Case Files 013

Chapter 2: in my stomach


"Quick!" Commander Shao ordered: "Look along the railroad tracks on both sides, and don't let him escape."

"This is the first scene!" Mary waved her hand: "Then the question is, how did the murderer kill the other party in a short period of time, without leaving any footprints on a rainy day?"

Although I haven't studied theoretical knowledge systematically, if you want to catch it, first of all, you regard yourself as them. This is also a simulation.

At this moment, under my suggestion, some have already begun to try.

We watch from the sidelines. This is a young man, his fingers pinched the gaps in the barbed wire, and at the same time his feet kept stepping on the barbed wire, hoping to move from the barbed wire to the scene. But this is obviously impossible, the gap between the barbed wire is so narrow that it can barely accommodate a few fingers to enter, and it is impossible to exert strength.

Moreover, shoes are impossible to enter, unless the person is not wearing shoes. This person needs to support his body with his feet, which is simply not something that ordinary people can do.

Some people also try to use stones to pave the road, but there will still be traces of stones...

"Don't try." I said to everyone: "If we can find that homeless man, we will know how he did it."

"What do you think?" Team leader Shao asked me.

"Wait until tomorrow." I said.

Early the next morning, after dinner, there was still no clue of the homeless man. The place where the body was found was illuminated by car lights, but the distance of 100 meters to the left and right was pitch black. It was difficult to find the homeless man in the dark rainy night, because some homeless men were born to belong to the night.

"I'll take you somewhere!" I said.

"Where is it?" Team Leader Shao asked.

"The train station." I said, "It's just that the few of us can't go there. Find someone with good skills."

Within half an hour, Team Leader Shao found a partner for me. He was about the same age as me, in his early twenties, and his tendons looked very strong. He saluted everyone, and then Said to me: "Gu Chen came to report, what instructions do you have?"

I quickly waved my hand: "I'm just a mental patient, it's ok, we can go."

Birds of a feather flock together. Good people always like to be with good people, and vice versa, bums always like to be with bums. If we say what is the most chaotic place in each city, the train station should be ranked first.

Standing in the middle of the train station, the crowds passing by me, the rest of the people didn't understand my intentions, they looked at me from a distance, seeming a little anxious. A child pulled a corner of me, I looked back at him with a smile, and he smiled at me foolishly, I saw that one of his arms was twisted, obviously disabled.

"Give me some money..." He didn't finish his sentence.

"You're the one I'm looking for!" I grabbed the child.

The child didn't know why, and yelled and yelled. Not long after, seven or eight adults came to inquire. These people were dressed in tattered clothes and uttered obscenities.

"I know him," I exclaimed.

The result of the yelling was that no one answered me, which was to be expected. The result was natural. In order to stop me from shouting and screaming, I was pushed forward by these seven or eight rags.

In the city, out of every ten children who come out to beg, eight are controlled by someone, and six of these eight are disabled. Without exception, these six are not from the city, but kidnapped .

Even if they were abducted, fate gave them grades, and the one in front of me obviously had a bad fate, even though he seemed to be numb to such things at the age of seven or eight. Maybe he was driven out to beg when his arm was broken when he was five years old, or maybe earlier.

Sometimes there is no difference between the begging world and the financial world. They both know how to get more profits for themselves. Apparently a child with a disability gets more sympathy than an adult, and sympathy is money for them.

With seven turns and eight turns, I was pushed and shoved into a small alley. The seven or eight-year-old kid spat at me, and said, "Breaking my business, hit him!"

Just when everyone was about to beat me up, I stretched out a finger: "It's so offending for a fish to land."

It's slang, and it applies here. I mean I accidentally broke into your territory, it was my fault.

A beggar who seemed to be the leader said to me: "Birds fly in the forest, fish enter the water, each ball."

What he meant was, since this is not your territory, go wherever you come from and don't talk nonsense here.

Now that he knows slang, this is no ordinary beggar. This is an organized and disciplined beggar. This can be regarded as a beggar within the system. It can be said that he is a beggar with a fixed salary of five insurances and one housing fund. There are beggars in this occupation in almost every city, and sometimes these beggars earn more than white-collar workers.

"Hit him." This time it was me who spoke, and after finishing speaking, a figure flashed out from the alley.

After smoking two cigarettes, Gu Chen said to the beggar like a chicken, "They were scared by my beating, and the rest of them ran away. What do you want me to do if I beat this man?"

After drinking three glasses of water, the beggar's expression was rich.

"You brought me in here to find a bum?" The beggar seemed to think we were making a fuss.

I nodded.

People who are not on the same level see the world differently. A patty fell to the ground and was trampled into a meat paste. Elites pass by and feel sick. A homeless man passed by and felt that he had secured his lunch for the day. The best way to find a drop of water is to let the rest of the water find it. It's like when a woman is pregnant, she feels that the streets are full of pregnant women.

In just one afternoon, we learned the whereabouts of the homeless man. There is almost no difference from what I described. Some people have indeed seen this homeless man. He has a remarkable feature. His nails are very long, sharp, and very white. There is no dirt in them, because all the dirt is absorbed by him. into the mouth.

So if you want to do something, first of all, you have a popular face, it can't be too ugly, it can't be too handsome, it's better to have the kind of face that people look at for half an hour and forget it when they turn their heads. Secondly, you can't be too unique, you can't have your own mantra and habitual actions, otherwise, you will still be found out by others.

When we found the homeless man, he was lying in an old shipping container. He had an unpleasant smell all over his body, his hair was long, covered with all kinds of unknown bugs, his whole body was like a moving human-shaped garbage dump, and his old clothes were still on the side.

And one of his legs is made of wood.

"He's not a murderer." Leader Shao and I blurted out the same words.

We glanced at each other, but Mary was puzzled.

I explained: "He is similar to the murderer I imagined, but there are differences."

Team Leader Shao said: "Although I don't have Wu Meng's talent, we can see a lot from some details. Last night, he did go to the scene. His prosthetic limbs were covered with mud, and his hair was obviously damaged by the rainstorm. Wet. The clothes set aside are obviously too wet to wear."

"But he is not the murderer. The most important thing is..." Captain Shao pointed to the homeless man and said, "The autopsy report showed that the woman had been raped before she died, but look at him, how could he do that?" to this point."

Mary didn't shy away from it at all, which made me feel a little bit interesting. Mary seemed to see what I was thinking, she curled her lips and said, "Your paranoia doesn't seem to help us find the murderer."

I shrugged, and then said: "If it is said that before he made a move, someone made a move in advance."

Team Leader Shao shook his head helplessly, and said, "Stop bickering, you two, and get down to business, and take him back for interrogation first. Besides, how did the murderer and this homeless man leave the scene? Why are there no footprints?"

Saying that, a few homeless men who were still sleeping like pigs woke up.

The first thing the tramp said when he got up was: "The girl is in my belly."