Case Files 013

Chapter 3: Vanguard of the Wanderers


Five years ago, in a small mountain village.

This is the poorest place. The proportion of bachelors here is as high as 70%, and 100% of the wives here are bought from other places. There are no female villagers in the village, and no matter whether it is a beautiful woman or not, the village leaves because it is too poor.

So the village head decided that everyone in the village would contribute some money, and everyone would jointly buy a few wives.

50,000 yuan, three college students, an average of 16,000 yuan per person. They may have been forcibly dragged into the van while walking on the road, or they may have been tricked into this place because they were out to meet netizens. Anyway, they came to this place. Three female college students cried and said that they could give each of the villagers 50,000 yuan, as long as they were released, so that each of them could buy a daughter-in-law.

Some villagers think it is reliable, and some villagers don't believe it. They asked the village chief, who replied, "Isn't that ridiculous? There are thirteen bachelors in our village, and each of them is 50,000 yuan. How much does that cost? The richest man only earns 50,000 yuan a month. Going to college seems like a fool."

The villagers feel that the village head is worthy of being the head of the village, and he has a lot of knowledge. Yes, the whole village has saved more than half of their lives, and only saved 50,000 yuan.

A few months later, one of the girls couldn't bear this kind of life anymore, and while others were not paying attention, she slammed her head against the wall to death.

This is a human life, and for the villagers, it is also 16,000 yuan. Besides, no son was born. The other two people were watched even more closely. They were chained to the pigsty, because the pigsty was made of mud and they couldn't be hit to death.

Li Cunzhuang is an honest farmer, and all the villagers paid for it, and he was no exception. Similarly, the two college students were also his daughter-in-law. Li Cunzhuang spent most of his time watching the two college students to prevent them from escaping or committing suicide. One of his favorite female college students is Zhang Xutong.

Zhang Xutong told Li Cunzhuang that the outside world is very big and there are many good things. There is a boxy thing. You are at the west end of the village and he is at the east end of the village. Each of you can talk to each other by holding one. Li Cunzhuang smiled, and he said, "I have a loud voice, and I can hear both the west end of the village and the east end of the village."

Not long after, Zhang Xutong became pregnant.

Zhang Xutong told Li Cunzhuang that it belonged to him. Li Cunzhuang smirked, and Zhang Xutong told him that if he couldn't take her out, other men would kill the baby in his stomach sooner or later. Li Cunzhuang believed it, because the child in Zhang Hui, another college student, died.

Zhang Xutong said that he only loved Li Cunzhuang in his life, and he despised other men. She also said that she wanted to go to the city with Li Cunzhuang. She had a house, and it would be nice to have only two people. Li Cunzhuang was moved. There is a huge difference between having a daughter-in-law and having a daughter-in-law every day.

Li Cunzhuang agreed, and one day, when he was guarding the two wives, Li Cunzhuang said to Zhang Xutong, I will take you out.

Zhang Hui said, if you want to escape, can you take me with you. Zhang Xutong thought for a while, and then told Li Cunzhuang that he must not take her with him. It is dangerous for two people to escape, and it is easy to be discovered, let alone three people. Besides, if both daughters-in-law ran away, there would be no more daughter-in-laws in the village. After hearing this, Li Cunzhuang thought it made sense, and at the same time felt that Zhang Xutong was really thinking about himself and the village.

Li Cunzhuang covered Zhang Hui's mouth with a towel, and bound her hands and feet, preventing her from reporting.

Zhang Hui's last words before being gagged were: Zhang Xutong, you must die.

No one would have thought that Li Cunzhuang, who was so honest and would do whatever he was asked to do, would run away with Zhang Xutong. When they found Zhang Hui who was tied up, Li Cunzhuang had already left the village with Zhang Xutong. They rode for two days in vehicles, including ox carts, motorcycles and cars.

Li Cunzhuang came to a big city for the first time, and he took a train for the first time. On the train, Zhang Xutong bought a pack of instant noodles for Li Cunzhuang, and then Zhang Xutong said, he went to the bathroom by himself. Li Cunzhuang ate instant noodles for the first time, and he wanted to eat instant noodles for the rest of his life.

Then, he discovered that Zhang Xutong was missing.

Since then, he has not seen Zhang Xutong for three years.

Li Cunzhuang didn't hide anything from us, just like a balloon full of air, when we questioned him, he told all the facts. Li Cunzhuang stayed in the city for three days, looking for Zhang Xutong, but there was no trace of Zhang Xutong. He rummaged through trash cans, and he slept by the side of the road.

He became a homeless man for the first time, and at the same time, he discovered that the garbage of the people in the city was much more delicious than the food he ate in the village.

After searching to no avail, Li Cunzhuang went back to the village after rummaging through every trash can in the city.

That day, the villagers gathered together, and they cursed, saying that Li Cunzhuang looked honest, but in fact he was so bad that he was taken away by Zhang Xutong.

Li Cunzhuang cried, heartbroken.

The villagers said that Li Cunzhuang could not be let go like this, unless Li Cunzhuang could buy another daughter-in-law. But there was no money in Li Cunzhuang's family, so they decided to abolish Li Cunzhuang.

So Li Cunzhuang could no longer be a man. He ran out of the village and broke his leg when going down the mountain. Later, the broken leg was replaced by a piece of wood, and he became a real homeless man.

"Zhang Hui, are you still in the village now?" Team leader Shao was silent for a moment, but the first question he asked was about Zhang Hui.

Li Cunzhuang nodded and said with a smile, "I seem to be still in the village. I haven't been back for a long time."

Team leader Shao said: "Mary, arrange a team to go to that village and find Zhang Hui. If she wants to come back, then, just bring her back."

Li Cunzhuang continued to tell his own story.

It took more than four years, and finally one day, he saw Zhang Xutong. The odds are pitifully small, Li Cunzhuang's broken leg has been replaced with wood at this time, and he failed to catch up with Zhang Xutong in the end. From then on, he began to wander around the area where he found Zhang Xutong, until yesterday's rainy night, when he finally found Zhang Xutong again.

This time, he could no longer let Zhang Xutong leave.

On a rainy night, Zhang Xutong didn't know where he was going. Enduring the severe pain of his prosthetic limb, the homeless man followed closely. The strong wind broke the wires, and the already dim street lights went out in an instant. He could only follow the lightning and look at the shadow in front of him, silently following behind Zhang Xutong.

One lightning followed another, and today's torrential rain was simply too heavy. But Li Cunzhuang suddenly discovered that Zhang Xutong's figure disappeared in the thunder and lightning, but there was only a very short gap, how could a living person disappear in front of his eyes like this.

He walked forward slowly, and finally, he found Zhang Xutong, to be precise, it should be Zhang Xutong's body.

Zhang Xutong's body was hung on a barbed wire fence. Under Zhang Xutong's body, there was a wooden board with a chair on top of the template. So he stood on the chair and looked at Zhang Xutong. The more he looked at Zhang Xutong, the angrier he became. Zhang Xutong lied to him. Lying is the worst thing in this world, and Li Cunzhuang has never lied in his life.

Li Cunzhuang didn't think it was interesting, he always wanted to find Zhang Xutong, but when he found Zhang Xutong, he didn't feel anything in his heart. He didn't care who killed Zhang Xutong, and he didn't care whether Zhang Xutong was dead or not. Li Cunzhuang actually just wanted to ask: Is it true that you said you love me.

So he went back the same way, all the way back to the dilapidated container, and he was soaked, so he took off his clothes and went to bed. We found him before he woke up.