Case Files 013

Chapter 51: High IQ suicide


"Can it really work?" Guan Zengbin asked suspiciously.

"Do it!" I yelled.

Following my shout, there was a sound of "咻", a red figure flew up from the yard, leaped over the roof, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only a hollow on the ground. In fact, what we saw in the yard that night was not a ghost at all, and of course it was not a person, to be precise, it was a dummy.

That night, the model was wearing a red dress and a long wig, making it difficult to tell the real from the fake in the dark. Tie a long spring on the back of the dummy, and then riveted it into a hole in the ground to find a good angle. Tie it up with a fishing line, and with a slight pull, the spring is enough to make the dummy fly out of the air.

"As I said, there are no ghosts in this world." Guan Zengbin said looking at the dummy that flew out.

"What kind of plane are you flying here?" Xiao Liu walked in from outside the yard.

Gu Chen looked at Xiao Liu's sweaty face, and said with a smile, "What are you doing, you're sweating profusely."

Xiao Liu looked at the three of us, and then said, "I have some unfortunate news for you. Gao Rui just committed suicide."

Hearing this news, I couldn't help but thump in my heart.

"Gao Rui committed suicide?" I couldn't help asking.

"It's being processed now, let's go to the scene to see it." Xiao Liu said.


The suicide site was Zhang Mingliang's home.

When we arrived at the scene, the local comrades had already started taking notes. Since Xiao Liu notified the local area not to perform an autopsy, the body has not been touched yet. The on-site trace quality inspectors have already started their work. Their main task is to collect the traces on the scene and find out whether there is any trace of a third person.

In fact, when a corpse is found, the first thing to do is to determine the identity of the deceased and the nature of the death.

There is no doubt that the deceased was Gao Rui. What we have to do now is to find out how Gao Rui died.

From the perspective of forensic science, death is generally divided into four types, namely suicide, homicide, natural death and accidental death.

Among these four methods of death, homicide is often faked by the murderer as suicide, natural death or accidental death.

Gao Rui's body appeared in front of us.

This is Zhang Mingliang's bedroom, and Gao Rui is lying quietly on it. Gao Rui was wearing a decent suit, and his expression was serene. Looking carefully, Gao Rui's lips, ears and earlobes are bright red, as if rouge has been applied. The bed also appeared to have been groomed, with red rose petals thrown on it.

There was a bottle of red wine on the table next to the bed, one third of it had been drunk. There is a goblet next to it, and there is still some residual red wine in it. Under the table is an old-fashioned radio. The radio is still playing songs at the moment, and it seems that no one has touched it.

"In the future, there will be thousands of songs, flying far away on my way. In the future, there will be thousands of evening stars, brighter than tonight's moon. They are not as beautiful as this night, and they can't wash away what I think tonight, because I don't know Someday I will sing with you again..."

This is an old man in Cantonese, and the listeners can't help but feel the sadness of parting in their hearts.

It seems that Gao Rui chose the day and the way of death on purpose. Gao Rui had a reason to commit suicide. In his life, except for Zhang Mingliang, no one else could enter his life. Now that Zhang Mingliang is dead, Gao Rui has nothing to miss in this world.

Guan Zengbin had already put on gloves and foot gloves at this moment, she approached Gao Rui's body, and sniffed at his mouth.

"Eh? It doesn't smell like bitter almonds." Guan Zengbin said to himself.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Guan Zengbin pointed us to Gao Rui's earlobe and mouth: "Look, his mouth, auricle and earlobe are all bright red, which is in sharp contrast with the skin around him. This is the most common cyanide signs of poisoning, and cyanide generally has a bitter almond smell, but I didn't smell it."

"Here is a letter!" Gu Chen got a letter beside the pillow.

I quickly put on my gloves and read the letter.

After reading it briefly, you can roughly understand the content.

The content of the letter is basically divided into two categories, one is to explain that his death has nothing to do with others. It was suicide. One is to say the password of your own bank account, and let the money in it be donated to the Hope Project.

"Take it for handwriting identification." I said to the trace inspector next to me.

Guan Zengbin said: "Cyanide poisoning is initially suspected. Looking at the rigor and plaques, the time of death is not very long. It is estimated that it is only one or two hours. At present, we can only see these. It depends on what more can be obtained from the autopsy. clue."

"Yeah." I nodded, and then said, "Take the corpse to the funeral parlor, and we'll go for an autopsy after investigating the scene."

"Are there any other findings?" I said to the trace inspectors.

Everyone shook their heads, and then said: "Only Gao Rui has traces of his life, but we found the fingerprints of another person, but it was the dead Zhang Mingliang, so I think it should be a suicide."

Judging from the layout of the scene, it does look like suicide.

Suicide is indeed a job that requires intelligence, and it is not as simple as ordinary people imagine.

Judging from Gao Rui's situation before he was about to commit suicide, Gao Rui must hope that he will be decent after death.

It is rare to see people who die as dignifiedly and peacefully as Gao Rui.

"There are syringes in the drawer." Gu Chen continued to search around.

"Be careful." Guan Zengbin said: "I didn't smell cyanide near his mouth just now, it is very likely that it was injected intravenously."

I looked at the syringe, it had the logo of Yucai High School on it. Gao Rui is a teacher at Yucai High School. After that incident, it is naturally impossible for Gao Rui to teach. But before that, is it possible that Gao Rui had found the syringe and cyanide from the Yucai High School laboratory

Gao Rui is a biology teacher. There are often some experiments in class, and the laboratory is open to him.

"Who was the first to discover the body?" I asked.

A woman replied from outside: "I, it's me! I'm the door opposite him."

I went out and looked at this woman, this is a fifty-year-old aunt.

"How did you find the body?" I asked.

The aunt looked sad, and said: "It's really a crime. Actually, I should have gone in earlier. I have always had the habit of taking a nap, so I waited to go to bed after eating. But the opposite side kept playing songs. I am old and a little Nervous breakdown, unable to fall asleep when hearing movement."

"At about one o'clock, I knocked on the door and asked him to keep his voice down. He didn't answer, and I didn't care. But after about half an hour, he still didn't stop. I got a little angry, I went to knock on the door of his house. But after knocking for a few minutes, no one answered."

"Then I complained to the property management company, and the property management team came up. I didn't open the door for a long time, and the property management team opened the door with a spare key. We saw him lying down. I thought he was asleep and didn't hear it. I went over and pushed He didn't move for a long time. Later, when I checked his breath, he was out of breath! We called 110."

There was no response to the first knock on the door around one o'clock, and that was more than two hours ago.

"Block here." I said to everyone.

The dissection process is long but not boring. Regarding Zengbin, I have never understood myself as much as I do today. I always feel that the knife is cutting me.

We saw that there were large bright red spots on the surface of Gao Rui's body.

Guan Zengbin said: "The time of death was around 1:10, with an error of no more than two minutes. His blood was bright red without coagulation. According to the results of the Prussian blue reaction, he did die from cyanide. A needle hole was found on his wrist. , intravenous cyanide."

As the anatomy progressed, Guan Zengbin continued: "Gao Rui is indeed a biology teacher, he understands the human body very well."

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

Guan Zengbin said: "There is no food in his stomach, and there is no feces in his intestines. Before he died, he should have given himself an enema, so that he could avoid excretion of feces after death. If he chooses intravenous injection, he will not vomit due to poisoning. So we see When Gao Rui's body was found, he was clean and decent."

After a pause, Guan Zengbin continued: "And he drank some red wine before he died. The red wine has a strong stamina. On the one hand, it can speed up blood circulation and make the poison flow to the heart quickly. On the other hand, it can paralyze his nerves and reduce the pain of death." Painful. In fact, it is estimated that Gao Rui left peacefully within a minute or so of the injection."

It seems that Gao Rui really committed suicide, that kind of parting song, that kind of act of cleaning himself up, that kind of beautiful behavior of designing the bed, that kind of behavior of wearing a gorgeous suit and leaving a suicide note.

This may all show that Gao Rui came prepared and was determined to die.

I often watch detectives in TV dramas say: "Let me ask, if he committed suicide, would he have done more? So I conclude that it must be homicide."

But in fact, if a person who wants to bid farewell to this world, always hopes to cut off the last trace of attachment in this world, these people will often finish what they should do and pay back their due. Return the favor, and then bid farewell to this world quietly.

So they probably do a lot of things before committing suicide.

"The people from the identification department sent the results." Xiao Liu opened the door and walked in: "The handwriting is the same as Gao Rui's before, and the bank account number and password match, and there are hundreds of thousands in it."

"Where did he get so much money?" I asked suspiciously.

Xiao Liu said: "They checked, and Zhang Mingliang sold his house in his hometown before he died. After Zhang Mingliang died, the money was left to Gao Rui, and now Gao Rui is also dead."

"Check all of Gao Rui's recent bank records." I said.

Gu Chen heard what I said, and hurriedly said, "Check? You mean Gao Rui's death is strange?"

"There is a doubt, I think, there should be more than Gao Rui in the room at that time." I said firmly.