Case Files 013

Chapter 83: eighteen year old hope


No matter what kind of person you are, you have the right to love and the right to like someone. Even Chen Lin has this right. Chen Lin fell in love with this woman, fell in love with this woman whom he only met once. This was the first and last time Chen Lin saw that woman.

Once is enough, once is enough, isn't it

From that day on, Chen Lin refused to go on stage, and refused to show herself in front of others.

At first, the team members didn't say anything. But not performing on stage for a week in a row, everyone has some verbal complaints. Why does everyone else have to go on stage, but Chen Lin rests every day? It's not fair.

There are no idlers in the circus, this is the rule.

The first person to complain was the man without limbs, and everyone called him the worm man. He came in front of Chen Lin and shouted loudly: "Chen Lin, you have to perform on stage. Why do we have to perform, only you can rest behind, it's not fair."

The pot man who has lived in the pot all his life and has been integrated with the pot said: "Yes, I think the worm man is right! Why do we have to support you? Do you know how difficult it is to make money now? Toad Group The boss has been raising you for more than ten years, how much money have you made for the circus? You have only worked for the circus for a few years, and you are playing big names?"

This makes sense, they are all reasonable people. Because even if they didn't want to be reasonable, they would never beat Chen Lin who was able-bodied. Chen Lin stopped talking, because Chen Lin felt that what they said was right. If it wasn't for the people in the circus to support him, he would have died a long time ago eighteen years ago.

But Chen Lin still didn't come to power. In those few months, Chen Lin became a philosopher. Chen Lin learned to think for the first time, and Chen Lin began to think about what people live for. Are they born to live to bear the strange eyes of others

Could it be that my whole life is like all the people in the circus, being a monster all my life, living my whole life in the face of other people's fear or disgust

This is so boring, Chen Lin decided not to live like this.

The young girl who just came to see a strange performance may never know for the rest of her life what kind of drastic impact it will have on another person just because of her arrival. Many times, the world is so strange, and life is so unreasonable.

Eighteen years old has eighteen candles, even though Chen Lin hasn't performed on stage for several months.

Other than complaining a few times, the people in the regiment did nothing. They are all kind people, but their looks are a little scary.

On Chen Lin's eighteenth birthday, they specially bought a birthday cake.

The cake was bought by Captain Toad. When shopping, he was very shy and a little afraid of other people's eyes. In the end, the worm man lying on the head of the toad said: "Hello waiter, we need a big birthday cake."

Insect Man said that it was his bravest day.

The pot man and the worm man sang happy birthday songs, the old dwarf was bouncing around, the Siamese twins put on a birthday hat for Chen Lin, and the other two sat by the table and knocked on the table. Captain Toad said: "Our little Chen Lin has finally grown up."

Eighteen years is too long, but too short.

Everyone was suddenly a little sad. In this huge shed, it used to be full of people watching performances. Today they deliberately took a day off from the performance. At the moment, the shed is empty, and their hearts are also a little empty.

"Make a wish." The conjoined twin looked at Chen Lin and said slowly.

Chen Lin made a wish, that is, the members of the circus no longer need to live by the discrimination of others.

After death, no one will discriminate and ridicule, Chen Lin thought so.

"Why are you doing this, why are you!" the tank man cried.

The pot man was crying, looking very desperate in the huge shed.

"Did we treat you a little bit badly?" The pot man stopped crying. This circus has existed for decades, but today, everyone died, and the pot man suddenly wasn't so afraid of death.

The pot man has thought about it more than once, what will it feel like when he dies, will it hurt? But now, the man in the pot doesn't care anymore. It turns out that the fear of death is not the fear of death itself, but the fear that there is still hope, but he is about to die. The tank man's friends are all dead, he is desperate, so he is not afraid of death.

Chen Lin said: "You are very kind to me, but I don't want you to live like this for the rest of your life."

So Chen Lin killed all the people in the circus, but Chen Lin did not commit suicide.

Chen Linxu's wish is that everyone die, including himself.

But when it was his turn to kill himself, Chen Lin relented. Chen Lin was hopeful, and Chen Lin was not yet desperate, so after thinking about it for three hours, Chen Lin was hungry, so he ate his own birthday cake.

Chen Lin took all the savings from the circus and left. Before leaving, he set fire to the shed.

After intervening in the investigation, the forensic doctor quickly detected that these people were charred after death, not directly. All fatal wounds were caused by a single knife, so these people were killed by one person. And the identities of these people who died are easy to judge.

Their skeletons are different from those of normal humans, and the identities of these dead people were quickly determined through comparison of the skeletons and the testimony of witnesses. For example, some bones have four legs, and some bones have no limbs. In contrast, it was soon discovered that a person was missing, and this person was Chen Lin.

Chen Lin was quickly identified. This is a very simple case. No post-processing scene, no fake alibi.

But ten years ago, the surveillance equipment was not intensive, and Chen Lin had disappeared without a trace, so he could only wait for Chen Lin to be caught.

Until a year later, by chance, Chen Lin was arrested.

It was another city, it was a traffic accident.

A car deviated from the direction of travel, and the driver drove directly into the river due to fatigue.

Fortunately, the window was open, otherwise the strong pressure would have given them no chance to climb out. But this is still dangerous, none of the three members of the family can swim. Pedestrians on the road were stunned, but at this moment, a woman's figure jumped into the river.

The woman rescued first their child, then his wife, and finally, with the help of another brave man, his husband. It can be said that the lives of the family of three were saved by this woman, and they knelt in front of the woman to thank her for saving their lives. But the woman couldn't say anything, she was too tired.

You must know that the physical strength required to rescue a drowning person who cannot swim is far beyond the imagination of others, otherwise there would not be so many people drowning because of saving people every year. When rescuers arrived at the same time, the woman was also taken into the car.

"This person seems familiar."

"I also feel a little familiar."

Suddenly, they slapped their thighs: "Is this the one from the Internet?"

Chen Lin was arrested just like that.

The rescued family would never have imagined that the rescuer was also the murderer. They would never have imagined that a year ago, the woman who had rescued them killed seven people in the circus and absconded in fear of crime. It never occurred to them that this woman was not actually a woman.

So is Chen Lin a good guy or a bad guy

If Chen Lin didn't save people, wouldn't he be arrested

Nobody knows.

Chen Lin was sentenced to death with a reprieve. If nothing else, he would spend his whole life like this. But Chen Lin has never been a person who plays cards according to common sense. Six years later, Chen Lin escaped. After that, she disappeared for three years, but now, Chen Lin appeared again.

Moreover, Chen Lin hid in the room and waited for an opportunity to take Liu Fei'er away.

"But how did he escape?" Xiao Liu had some doubts.

Mary continued to tell us: "In fact, for six years, Chen Lin has been planning to escape. He used an ear pick to dig for six years, dug through the toilet, and ran outside from the cesspit. Disappeared."

"No one found out?" I shook my head and asked, "The management is too loose. This kind of thing never happened in the place where I grew up. What about his roommate, didn't report it?"

Mary spread her hands, and then said: "This is Chen Lin. Do you think he should be locked up in the men's department or the women's department?"

I shook my head helplessly.

"So, in order to prevent this trouble, we specially arranged a single room for Chen Lin." Mary said, "And because of such conditions, he dug for six years and finally escaped."

Digging for six years.

Chen Lin was about to commit suicide when he was eighteen, but at the age of twenty-eight, he seemed to still hold on to hope.