Case Files 013

Chapter 65: The relationship of four people


I ran around holding Zhang Xue in this way for a while, and then I stopped, making sure that those big men should not chase after me to make trouble. Put Zhang Xue down, Zhang Xue looked at me, and I looked at her. We looked at each other and secretly admired each other's courage and courage.

Zhang Xue took the lead and said, "Why do you know the streets here so well? It should be your first time here."

I stretched out a finger and shook it: "I saw it when I walked into this street. Most of these alleys are connected, not dead ends. As long as the direction is right, you can get around anyway.”

"I admire." Zhang Xue arched her hands and said.

I asked, "When did you find out that I followed you?"

Zhang Xue imitated my shaking hands: "Don't you know that subway glass can reflect light? It's unnatural for you to keep staring at me. Besides, it's not like I haven't seen you before, so why follow me?"

"Excellent." I imitated Zhang Xue and said, "It's just that when women bow their hands, they have to do the opposite to men. You have to put your right hand on top and your left hand on the bottom."

Zhang Xue gave me a white look, and said while walking forward: "Boring, you are like my teacher."

After walking a long distance, Zhang Xue stopped again, and then asked a little shyly, "Do you want to take me home?"

If you expose it, you should be more generous, otherwise, if you spread the word another day, you will probably have a shadow in your heart in this life. I shrugged and walked to Zhang Xue's side. Zhang Xue's steps were very slow, as if she was deliberately delaying time, which was evident when she was on the way home from school.

Why did Zhang Xue delay for time

"Zhang Xue, I want to ask you a question." I said to Zhang Xue, "Why are you walking so slowly? If you had walked faster just now, I probably wouldn't have seen you."

Zhang Xue didn't answer, but just walked forward silently. She changed the topic: "Actually, I know what you are for, and you will naturally not follow me for no reason. I heard that Teacher Gao Rui died because someone used cyanide to kill her." Potassium cyanide was poisoned to death. So you suspect that some of us who stole potassium cyanide did it, don't you?"

Unexpectedly, this fifteen-year-old girl not only has anti-reconnaissance skills, but also guessed my purpose right away.

I didn't speak.

Zhang Xue said as she walked: "Mr. Gao Rui is a very good person. Last year, I took a supplementary biology class with Mr. Gao Rui, but he didn't charge us a penny. And he also encouraged us, If he can pass the Yucai High School, maybe he will teach us high school biology."

"Has he given you extra lessons?" I asked.

Zhang Xue nodded: "One day in the second year of junior high school, I met him on the playground. He just asked me why I was here during class time. Academic Affairs Office. But instead of doing that, he asked me what class I was taking.”

"I just said it was a biology class, and he was very happy, and said that he could teach me in the future. He is a biology teacher." Zhang Xue's voice was very low, a little choked: "I thought at the time, this teacher is good. It was strange, so I went to listen to it, and he spoke very well, vividly and gently."

Yes, Gao Rui has always been a gentle person.

Zhang Xue continued: "Many people are willing to listen to his class. He is like a big brother. He doesn't look like a teacher at all. We study while playing, and even Zhou Guo, who is the number one student, comes to attend the class. You say, Why would someone like this want to kill him?"

No one wanted to kill him, he chose to end his own life, but someone helped him.

I sighed and said, "Where did you hear that?"

Zhang Xue lowered her head: "There are rumors in the school, but we must not have done it. The five of us have a good relationship with Mr. Gao Rui. How could we do such a thing. I hope you can find the murderer as soon as possible."

Looking at Zhang Xue's appearance, I don't know what to say. It seemed that she didn't know that Gao Rui committed suicide instead of being poisoned to death. But when she said this, did she really not know the truth, or did she deliberately say this to make me lose my judgment on this matter

After all, deceiving is an innate ability of human beings.

I nodded and said: "Yes, he is such a good person, he should give him the truth. Whether the truth is what I want or not, I have to give it."

Zhang Xue stood there, raised her head and looked at me: "Thank you, I know you will be a good person."

"My house is in this building." Zhang Xue pointed to an old building by the side of the road and said, "The one with the black lights and ignorance is my house."

"Your family, isn't your father here?" I know that she is a single-parent family and lived with her father since she was a child.

Hearing my words, Zhang Xue smiled, then shook her head.

"You go in, I'll leave after your light is on." I patted Zhang Xue's head.

Zhang Xue nodded, walked into the corridor, and stopped suddenly. She stood in the corridor, and it was pitch black inside. The moonlight blocked by the eaves prevented me from seeing her expression clearly, only a vague outline. I suddenly felt that she seemed to be crying, and it seemed to be my hallucination.

"Why don't you send me up. You've been running for so long, drink some water." Zhang Xue said.

A strange emotion appeared in my heart. I don't know why, maybe because my heart softened, I agreed to Zhang Xue's invitation. After all, I just went up to drink a glass of water. I am indeed a little tired, after all, I ran for a long time just now.

I walked up behind Zhang Xue, and neither of them spoke. There is no light in the corridor, and the moonlight shines in from the corridor window, which makes the shadows of the two people long, and hits the wall as we move, like two dancers dancing.

"Those who are able to build up should accept that they will fall down one day. In fact, there is no kind of stability and happiness that will never be bad..."

The low voice of Eason Chan rang, this is the ringtone of my mobile phone.

Look at the caller ID, it is marked on it as Sister Polar: "Hello, Sister Mary, what's the matter?"

Mary seemed to be eating while saying, "Didn't you add a list of suicides, so I searched for their information, and guess what, something interesting happened. These four people should be said to be If you know each other, even if you don’t know each other, there should be a chance.”

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Mary cleared her throat and continued: "Let's talk one by one. First of all, do you remember that Zhang Mingliang sold the house in his hometown? Do you know who he sold the house through? It's the one who jumped off the building, called that What a bright horse, it's similar to my name."

I am speechless.

Mary continued: "After Ma Liliang sold the house, he put the money into the account designated by Zhang Mingliang. But at that time, Zhang Mingliang had already decided to die, and he was afraid that it would be transferred to Gao Rui's account, so he would check the money as soon as possible. Because of his relationship with Gao Rui, I found another person."

"We also know this person?" I asked.

Mary's voice was understated: "That's right, this person is that one, the widow Wang Yiman. Then Wang Yiman agreed, but Wang Yiman didn't save the money, but gave it to Li Zhinan. Li Zhinan is Jin An employee of Run Financial Company, he is also responsible for investment and financial management, and then Li Zhinan turned the 1.5 million he got from selling the house into 20 million in just three months."

"How did you do it? Turn 1.5 million into 20 million in three months?" I asked.

Mary said: "He used the 1.5 million to make a game and successfully borrowed 20 million from the bank."

I suddenly thought of Li Zhinan's briefcase, which was incomplete and had a document from XX Bank written on it. It seems that it should be Li Zhinan's document, but how did this happen

"I don't understand." I said.

"It's fine if you don't understand, it involves a complicated financial system." Mary said impatiently: "In short, Li Zhinan made an illusion and made the bank believe him temporarily. But in fact, he will be exposed in a short time. But Li Zhinan should have already made up his mind to commit suicide, so he doesn't care anymore."

Hearing Mary's words, something seemed to be colluding in my heart, but something was missing. There seems to be no connection between these four people, but it is a bit shocking to hear that there is such an inextricable relationship. Ma Liliang was in charge of selling the house, Wang Yiman was in charge of opening the account, and Li Zhinan was in charge of the bureau.

But in Gao Rui's suicide note, we only mentioned that there was an inheritance of 1.5 million yuan, so where did the 20 million yuan go

"Where did the twenty million go?" I asked.

"Brother, we're here." Zhang Xue said.

I nodded.

Mary on the phone continued: "I haven't found out yet, the 20 million yuan was first transferred in major domestic banks, and then remitted to a foreign bank. After that, where did the 20 million yuan go? It’s hard to find them. I don’t know whether they have returned to China or are still abroad. Do you know why telecom fraud cases are difficult to solve now? It’s because the network is too developed and the speed is too fast... "

I shook my head, and then said to Mary: "Okay, if you can find this, it will be very powerful. As for the 20 million, you can check it slowly, the best you can find, and don't worry if you can't find it. Hang up !"

"Got it! I'll let you know when there's news. Also, it's unlucky to hang up the phone in the future, let alone hang up. It's not good luck, or just hang up." With that, Mary hung up the phone.

This is quite superstitious. Life is different from making a phone call. Either you hang up first or I hang up first.

Standing at the door, Zhang Xue has already brought me the slippers I need to change: "Come in, Brother Wu, do you have any clues?"

I put on my slippers, looked at Zhang Xue's house, and said, "Yeah, I have some clues."