Case Files 013

Chapter 82: Boys and girls


The few of us just walked to the door of the office when we heard chattering voices from inside the office, pushed the door open and walked in, only then did we see that Team Leader Shao and others were watching TV.

Many reporters appeared on the TV screen. The background was in front of the gate of Liu Yinyan's villa area. At this moment, many security guards were blocking these reporters from entering. The scene looked chaotic, and it seemed that it would get out of control at any time.

"Liu Yinyan's daughter, Liu Fei'er, disappeared today, right?"

"For this matter, could Liu Yinyan's opponent do it?"

"Have you been involved in the investigation of this case?"

In Dongxing City, this is considered a major event. After all, even if it is eating, drinking, and messing around, there are many reporters following it, let alone such a big event. But this kind of thing itself can't be kept secret for a long time, we can't keep the mouths of all the insiders shut.

Facing these reporters, the security guards had an attitude: "This is a private place, and we can't just let anyone in."

"Group Leader Shao." Gu Chen called softly.

Team Leader Shao turned off the TV and rubbed the teacup in his hand: "This incident has been a storm in Dongxing City, and now it can be said that there are rumors everywhere, and there are all kinds of rumors. Some say it was planned by Liu Yinyan's old opponent , Some said it was done by people who fanatically admired Liu Feier, and some said Liu Feier eloped with someone. The level of detail is as if they personally participated in it."

Sitting down on the chair, Team Leader Shao took a sip of tea: "These people hear that the wind is rain, and if it takes a while, they don't know what they will say. The pressure from above is also great, and they have given me several times. Put pressure on me, let me find Liu Fei'er as soon as possible, even if I can't catch anyone, I must ensure her safety."

Mary was tinkering with her laptop at the side, and she nodded when she heard Team Leader Shao say: "After all, her father is one of the top business tycoons in Dongxing City. It must have plummeted, and I don’t know how many people will become victims of this incident. Now, there is a faint trend of this.”

I don't understand stocks, and I haven't touched them since I was a child. I don't know the principle, but from Mary's point of view, it seems that many things in this city are involved in the fall of one person.

I scratched my head and said, "I heard that Chen Lin's DNA has been compared. Did he ever use Liu Fei'er's lipstick?"

Guan Zengbin said: "Yes, the saliva detected on the skin belongs to two people."

Mary turned the computer over and showed us: "That's right, this is the person. Chen Lin, you can see the photos yourself."

A few of us went up to look, and it seemed that this was a beautiful woman. She has an oval face, handsome features, and a perfect figure, and her height looks to be 1.75 meters. This made me feel something was wrong. Just now Gu Chen clearly said that Chen Lin is a man, but no matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a man.

So I asked with some doubts: "Is this Chen Lin a man or a woman?"

Mary said: "From the information, he is indeed a man, but from the appearance, he is a woman."

I looked at Guan Zengbin, then at Chen Lin in the photo, and muttered, "Everyone's men are prettier than you."

Guan Zengbin gave me a blank look.

Mary said: "From the information I have obtained, it is said that Chen Lin has been using a large amount of estrogen since he was a few years old, but he has not undergone a complete operation. Calculated, he is only 28 years old this year. Three years ago Since escaping, there has been no whereabouts."

Guan Zengbin said: "Everyone has their own choice, I prefer to call them ladyboy. Do you understand, Wu Meng!"

Seeing how Guan Zengbin wanted to eat me, I quickly changed the subject: "Then what did this ladyboy do to get in, and when did she come out?"

Next, Mary told us the story of Chen Lin.

According to the file, this Chen Lin is an orphan. When Chen Lin was very young, he was taken in by a so-called traveling circus. The so-called circus actually doesn't have many animals in it. Just a few snakes, a monkey, and a cow with five legs.

In fact, the circus does not rely on animals to make money, they rely on themselves.

In this circus, most of the people are actually strange people.

The people here are very strange.

There is a conjoined twin, she has two heads, four eyes and four feet, but only two arms. And some people envy her, because this person has no limbs, and here is an old dwarf who is over seventy years old. Her body is not even one meter high, and she also suffers from Alzheimer's disease. Her body is bent like a huge mouse. There are also people here who can only live in a jar all day long, because he was thrown into a jar since he was a child.

This so-called circus tours around the world by taking advantage of people's curiosity. They go to a place, put up a shed in a place, and then sell tickets. And Chen Lin was picked up by the circus during the tour.

The head of the circus is a man with big tumors on his face, one on each side of the cheek, which looks like a toad, and everyone in the circus calls him the head of the toad.

Captain Toad is a good guy, but also a bad guy.

But Captain Toad is very kind to the members of the circus.

There are no idlers in the circus, and their income can barely get by, because it is not a long-term job. After staying in a city for a long time, no matter how strange things are, you will get tired of watching them. So they can only run around, and this costs money.

Captain Toad still decided to keep this little guy, but this little guy is too normal. And too normal, here is not normal. In order to allow Chen Lin to integrate into this big family, in order to prevent Chen Lin from being discriminated against. Head Toad decided to turn Chen Lin into a woman who was not a woman, so that it would be more normal.

So since Chen Lin was three years old, Captain Toad gave Chen Lin a large amount of estrogen every day. Moreover, Captain Toad cultivated Chen Lin's various talents since she was a child, which made her more popular.

Fourteen-year-old Chen Lin, his Adam's apple disappeared, and his skin became smooth and tender. Chen Lin, a teenager, began to perform on stage. Every time he went to a city, the people here would be shocked.

Little Chen Lin undoubtedly became the most popular person in this circus.

A big poster was put up outside the circus: "The Grand Finale."

Chen Lin's daily task is to dance on stage. The extremely beautiful face always makes the audience gasp in surprise every time.

Compared with conjoined twins, compared with dwarfs, and compared with people without limbs, such a performance is undoubtedly more impressive. Because this kind of performance makes people feel less panicked, this is not discrimination, it is the inherent nature of human beings, and it is something that people always hope to avoid.

Every night, people flock to it.

This kind of life continued until Chen Lin was eighteen years old. At the age of eighteen, Chen Lin killed all the people in the circus.

That day was Chen Lin's eighteenth birthday.

On my eighteenth birthday, there are eighteen candles on the cake. Chen Lin looked at the cake and made a wish in his heart.

In fact, the story started a few months before Chen Lin's eighteenth birthday. At that time, Chen Lin performed on stage as usual. But this time the performance was different.

That day, a girl in her twenties was sitting under the stage.

"Wait!" Xiao Liu objected to this: "Chen Lin likes women?"

Guan Zengbin said helplessly: "Like men or women, this is not determined by gender. You people are making a fuss, and there is discrimination deep in your genes. Just like a normal man, he will like men or women. Chen Lin naturally has the right to like men or women!"

Xiao Liu was so refuted that he had nothing to say, so he had no choice but to let Mary continue.

Chen Lin fell in love with that girl at first sight, she was a fat girl, she looked very pretty.

Chen Lin had a few months before his eighteenth birthday, and Chen Lin looked at the girl sitting in the middle of the stage. The girl blushed, but she didn't notice that Chen Lin was also looking at her.

Only those who have never been in love feel that the relationship between two people is slowly cultivated. In fact, love came suddenly. At this moment, Chen Lin fell in love with that woman.

Chen Lin felt ashamed for the first time.