Case Files 013

Chapter 7: The culprit of death


The name of the deceased was Luo Zhongcheng, 22 years old this year, and he was the son of the deceased Luo Yongjun. He was found dead in his home. According to the autopsy report, he died on that rainy night, around five to six in the morning.

When that thing is involved, this matter has risen to another level. The main question is, where did Luo Zhongcheng get it, and whether he had this habit before. He went home and what happened again.

Why did so many things happen in just one rainy night

In fact, as long as we analyze carefully, we can draw the inference that Luo Zhongcheng is the murderer. First of all, the fact that there are passages on both sides of the trainway is by no means known to ordinary people. Although Luo Zhongcheng and his father Luo Yongjun have a bad relationship, they are father and son after all. Nearly twenty years have passed, and Luo Zhongcheng knows about the existence of passages and It is a matter of course that the switch controls a whole street light.

Second, if Luo Yongjun was the murderer, he didn't have to think hard about throwing the body into the train track. Luo Yongjun had the only key to the only door, so he could throw the corpse onto the train track through the iron door without trying to use wires.

Thirdly, the sound of "dumping" heard by the two electricians was actually the sound of Luo Yongjun beating on the train track. Luo Yongjun encountered the scene while inspecting the train track. Judging from the time, he shouldn't have come back now. We speculate that it was because the street lights went out that made Luo Yongjun return to the nearby area ahead of time.

Fourth, the Skynet is sparse and not leaking. Perhaps Luo Zhongcheng would never have dreamed that someone saw him throwing his body on the passing train. We found a photo of Luo Zhongcheng before he was alive and asked Xiao Liu to send the photo to the reporter to see if it was the same person she saw.

Soon the reporter confirmed the fact that Luo Zhongcheng was the person who threw the corpse that night.

It's just that although we found the murderer, the murderer died.

Xiao Liu shook his head and said: "This case is easy and simple, but difficult to say. If the reporter could provide clues earlier, we might have suspected Luo Zhongcheng long ago. But then again, even if you didn't report the case With the clues of people, I guess we can guess who the real culprit is, it’s amazing.”

Xiao Liu praised us, and then said: "However, this Luo Zhongcheng also ended up in such a fate. I don't know how Luo Yongjun will treat his son when the father and son are together. My own father drowned, it's not filial."

Seeing that Xiao Liu was getting more and more angry, I said, "Xiao Liu, have you ever thought about it? In fact, Luo Yongjun has already thought of this? He sent him to death on purpose?"

"Intentionally sent to die?" Xiao Liu shook his head, "How did you know that?"

I shrugged, and then said: "I am an orphan, sometimes I don't know much about family affection, but have you ever thought about why Luo Yongjun brought liquor to the passage, why Luo Yongjun wanted to write and draw pictures. Can't remember Remember the diary we saw in his workbook, he said he did everything himself."

"Then you said during the simulation that Luo Yongjun would bring Luo Zhongcheng to surrender." Xiao Liu was obviously confused.

"I did imitate it like this." I said, "I guess Luo Yongjun did say that. He did this just in the hope that his son would decide to kill himself as soon as possible. Luo Yongjun doesn't know how to educate. Luo Yongjun is too cowardly But no matter what, he always has an identity—father."

Yes, from Luo Yongjun's diary, it can be seen that this railway worker has been cowarded all his life. His wife and others ran away, so he didn't dare to speak nonsense, and his son beat him, but he didn't dare to move. But on this rainy night, Luo Yongjun showed all his wisdom and courage.

As if saving up for a lifetime, Luo Yongjun used up all at once. He erased traces, forged diaries, deliberately let his son get himself drunk, and deliberately died in the tunnel. Few people can achieve such courage and wisdom, and it is within a short period of two hours.

I don't know if he will remember his bravest time when he died, he shouted at the passing trains.

It's just that Luo Yongjun didn't expect that his son would go to him for company just over two hours after his death.

Luo Zhongcheng's body was transported away. Through a series of visits and investigations, it was found that Luo Zhongcheng had never had any bad habits. On the contrary, Luo Zhongcheng looked very strong, otherwise he would not have the ability to climb the telephone pole and throw the body away.

In other words, he has no experience, otherwise he would not die. Then the question arises, whose is it, and where did Luo Zhongcheng get it from

Team leader Shao said: "In short, let's put aside the matter of the source first, and we will investigate later. What we need to do now is to close the case of exhumation in the rainy night first, and then investigate the source. By the way, Wu Meng, the case Before the investigation is clear, you said that Luo Yongjun is not the murderer, how dare you be sure?"

I sighed, and then said: "I don't know if you have read Luo Yongjun's first workbook seriously. It meticulously records the condition of the railway tracks every day, and you know why there are vertical lines on both sides of the track. Got barbed wire?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Because of Luo Yongjun." I said, "In the past few years, there were frequent incidents of train collisions. Luo Yongjun saw many people, so he told the leaders to build barbed wire to prevent children from straying into the train tracks and being hit by trains. The leaders I was also afraid that there would be another accident, so I agreed, and the barbed wire fence was erected like this."

Everyone suddenly realized, and Mary nodded and said, "It turns out that Luo Yongjun proposed to build a barbed wire fence, and it is also true. How could Luo Yongjun, who is afraid of other people's accidents, kill people? Luo Yongjun is really a good person."

"Is he really a good man?" I didn't agree with Mary's words: "I collected information on the victims who were killed by trains in recent years, and found a very interesting detail. A train crash."

"These three incidents have one thing in common." I looked around and said lightly: "These three are all women, and they are all women between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two. Do you think things are a little strange, don't they?" Are these crazy? People of this age are still running on the train track one by one?"

My words made Mary and Team Leader Shao break out in a cold sweat. They seemed to realize what I wanted to say to them, and everyone's faces were unnatural. Mary coughed twice, and then said slowly: "You mean, these people are..."

"That's right, it's definitely not the first time Luo Zhongcheng has killed someone." I said with a smile, "It's just that there is no proof of death now. If my guess is right, Luo Zhongcheng started doing this a long time ago. He used the passage to kill people. The body was then placed on the train track."

"Then, the train would smash the corpses into pieces and scattered them around the train track. The task of Luo Yongjun is to clean up these rotten corpses." I sighed: "Later, Luo Yongjun felt that it was not good to let his son do this, so Apply for barbed wire."

I shrugged: "It's just that Luo Yongjun didn't think that the barbed wire couldn't stop his son."

Everyone looked at me dumbfounded, and Mary shook her head and said to Team Leader Shao: "This psychopath really looks like you when you were young, no, no, no, I mean, his grasp of details and reasoning ability are very similar. You were ten years ago."

Team leader Shao said: "You are the person I'm looking for."

When we were about to close the case, there was news from the first team sent to that mountain village. Zhang Hui was still in that mountain village, but she had already become the mother of four children. Who is the father of the children? Not sure either.

When Zhang Hui saw them, she first cursed and uttered all the swear words, and finally collapsed on the ground, crying and said to them, "Why are you here now!"

Team Leader Shao felt that all these details should be included in the closing of the case. He suddenly remembered a person, and then he said to Xiao Liu: "By the way, what is the name of the reporter? We must thank her well. If there is no her, we will It is estimated that there is no such direct evidence, and maybe I have to work for a few more days."

Xiao Liu shook his head and said, "I'll ask about this."

After a while, Xiao Liu came back, his face twisted, his eyebrows drooping down.

"What's wrong with you?" I teased him with a smile: "You had a stroke after going out for a while? You should look in the mirror to see your expression."

Xiao Liu said: "I said Wu Meng, I said this name, if your expressions remained the same, I would have jumped from the sixth floor."

"Who the hell?" I said.

"I asked the operator just now, and she said that the reporter claimed to be Zhang Xutong!" Xiao Liu shouted a few more times in a more emphatic tone: "She said her name was Zhang Xutong!"

What Xiao Liu said was right. When they heard this name, everyone's expressions were the same as those of Chi Xiang. Zhang Xutong, the case reported by Zhang Xutong? Is there a ghost? Wasn't Zhang Xutong killed by Luo Zhongcheng? Is it the same name

A series of questions exploded in my mind.

"Quick, hurry up and get the autopsy report on that corpse!" Team Leader Shao said to Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu's speed was extremely fast. After a while, we held the autopsy report on the female corpse about the rainy night exhumation case. Team leader Shao looked at it carefully and said after a long time: "According to the bone age test, this The age of the women is twenty."

"Even if Zhang Xutong was only 18 years old when he went to college, four years later, Zhang Xutong would be at least 22 years old. That is to say, the person who died was not Zhang Xutong at all. In the ditch!" I said helplessly.

"Then, who is that dead?" Xiao Liu looked at us in embarrassment.

I pondered for a moment and said, "Do you remember those days when someone reported a missing person case? You kept nagging that you didn't have enough staff?"

"Is it one of them?"