Case Files 013

Chapter 45: Cry for Zha Jiang Noodle House


Among the six brothers, San'er was wiped on the neck, and the first died; the sixth was stuck in the yard, and the second died; Qian San was attacked in the dark; Dadan and Wei Changfeng killed each other and die.

Among them, the death of Lao Liu seems suspicious, and it is not certain whether the body is Lao Liu's. Qian Er is also missing now, and it is not known whether he is still alive.

I tugged at my hair, trying to figure out the motives behind it all.

Five years ago, these six brothers killed Master Chu. Five years later, they were invited by Zhao Mingkun to do something. At the same time, they stopped by Master Chu's tomb. In the past five years, every time a ghost marriage is held, the person who hosts the ghost marriage will die, without exception.

No, at least Lao Zheng didn't seem to be dead when we left. If there is really a curse from Chu Mei, wouldn't it mean that Lao Zheng is going to die tonight? But what Wei Changfeng said, Chu Mei is in the tomb now, is it true that Chu Mei is really a ghost, able to kill people in two places

And if Chu Mei is Master Chu's woman, and if she is an orphan brought back by Master Chu since she was a child, then who are Chu Mei's parents who arranged a ghost marriage for Chu Mei? Where did these two parents come from out of thin air? Could it be Master Chu's original wife

While following Zhao Mingkun in this huge tomb to find the whereabouts of Qian Er, I was thinking carefully about all the events in my mind. At this moment, in my mind, there is already a faint connection.

The scene of Chu Mei's death five years ago, and the truth about Chu Mei's revenge five years later.

Everything seems to be within reach. As long as you can clear the fog in front of you, the truth will be right in front of you.

The dead Chu Mei, six brothers, the sixth child, and her best friend Lin Daiyu.

It was as if a movie was playing in my head, and scenes of scenes flashed through my mind. With only a few clues left, everything can be connected together.

Thinking in his mind like this, he didn't realize that Zhao Mingkun in front suddenly stopped. I bumped into her directly, and just as I was about to say sorry, Zhao Mingkun made a silent gesture with his hand. Zhao Mingkun closed his eyes and turned his ears sideways, as if he was listening for something.

Man is a very keen animal. God gave us five senses, which allow us to experience the world from multiple angles. But man is also a very dull animal. Our sense of smell is not as good as that of a dog, our vision is not as good as that of a cat, and our sense of smell is not as good as that of a cat. Hearing is not as good as a bat. But when we rely on only one sense, when we close our eyes, when we hold our breath, hearing becomes more sensitive.

Sure enough, there was movement ahead. It was the sound of a dagger piercing the air, very sharp and thin, if you don't listen carefully, it is easy to be ignored.

Someone was in the passage ahead, and it wasn't supposed to be just one person.

"Turn out the flashlight, let's go over quietly to have a look." Zhao Mingkun whispered in my ear.

I nodded, and followed Zhao Mingkun as I tiptoed against the wall and walked forward slowly.

The sound of the dagger piercing the air gradually stopped, and someone spoke: "Lao Liu, why did you do this?"

The speaker is Qian Er!

This sentence obviously lacked confidence, and Qian Er's tone could be felt trembling. It seemed that he had consumed too much energy, so he was a little panting.

What Qian Er said was to Lao Liu, that is to say, that is really not the real Lao Liu, so who is that corpse? Is the sixth child the one who planned Chu Mei's revenge? So why did Lao Liu kill those who held ghost marriages, and why did Lao Liu kill his brother

"Why did you do this? Do you dare to ask me why I did this?" Lao Liu's voice was loud in the silent tomb, and even echoed: "You should know the fate of betraying the master. I just made myself It's just something I want to do!"

Qian Er sneered a few times: "Lao Liu, you were also involved in killing the master five years ago. Although you didn't participate in Chu Mei's matter in the end, it was your own problem and had nothing to do with us. Don't think that you are What a good thing, you were the one who stabbed Master Chu the first time."

"You know how Master Chu is. When did Master Chu feel sorry for you? He treats us as his own sons, but you have stayed with Master Chu for several years, ten years, or even twenty years. But it's just because I want Master Chu's woman, the most ruthless thing in my life is betrayal!"

I suddenly remembered that when Lao Liu was seven or eight years old, his mother was discovered by his father. When he was found, Lao Liu's mother had been dead for more than ten days. But after hearing Lao Liu's words, I had another answer in my heart.

Perhaps the seventh or eight-year-old sixth understands everything, he knows what happened. The sixth child did not choose to tell the rest of the people, but hid the matter deeply in his heart. Because in Lao Liu's heart, betrayal is a capital offense.

"But you still did it!" Qian Er's voice was very brisk.

"Yes, I did it." The voice of the sixth child sounded very deep, like a leopard ready to attack at any time: "But if I don't do it, I will die, of course I know, the master is not stupid, Of course he also knew. I was hesitating, it was the master who told me to do it."

The sixth child continued: "I walked over tremblingly, even if the master asked me to do it, I would not do it. But do you know what the master said?"

"Speak?" Qian Er was a little suspicious: "What did he say, why don't we know?"

Lao Liu sneered: "Of course, I was standing by the master's side at that time, bent down and unable to let go. But the master told me a word with his lips, so I made up my mind."

"What did the master tell you?" Qian Er said, "Is it related to his other half of the property?"

"Money, woman!" Lao Liu gritted his teeth and said, "You only have these things in your eyes! What the master told me is that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years! It is not too late for a villain to take revenge in twenty years."

Qian Er was silent for a long time before he said: "Master Chu deserves this for you? You colluded with Chu Mei just to make us panic! Now all the brothers are dead, and only the two of us are left. We will disclose that bag to you." Wouldn’t it be nice to have the weapon divided? You know, you have only been with the master for half a year, and I have been with the master for two years. When it comes to playing with daggers, you may not be my opponent!"

"Is it worth it?"

What Lao Liu said didn't seem to show signs of stopping.

In order to survive, Lao Liu has done everything. He has worked as a security guard and as a courier, but there is no job that Lao Liu can do for a long time, because Lao Liu is afraid of dealing with others, because Lao Liu is afraid of talking to others. He was afraid of betrayal, afraid that the owner who had just arrived yesterday would forget him the next day, afraid that no one would remember his name.

If it doesn't start, it won't end naturally.

Some people say that when people get old, they will slowly become nostalgic. But the sixth child felt that it didn't seem to be like this. Because Lao Liu has been nostalgic all his life, he dare not look forward to the future, he only belongs to the past. He keeps wearing the same brand of clothes, he keeps going to the same convenience store, he keeps liking the same cartoon.

The first time Lao Liu went out to buy food, he walked into a dilapidated noodle shop. He asked for a fried noodles, and then quickly ran back home. For the next ten years, he always bought a side of fried noodles in this store. Lao Liu has eaten noodles with fried sauce for ten years. If the door is closed occasionally, Lao Liu will not eat.

In the eleventh year, the old noodle restaurant closed.

Lao Liu stood in front of the Zhajiang Noodle Restaurant, crying.

When his mother died, the sixth child did not cry. When his father was arrested, the sixth child did not cry. But when the noodle restaurant closed, the sixth child cried like a mourner. Passers-by came and went, and no one knew why the young man was crying.

Maybe he lost his parents, maybe he lost his lover, maybe he lost his job, but no one would think that this young man lost a Zhajiang noodle restaurant.

The sixth child cried very sadly, heartbroken.

A person walked up to Lao Liu and stopped.

Lao Liu ignored the people who stopped for him, and continued to cry. It seems that the endless sadness in my heart is completely expressed today, and the soul seems to flow out through tears. Lao Liu cried for a full hour, and the man stood beside Lao Liu and waited for him for an hour.

Lao Liu's voice became hoarse from crying, and his tears were also dried up. Lao Liu couldn't cry anymore.

He looked back at the man who had stood with him for an hour. This was a middle-aged man who looked to be forty years old. The uncle looked up at the Zhajiang noodle restaurant which had been emptied, and the sixth child looked at the middle-aged uncle. The two watched quietly like this until the uncle spoke for a long time.

The uncle said: "Unfortunately, this is a good Zhajiang noodle restaurant. I heard that the old man who sells Zhajiang noodles has passed away."

"I'm not crying for him." Lao Liu said lightly.

The uncle smiled: "It's a pity that it's Zhajiangmian, not that old man. Grandpa has thousands of people in this world, but there is only one Zhajiangnian restaurant."

Of course, there are tens of thousands of old grandpas in this world, and there are also tens of thousands of fried sauce noodle restaurants. There seemed to be something wrong with what the uncle said, but the sixth child understood what the uncle said. There was an inexplicable feeling in his heart, a feeling that resonated with the Great Thousand World for the first time.

It turns out that in this world, I am not alone.

The uncle smiled, and then said briskly, "Do you want to come with me?"

Lao Liu nodded and said, "From now on, I will follow you all my life."

The uncle smiled, and the two figures walked to the other side of the street.

The uncle said, "They all call me Master Chu."