Case Files 013

Chapter 28: One life for one life


Gao Rui never changed his love for Zhang Mingliang.

When watching the man he loves for a woman, Gao Rui's heart is bleeding. But he once said that if it was Zhang Mingliang, he would do anything for Zhang Mingliang.

But he gave up because he was jealous.

Gao Rui began to like Hu Jiajia.

He used to be very afraid of the dark, but for Zhang Mingliang, Gao Rui quit this habit, because only in the dark, Gao Rui dared to publicize his love.

Gao Rui couldn't understand what magic power Hu Jiajia possessed that could fascinate Zhang Mingliang so much.

It was a sultry night, Gao Rui will never forget this day.

On this day, Hu Jiajia killed Principal Zhang.

On this day, Gao Rui will send a document to Principal Zhang.

In fact, Gao Rui never said anything to Principal Zhang not to touch Hu Jiajia. On the contrary, Gao Rui very much hoped that Principal Zhang would do so. In Gao Rui's eyes, Hu Jiajia did not know what trick he used to charm Zhang Mingliang. In that case, Hu Jiajia would not be a goddess anymore.

Principal Zhang did indeed do this, but Principal Zhang never thought that Hu Jiajia would kill himself.

When Gao Rui opened the door of Principal Zhang's house with the key, Principal Zhang disappeared. There were blood and fight marks in the bedroom, the cup, and a USB drive. Gao Rui looked around and soon found Principal Zhang's body, and Hu Jiajia was not buried deep.

Gao Rui opened the USB flash drive and was very excited. He immediately understood what happened. Hu Jiajia accidentally killed Principal Zhang. In this way, Hu Jiajia will completely fade out of Zhang Mingliang's sight. At that time, he and Zhang Mingliang can live as before again.

He called Zhang Mingliang and asked Zhang Mingliang to come to the scene.

Zhang Mingliang knew what happened, and Hu Jiajia killed someone.

He said: "You are a biology teacher, you must know how to hide the body in another place for preservation without leaving any evidence."

"But this is..." Gao Rui wanted to refute.

"Go! Do you hear that?" Zhang Mingliang's words cannot be questioned.

When Gao Rui preserved the body and returned to Principal Zhang's house, he saw that everything was in order again.

The pit where the corpses were buried in the backyard was refilled, the blood in the family was gone, the mug was gone, the USB flash drive was gone, and all the evidence that could prove Hu Jiajia's murder was gone.

"What do you want to do?" Gao Rui gritted his teeth and said, "Principal Zhang is missing, and he will be discovered soon, and he will definitely come to his home to investigate. No matter how you wash the blood on the ground, there will always be Rumi." no response."

Zhang Mingliang smiled: "You know I majored in chemistry. As long as you wash with bleach, the reaction will only happen with bleach, and the strong light will cover up the blood stains."

"But isn't this still suspicious?" Gao Rui said angrily, "Why use bleach to wash the floor."

"So, I have a plan and I need your help!" Zhang Mingliang grinned.

This night, Zhang Mingliang started a crazy plan.

A few days ago, Zhang Mingliang took the opportunity to let Gao Rui take the opportunity to live in Hu Jiajia's house.

After that, he asked Gao Rui to put the stolen clothes into a large wardrobe of Principal Zhang. Put those secretly photographed things in a USB flash drive and lock them in the safe in Principal Zhang's office. Because Principal Zhang was taken by Gao Rui, Principal Zhang was very generous to Gao Rui, and even told him the password of the safe.

Zhang Mingliang then started calling Hu Jiajia, telling her not to live with other men.

He asked Gao Rui to write the words "Don't force me" on the wall of their apartment, and he must imitate Principal Zhang's writing. A paragraph may be difficult to imitate, but a few words are easy to imitate.

Hu Jiajia cooperated with the police and left evidence.

In the end, Zhang Mingliang wrote a threatening letter in colorful letters on the newspaper.

The reason why they didn't write the letter by hand was because neither of them could imitate so many characters, so the colored characters in the newspaper were the safest.

Then, Zhang Mingliang did something that Gao Rui didn't expect.

Zhang Mingliang changed his gender, and made himself look almost indistinguishable from Hu Jiajia.

Then, Zhang Mingliang left evidence on the computer at home that he forged that he wished he was a woman since he was a child. Both of Zhang Mingliang's parents have passed away, which can be said to be dead without proof.

But in fact, from this moment on, I have some doubts about Zhang Mingliang. Compared with other novels, the romance novels on his bookshelf are rarely flipped through. This makes me doubt whether Zhang Mingliang really regards himself as a woman.

This question was buried in my mind, although nothing could be seen at the time.

The perjury evidence Zhang Mingliang intentionally left has misled us to a large extent. Zhang Mingliang made us feel that there were actually two people, and Zhang Mingliang followed Gao Rui. In fact, he was the only one from the beginning to the end.

At this time, someone broke the news of Principal Zhang's disappearance.

When everyone opened the closet of Principal Zhang's house, at this time, we subjectively thought that Principal Zhang was a stalker.

The next step is the key point, which is also the most exciting and crucial part of Zhang Mingliang's plan-suicide.

We learned from Zhang Mingliang's perjury that Zhang Mingliang should know this person, so we naturally think that this person is Principal Zhang.

Then, we came to a conclusion: Principal Zhang was the stalker who threatened Hu Jiajia, and he killed the wrong person.

After all, Zhang Mingliang's death was exactly the same as in the threat letter.

In fact, Zhang Mingliang went upstairs by himself. The reason why he wanted to take the old Zhangtou's bucket was because Zhang Mingliang wanted to use this bucket to make a device that could kill himself. s things.

Zhang Mingliang used the bucket to hold down the standing machete, stood on the edge of the building, then pointed his neck at the blade and jumped directly downstairs. So the head stayed upstairs and the body fell on the sandy ground downstairs.

Due to the interaction of forces, when Zhang Mingliang jumped down, the bucket on the handle of the knife was overturned, and the blood in it was scattered all over the ground, which is why there seemed to be a lot of blood on the ground. At the same time, the knife also fell from the fifteenth floor due to gravity.

Of course, before doing all this, Zhang Mingliang had to disguise the suicide scene as a homicide scene.

He put his head into the bucket of dog blood, and then used his head to write on the wall, which is why the writing on the wall is crooked, so that it can also give people the impression that the murderer deliberately wrote like this to cover up his own handwriting an illusion.

Next is the most important point of forging the scene.

After Hu Jiajia killed the man, the thing he used before was not taken away. Even Gao Rui didn't realize this, but it was actually taken away by Zhang Mingliang. The key to Zhang Mingliang's taking away was here. Zhang Mingliang has changed his gender.

After doing all this, Zhang Mingliang committed suicide.

It is absolutely difficult for us to think of such a suicide method. Under the preconceived conditions, we naturally think that this is homicide, and the most suspected person is Principal Zhang.

Then, there was the discovery of the body.

At this point, Gao Rui's help is needed.

Gao Rui hid Zhang Mingliang's body in the sewer, and waited quietly to be discovered. And once Zhang Mingliang's body is found, we will find Zhang Mingliang's DNA belonging to Principal Zhang, thus confirming that the murderer is Principal Zhang.

In this way, a plan to turn the dead into the living was successful.

We would never have thought that Principal Zhang was already dead.

In fact, in Zhang Mingliang's plan, Gao Rui should have completely disassembled Principal Zhang's body, so that we would never be able to catch Principal Zhang in our lifetime. Who would remember this case, and who would doubt Hu Jiajia

This is undoubtedly a perfect plan. He did not hesitate to use his own life to fake the scene of Principal Zhang's murder. If we hadn't discovered Principal Zhang's body, who would have thought of so much

But this perfect plan fell short because of the discovery of Principal Zhang's body.

Someone temporarily changed the plan.