said that the three of you couldn't have seen the house burned to ashes and ran away."

"It's not impossible." I looked at everyone and said, "When we walked in just now, I don't know if you found anything interesting."

"An interesting place?" Gu Chen shook his head.

Guan Zengbin looked outside the container and said, "If it weren't for the information sent by Sister Mary, who would have believed that there is such a place in Yumu City. We have seen many people before, and you can see that these people are all emaciated and walk in a frivolous way." .”

I snapped my fingers, looked at Guan Zengbin and said, "That's right, you and I wanted to go together."

I said: "I see, we still have to send someone to guard here. Once we find three people, we should be notified immediately."

Gu Chen said: "Okay, I'll call Team Leader Shao now and ask him to send someone over."

"Then what should we do next?" Guan Zengbin asked.

I pondered for a moment, and then said: "Hao Ren is missing, Fang Xiaoqi committed suicide. But Du Zigui and Wang An are still in Yumu City, let's find Du Zigui first. He is older and can cooperate with our investigation. And Wang An, this eight-year-old child..."

Having said that, I can't help but worry about this kid. If Hao Ren disappeared, who would Wang An entrust to take care of him

Guan Zengbin looked at the information and said to me: "Du Zigui is now working as a mechanic in Shitong Auto Repair Factory, which is about an hour's drive from here."

After a while, Gu Chen also finished the phone call.

I took one last look at the cabin and turned to leave.

Where did these three people go