Case Files 013

Chapter 84: Worms in the stomach


According to the report, Chen Lin has the conditions for such digging only at night. And there is a power outage at the main gate, so Chen Lin had to do it in the dark, and he couldn't wake others up. Being so bold and careful, no wonder Chen Lin was asked to do this.

But now that we know Chen Lin's identity, we need to use Chen Lin as a breakthrough point to find Chen Lin's location, so as to find the location.

Chen Lin has used Liu Feier's lipstick, which is quite reasonable. But with dog blood on his mouth, it doesn't make sense. Chen Lin stayed under Liu Fei'er's bed all night, and he probably hadn't eaten during the period, so the dog blood on his lips should have been caused before sneaking in.

"Look for a place. There are a lot of stray dogs in this place, and almost no one lives there." I said slowly.

As soon as this sentence was finished, Gu Chen and I looked at each other, and I knew that Gu Chen might be thinking of the same place as me. The two of us blurted out at almost the same time: "That unfinished building that has been suspended for a long time!"

That's right, it is the unfinished building that the escaped old Zhangtou was guarding before. There are not many people passing by during the day, and it has almost become a paradise for stray dogs and stray cats. The most dangerous place is the safest place. If it were me, if I wanted to find a place with few people in such a big city, this would definitely be the best choice.


We drove here in about an hour. There is almost no difference from what I saw half a year ago. It seems that wanting to revitalize this unfinished building will not happen overnight. The gate of the construction site was just open, and the ground was already covered with a lot of weeds, and the walls were covered with graffiti that could be seen everywhere, densely packed with characters from any language.

Zhang Mingliang's head fell from this upstairs half a year ago, and now he came here again. Although the time has not been long, there is always a feeling of a world away.

"It's here, let's look for it." I said to the person who came with us, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Follow me." Several of us said.

Half a year ago, I had a conversation with Lao Zhang Toupan, and I still remember a bucket of dog blood exuding a strong stench outside the simple wooden house where he lived.

And when I came here again, I knew that my guess was right.

There was a pool of blood in front of the wooden house, which had completely solidified. Guan Zengbin walked up first, put on gloves, wiped the blood on the ground, put it on her nose and smelled it, and said with a frown, "It's not human blood, it should be dog blood, but it's more accurate to take it back for identification. .”

Seeing Guan Zengbin's appearance, I couldn't help but said: "Why are you as virtuous as Wang Ergou? Is your nose so good? Yes, why can't we find Wang Ergou, who has a nose that is sharper than a dog's?" , no, where is the dog coming?"

Thinking of this, I immediately sent a text message to Team Leader Shao, asking him to find Wang Ergou for me.

Guan Zengbin stood up and said: "It takes only a day or two for the dog's blood to coagulate, which means that someone must have been there before. So, Chen Lin is probably the dog's blood that came into contact with here?"

I pulled my hair, and said slowly: "From the current situation, it should be like this. Then there should be Lao Zhangtou here, Lao Zhangtou, Lai San, Chen Lin?"

These few people have a common characteristic, that is, they are all escapers. I suddenly thought of a possibility, what if Liu Fei'er had already been murdered from the very beginning? You know, these people are people who can do anything.

But among these few people, who planned the whole thing? Is it Lei San who once planned to travel all over the world to become the number one in martial arts? Is it the old Zhang who regards dog blood as life? Or is it Chen Lin who still doesn't know why he is alive? Or, who else is behind it

So, how many people are there in this team? What the hell are they trying to do

Everything is still a mystery.

"Here, a corpse was found here!" A person suddenly shouted.

Found a body

The few of us looked at each other and hurried to the place where the body was found. Sure enough, we saw a corpse lying in the grass at the moment, from the appearance, it looked like a woman. I was startled, it couldn't be Liu Feier, but when I got closer, I realized that it wasn't Liu Feier, but someone even more unexpected than we expected.

This person is none other than Chen Lin.

Judging from the appearance, this is indeed Chen Lin, but it is not as beautiful as in the photo. At this moment, Chen Lin's face has various spots, and his skin is not so delicate, but looks a little sallow. I don't know why, a 28-year-old person can be described as old and pearly.

"This is Chen Lin?" Xiao Liu said with a look of disbelief, "Is this the same as the two people in the photo? Or do you have to P1P now when posting photos by yourself?"

Guan Zengbin stepped forward and said: "I think it's because he hasn't taken estrogen for a long time, and no one has provided him with estrogen these years. So the estrogen in his body gradually decreased, and he became more and more ugly. I'm only twenty-eight years old now, but I look like I'm forty-eight years old. There's no way, it's like this for most of my life."

While looking at Chen Lin's body, she said to us: "This kind of person is basically divided into three stages. Before adulthood, he began to cultivate various talents. The golden age from eighteen to twenty-five is the golden period. They are the most beautiful and most profitable stage. After the age of twenty-five, it starts to decline, and the average life expectancy is between thirty-five and forty years old."

Xiao Liu shook his head, seeming to regret: "If you say that, then this is really a short life."

Guan Zengbin shook his head: "For them, this kind of life is long enough. Especially in the last stage of life, many of them chose to commit suicide. Maybe they are the moths. If it’s a fire, we must resolutely charge forward.”

Such words made me a little sad, and I said: "Perhaps, some people live a hundred years, and when they finally look back on their lives, they feel dull and have done nothing. Most of the reasons for regret in life are It's about what we don't do, not what we do."

"It's the same as the security guard before." Guan Zengbin just looked at the wound and said: "From the outside, there is only this scar on the neck. The wound is very deep. It can be concluded that it was done by the same person. But it still needs to be dissected." , Be more rigorous, maybe you will find different clues."

Chen Lin's body was quickly transported back to the funeral home, and members of the trace inspection team were still on the spot investigating whether there were any traces left by the murderer. Gu Chen and Xiao Liu stayed at the scene, while Guan Zengbin and I went back first and waited for her to dissect Chen Lin's body.

I have seen Guan Zengbin dissect a man's corpse, and I have also seen a woman's corpse dissected. I don't know why, but there is a faint sense of inexplicable expectation in my heart. I quickly suppressed this mentality, now is not the time to be curious.

The security guard died, Chen Lin died, and everyone we could find died. It's really killing donkeys, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges. But it can also be seen from here that in order to block the clues of our investigation, anything can be done.

A chill suddenly appeared in my heart. If we continue to investigate, will it make them tear up their votes in order to protect themselves? It's only the first day, and so much has happened. Killing two people who worked for the team in a row, wouldn't the people in the team hold grudges

Could it be that if one more person is killed, the more money will be divided

Guan Zengbin was about to start the autopsy, and I was watching. This Chen Lin's appearance is no longer flattering. If there was dog blood on her mouth, would there be food residues in his stomach

Guan Zengbin held the scalpel very steadily, as if every corpse, no matter what state it was in, was indistinguishable in her eyes.

"Is it true that as a forensic doctor, you will take death lightly?" I asked.

Guan Zengbin didn't turn his head back, but said lightly: "Yes, we, like all other creatures in the world, are going to die and leave behind corpses. My task is to say goodbye to these people for the last time. Identify the cause of their death , so that they can go on the road with peace of mind.”

"If one day, you are facing my body or Gu Chen's corpse, can you still be so calm?" I asked with a smile.

Guan Zengbin paused for a moment and said, "I hope there won't be such a day."

Guan Zengbin had already begun to dissect the internal organs, but at this moment, Guan Zengbin screamed, and I was also startled, and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

"Look!" Guan Zengbin pointed to the dissected corpse and said to me.

I hurried over and looked down, it didn't matter, I almost vomited directly on the internal organs of the corpse. A white worm, only one end can be seen, most of the flat and curved body is still hidden in the uncut intestines.

Based on the part I saw, it is estimated that this is a bug that is more than one meter long. How can this not make people feel scared

"Why is this worm in his stomach, and how long is this worm?" I asked, suppressing my nausea.

Guan Zengbin has regained his composure at this moment, and said slowly: "If I say that it is estimated to be more than four meters long, how would you feel?"