Case Files 013

Chapter 89: The phone call finally came


So when Sister Mao said this, I didn't refuse in the end. I suddenly thought of the widow Wang who was too lonely so she chose to commit suicide. The difference between her and Sister Mao is that Sister Mao still has hope, but Widow Wang has completely lost hope.

The same two women, the same sleepless night.

Sister Mao took me with her in the car. I knew what Sister Mao was thinking and wanted to show her face. This way, I could help Brother Huang to some extent. Since Second Brother Huang went in, only making money and waiting is left in Sister Mao's life.

"Xiao Wu, what case is this time?" Sister Mao chatted with her in the car.

I smiled: "I can't say until the case is investigated."

Sister Mao snorted and said, "Do you think you don't know if you don't mention Sister Mao? I guess it's about the disappearance of Liu Fei'er. Now Dongxing City is full of excitement, and there are naturally rumors coming from here. I said right?"

I shook my head and didn't speak, the car is very warm at the moment. Leaning on the leather sofa is like nestling in the big sofa in front of the fireplace. There are no other sounds, only the slight sound of the quiet motor, but it is more like a lullaby, making people sleepy.

I feel that my upper eyelids and lower eyelids have started to fight. Although I have hardly done any work today, I feel extremely sleepy when I am free. On the contrary, when the spirit is highly tense, it can persist even for three days.

Sister Mao continued: "It seems that you have done a good job of keeping secrets, so let's talk about other things. Do you have a girlfriend now? Do you like anyone? Would you like Sister Mao to introduce one to you. "

When I said this, my consciousness was already very blurred, and I just wanted to sleep quickly. Sister Mao's last words were still in my mind, and in an instant, two people appeared in my mind, one Guan Zengbin and the other Zhao Mingkun. They seemed to be standing in front of me alive, looking at me with wide eyes.

Is this someone I like? Could it be that I'm such a playful person that I like two people at the same time

I closed my eyes, I was so sleepy.

I don't know how long it took, but I just felt someone pushing me slightly. When I opened my eyes to look, the sky was already bright, and Sister Mao was looking at me with a smile on her face: "You I slept well by myself, but I was miserable, driving for more than two hours bored alone."

I smiled apologetically at Sister Mao, and then said, "Since we've all come here, why don't Sister Mao come too, with Sister Mary, we'll be able to find the owner of this cigarette soon."

Sister Mao originally thought this way, so naturally she didn't refuse, and followed me in.

Although it was just dawn, most of them had already come to work. I brought Sister Mao into the office, gave a brief introduction, and Sister Mary began to ask Sister Mao to assist her in her work.

Team Leader Shao still looked at the whiteboard in the office, but now there were very few names and characters on the whiteboard, and it looked much cleaner. I walked to Team Leader Shao and looked at the characters on the whiteboard with Team Leader Shao. There were only a few people left. When Team Leader Shao saw me coming, he put down his teacup and asked, "Did you find anything?"

I nodded, shook my head again, and said with some confusion: "This group of people can be said to be ruthless. We found Chen Lin based on the situation in Liu Fei'er's room, and also found out Chen Lin's identity. But we just thought When the investigation took Chen Lin as the breakthrough point, Chen Lin was already dead."

Team leader Shao nodded and said: "I know this, that Chen Lin used Liu Fei'er's lipstick and left the only evidence at the scene, so killing him for safety's sake is actually expected They are too cautious, it is the third day, and there is still no call."

I sighed, and then said: "However, there has been a new breakthrough in the matter. We found a special homemade cigarette on the vehicle they were driving. It is a kind of shredded tobacco called Davidoff, which is rare in Dongxing City. So I searched overnight. Here comes Sister Mao, she can be regarded as an expert in this field."

Team Leader Shao and Sister Mao both nodded slightly.

I continued: "By the way, Miss Mary, did you find anything in the surveillance video you investigated?"

Mary shook her head, and then said: "They are very cunning, I didn't see that car enter from the beginning to the end. And the only blind spot was a person holding a lot of hydrogen balloons to block the surveillance. I guess that's when the car pulled into the parking lot at this very moment."

"A hydrogen balloon?" I asked.

Mary nodded, and said helplessly: "It's the Pleasant Goat or the bald-headed hydrogen balloons that are often sold on the market. A lot of them are full, covering most of that person. One piece is too common, where can I find him? So I’m still doing comparisons, so I didn’t inform you.”

"They must have done it." I sighed: "These people really have a lot of tricks."

Mary said: "That's right, if you want to destroy the surveillance or steal it from the surveillance room, more traces will inevitably be left. And with this method of covering the camera, even if the people in the surveillance center see it immediately No suspicion. After parking the car and walking out, that person left with a hydrogen balloon, leaving almost no trace."

"That's right!" I said, "When the time comes, distribute the hydrogen balloons casually to the children on the road, and the evidence will be gone. It's really a brilliant move."

"Let's not talk about that, Team Leader Shao, how is your investigation going?" I turned to Team Leader Shao and said.

Team leader Shao moved a chair to sit on it, pointed with his fingers and said: "There were so many people before, but according to our investigation, these four people cannot be ruled out at present."

Team Leader Shao pointed to the information on the whiteboard.

He introduced me one by one: "No. 1, Zhao Dongfa! The chairman of Dongfa Group is an old rival with Liu Yinyan. Liu Yinyan used to work in this big company. It's just that decades have passed, Rongding Group It has surpassed Dongfa Group by a long way, and has taken the top spot in Dongxing City Venture Capital Company. Over the past few decades, Liu Yinyan has often poached people from his old company, Dongfa Company, which caused Zhao Dongfa to repeatedly scold his mother."

"He has motivation and ability, because as long as Liu Yinyan messes up, the stock of Rongding Group will definitely fall." Team leader Shao said: "Although there is no substantive evidence at present, it cannot be ignored."

Team leader Shao then pointed to the next person: "This is the number two, Cao Jie. Cao Jie is the senior management who rejected Liu Yinyan to join the team before. Originally, Cao Jie thought that he was blind and didn't see Liu Yinyan. But Liu Yinyan's character is of the type of vengeance, as long as it is Cao Jie's client, Liu Yinyan will grab it. Recently, Cao Jie's company is facing bankruptcy and needs a lot of money to maintain it."

"He has a motive, but he has no financial support." Team Leader Shao said, "So it's still under investigation."

"The third person, Hou Yao. This is Liu Feier's classmate, and Liu Feier is also known as one of the four campus beauties. Coincidentally, the two of them are in the same class." Team Leader Shao pointed to a Young woman: "Hou Yao's favorite male god, Zhang Yunhu, likes Liu Feier. Liu Feier tried to date Zhang Yunhu for a while, which made Hou Yao very angry."

Team leader Shao took a sip of tea: "Hou Yao's father is only in his forties this year, and he is the chairman of a new Internet company. Although he is not as rich as Liu Yinyan, he is still very rich. Not long ago, Hou Yao said in front of many people that she wanted Liu Fei'er to disappear forever. So even though she is nineteen years old, she has motivation and capital."

"And the last one?" I asked.

"Do you take a closer look at the last person?" Team leader Shao's gaze stayed on the last photo.

I took a closer look and found that this person seemed familiar. In an instant, I understood that this person was none other than Toi San who ran away from Takizawa City before.

"Could it be him?" I asked.

Team leader Shao was silent for a while, before speaking: "After Lin Shu was arrested, the network of Ling San was interrupted. The people involved in this incident almost ran away immediately, and the old Zhang who resells the corpse also Seeing the opportunity, I left. These months have passed, what do the old man Zhangtou and the others live on?"

"It's easy to go from frugal to extravagant, and it's hard to go from extravagant to frugal. People like Lai San and others who have no children naturally don't have the habit of saving money." Team Leader Shao tapped the table lightly with his hand: "So, they have motivation and ability. this way."

I nodded. I had doubted that too.

Group leader Shao rubbed his teacup with his hands: "These people are cruel, but they are also bold and careful. If they were normal, they would not kill people if they could achieve their goals. But now, without a single call, the two of them have already died. This shows that these people are definitely the type to kill one to make money, and kill two to make money."

"Judging from the information we've got so far, Lai San is the most likely one who can organize so many people near Dongxing City. Moreover, this guy is sometimes crazy, but sometimes he is smart." tight."

I sat down and said, "Then we need to investigate these four people."

Team leader Shao nodded and said: "Well, the investigation has already started, but if you want to intervene, it doesn't matter. I have notified everyone of this authority. You can dispatch most of the personnel to investigate carefully. Now It's not just Liu Fei'er and Liu Yinyan who are involved, if we don't find them quickly, there will be even bigger troubles in the future."

"So..." Before I could finish my sentence, I heard Mary shout.

We were all taken aback, and hurried back to look at Mary.

I just heard Mary say: "An unfamiliar number called into Liu Yinyan's cell phone. If it's good, it should be from those people. I have already connected to Gu Chen immediately. We can directly control the conversation with Liu Yinyan. , how should I put it, you must think about it.”

We nodded.

"Hi, good morning."

A sharp voice came in.